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Everything posted by Nioca

  1. Originally Posted By: Ephesos Mal spent one point too many... 5+6 for First Aid's two ranks, then 1+2 for Artifice and 1 for Bows makes 15. That's because I had 15 to use this level-up; I had banked a skill point last level.
  2. Mal's broadening his horizons. And getting really practiced in First Aid. Click to reveal.. (Mal Travers, Level 7) Name: Mal Hirosi Travers Race: Lacewing Occupation: Aspiring Hero Alignment: Optimistic Semi-Naive Deity: Phol-Phoram Level 7 ATTRIBUTES STR - 7 | HP - 18/52 DEX - 6 | STM - 08/10 INT - 3 | SPEED - 5 BXP - 0 | XP - 086 SKILLS Martial (Swords): 8 (36 XP) First Aid: 6 (21 XP) (+2) History: 4 (6 XP + RB) Thievery: 4 (6 XP + RB) Perception: 4 (10 XP) Nature: 2 (3 XP) Artifice: 2 (3 XP) (+2) Martial (Bows): 1 (1 XP) (+1) TRAITS Heroic Valor (Perk) - Mal's drive to do good has resulted in him developing an iron will in the face of danger. Once per encounter, if he's reduced to 0 HP, instead of going unconscious immediately, he gets a 1 round grace period, capable of performing any action he could while healthy. Mal can choose to extend this grace period additional rounds, but this results in his stamina bleeding out twice as fast as it normally would, and any additional damage he takes will wind up damaging his stamina instead. Also note that particularly hard blows may knock Mal unconscious immediately. Misty Escape (3PD Ability) - A bizarre ability gained from killing a vampiric dragonborn, Misty Escape allows Mal to dissipate into mist at-will, taking 5 damage. This can be used to hide, slip through small spaces, or to negate damage from an enemy. Can be used a number of times per day equal to half Mal's level rounded down. BATTLE TECHNIQUES Click to reveal.. Wings of Fury (1 STM) - Mal leaps and takes wing, either flinging himself upward and attacking a low-altitude foe or hurtling over obstacles (or creatures) and slashing at a chosen enemy. After the maneuver, Mal's defense is reduced for one round while he recovers his footing. Depending on the distance involved, the technique may require more than 1 stamina to perform. Blitz Barrage (1 STM) - Unleashes a devastating and lightning-quick barrage of blows onto a target, doing elevated damage and either penalizing or outright stunning the victim for 1 round. Talon Defense (2 STM) - A defensive technique that provides a defensive bonus. At the cost of a full round (no items, no move, no other actions), any melee attack that misses is riposted or countered, and missiles that miss potentially hit someone else in their flight path. Impregnable Barrier (1 STM, 1PE) - Can designate a foe as blocked. For the rest of that encounter, Mal will keep his shield positioned between himself and the designated foe, providing defensive bonuses and minor damage reduction against that particular enemy, at the cost of a minor defensive penalty and inability to use the shield against other enemies. This technique is nullified if Mal engages the designated enemy, and requires a shield to perform.
  3. ...Wow. I really screwed that one up, didn't I? That said, seeing as the session may or may not include toads, I am not retracting my earlier statement. It is in 5 hours now, though.
  4. Triumph Mistb0rn: Nifty stuff. Anyway, the Rumors session is TOADY in 6 hours! Remember, it's in spidwebRPrumors. Though if you're on, I'll probably just invite you in.
  5. Not sure why it happens, but if a chat room experiences heavy enough activity over an extended period of time, it seems to start lagging. And if you continue using the laggy room, the lag starts getting worse and worse, to the point the room becomes nearly unusable.
  6. It was mentioned in the after-session stuff. Basically, everyone forgot it was there. That said, we still have it.
  7. Well, first off, Mal's swapping out Impregnable Barrier for a new technique: Click to reveal.. (Talon Defense) Talon Defense (2 STM): A defensive stance that provides a defensive bonus. At the cost of a full round (no items, no move, no other actions), any melee attack that misses is riposted or countered, and missiles that miss potentially hit someone else in their flight path. Definitely looking forward to trying that out. Also, descriptions! Admittedly, Mal's techniques generally don't leave a whole lot to the imagination, but still. Click to reveal.. (Descriptions of Mal's Techniques) Wings of Fury: Not a whole lot to say here. Mainly, it's a large leap that includes a lot of wing fluttering to extend the length of the jump. Generally, the lacewing in question will crouch down, start fluttering his/her wings, and then leap. The wings keep working at a frantic pace throughout the jump to reach optimal height and then deposit the jumper safely. This also causes a furious buzzing noise to emanate from the lacewing due to the rapid wing-beats. Blitz Barrage: The general theme here is a barrage of fast and wild blows that forces the opponent on the defensive and knocks them off-kilter. It tends to involve getting close-in with the opponent and lashing out, striking at the opponent's center mass several times. With heavy weaponry (greatswords, halberds, or anything else particularly large or heavy), this can result in the attacker literally spinning to keep the momentum of their weapon up, landing a powerful hit with each rotation. Talon Defense: Starts as a ready stance facing the greatest number of potential opponents, with a shield (if any) forward and weapon facing back. The person taking the stance also tries to make him/herself a smaller target, frequently by kneeling. This has the benefit of concentrating the majority of incoming attacks into a small area and also improving stability. From there, it's usually a mess of parrying, dodging, and countering that wildly varies from situation to situation. Fighters employing the Talon Defense will usually attempt to let a hostile's own momentum work against them; such as ducking a spear thrust and letting it strike someone behind the defender, or deflecting a sword swipe into an opponent. When that's not possible, it generally boils down to parrying and counterattacking. Definitely looking forward to the next session, Eph. It's been a blast thusfar, and now we're actually making progress on a semi-regular basis! If I may make a suggestion for a new room, what about spidwebRPRumors? It'd be a clean slate, and it wouldn't be too confusing either.
  8. No. Mal set a sword on fire, though.
  9. Erm... I think the Labyrinth group didn't have a mascot. 'Course, you could argue that John was the mascot. City of Hope doesn't have a mascot yet either.
  10. Well, it was originally the ivory cat-headed wand. Speaking of which, we probably need to decide on what kind of cat it is. My personal opinion? Since it was an ivory wand, I'd say make it a white cat. Maybe a British Longhair (basic white cat), a silver-white Siberian (Bigger, hardier, more likely to survive adventuring. Plus, irony bonus), or Himalayan (well, it was a cursed wand... ).
  11. Okay, a list of the loot we've got thusfar: Click to reveal.. (Artifact List) MAL Evening Star (Magical Longsword) Flame-Etched Greatsword (???) Rat Panpipes (Summons Ghostly Rats) Agonized Panpipes (???) Light Pellets (Creates Bright Light, usable 4PD) Gray Pellets (Creates Smoke/Fog/Clouds?) Black Pellets (Creates Darkness?) KUREX Bolt Glasses (Fires massive fireblasts; Jagged edges can cause damage) Unknown Cloak (Identified?) War Gauntlets (Identified?) Unknown Gauntlets (???) Ice Eagle Wand (Summons Ice Eagles) JOSUN Flight Boots (Allows brief flight) Summoning Prism (+1 Summoning Spells, can store a summoned creature) Holy Symbol of Mariona (???) Dehydration Mace (Dehydrates things on impact) Plague Whistle (Summons a plague of locusts to attack whoever blows it) AURORA Displacement Boots (+1 Defense?, causes wearer to warp when hit/attacked?) ADIRA Spider Cloak (Contains spirit of a spider?) Iron Bullet Lantern (???) Dagger of Healing (+1 Melee, 3PD Healing) Reddish Clay Bead (???) Simple Brass Ring (???) Cold Crimson Robes (???) Webbed Shield (+1 Armor, weapons stick to it, difficult to unequip) Whisper Blade (+1 Melee, +1 Crit/Fumble Range) OTHER Cat (Friendly) We probably need to spread this stuff out a bit. Aurora could use the Dagger of Healing to rather great effect, and it doesn't make sense for Mal to be carrying all three bags of pellets. Additionally, Kurex is carrying two presumably identified items that could be useful, but seeing as we haven't been informed of what they do, it's hard to say. For ID, we've got nine items that could use identification. -Agonized Panpipes (could be a powerful weapon for anyone) -Unknown Gauntlets (completely unknown, but could potentially be used by anyone) -Brass Ring (Again, unknown but could be used by anyone). -Spider Cloak (Not fully identified) -Iron Bullet Lantern (Because having a secondary light source is a good idea. Not every dungeon comes stocked with working torches) -Holy Symbol of Marion (Josun could probably use this) -Reddish Clay Bead (No idea) -Flame-Etched Greatsword (Not important, not only do both major sword wielders already have magic weaponry, but a two-handed weapon would interfere with Mal's Shielding and Adira's Dual-Wielding) -Cold Crimson Robes (Kurex would probably be interested in these, if we knew what they did) Mind, I'd be willing to have Mal be a guinea pig for a few of these items. Because... honestly, I'm starting to suspect the only way we're going to figure out all of these is to start trying them.
  12. Originally Posted By: Lord Andras Why do you guys hate the amount of HUGE Hp some monsters have? The quibble isn't that some monsters have huge HP. It's that most monsters have huge HP, including many which really shouldn't. Which makes things less interesting and more tedious.
  13. Originally Posted By: Triumph Originally Posted By: Dintiradan Originally Posted By: Triumph I do hope we find out more about ol' minotaur-snout. Who? I don't remember any minotaur. Well, there was a sort of deus-ex-minotaur, in Sarden, at the end of the Selos campaign. And here are reports of a minotaur in Sarden cropping up again. ...Methinks you missed the joke.
  14. For the campaign? 522 (Kurex 134, Aurora 117, Mal 105, Josun 87, Mistb0rn 79 (Adon 43, Finnio 25, Adira 11)). For the session? 74 (Aurora 18, Kurex 17, Mal 17, Adira 11, Josun 11).
  15. Wow, we had some really bad luck last session: Aurora - Average 10.83 (+0.33) with NO Criticals and 1 Fumble (5.56%) Adira - Average 10.27 (-0.23) with NO Criticals and NO Fumbles Josun - Average 8.82 (-1.68) with 1 Critical (9.09%) and NO Fumbles Mal - Average 7.71 (-2.79) with 2 Criticals (11.76%) and 1 Fumble (5.88%) Kurex - Average 7.53 (-2.97) with NO Criticals and 3 Fumbles (17.65%) PARTY AVERAGE - Average 8.97 (-1.53) with 3 Criticals (4.05%) and 5 Fumbles (6.76%) Hopefully things improve next session.
  16. Other than Dyen deciding to disarm about 6 different traps the old-fashioned way? Well, we got through. Oh, and Jarrox is quite literally drunk beyond words; his token is upside down now.
  17. Hey, Nikki, guess what? I didn't get Meredith killed!
  18. No, it doesn't. Sorry to burst your bubble.
  19. Originally Posted By: Lilith Remember, it's only a little under a week to go before the next session on Friday November 3rd! Really? Dang. I won't be able to attend. My time machine broke down.
  20. Really? It didn't seem half as bad as the FROZEN POND OF DOOM.
  21. I'd spectate/sub, but unfortunately, my eyelids are starting to droop, and I need to get an early start tomorrow. Have fun, though!
  22. Originally Posted By: Dantius Originally Posted By: Nioca That said: Kurex, unless there's something behind the scenes going on that I'm unaware of, there is no way you are currently at full HP/STM. I've got Kurex at 10HP/1STM. And Ephesos outright said that we weren't gaining any HP back from leveling (as in current HP. Max HP is obviously going up, we just aren't getting any healing for it this time around). I'm lazy, so I just quick quoted Eph's post a couple pages back where he introduced the characters and worked on the levelup from there, and then I updated my actual character sheet on my home computer later, since I don't actually remember my HP/STA totals days later. ...Wait, I've been doing that for every AIMhack campaign I've ever been in. How have you not noticed that until now? Simple. In Brigandage, you weren't actually putting current HP in your level-ups, and in Blood Marsh, we typically weren't taking enough damage for it to be noticeable (and at any rate, we gained HP from leveling and often rested at the end of sessions), meaning that it could effectively be written off as a calculation error on my part (that, and I was more concerned about Amadan's HP).
  23. Lilith, this is the Order of Unexpected Explosions. Unexpected explosions are to be expected at this point. Damaging the laws of physics and the natural order of life and death was a bit new, though.
  24. Assuming he did in the first place and wasn't just stabilized at 0. He also didn't specify what his stamina was either; 1 stamina is just my guess, since Eph said Josun would bleed out in 1 round if not healed.
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