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Everything posted by Nioca

  1. Nioca

    The Party of Four

    Session VI has been completed. Here are yet more lessons learned. *Mental intrusions have a detrimental effect on one's disposition and sanity. *Hibernation spells do not count as a normal form of sleep. Furthermore, one should alert one's party members when casting this on yourself to avoid them accidentally thinking you're dead. *Breaking the sound barrier may be hazardous to your health. Attempt in open meadows only. *Unless extreme drunkenness is desired, do not accept drinks from random dwarves. Especially if their last name is 'Phiser'. *Hibernation: Alarmingly effective on party members. Click to reveal.. (These lessons are actually kinda spoilery) *Upon waking, make sure to run through a simple mental check to make sure you're actually awake. *Even if logic dictates otherwise, the person that's been harassing your mind and dreams may in fact be friendly. *Trick Dice: 12 gold. Convincing a logging operation that they're worth 10,000 gold: Priceless.
  2. Nioca

    The Party of Four

    Tuesday, Tursday, and Firday all work for me as well.
  3. Nioca

    The Party of Four

    Indeed, session V has concluded. Here are yet more lessons learned. *West is the new North. *Magic loses effectiveness versus magic-immune targets. *Dead people do not make great conversationalists. ----- Anyway, I think I need to apologize. I was not doing 100% last night, what from being dead-tired the whole night. Hopefully, I'll be more cognizant next session.
  4. Nioca

    The Party of Four

    Yes, but Word and OpenOffice have some severe issues when it comes to inflating RTF files well past reasonable sizes. To wit: The downloaded Session 4 Log, as is, is 379KBs. Simply re-saving it in WordPad? Drops the size down to 100KBs, almost a mere quarter of its former size. It's not a big issue, but if we ever have a whopper of a session, you could be looking at a log upward of 1MB in size.
  5. Nioca

    The Party of Four

    Not to go against the grain here, but I'm starting to wonder if Sarsus is on her way to a sleep-related perk. Seriously, she gets knocked out in session three and sent into deep slumber. Then she spends the majority of session 4 asleep. If she keeps it up, she might become the laziest adventurer ever. Also, Rowen, what are you using to make the log files? The file sizes are ridiculous. Sarsus's log was 390KBs, and one of them was over 500KBs. All with minimal formatting. No RTF file should be that massive. Finally, I'm looking forward to Session 5. How much gold did we get, though? I ask, because that might be something to sort out between sessions, rather than during the session.
  6. Nioca

    The Party of Four

    Originally Posted By: Nikki. Edit Reason: oh gee, i hope you guys have that saying in america In America, it'd be "Lilith would be rolling/spinning in her grave" (at least, that's how I've always heard it). Which begs the question: Why would you want Lilith dead?
  7. Nioca

    The Party of Four

    *jaw drops* I thought I was the prince of bad puns, but you, sir, just took the crown. Bravo.
  8. Nioca

    Island in Chaos

    *whistles* Session starts in -2 minutes! You don't want to be late®!
  9. Nioca

    The Party of Four

    Click to reveal.. (Arell Iseil, L3) ARELL ISEIL RACE: Dragonborn, Female OCCUPATION: Apprentice Flamekeeper Spiritualist ALIGNMENT: Narcissitic LEVEL 3 ATTRIBUTES: 3/3/6 (+INT) HP: 14 STM: 3/10 SPEED: 5 ARMOR: 1 XP: 01/38 (+10) Magic (Vitaemancy) - 6 (21XP) (+1) Martial (Staves) - 3 (6XP) Composure - 3 (RB+3XP) First Aid - 2 (RB+1XP) Stealth - 2 (3XP) Perception - 2 (3XP) (+2) Anyway, a new spell. Not because I want to make spell selection even harder, but because it became apparent that having a gap in one's spell list can be dangerous. Not yet approved, though. Click to reveal.. (Wrack, Necromantic Combat Spell) WRACK (VL5) EFFECTS: Fires a pulse of necrotic energy at a target, disrupting its life energy and inflicting severe pain. -Attacks a target's Fortitude (STR-def) -Does decent damage. -Particularly strong hits may stun the target for 1 round. Stunning is more likely against low fortitude targets, or if stamina is spent. -This spell can also be fired as an AoE wave against a group of targets (on a 1:1 stamina-to-radius ratio). This does not differentiate friend or foe. DESCRIPTION: Jagged and rough pulse of energy colored dark violet. Anyway, session IV has concluded. Here are some more lessons learned. *On Mote, everything is trying to kill you. Even the shrubbery. *Those who live by the dice will get screwed over by the dice. *Being pretty does have advantages. *Paranoia: Because accepting drinks from strangers isn't conductive to long-term health. *For one of the few islands with an active police force, Ona has a remarkably bad crime problem. *The number of criticals this party gets is directly proportional to how angry its characters are at the time. *Even with just two active members, this party will still find a way to split into three groups. *Katharizo: For when your DM is going for the record of most poisonings in a single campaign.
  10. Nioca

    The Party of Four

    Nah, Eva's just getting more practice at summoning cats. (Admit it, though, you wouldn't mock that crazy old cat lady if she had a couple dozen of THOSE things running around) That, and I decided it was about time I changed up my avatar. I've had that dopey catfish as my avatar for a long while now.
  11. Nioca

    The Party of Four

    Next session is tomorrow! And this time, it's a party of two!
  12. Nioca

    The Party of Four

    I can make the 22nd.
  13. Nioca


    As far as I'm aware, the answer is no. The amount of time and money it would take for such a translation would render any potential profits from the exercise moot; you'd have to hire a professional translator, sort through the code of the game itself (since some of the text is built directly into the game), oversee the whole operation, and probably a bunch of other stuff I haven't thought about... All to reach a theoretical audience that may or may not be able to let him break even. Additionally, it would take time away from making new games, thus in effect costing him even more.
  14. Nioca

    Custom Titles

    I had Viciously Purple (or something similar) as my title during the UBB switch. Then when I noticed that some of the self-granted titles were being changed, I just had to open my big mouth and mention mine was still in place. It was, but not for long.
  15. Nioca

    The Party of Four

    Well, session III has concluded. Here are some lessons learned. *Anything can be cured by bombarding it with enough life energy. *Sometimes, peaceful diplomacy is not the answer. *If peaceful diplomacy is the answer, it should not be conducted by threatening to open fire. *Two fumbles don't make a right. *When asked "how many fingers", the answer is not a high five. *Party mascots are not delicious.
  16. Nioca

    The Party of Four

    Remember! Session 3 is tomorrow! On a related note, tomorrow is also tomorrow. As in, we're entering our second IC day. If we keep up this pace, it's only 40 sessions to go till we reach Eolith!
  17. Heh. Yeah, some pretty epic epilogues this time around. Anyway, since Lilith posted hers, I might as well post mine. First, backstory: Click to reveal.. (Mal's Backstory) Mal wasn't what you would call the sharpest knife in the drawer. Nevertheless, once the self-fancied hero set his sights on a goal, only the gods themselves could stop him. Which is how a generally nice person like him wound up in such a cesspit as Sarden. Raised in the northern Selosian mountains in the small village of Kero, Mal had an odd upbringing, to say the least; He was found by a goblin traveler named Worak and brought to the village as an infant, the only survivor of an apparent attack on a waylaid caravan. Adopted by a dragonborn couple, Mal was brought up in the light of Phol-Phoram and the stability of a village shielded from the darkness otherwise engulfing Mote. He also nurtured a growing feeling of restlessness. He had grown up on tales of adventure and heroics, and wanted to pave a way for himself in the world. He was trained in swordsmenship from a young age by Kero's finest, and proved his mettle against some troublesome brigands. Unfortunately, upon returning from dealing with the brigands, Mal soon found that his village was in upset. A sword, known as the EveningStar, was stolen from the village. It was known quite well as a magical blade, and protected by the village for generations. Mal went to sleep that night with a troubled mind. The next morning, he declared he was going to Sarden, to try and track down the EveningStar. After all, what better place to look then a den of thieves? And despite the pleas of pretty much every person he was close to, he gathered up his equipment for the trip and prepared to leave. He was then approached by Worak, the goblin traveler. He stated that he had a contact in Selaneus who was considering assembling a team for an expedition into Sarden, named Gotay. Worak suggested that Mal might not want to undertake this task alone, and to take a detour to Selaneus. Mal agreed to go with Worak to Selaneus, and the duo soon set off. Their timing couldn't be better; they arrived in the city and bumped into the dragonborn Gotay inside a local tavern. And after hearing the rumors of artifacts inside Rikkla's abandoned lair, Mal eagerly agreed to hunt for the artifact Gotay wished to find. Second, Gotay's letter to Mal: Click to reveal.. (To the stalwart Mal Travers...) Sir Mal Travers - My colleague Worak has informed me that you are a competent blade in need of work. I have employed many swordsmen in the past, but Worak assures me of your loyalty. It is this quality which leads me to request your assistance in this task. One of the bandit lords of Sarden, a Rikkla the Cold, possesses an artifact which I would enjoy for my own collection. It is known as the Glacial Knot, and resembles a knot of string wrought from ice. You are to retrieve it and return it to me in Selaneus. This is your primary goal, and fulfilling it will earn your full payment. However, I have two additional tasks for you, the completion of which will leave me in your debt. First, I have heard that Rikkla has recently acquired a blade of no small reputation, one blessed with the power of an extraordinary magical entity. It is commonly referred to as the Evening Star, and I would have it for my collection. Second, a human travels with you by the name of Kurex. Watch him closely. I fear he cannot be trusted, but his abilities are required for this mission's success. You must assure that he does not step out of line. - Gotay Zeshas Also, I'd sorta like to know the exact details of the following artifacts: -Agonized Panpipes -Rat Panpipes -The Pellets
  18. Nioca

    Custom Titles

    Huh. Interesting. I sorta like these better than the old Geneforge ones. Also, I'm apparently a heart of Avadon. Man, I can't decide whether this is a testament to how much I post, or a testament to how much my posting has slowed down. Still, at some point in the future, I'd sorta like to see a title system that combines titles from all three games.
  19. Nioca

    Island in Chaos

    Personally, I think you're both on the mark. My impression was this: Short-range teleportation isn't too rare. It's long-range teleportation (and the creation of portals) that's rare.
  20. To be fair, Eph and I did discuss Mal's Misty Escape perk a bit when he earned it; originally, it could be used a number of times per day equal to level. That means Mal now would have been able to use it eight times per day. We both agreed this was a bit overpowered, and toned it back to a number of uses equal to half his level, rounded down. But yeah, I definitely think there needs to be a bit of player input when it comes to perks, even if it's, "Here's your perk. It's open for a bit of tweaking." Another thing I'd like to see is perks that remain current and useful at higher levels. To use an example, while Amadan's Liea's Blessing perk (+1 Fire Attack Accuracy and Damage) is useful at lower levels, it loses its luster at higher levels*. This is because, when facing higher level monsters, a +1 doesn't do all that much*. *This assumes a damage system similar to what Eph used for RomD. In Lilith's combat system, this perk would be considerably more powerful, since a +1 damage would have considerably more influence. At any rate, one thing we definitely have to watch is how perks, especially multiple perks, combine with the character's abilities. Heroic Valor and Misty Escape, individually, are useful perks. Together, they're a defensive duo that'd make even a squishy wizard a royal pain to kill. Give that combo to a high-def character like Mal, and you've got an unholy terror of nigh-unkillability. I don't think we have to worry about players playing for perks, though. It's ultimately the DM's decision who gets what. Also, as for 'quirks'... I don't mind characters having player-imposed weaknesses, but I'd really rather not go the route of 'earning' weaknesses. That's really just asking for trouble.
  21. Well, I just submitted mine. So now we're just waiting on the others who haven't. As for what I'd like to see in a future campaign: I think I'd like to see a dungeon crawl. Not as in, "Here's a minidungeon to explore for 1 or 2 sessions", I mean an actual full dungeon crawl that takes up a good portion of the campaign. Failing that, other thoughts for settings include: Abandoned mysterious island (Think LOST), High Seas (Pirates, Krakens, and Pirate Krakens!), Desert (Could go well with a dungeon crawl), Cursed Arctic (I've actually thought about this one a bit). As for character level: I'd like to see something on par with where we ended this one, but that's personally because I'd really like to play Amadan or Eva again at some point. Definitely not low-level, because we've got enough low-level campaigns already.
  22. Nioca

    The Party of Four

    Originally Posted By: Rowen Next session is set for Wednesday the 2nd of April at 5pm PST time. What? Why are we going on a month-long hiatus?
  23. Nioca

    The Party of Four

    I was hitting SSL Certificate Expiration errors, and Rowen couldn't log into the chat rooms at all. Others didn't seem to be effected, but something was definitely wonky. (In fact, I'm still hitting SSL Certificate Expiration errors. )
  24. Nioca

    The Party of Four

    After much difficulty, the session finally got underway around 9:00 PM EST. Thanks go out to CalRef for generously hosting it when AIM failed. Oh, and we all survived. Albeit with considerably lighter wallets.
  25. Nioca

    The Party of Four

    1 hour 49 minutes to session 1! Well, in theory. AIM's being stunningly screwy, so we'll have to play it by ear a bit.
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