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Everything posted by Nioca

  1. Originally Posted By: Nikki. Originally Posted By: Sarachim It hurts to wait three weeks, but the date itself is fine.
  2. That's not an error; I'm deliberately saving those points for the time being (Note the "SKILL POINTS: 02/98" line).
  3. I just spent ten minutes trying to figure out why my XP total wasn't adding up, and trying to figure out where I was getting 3 extra XP. Turns out, I apparently made an error when I submitted Amadan's finalized skill list, and forgot to increase Amadan's nature skill like I had intended. *facepalm* Anyway, other than that, it was not an exciting skill boost. Only spending 7 and boosting a couple NC skills (plus correcting my error). Click to reveal.. (AMADAN RAYTON, XP-98) AMADAN RAYTON Pragmatic Male Human Alchemical Hunter of Liea HEALTH: 20/21 STAMINA: 10/10 SKILL POINTS: 02/98 Missile (Archery): 7 (28) Magic (Transmutation): 6 (21) Perception: 4+1 (10) Stealth: 3+1 (6) Alchemy: 3 (6) Acrobatics: 3 (6) Arcana: 3 (6) Nature: 3 (6) Melee (Knives): 2 (3) Artifice: 2 (3) Athletics: 1 (1)
  4. I figure I need to give you a heads-up on this, since I just found out myself: I may wind up receiving a phone call tomorrow evening that I'll have to take. Hopefully it's not during the session, but since I've only got the one phone line and this call could wind up being extremely important, I may wind up having to step out for a short time. The good news is, as anyone who's talked to me via chat may have figured out, I'm not much of a talker, and don't tend to get wrapped up in long conversations, so if I do wind up bowing out of the session for a while, it'll only be for 5-15 minutes. Maybe 30 minutes, but I highly doubt it'd go that long. But if I abruptly go non-responsive or log out suddenly, it's because I got the call (or because the cat yanked the phone line out of my modem, but that's resolved fairly quickly), and I should be back within about 10 minutes.
  5. Originally Posted By: Lilith guys the campaign is called All the Creeping Things, not Everybody Creeping Me Out ...anyhow, before I go try and drown myself in a keg of alcohol to get rid of that lovely mental image, I noticed that Weimin has 2 Thievery instead of 4. Normally, I'd think this is deliberate, except that when Weimin's XP total is calculated, he's got precisely 7 XP unspent (which is the exact amount needed to boost Thievery to 4). A mistake, or a last minute change?
  6. Both days work, but what time would this be taking place?
  7. *nudge* Seeing as the timeframe to do this is rapidly closing, it'd be helpful if certain parties could put in a quick word regarding whether we're go today.
  8. There is not. The creator (Kelandon) has stated that he would not be completing the trilogy.
  9. Originally Posted By: Nikki. You want a spell that lets you read minds...? Surface thoughts only. Hexelion can't use the spell to go digging into a person's memory or deep, dark secrets; he can only read what's currently on the minds of the people around him. So if, say, someone nearby was contemplating murdering a party member, Hexelion could potentially detect that. If that same someone had already committed that murder, but was right now focusing on this really awesome ale he was having, then Hexelion would only learn that that person really likes his ale. EDIT: I (hopefully) clarified the description a bit. If you still have reservations, I'd be more than happy with just Myn's Friendly Fire.
  10. Tomorrow (Sunday) works great, but I can't do monday; I'm entertaining company that day.
  11. Question about defenses: Is there a base constant to which a character's defense score is added to, or is a character's defense just a flat measurement of Martial/Acrobatics (plus synergy and armor)? I bring it up, because the latter seems wrong (basically, each member of the party could hit any other member on a 1 as-is), yet the rules state nothing to indicate the former.
  12. Originally Posted By: FAQ for A:EftP We are planning to sell Avernum ourselves for Mac and Windows for $20. Anyone who has purchased Exile: Escape From the Pit or Avernum from us in any form (including on compilation CDs) can get the game from us for half off. Moving onto a different point, in theory, Jukai, I agree with you completely. If a new (and interesting in more ways than just mechanical) playable race could be properly integrated in A:EftP, that'd be awesome. In practice, doing so properly would require modifying the existing canon to account for their presence, a process which is not nearly as simple as it sounds. Inserting a new race into the mix introduces six games worth of plot holes and questions that would have to be addressed, and on top of that, you'd have to work out the new race's culture, customs, technology, and relation to the others, not to mention how they influence the games. The other alternative is to just throw them in and handwave their presence away... but then we're right back to adding races for the heck of it. As I said, there would be better odds of an already-existing race being added to the playable list, as it dodges most of the above issues.
  13. Nioca

    Island in Chaos

    Yeah, I didn't level Ak-Deevt this time around precisely because I suspected you'd be back before the next session. If you look at the character sheet I sent you, you'll notice that Ak-Deevt currently has some skill points to spend (and also needs to increase a base attribute as well).
  14. I'm not sure if this is actually happening today or not. If it is, then, well, I figure a reminder might be good that there's a session today (and that Caitlin is still missing a level up this time around). If it's not, any word on when the next session might be?
  15. Why do I keep forgetting to level Hexelion? I could have sworn I leveled him this time around, but when I checked... *shrug* Click to reveal.. (Hexelion Tyralson, Level IV) HEXELION TYRALSON RACE: Elf, Male OCCUPATION: Bodyguard PERSONALITY: Reasonable DEITY: Sliros LVL: 04 | XP: 00/56 STR: 04 | HP: 18/25 DEX: 04 | SPD: 5 INT: 05 | STM: 08/10 Martial (Shortblades): 6 [21 XP] Magic (Enchantment): 5 (+2) [15 XP] Composure: 4 (+1) [RB+6 XP] Streetwise: 2 [RB+1 XP] Perception: 3 [6 XP] Artifice: 2 [3 XP] Stealth: 1 [1 XP] Martial (Thrown Missiles): 2 (+1) [3XP] Also, a couple new spells, awaiting approval! Click to reveal.. (SPELLS!) Thalaimer's Collective Consciousness COST: 2STM, No Roll EFFECT: Temporarily opens the caster's mind up, allowing him to read the surface thoughts and general mood of the people in his vicinity for a short time. Note that watching for specific thoughts or ones deviating from normal, or holding the spell for an extended time may require an Enchantment roll, the difficulty of which depends on the number of people nearby. Enchanters in the vicinity of the spell become aware of, can defend against, and gain a +4 bonus to mental attacks against the caster. Myn's Friendly Fire EFFECT: Attempts to cloud a target's mind and cause them to misidentify their target; if successful, the target's next action will be redirected to a target of the caster's choosing.
  16. Nioca


    Originally Posted By: AethirWeb 2012 is coming up, I wanna hear my fellow Spiders what they think of this. you think it will be like Y2K? I sincerely doubt we're looking at any sort of apocalypse or Armageddon here. On the other hand, though, this has been one heck of a year as far as natural (and semi-natural) disasters have been concerned. The tsunami that hit Japan (and it's nuclear plants), the earthquake that hit Virginia, Hurricane Irene, all the usual manner of storms, forest fires, and so forth, plus some others that are probably slipping my mind.
  17. Originally Posted By: Triumph But technicolor blobs are all the rage these days! Come on, conform to the masses! Heh. That pun just made my day. Thanks, Triumph! Maybe I'll get my catfish avatar back and rotate that instead.
  18. Originally Posted By: Triumph The only way to learn new creature types or new spells in Geneforge 1 is via canisters (well, the servant mind in the Ruined School will give you Firebolt if you have enough Leadership). There's really nobody who teaches you those things. There's also a few books you can find that will also grant you extra creation or spell levels. The exact number escapes me, but I know there's several in one of the bridge zones (the one with all the crypts).
  19. Originally Posted By: AethirWeb I can't beat some bosses, but this is too annoying. I mean even when I use cheats they're not potent. As the money cheat gives 100 coins only... Part of that is just because GF1 has the weirdest balance in the series when it comes to enemies. If you're having a lot of difficulty heading one direction, try backtracking and heading somewhere else. If you want to take the cheat route, there should be a character editor floating around these forums somewhere... *goes digging for it* EDIT: Ah, right in the header for this forum. Or through this link.
  20. Er, no. Don't forget, the Nephilim and Slith were present before they were a playable race. There's no (good) reason for there to be a new playable race that's never even been seen in the game before; at that point, it'd be adding races just for the heck of it.
  21. I considered it, but decided against it. Primarily because the flaming cat doesn't look good in any other colors or inverted (it winds up just looking like a technicolor blob). Also, congrats on the custom title, ES. Or have you had that for a while?
  22. Most image editors have a Stretch or Resize option which can be used to size an image down. Or if you're referring to file size, make it a .GIF (if it's got only a few colors) or either a PNG or JPG (if it's got a lot of colors)
  23. Saturday works for me. EDIT: Also, modded inventory.
  24. Originally Posted By: Dantius Originally Posted By: Nioca Fourth, during the shootout last session, Clyve fired his gun three times in one round: Quote: (10:15:46 PM) Clyve Fourier: I fire off three pistol shots through the van to see if it hits anyone. (10:15:47 PM) Clyve Fourier: mageantonius rolled 1 20-sided die: 4 [...] (10:18:27 PM) DM: [Clyve] fires his pistol, but doesn't hear any screaming so probably didn't find his target. My question is, what are the rules governing this (assuming there are any)? That wasn't during combat, though. They weren't shooting back, so I was basically shooting to see if I could penetrate their cover. I'd imagine it was just the same as any action taken out of combat. Still, I figure it doesn't hurt to ask.
  25. Yay, log! Dantius/Clyve: The safe's in the sedan. Also, I'm fairly certain Assault Rifles do 9Dmg a burst, not 5. Anyway, assuming Lazarus is okay with it, I think I'm going to do some reloading and move some stuff around again. I'll edit my inventory to reflect those changes. Also, since I'm feeling rather inquisitive, I have more questions! First, I just re-read some of the rules, and came across this: Originally Posted By: Lazarus Damage Reduction: Some characters are resistant to certain types of damage, [...] Burst fire weapons receive double damage reduction. Wow. If I'm reading that correctly, that means that a Piercing DR of 2 would wind up doubling to 4 against an attacker wielding a Burst Fire weapon. Is this true, or am I misreading it? Second, is the Feat list complete, or will more be added at some point? I'm guessing there'll be a Bow weapon proficiency added, but will there be others? Third, what kind of stats does the Tommy Gun have? Fourth, during the shootout last session, Clyve fired his gun three times in one round: Quote: (10:15:46 PM) Clyve Fourier: I fire off three pistol shots through the van to see if it hits anyone. (10:15:47 PM) Clyve Fourier: mageantonius rolled 1 20-sided die: 4 [...] (10:18:27 PM) DM: [Clyve] fires his pistol, but doesn't hear any screaming so probably didn't find his target. My question is, what are the rules governing this (assuming there are any)?
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