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Everything posted by Nioca

  1. Remember! The next, and likely final, session of Brigandage is TODAY in three hours! Be there! Code: aim:GoChat?RoomName=spidwebRP
  2. It's redirect time! 43 minutes to Imperium! Note that the campaign is now taking place in spidwebRPimperium. Code: aim:GoChat?RoomName=spidwebRPimperium
  3. Well, I'm figuring spidwebRP. Simply because Sarachim has not said otherwise. Oh, and 1 hour 43 minutes to Dust Bowl! A redirect to spidwebRP: Code: aim:GoChat?RoomName=spidwebRP
  4. Originally Posted By: Geneforgeisformeyukkyu You could also try using openoffice, I hear it is not as good as MSW You're right. It's better. Seriously, though, if you can't get Word back, OpenOffice is the way to go here. It'll be able to open your word documents.
  5. Wow. Dust Bowl: Thursday July 29th Imperium: Friday July 30th Brigandage: Saturday July 31st. It's going to be a whole string of IMRPs!
  6. Huh. My results... Apparently, my internet persona is wildly different from my RL persona. Or I'm kidding myself on an incredible scale. One of the two. The Good: Click to reveal.. 66% Organized (...Clearly, you've never looked at my closet) 33% Intelligent (I'd like to think so, anyway) 33% Adaptable (Seems accurate) 33% Energetic (...Not so much) 33% Friendly (Also accurate most of the time) 33% Knowledgeable (If we're talking about games and certain random pockets of trivia... sure, let's go with that. ) 33% Logical (Having to take time to post, rather than blurting the first thing that comes to mind, probably helps in this department) 33% Reflective (Very true) 33% Searching (Also true) FACADE Accepting (I'd like to think I'm accepting... though I can see how that wouldn't get across) Confident (Aww... ) Relaxed (Definitely a RL thing, rather than an internet persona) Shy (Also more RL than Internet) The bad: Click to reveal.. 50% Simple (Y'know, I'm actually going to take this as a compliment. I'd rather have a simpler and more straightforward life than an afterschool special) 50% Ignorant (Yeah, that one makes sense) 50% Dull (...Yeah, also see where this one's coming from.) 25% Impatient (Impatience FTW!) FACADE Lethargic (Another one that really doesn't carry over to my online persona) Cynical (...Huh. I always thought I had cynical viewpoints. Apparently, I suck at being cynical. How about that? ) Childish (Here's one I honestly thought everyone would agree on. Odd.) Passive (Another one I thought everyone would agree on. Then again, this one may be more a RL trait.) Cold (Honestly, I'm not sure why I chose this one. Then again, there isn't a "Paranoid" on the grand list of Nohari) Note: If you're wondering why the good list is larger than the bad list, it's because the Johari got more votes. That and, frankly, the Nohari list looks like everyone selected traits by firing a shotgun at their computer monitor; Simple, Ignorant, and Dull were the only ones that got more than 1 vote. The ugly: Click to reveal.. <IMG SRC="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Sphynx_buiten.JPG" ALT="The Ugly">
  7. Yes. The site it was hosted on, CalRef, went down and hasn't come back up yet. So I had to host my catfish elsewhere.
  8. REMINDER! The next session of Brigandage will take place on SATURDAY THE 31ST AT 7:00 PM EDT! That's six days from tonight! Please, give me a heads-up if your schedule has changed and you can't make it.
  9. Originally Posted By: Dintiradan Wait... Eva murdered sleeping people in cold blood? Well, I'm guess their blood was boiling when they died, but whatever. Still, makes me uneasy about my new spell song. Yeah. She's got a hidden weakness that, whenever she becomes aware of sleeping people, she gets an instant and uncontrollable compulsion to set them on fire. Why do you think she never takes watch? More seriously, we don't know for certain that the inflamed victims died. They were right next to a bunch of trained soldiers, who likely had a healer amongst them to treat them. Unless, of course, the healer was amongst the toasty soldiers, in which case... Oops. But at least there were people to put the flames out, at any rate.
  10. Click to reveal.. That is correct. Plus, the spoiler tags are awesome, and all excuses should be taken to use them.
  11. Originally Posted By: Sarachim Originally Posted By: Nioca Click to reveal.. Bit disheartening Gorgut got captured again. She needs to learn to stay away from kidnap-happy wack-a-doos. And extra disheartening that we were five feet from Gorgut... and failed to rescue her. Click to reveal.. It may be unclear when you read the logs out of sequence, but your characters would know that Gorgut was still with the party at the time when Gramzon saw her in the cell. EDIT: Oh, and also, Eric was actively checking the other cells as you went, and would have noticed if Gorgut was in one nearby. Wait... But that... I don't... *segfault*
  12. ...Huh. I could have sworn I had already filled in that calendar. *shrug* Nice solo session, though. Click to reveal.. Bit disheartening Gorgut got captured again. She needs to learn to stay away from kidnap-happy wack-a-doos. And extra disheartening that we were five feet from Gorgut... and failed to rescue her.
  13. Quote: 75% of people think that Nioca is organised Wait, let me fix that real quick... Quote: 75% of people wish to cause Nioca's demise via uncontrollable laughter. Though it's rather funny that my personally selected weak points and the opinion of the crowd miss each other entirely. Then again, there's only two negative votes, so there's not much to go on.
  14. Actually, technically, that makes this the third person using the "Doom" moniker or something similar. And at any rate, I doubt he deliberately stole it from you.
  15. This johari/nohari thing intrigues me. I must know more. http://kevan.org/johari?name=Nioca http://kevan.org/nohari?name=Nioca
  16. EDIT: Nevermind, I made up my mind. The level: Click to reveal.. (Johnathon Dark, Level IV) JOHNATHON DARK Occupation: Pilot Temperament: Hotshot Rank: Ensign Attributes STR - 3 (9/9 Stamina) DEX - 4 (14% Dodge) CRD - 1 (3 Speed) INT - 5 (+1) END - 3 (22/22 HP) Skill Points: 0/45 Skills Pilot - 5 Turret (Atom Blaster) - 3 Melee Weapon (Nuclear Blade) - 3 Knowledge (Spacecraft) - 2 Perception - 2 Diplomacy - 1 Computers - 1 Bluff - 1 Handheld Weapon (Stun Pistol) - 2 Armor - 1 Traits/Feats Supreme Focus - Once-per-day and for 5 stamina, can get a guaranteed minor critical on a single roll. Click to reveal.. (Original Post) Okay, guys. Help me out here. I'm stuck with several options when it comes to leveling, and can't make a decision. SUPREME FOCUS +INT - The one I'm leaning towards. Basically, it fits his character, and improves four different skills. Plus, Supreme Focus fits with his hotshot mentality. Perks include the fact it improves four skills, including two related to his primary job (Pilot), and that the Supreme Focus feat has a lot of versatility. Drawbacks are that he starts to fall back on the curve when it comes to combat, and that piloting hasn't really come up thusfar in this campaign. DUELIST +NUCLEAR BLADE - One of two min-max style options. Would greatly enhance his melee capabilities. Perks include the fact that (in theory) he'd effectively become the most powerful melee fighter in the party, if not the most powerful altogether fighter, and that this would also enhance his defensive capabilities slightly. Drawbacks are that most enemies thusfar have used guns and ranged weapons, and with John's new gun and low movement speed, closing with a foe might become an issue. GREAT FORTITUDE +END - The other min-max style option. It'd provide a massive boost to his HP pool which, combined with his high Evasion and tough armor, would turn him into a veritable juggernaut in combat. Perks include the whopping +12 HP bonus he'd receive from the Endurance/Fortitude combo, thereby granting him the largest HP pool of any party member, plus the ability to inject himself with a Regen Fluid if he gets knocked into the negatives. Also, extra perception. Drawbacks are the fact that it's a bit munchkiny, doesn't really make sense from a character perspective, and still wouldn't improve his offensive capabilities. SUPREME FOCUS +STR - Similar to the other Supreme Focus, this one boosts Strength instead, improving his offensive capability instead of his piloting skills. Perks include increased stamina to use Supreme Focus (and to overcome the Speed of 3), plus more powerful attacks and bluffs. Drawbacks are that, mechanically speaking, raising this stat right now has few other benefits than to improve melee capability. GUNNER +DEX - Improves Johnathon's ability to fight when flying a ship (which, seeing as Doom, AKA the only other person capable of firing a turret hasn't attended a single session, might be handy if we get in a dogfight). Perks are that he'd be a very capable gunner, and that he'd also get an extra bit of evasion to improve his defensive capabilities. Drawbacks are that, as mentioned in the first option, piloting hasn't really come up thusfar, let alone space combat. Plus, it really wouldn't affect the rest of his skill set either. --- Speaking of Doom, where, exactly, is he? I mean, he hasn't shown up to a single session yet. Is Zak getting delegated to NPC? Is he getting written out entirely? Or is he still going to just sorta be in this in-between state where he's a player-but-not-really? Oh, and the player roster is horrifically out of date. And lacks Frank Pulver entirely.
  17. I don't know. I can't even figure out my own level up.
  18. Questions regarding the feats: Duelist: Are the bonuses both Offensive and Defensive, or is it basically just a boost to your attack power? Orator: This one just seems really unclear. From a strict, rules-lawyer reading of it, it sounds like it can be used at the beginning of the day, and from there on, any and all rolls can be replaced with the Orator roll. Which might be troubling if the Orator roll is a confirmed critical, and for the rest of the day the party is riding on a never-ending stream of criticals. Actually, come to think of it, the thing doesn't specify whether the Orator ability itself is once-per-day, 5-times-per-day, or what, so someone could feasibly just keep rolling until he got that confirmed critical Orator roll. I'm fairly certain this is far from the spirit of the feat, but by a strict reading of it, such jerkery would be fully and completely legal. Supreme Focus: Is that an actual critical, or a regular 20? I'm sure it's the former, but I'd like... ...confirmation.
  19. I thought about taking a level in First Aid this time around... but we've already got two characters who have first aid already, so I'm holding off. Click to reveal.. (Eva Roe, Level III) Name: Eva Roe Sex/Race: Female Elf Age: 21 Occupation: Wandering Healer Alignment: Emphatic Empathic ATTRIBUTES Strength - 1 Dexterity - 2 Intelligence - 9 (+1) Health - 12/12 (+2) Stamina - 4/10 Speed - 5 SKILLS Magic (Evocation): 5 (+1) Magic (Conjuration): 5 (+1) Magic (Abjuration): 4 Religion: 2 Composure: 1 Streetwise: 1 TRAITS Weak (Weakness) - Eva lacks in physical power. She has heightened difficulty in any task that requires physical strength (this applies even if strength is increased at a later date). INVENTORY 2 Gold 25 Silvers 0 Coppers (4.50 Gold), Traveling Clothes, Spellbook, Journal, Pen & Ink, Hardtack, Water Flasks (1/2), Vibrant Red Cloak SUMMON Patches the Criticalico - A positively adorable male calico cat, summoned by Eva on a critical success. Currently obeys her commands, and has demonstrated tracking skills. Likes being petted.
  20. 45 minutes to the next Dust Bowl! Be there as something happens! Anyway, just put this in the address bar to go the chat room. Code: aim:GoChat?RoomName=spidwebRP
  21. Originally Posted By: Tullegolar The World RP Summary The party graduated from the Guild of Earth and were thrown out into the World with little idea of what was going on. Earth is a very young and hostile place, where Free Will runs rampant and bloodshed and corruption are commonplace. The party managed to anger several important people while exploring, including the Antqueen-General, one of the three Realmlords of Earth. The mafia helped them flee to the Dream City, another Realm outside of Earth. There they stopped a civil war between rival Realmlords Concoctus Rex the lion alchemist and Lord Quincy the gypsy jester. They also learned of a power struggle going on between several other outside powers that may very well determine the fate of their home Realm, Earth. The prime Realmlord of the Dream City, the mild and benevolent Mother Wolf, met the party and informed them that she was allied with the Mayor of Earth, and then sent the party on a quest to a rival Realm that seeks the destruction of Earth. They are to travel to Mount Forms to find and kill the fanatical Realmlords that rule there, including the master of the Realm, the Word Bird, if they so choose. We last left the party on their ascent of the mountain itself. This is a good time to mention that a major quest line will probably be complete soon, and new characters could be added quite easily. There are 27 character classes in the World, and I would welcome a chance to show off a few more. Check out the World's website for more information including directions how how to roll a character if you're interested! -Emperor Tullegolar Oh, and thanks for setting the record straight, Monroe. You're the man.
  22. Originally Posted By: Sarachim This last session, she had Flameburst, Ball Lightning, Heal, Felis, Telekinesis, Resconjure Minor, Ruby Armor, and Resiliency. 8 INT just isn't enough for some people. Don't joke... it's going up to 9 next level. Any word on the site?
  23. Originally Posted By: Triumph Also, can we get an update on what spells all the magic users have? I'm sure Sarachim would post an update on that, but is too afraid of the thread collapsing from Eva's list. Quote: What is it with evil bird-creatures on Mote? Bloodmarsh, Brigandage, and now Dustbowl have all faced the fowl menace. To be fair, the Dire Eagles were just getting food to survive, the Marthens (rainbow brigandage birds) were summons and had no choice but to obey the summoners, and the Dust Bowl Birds Of Doom may have been mind-controlled. So... in a way, it's not the birds fault.
  24. Another thought. Instead of "spidwebRP" and "spidwebRP2", why don't we have rooms identified with a single campaign? Namely, "spidwebRPbrigandage", "spidwebRPdustbowl", "spidwebRPimperium", so forth. It'd ensure that the room didn't see enough activity that it'd eventually lag down during the middle of a session, and it'd avoid any risk of room conflict should two campaigns happen on the same day (like DB and TW did last friday, though admittedly there wasn't any room conflict). There'd be no confusion from having to change rooms during the middle of a campaign thanks to the old room lagging down, nor any confusion that might occur should DMs choose to use different rooms.
  25. (WOO! GO QUADRUPLE POST!) Anyway, the LOG of Felidae is up on my new (old) site. I've got to start the process of getting stuff moved back to freewebs... Hoo boy. In the meantime, some quotes: Click to reveal.. (They're Catastrophic!) "Tunik. Healer. Archer. Serial self-introducer." - Tunik-Tan, after introducing himself. Again. "It's your fault for being a mammal." - Reythisss the Dragonborn, to one of his foes. "Dikiyoba doesn't suppose you happen to talk, by any chance?" *meow* "Is that a yes or a no?" - Dikiyoba, to a cat. "Why would I ask where we were if I knew?" - Geoffrey. See you guys at the next Brigandage! And thanks to Diki, Duck, Dantius, and Sarachim for playing along with this little Improv session!
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