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Everything posted by Nioca

  1. Nioca

    Island in Chaos

    Mistb0rn: I fired off Ak-Deevt's character sheet to you, PLUS included raw logs (WITH Private Convos spliced in) from sessions 9-12.
  2. Posting here. Just the basics and backstory, since otherwise it'd be huge. Click to reveal.. (AMADAN RAYTON) AMADAN RAYTON Male Human Alchemical Hunter/Archer of Liea Pragmatic HEALTH: 21/21 STAMINA: 10/10 SPEED: 5/5 SKILL POINTS: 00/90 Missile (Archery): 7 (28) Melee (Knives): 2 (3) Magic (Transmutation): 6 (21) Alchemy: 3 (6) Acrobatics: 3 (6) Arcana: 2 (3) Artifice: 2 (3) Athletics: 1 (1) Nature: 2 (3) Perception: 5 (10+RB) Stealth: 4 (6+RB) HUMAN SURVIVAL (RACIAL) - You receive a +1 bonus to Perception checks, and also to STEALTH. You can make checks to Stealth, Athletics or Acrobatics as if trained. LIEA'S BLESSING (PERK) - In the Bloodmarsh, whilst fighting the cultists of Yunelias, Amadan inadvertently forged a deeper connection with Liea. All fire-based attacks gain a +2 bonus to accuracy. NEGATIVE ANIMAL MAGNETISM (WEAKNESS) - Animals are inherently drawn to Amadan, mainly for the express purpose of trying to maul him. In combat, animals have an elevated chance of targeting Amadan, and animals that cross Amadan's path, whether wild or domesticated, have a small chance of going inexplicably hostile and attacking Amadan on sight. Click to reveal.. (Transmutational Spells (3+2)) Energetic Arrow: Charges an arrow with energy on launch, which effects the way it behaves. Requires a Move-Action or 1STM to cast, and will always consume 1 arrow. -Fire Arrow: Can burn through armor or hard surfaces that normal arrows can't, partially bypassing DR and armor. Can easily ignite flammable substances and materials. -Light Arrow: Partially transmutes the arrow into a bolt of light; the arrow flies faster and further, providing an accuracy and range bonus, and does increased damage to undead and incorporeal beings. Also makes a good signaling arrow. -Electric Arrow: Electrocutes whatever it impacts, causing a penalty to actions and potentially stunning the target. Can also send an electrical jolt into liquids or metals. -Impact Arrow: Strikes with abnormal force and momentum, doing additional damage and knocking the target back or down. Ameliorate: Seamlessly mends a damaged or broken object, or heals a wounded being. Requires being adjacent to the target. Casting on a creature costs 1STM. Hunter's Jump: Teleports the caster and anything he's carrying to a location within his Line of Sight. Anything longer than a short hop requires stamina, the amount depending on distance and any heavy loads the caster is carrying. Detrimentum: Disintegrates a targeted creature or object. Pyrokinesis: Takes control of fire, bending it to the caster's will. The caster can move, intensify, shape, or put out targeted flames. Bigger and more complicated tasks cost stamina, and the more fire that's available for the caster to use, the greater the chance of success. Magical flames are harder to manipulate than mundane ones, and are more likely to cost stamina. Click to reveal.. (Archery Techniques (3)) Multi-Shot: Nocks and fire up to three arrows simultaneously. Each arrow counts as its own individual attack, at a -3 accuracy penalty for each additional arrow. Arterial Break (1STM): An attack at a -2 penalty that attempts to strike and sever a major blood vessel within the target. If successful, the target will bleed, taking minor damage each round until the wound is healed or treated. Note that this technique only works if the target actually needs blood of some sort and the attacker has some idea of where to strike. (Particularly nasty if coupled with Bloodlet Toxin) Sniper's Garrote (1STM): Takes careful aim and fires a shot at the target's throat. A successful hit will puncture the windpipe, preventing or strongly inhibiting the victim from casting spells, speaking, or using breath weapons until the arrow is removed and the wound healed. Useful for putting a spellcaster out of action or preventing a foe from sounding an alarm. Requires that the creature has a throat or similar portion of anatomy, and inflicts a -4 penalty to hit due to the shot's difficulty. Click to reveal.. (Knife Techniques (1)) Flick Step: Does a quick slash or jab at a sensitive area with a melee weapon; if it connects, it briefly staggers the opponent, enabling the character to disengage and move away that turn without provoking an AoO. Click to reveal.. (Alchemical Recipes) PRIMARY RECIPES (1 REAGENT) Healing Tonic (Water) – Heals 6 HP when drunk. Hawkeye Brew (Air) – A lightweight and simple brew that temporarily improves one's eyesight, providing a +3 Perception and an ancillary +1 Missile Weapons for 30 minutes. Alchemical Fire (Fire) – Catches fire when exposed to air. Stamina Potion (Earth) – Recovers 3 STM. Aerolyzer (Air) – A clear liquid that, when mixed with a potion, poison, or other liquid, renders it aerosol. This reduces its potency, but enables the effect to be spread across a moderate area-of-effect. Note that this does not work on all potions (and is just a generally bad idea with others). SECONDARY RECIPES (2 REAGENTS) Kath Inhibitor (Earth + Fire) – The smoky-clear Kath Inhibitor is a simple and effective antidote, capable of curing a wide variety of mild-to-moderate poisons and toxins, and inhibiting the effects of stronger toxins. If you are pregnant or may become pregnant, contact a certified healer before taking. Potion of Defensive Insight (Air + Earth) - This thin grey brew enhances the imbiber's self-preservation instincts and reflexes, providing a +2 bonus to physical/magical defenses and saves. While active, if the imbiber takes a hit that would knock him to-or-below 0 HP, this potion enables the character to partially avoid the hit, stablizing at 1 HP. This also terminates the potion's effects. Side-effects include mild paranoia and a sense of impending doom. Paralytic (Air + Fire) - This slimy violet poison causes the victim's muscles to freeze up, forcing a save. If the victim passes, it takes a penalty to-act for a short time. If the victim fails, they're paralyzed for a few rounds. Can be imbibed or absorbed through an open wound. Bloodlet Toxin (Fire + Water) - This poison acts as an anticoagulant, causing even minor wounds to bleed profusely. Those affected by this poison take more damage from any attack or harm that draws blood until the toxin is purged. Primal Philter (Earth + Fire) – This red translucent potion shuts down the higher functions of the mind and taps into the imbiber's primal instincts; the drinker gains large bonuses to fighting unarmed or with natural weapons (teeth, claws, breath) and small bonuses to all other forms of mundane combat. However, until the potion wears off, spellcasting, complex combat techniques, composure, and anything beyond basic knowledge all take heavy penalties. The effects last 30 minutes. Click to reveal.. (INVENTORY) CURRENCY 10 Gold, 11 Silvers, 17 Coppers (11.27 Gold) EQUIPPED/WORN Ricochet Bow – A magical bow etched with transmutational runes. Provides a flat +1 accuracy bonus. Upon missing, a second d20 is rolled; a roll above a 10 ricochets towards the nearest logical foe with the amount above 10 added to-hit. A roll below 10 ricochets towards the nearest logical ally with the amount below 10 added to-hit. A 10 causes the arrow to disappear in a puff of apathy. Quiver – A standard quiver for holding arrows. __10x Wood Arrows – Standard, cheap arrows that could be whittled from long sticks. __0x Iron Arrows – Well-crafted iron-tipped arrows. +1 Bonus when firing, less likely to break. __10x Steel Arrow – High-quality steel-tipped arrows. +2 Bonus when firing, less likely to break. Athame – A small athame, typically used for utility or alchemical purposes. In a pinch, it can also be used to poke holes in an enemy. Leather Armor (Armor?) – Bog-standard leather armor. Buckler (Armor?) – Your typical buckler with a wrist strap. Prosthetic Gauntlet – A gauntlet that replaces Amadan's missing right middle finger, enabling him to fire a bow right-handed. (I can elaborate more on how it works if needed) Pendent of Liea – A holy symbol of Liea. Has no powers, but identifies the person as a follower of Liea. PACK Alchemy Kit – A small kit with all the essentials to perform alchemy. It also has a small pouch for reagents. __4x Empty Vials – Necessary for holding potions or more dangerous (or messy) reagents __2x Air Reagents - Alchemical reagents, embodying motion and creativity. Usually consists of an animal's sensory organs or meteorites. __2x Earth Reagents - Alchemical reagents, embodying stability and protection. Usually consists of animal bones and crystalline materials. __3x Fire Reagents - Alchemical reagents, embodying destruction and change. Usually consists of caustic substances and animals' natural defenses (claws, teeth, venom). __2x Water Reagents - Alchemical reagents, embodying persistence and restoration. Usually consists of fossils and animals' vital organs. __Amadan's Recipe Book – A book of alchemical recipes. Has blank pages for storing new recipes learned in his travels. Hawkeye Brew – Improves eyesight for 30 minutes, providing +3 perception and +1 Missile Weapons. Kath Inhibitor – A smoky-clear antidote capable of curing mild-to-moderate poisons and toxins, and inhibiting the effects of stronger ones. 4x Jerky – Portions of dried meat. The tastier alternative to hardtack. 2x Waterskins – Bags capable of holding two days of water each. 25ft. Rope – A rope of 25 feet. Useful for chasm crossing, cliff climbing, or cattle catching. Click to reveal.. (BACKSTORY) "I haven't heard from you for a while." A lean figure spoke softly, staring into a gently-burning campfire. The firelight seemed to shine brightly off of a golden pendent in the figure's hand, though whether it was magic or a trick of the light was unclear. It was also unclear to whom the figure spoke to; he was alone on this night, on a little-traveled road toward Pelinora. "Not since Risis. Not since..." The figure's voice trailed off into the night, his left hand subconsciously running over his gauntlet-covered right. "I don't doubt you. I still think that you're guiding me, even if only from a distance, but... I can't help but wonder. Why me? What makes me different, what sets me apart? Do I possess some unknown gift for being in the right place at the right time, or am I merely a magnet for chaos and turmoil? I mean... First the cult of Yunelias, then the time beetle on Aldathin. When I return home to contemplate and study, I find my hometown in chaos and Brahman authority there in ruin... And then, just when things quiet down, this letter shows up..." The figure pulled a letter from his pack nearby and held it in front of him. "Every time it seems the world is right for even a few moments, something else falls apart in front of me." The figure, standing up, tossed the letter into the fire. For a few moments, he watched the inked paper burn to ash, small glowing embers rising from the fire and being carried on the gentle breeze toward the lightening sky of very early dawn. "I'm not really in a position to complain though, am I? I could very well just walk away. Just return to Mirus, settle down, have a quiet life..." At this, the figure's words and posture seemed to draw on some reserve of resolve and confidence. "But someone has to care. Someone needs to set things right, and if that honor falls to me, then so be it. Even if it means sacrificing my chance for happiness, sanity, or even costing my life, I won't hesitate." The figure gathered up his pack, along with a bow and quiver. "All I ask is that you stay by me, Liea, for I am still in your service." The figure turned to leave, waving his hand once. The campfire abruptly extinguished, leaving naught but a small trail of smoke leading up to the heavens.
  3. I didn't feel it (though a few people in Michigan apparently did), but my cat predicted it; all day today, Sydney was doing her best to get as high a perch as possible, and just being rather frantic. *hears her snoring* Thankfully, she is predicting no further earthquakes within the next 12 hours.
  4. Hmm. The Crossbow's looking a bit awesome but impractical unless/until someone takes the Sleight of Hand feat. As for the bows, Devin could use them questionably well, and Caitlin might find the bows useful if she takes another point of STR. But other than that, it seems that they're best relegated to emergency weapons, or weapons to use when we need to stay quiet (like inside a zombie-infested city). Also, wow, that SMG is inefficient. It only does 1.5 damage per bullet, compared to a semi-auto's 3 and a revolver's 4. It'd be useful if we need to put out a lot of damage quickly (like a massive swarm of zombies or a bunch of enemies with body armor) or just had ammo to burn, but... yeah. Yikes. The Assault Rifle looks to be just as bad in terms of efficiency, at only 2.25 damage per bullet (which is terrible when compared to William's rifle, which does 5 per bullet). Also, yeep, Kyle's running really low on sutures. I guess it's a good thing we haven't really been taking a lot of damage thusfar.
  5. Just from personal experience, I can tell you that being kicked in the groin will usually stop bullies from harassing you. Unfortunately, when debating in terms of the behavior of an entire species (human or otherwise), you need to have a bit more than personal experience on your side to make a solid point. ...aaand sniped by Lilith.
  6. We survived! And we leveled! And got ammo and medical supplies! First, Devin's level to 4: Click to reveal.. (Devin McCloud, L4) DEVIN McCLOUD Former Occupation: Rookie Police Officer Home: Amarillo, Texas Physical Description: Male, Slight Build, 6'1'', Brown Hair, Green Eyes. Dressed in plain clothes, wearing mirror shades. BASE ATTRIBUTES LVL - 4 STR - 3 | HP - 16/16/16 (HP/Max HP/Full HP) DEX - 2 | AC - 12 PER - 5 | SPD - 4 [+1PER] INT - 2 | XP - 00/20 NCO SKILLS ----Athletics - 2 ------Driving - 3 ----First Aid - 2 [+1] Gun Knowledge - 3 [+1] --Observation - 4 -------Search - 3 [+1] --------Sneak - 1 --Speechcraft - 2 FEATS Weapon Proficiency (Small Arms) No -4 HIT penalty when using pistols and submachine guns Dead Eye +2 HIT on Called Shots. WEAPON SKILLS ------Unarmed - +3 | -Small Arms - +6 --------Melee - -1 | Dual S.Arms - +4/+2 Dual Melee - -3/-5 | -----Rifles - +1 -----2H Melee - +0 | -Automatics - +1 -------Thrown - +2 | ---Shotguns - -2 ---------Bows - -1 | --Crossbows - +1 And now, Inventory time. Since we're between sessions and didn't end in immediate peril, I'm moving some stuff around between Devin, his duffel bag, and the sedan, to wherever it's more reasonable or practical. So without further ado, on his person and in his duffel bag, Devin has: Click to reveal.. (Inventory) WORN/EQUIPPED/POCKETED -P226 Service Pistol (3DMG 10CLP) [small Arm: 10 Small Caliber Rounds Loaded] -Revolver (4DMG 6CLP FRload) [small Arm: 6 Small Caliber Rounds Loaded] -33 Small Caliber Rounds -Bullet-Proof Vest (Piercing DR 2/AP) -Plain Clothes -Pistol Holster -Mirror Shades -Amarillo Police Department Badge -Handheld CB Radio -Lighter -Sedan Keys -Duffel Bag (Pack) DUFFEL BAG -Fire Axe (3DMG Slashing) [Melee] -Police-Issue Flashlight (2DMG Blunt, Strong Beam Illumination) [Melee] -Submachine Gun (6DMG 4BRST 20CLP) [small Arm: Empty of Small Caliber Rounds] -Pink Furry Metal Handcuffs w/ Key -Amarillo Police Uniform -Flask of Alcohol -4 Dead D-Cell Batteries And in addition to THAT, we also have the Sedan and what's contained within. FYI, any stuff that's stored in the sedan is effectively fair game for the party; I only ask that you guys leave the bows and arrows alone until we know more about them. Click to reveal.. (Vehicle Stats and Contents) SEDAN Fuel: 66% Full (Gasoline) [Estimated] DAMAGE Rear window destroyed; Firearm damage on passenger-side doors. OCCUPANTS Devin (Driver); Caitlin; Clyve. CONTENTS -2x Full 5-Gallon Gas Cans -Air Freshener -Pawn Shop Safe (Unopened) -2 Bottles of Shampoo -2 Compound Bows (-2HIT 5DMG) [bows: Uses Arrows] -Crossbow (5DMG FRload) [bows: Uses Arrows] -20 Arrows [Armor-Piercing] -Semi-Auto Pistol x5 (3DMG 10CLP) [small Arm: Empty of Small Caliber Rounds] -Various Assorted Batteries -Oklahoma Road Map -Penlight (Weak Beam Illumination) -Small Box of Laundry Detergent Phew. I've also got some questions. First off, regarding the crossbow: -What kind of crossbow is it? Standard, repeating (as in semi-automatic), pistol? -What kind of weapon skill does it require? Small Arms, Single-Shot Rifles, a separate Crossbows category? -What kind of stats does it have, in terms of damage and accuracy (and if repeating, clip size)? -If a standard crossbow, how would reloading work? Would you have to take a reload action each round? -Does it use arrows just like a bow, or does it use its own bolts/quarrels? Second, regarding the bows: -I'm guessing this would fall into its own skill. What would be the criteria for it? Flat perception? -Would it be possible to craft new arrows? Obviously, anything crafted on the run would be inferior to quality arrows, but it should still work for short-range combat. And finally, regarding some of the other new stuff Devin picked up: -What's the clip size on an SMG and revolver? -What protection does the Bullet-Proof Vest offer? -What's in the flask Devin picked up? -How much shampoo did Devin pick up at the store? ----- Finally, as for next session: any day works, so long as it doesn't conflict with another campaign (though that should be clearing up quite a bit, soon, what with Mistb0rn returning and EoD approaching its end). So the only days that are off are Tuesday the 23rd (tomorrow) and Thursday, September 1st.
  7. Nioca

    Island in Chaos

    Originally Posted By: Mistb0rn Hmm...I can't seem to find the logs of the sessions I wasn't here for. I'm a little surprised the campaign isn't over yet, and I'm in complete suspense as to what y'all've done with Dee. Oh, nothing much. Just invented a couple spells and had Dee steal a dwarven general.
  8. *bump* So, assuming we're doing this sunday, we're roughly 18-22 hours out from the next session.
  9. The emulators themselves are legal, true. But given the context of the last few posts, it sounded as if you were referring to using an emulator to play console games, which, barring things such as the Virtual Console, is at best a legal grey area. Of course, that might not be what you meant at all, in which case I apologize. I just felt that needed to be pointed out.
  10. Originally Posted By: HOUSE of S What, nobody here uses emulators? *cough* Originally Posted By: Code of Conduct Using this board as a means to solicit, distribute, or discuss cracks or keys will result in immediate, permanent banning! Do not post unauthorized copyrighted material, sexually explicit material of any kind, or about any illegal activities.
  11. Right, I forgot Hexelion had a level. Not much exciting this time around, other than the fact that he finally got his first point in Missiles. Click to reveal.. (Hexelion Tyralson, Level III) HEXELION TYRALSON RACE: Elf, Male OCCUPATION: Bodyguard PERSONALITY: Reasonable DEITY: Sliros LVL: 03 | XP: 00/42 STR: 04 | HP: 14/21 DEX: 04 | SPD: 5 INT: 04 | STM: 06/10 Martial (Shortblades): 6 (+1) [21 XP] Magic (Enchantment): 3 [6 XP] Composure: 3 (+1) [RB+3 XP] Streetwise: 2 [RB+1 XP] Perception: 3 (+1) [6 XP] Artifice: 2 [3 XP] Stealth: 1 [1 XP] Martial (Thrown Missiles): 1 (+1) [1XP]
  12. Originally Posted By: Lilith ... you're exactly one week early, dude ... I hate migraines. I really do.
  13. Originally Posted By: Lilith I thought the whole Vitaemancy was actually someone else's idea, as an attempt to shove healing spells out of Conjuration and into Necromancy and to then rename Necromancy to emphasise that it wasn't all about killing things. I think it might have been Nioca's doing. I didn't come up with the name, but I did push for healing and the like to be put into Necromancy (since it was otherwise pretty much useless). That said, I like 'Vitaemancy'. It's fairly recognizable as having something to do with life, and covers all aspects of the school without being overly pretentious or obscure. (On another note, isn't the meeting supposed to be in 3 minutes? Or did the time converter lead me astray?)
  14. Uh, something just occurred to me: We have the date and time of this pre-session, but not the location. Where is this supposed to take place? SpidwebRP?
  15. One last question, and one that probably reveals which character I'm intending to bring back. What rules is alchemy bound by? I'm guessing it's going by the system you created, but how many recipes can one have (considering one wouldn't need to memorize them, just have them written down)? Is it the same as martial and magic? Unlimited? Somewhere in-between? (Personal note here: the way I intended to handle alchemy was to have a base number of recipes, like 5 or 7, and the character had to find any further recipes from alchemy books or willing teachers. Just thought I'd throw that out there.)
  16. Um, something just occurred to me: how are you going to decide who gets in and who doesn't with this pre-campaign session? Are you just taking everyone who shows up?
  17. Are old characters eligible? If so, I'd like to submit one. Give newer players or players that don't have characters going a priority over me, though (since I've already got 3 characters in other campaigns right now).
  18. Originally Posted By: B.J.Earles I should be free every day next week, though we are suppose to have an End of Days session on Thursday. *facepalm* Right. Every day that is not a thursday.
  19. To the best of my knowledge, I am available every non-Thursday of this upcoming week. And good luck on your move!
  20. Ephesos pretty much summed it up. It's short, stable, and has an interesting tidbit of plot. That said, it's also possible to rob Warrior's Grove blind. I also enjoyed the little description bubbles that appeared over the main character. It's not awe-inspiring, but it works. RATING: [rating]AVERAGE[/rating]
  21. Originally Posted By: Fractus animus ex machina Give an example? —Alorael, who is not a BoA designer. With that caveat, he doesn't think the scripts even support accessing party members as separate entities beyond aggregations of stats. Can names be pulled up? Yeah, and it's been done a few times (Niemand's new scenario, the Sorcerer's Apprentice, does this, as do a few others). It's limited, but the capability is there.
  22. 211. Angry Starman in 8-2 - Appropriately dark for a solar eclipse (Super Mario 3 reference? The sun itself would attack on a couple different levels. One of these levels had a black background, and I'm guessing it's stage 8-2). That's all I've got.
  23. 199. Impossibull - Writing Desk Counterpart (I'm guessing this is related to Slarty vs. Writing Desk, and the Nine-headed Cave Cow.) 204. BeJewels - Flash games have no save and restore (I know there's a game called Bejeweled out there, though I'm not 100% certain if it's flash. "No save and restore" refers to the Deathmatch, which Jewels was storing the results of on her site). More to come, maybe.
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