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Everything posted by Nioca

  1. Remember! New Brigandage Session is Tomorrow at 7:00 PM EDT (6:00 CDT)! Be there! Originally Posted By: Kalvin, Ibano's Mayor We keep to ourselves, mostly. Sure, we don't mind travelers, but with all the craziness that goes on out there, we prefer our quaint lifestyles.
  2. Dropped you a line. Actually, dropped a few paragraphs, really...
  3. Yeah, I know, I go through it by hand to add italicization, fix spelling errors and erratas, and generally pretty it up a bit. But when I said "by hand", I meant WITHOUT find/replace. As in, everything done manually.
  4. ...Please, please tell me you aren't editing it by hand... That would suck on untold levels.
  5. Eva Roe: The Sequel. Click to reveal.. (Eva Roe, Level II) Name: Eva Roe Sex/Race: Female Elf Age: 21 Occupation: Wandering Healer Alignment: Emphatic Empathic ATTRIBUTES Strength - 1 Dexterity - 2 Intelligence - 8 Health - 10/10 (+2) Stamina - 10/10 Speed - 5 SKILLS Magic (Evocation): 4 Magic (Conjuration): 4 (+1) Magic (Abjuration): 4 (+2) Religion: 2 (+1) Composure: 1 Streetwise: 1 TRAITS Weak (Weakness) - Eva lacks in physical power. She has heightened difficulty in any task that requires physical strength (this applies even if strength is increased at a later date). INVENTORY 2 Gold 25 Silvers 0 Coppers (4.50 Gold), Traveling Clothes, Spellbook, Journal, Pen & Ink, Hardtack, Water Flasks (1/2) SUMMON Patches the Criticalico - A positively adorable male calico cat, summoned by Eva on a critical success. Currently obeys her commands, and has demonstrated tracking skills. Likes being petted. Spells to come later... Eva's going to be getting some new ones what with her Abjuration getting a major boost.
  6. A boatload of Redirect. 43 minutes to the next Dust Bowl!
  7. Just a heads-up, there's been some "interesting" weather around, so there's a slight chance I might have difficulties. I doubt it, but the chance is there.
  8. ...It's like life is conspiring against your AIMHacking. Anyway, thinking about it, I've decided against changing the Diplomacy skills. Right now, I think we're too far in to make radical changes. However, I will be implementing and trying out a Diplomacy Combat System™. Never fear, the system should be mostly invisible to the players. Anyway, remember: I need people to PM me about their character's current health/stamina and inventories. Please do so, if at all possible. Otherwise, it's going to be numbers and results pulled from the log, and those results may be egregiously wrong. Originally Posted By: Jared, Elven Brigand I swear, you can't go five feet on this island without tripping over brigands. Just last week, I went to rob somebody, only to discover they had been robbed five minutes prior. I mean, sheesh, supply and demand, people.
  9. Okay, I think we've got a date. TUESDAY THE 15th will be Brigandage Session #9. See you there! Originally Posted By: Devon, Bounty Hunter I've had quite a few bounty hunters move in on my territory recently. It seems that everyone's suddenly realizing that bounty hunting is a lucrative business around there parts...
  10. Originally Posted By: Sarachim Eva's brain the size of a planet enables her to prepare all of the spells in this list at once, but in session 1 she only cast Felis and Telekinesis. That may seem like a lot, but split three-ways, that really isn't enough spell slots. Once Conjuration and Abjuration get stronger, I'm really going to start feeling pressure to fit a wide variety of spells in there that covers all three circles. On the casting front, she also took out a tentacle with Ball Lightning. She attempted Repulsive Aura... but I suppose you can't really count a Fumble as casting, now can you? But yeah, Telekinesis really came in handy. And I look forward to casting more of my spells on dry land.
  11. I don't think that would have helped. Not one but TWO sets of dice were misbehaving that session. The RNG just hated them that time around. Originally Posted By: Unattributed Erm, has anyone seen a partially-tamed manticore around here? Large, pair of wings, reddish hue, goes by "Fluffers"...
  12. I choose Human for Amadan mainly because it fit well, both in terms of character and build. Being a hunter means he's a bit of a recluse and wilderness wanderer. Furthermore, +1 Perception and Stealth fit perfectly with a hunter's modus operandi. Eva's an elf because I've got a bit of a comfort zone that I'm trying to break out of, and because very little fits stat-wise with an almost-pure magic caster.
  13. ...Okay, I'm really sorry for all the procrastination on this front. Anyway, the LOG OF SESSION 8 is up. Also, we have a new CALENDAR! Sadly, the site is not updated yet, which brings me to my next point. Apparently, Wordpad decided to be a [censored]... Which is why I have the stats and inventory from session 7, rather than 8. So if you could please PM me your inventory and current HP/Stamina totals, I would be extremely grateful. Thanks. Originally Posted By: Cartarus, Dragonborn Brigand I'm thinking of getting a new battlecry. "I shall Cart you to your doom!" seems to be getting more laughs than screams of terror.
  14. Level up time! Click to reveal.. (Johnathon Dark, Level II) JOHNATHON DARK Occupation: Pilot Temperament: Hotshot Rank: Ensign Attributes STR - 3 (9/9 Stamina) DEX - 4 (14% Dodge) CRD - 1 (3 Speed) INT - 4 END - 3 (16/16 HP) Skill Points: 1/35 Weapon Skills Pilot - 5 Turret (Atom Blaster) - 3 Handheld Weapon (Nuclear Blade) - 3 Knowledge (Spacecraft) - 2 Diplomacy - 1 Computers - 1 Perception - 1 Armor - 1 I look forward to actually piloting a vessel next session! AMEND: Also, is Armor based off of Endurance, or is it not based off of an attribute?
  15. Use the redirect, Luke. (46 minutes out)
  16. Originally Posted By: Rowen I might be wrong but I think that Nioca just gives a -5 to every roll for untrained skills. I'm thinking of when i played Casper and tried to use a sword and also when I played as Erika and tried to use a sword. Both don't have skill in it and It seemed that I was unable to do anything useful with the sword because it. Actually, I basically removed the character's base attribute bonus for untrained checks. The idea being that it doesn't really matter how strong/dextrous/intelligent the character is if they don't have a clue what they're doing. Though I think I might change that for Martial skills. Otherwise, if a character is deprived of their weapon, they become completely useless. Plus it renders things like wands and alchemical fire useless as well.
  17. Originally Posted By: Triumph Regarding metagaming and min-maxing: I feel like it’s not possible to create a powergaming-proof system. It’s better to be explicit with the players about how the system works and what your expectations are in terms of character development. First off, I feel this needs to be said: Min-Maxing is making an optimized character. Munchkining is being a jackass and playing to "win". Please do not conflate the two, even if the latter does often include the former. There's nothing wrong with creating an optimized character, so long as you're not trying to exploit rules loopholes (in which case the DM Hammer should come down). Anyway, I feel a bit of a ruckus is being raised over a problem here that, frankly, doesn't really exist. Yes, there's been a few occasions where someone's metagamed, but its not running rampant as the conversation last night implied. We've got a lot of players that haven't done this before, so we're going to have some blunders. That doesn't mean we need to chase after a fly with a shotgun, to speak metaphorically. When it happens, just tell the player not to metagame. I've got my own thoughts on diplomacy, but I'd rather wait and see how Composure plays out before making any decisions.
  18. PST is 3 hours behind CDT. However, PDT is only two hours behind CDT, so it depends on whether you're observing Daylight Savings Time or not. In short, just find the one that matches from the following: 1:00 PM HAST 2:00 PM AKST 3:00 PM AKDT 3:00 PM PST 4:00 PM PDT 4:00 PM MST 5:00 PM MDT 5:00 PM CST 6:00 PM CDT 6:00 PM EST 7:00 PM EDT
  19. Forgive me if I'm a bit dusty at this, but Dust Bowl begins in 56 minutes!
  20. And names! Don't forget names!
  21. I first read this as "Welcome to the Amadan Forum" and thought, "Damn, didn't know he was such a popular character..." Anyway, the skill thing looks interesting. Though I'm a little concerned that its using an engine that looks so similar to the Geneforge/STAvernum engine. Ah well, time will tell.
  22. Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba It'd be nice to finish the campaign before we lose Harosh, though. Dikiyoba. Okay, then I need to ask the question: Do we want to end it quickly, or do we want to play it out to its full length? Technically speaking, I could wrap the campaign up in two sessions and bring it to a decent end. It'd be a bit short and clipped, but it'd have everything tied up before Harosh has to leave. So... thoughts, here?
  23. Yeah, I've got the log done, I'm just holding off a bit here till the new campaigns get their legs (and schedules). I'll have a calendar up soon, nonetheless.
  24. Originally Posted By: Triumph Nice Perfect Dark reference, Nioca. Heh, I was wondering if anyone would catch it. I actually meant to use it as a placeholder name, but it sort of stuck...
  25. Character submitted. But I have to ask... isn't it a bit soon to decide who gets the mental powers? Only three characters have been posted thusfar. Not that I'm complaining, it just seems a bit premature.
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