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Everything posted by Nioca

  1. Remember! The premiere of Zombies 2 is TOMORROW at 7:00 PM EASTERN in SWZombies. As some of you may already know, Rowen will not be attending this session; his character will be introduced in session 2. *returns to looking at Nevada road maps* Also, I am devoutly thankful I am starting this in a state that does not have 80+ counties.
  2. Right Shift. It just feels awkward to hit the left shift, and I grew up primarily using the right shift key, so... yeah. 'Course, my main method of typing is a sort of self-taught hybrid of touch-typing and hunt-and-peck, so it may just be because of how I type.
  3. As a heads-up: Something's come up last-minute. I may be running 30 minutes to an hour late. At any rate, don't hold up the session on my account; just have Amadan stick around the manor and study the worm goo he's got. (As for the XP, I think I'll just bank it for the time being)
  4. *bubble post* And we have our party! I considered only revealing just names and players, since IC you're all strangers, but ultimately decided it would be kinda difficult and awkward trying to figure out who does what. The party is as follows: (I'm copying this directly from my DM sheet; if something's described weird, it's because I was trying to fit it in about three inches of horizontal space. First up, we have Tocmetone, The Paiute Rancher: Click to reveal.. (Also, our only female. Y is that?) Tocmetone "Shell Flower", L1 Female Paiute Rancher (Excalibur) STATUS: Healthy LOCATION: Present ATTRIBUTES: 2STR/3DEX/2PER/2INT HP [10+2S]: 14/14/14 AC [10+D]: 13+1 SPD [3+½D]: 4 Quick Draw – Switching weapons is a move action. First shot when negotiations break down. SKILLS Athletics: 2 Forestry: 4 Gun Know.: 1 Observation: 3 Search: 1 Click to reveal.. (INVENTORY) INVENTORY Desert Eagle Pistol [5Dmg, -2HIT1H, 0/8 Large Caliber Rounds] Leather Chaps [+1 AC] Leather Belt, Boots, Gloves Shirt & Jeans Cowboy Hat & Bandana Canteen [Empty] Whistle Leather Satchel SATCHEL Beef Jerky x2 Leather Saddle Click to reveal.. (BACKSTORY) The old ways have passed. Now there is only sadness--the realization that one's spirit must resign to the encroachment of civilization and the withering of the earth. If you must live in these times, do so with your head hung low, for there is no longer any pride in what we do. Her grandfather had murmured those words in his last throes of life. She was raised as a member of the Paiute Tribe, and named after the daughter of a famed chieftain. Her parents raised cattle, but they did not abide by the practices of the white ranchers. They used no prods or lassoes, nor did they use any kind of tag or brand. Her childhood was marked by an uneasy education: both in the government school and in the ways of her ancestors. When her father took to the bottle she assumed his responsibilities at the ranch. She was an orphan at seventeen. Fourteen years passed. She kept her father's pistol for protection, and when she saw several figures shambling over the hill she withdrew it cautiously. People had taken to growing illegal drugs among the sagebrush, and they went to great lengths to defend their product. She took no chances. But these were no humans: they were beyond her knowledge. Her horse whinnied in terror and she soon found herself on the ground. The creatures were devouring the horse. She emptied the magazine into their skulls, quickly removed the saddle, and fled. She could stay no longer... Next, there's Nathan, the Thief: Click to reveal.. (I had a joke here, but Nathan stole it.) Andrew Nathanial "Nathan" Ward, L1 Male Thief (B.J. Earles) STATUS: Healthy LOCATION: Present ATTRIBUTES: 2STR/3DEX/2PER/2INT HP [10+2S]: 14/14/14 AC [10+D]: 13 SPD [3+½D]: 4 Coward – +4 Reflex, -2 Will. SKILLS Athletics: 1 Driving: 1 Engineering: 3 Search: 2 Sneak: 3 Tactics: 1 Click to reveal.. (INVENTORY) INVENTORY Blue Jeans, Black T-Shirt Sneakers and Socks Aviator Sunglasses Black and Green Windbreaker Backpack PACK Spare Shirt 32oz Plastic Waterbottle [Empty] Box of Matches [12] Small Lockpicks Click to reveal.. (BACKSTORY) Nathan always believed that blessings come in all shapes and sizes. At least, that's what he was hoping as the Nevada state police steadily closed a noose around his neck. He had holed himself up in an abandoned building in Ely, Nevada, and was waiting for his opportunity to make a break for it, but things were looking more and more hopeless with every passing day. With the goods already fenced and most of the money hidden, all Nathan had to do was get out of town, and he would be home free. That was about when everything fell apart. Suddenly the police had bigger issues than $5000 dollars worth of stolen jewelry. All Nathan had to do was wait out this storm and run for it when the dust settled. Unfortunately, it never did. Rather than defeat the zombie menace, society decided to give up, leaving Nathan in an abandoned building with little supplies and no help on the way. When the food ran out, Nathan emerged from his hiding place, shrugged his shoulders, and decided that he should count his blessings. Wrapping up the first half of introductions, Mario the Mafia Enforcer: Click to reveal.. (Taking "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas" to its most literal extreme.) Mario "Chains" Campiardi, L1 Male Mafia Enforcer (Dantius) STATUS: Healthy LOCATION: Present ATTRIBUTES: 3STR/2DEX/3PER/1INT HP [10+2S]: 16/16/16 AC [10+D]: 12 SPD [3+½D]: 4 Bloodthirsty – 1PD Ability 'Bloodlust', grants +6THP, +2HIT for [2+½lvl] rounds when used. [Ready, 2/2] SKILLS Athletics: 2 Observation: 1 Search: 1 Sneak: 2 Intimidation: 4 Click to reveal.. (INVENTORY) INVENTORY Butterfly Knife [2Dmg Pierce] Chrome Revolver [4Dmg Pierce, 6/6 Small Caliber Rounds, Full-Round Reload] 6 Small Caliber Rounds All-Black Tailored Suit Gold Chain Necklace Italian Leather Dress Shoes Metal Attache Case [+1 FAC as shield w/ contents damageable] ATTACHE CASE Cash: $50,000 Gold-Plated Cell Phone Lead Pipe [3Dmg Blunt] Deck of Playing Cards Fake Passports and IDs Click to reveal.. (BACKSTORY) Corleone said it would be an easy job. Just grab Vinny and head on up to Salt Lake City to give someone a talking to- with a lead pipe. Apparently some bible-thumper had gotten a little too enamored of "ministering" to Sin City- wound up in debt big-time to one of the casinos. He knew he couldn't take out a loan from the bank to pay off the debt, otherwise his higher-ups would hear about it and he'd be done for. So he turned to Corleone, the fool. Anyways, around a million changed hands, and now he's behind on payments. So apparently we had to go beat a hundred k out of him in exchange for a 5% cut, each. Well, he seemed pretty eager to fork over the dough when he "fell" a couple times. Vinny and I were on our way out with the cash when all hell broke loose. Zombies, would you believe it? We decided that it'd be safer to split up, so that at least one of us would ge back to say what happened to the boss. We each took half the cash, Vinny headed south on the 15, and I went west on the 80. Traffic was stopped. Nobody was going anywhere. I took the radio out of the car and tried to make my way through along the side of the highway. Things just seemed to be getting worse and worse. Vegas fell a week in, and SLC was done just days after we scrammed. When I reached Wells, the city was so overcrowded, I decided to take my chance in the wilderness. I turned down '93 and hid out in Ruby Lake. Well, that was fine for a bit, but supplies began to run low a few weeks later. I had to go. I set out down '93 again with nothing more than my suit, case, and weapons. And then I reached Lund... Our 4th horseman of the zombie apocalypse is Gordon, the Tech Support Nerd: Click to reveal.. (The nerds were right!) Gordon Abspa, L1 Male Tech Support Operator (Nalyd) STATUS: Healthy LOCATION: Present ATTRIBUTES: 3STR/2DEX/1PER/3INT HP [10+2S]: 16/16/16 AC [10+D]: 12 SPD [3+½D]: 4 Gadgeteer Genius – +4 when creating/modifying devices/weaponry. Less severe consequences on failure. SKILLS Engineering: 3 Gun Know.: 1 Observation: 2 Sneak: 2 Tactics: 4 Click to reveal.. (INVENTORY) INVENTORY Crowbar (2H, 3Dmg Blunt) Lighter [100%] Multitool w/ openers & screwdriver Pocket Knife (1Dmg Slash) T-Shirt, Hoodie & Sweatpants Boots Large Backpack PACK Laptop Spare Laptop Battery [100%] Unlabeled Food Cans x5 Packages of Ramen x3 Firestarter USB Connector Flashlight [100%; 2 C-Batteries] Click to reveal.. (BACKSTORY) Gordon is a complete, unrepentant nerd, born and bred. A big 'ol guy with glasses, brown hair and eyes, and no clothes that aren't wrinkled, he was fresh out of college with a CompSci degree and about to leave his part-time job at tech support when the zombie apocalypse struck. Needless to say, he was about as prepared as a broke college student can be. Well-versed in the lore of the Zombie Survival Guide, World War Z, and a hundred late-night movies, Gordon got what he always wanted when the zombies tore down society. Free food? No morons asking stupid questions? No need to even try to be presentable? And zombies! Man, it's awesome to kill zombies. Especially meleeing them. Gordon's family's probably dead, but either way he's in no hurry to find them. Never had many friends. His main struggle is dealing with the loss of his computers - but man, do those zombies make up for it. #5 is alive! And also Ben, the Charismatic Wanderer: Click to reveal.. (Deathmatch: Fabio vs. Ravenous Zombies. FIGHT!) Ben, L1 Male Former Minister/Charismatic Traveler (Rowen) STATUS: Healthy LOCATION: Present ATTRIBUTES: 3STR/2DEX/1PER/3INT HP [10+2S]: 16/16/16 AC [10+D]: 11 SPD [3+½D]: 3 Well Read – 1PD, get a +4 to any INT roll. [Ready] SKILLS Athletics: 1 Driving: 2 Speechcraft: 3 Deception: 2+1 Intimidation: 0+1 Negotiation: 2+1 Click to reveal.. (INVENTORY) INVENTORY Jeans, T-Shirt, Windbreaker Socks & Hiking Shoes Tree Branch [2Dmg Blunt, Breaks on Fumble] Cell Phone [Dead Battery] Key Chain w/ Keys to Ben's House Backpack PACK Socks, T-Shirt, Pants Click to reveal.. (BACKSTORY) Less then a year ago Ben got back from living in South America for several years as a traveling minister. While living there he leaned to read, write, and speak Spanish. He also leaned how to talk to people and get his point across in a way that agreed with others, even if it meant streaking the truth one in a while. After returning state side, Ben has wondered wondered from town to town in his old Subaru station wagon (abandoned at the outbreak) doing odd jobs here and there. When the outbreak occurred he was able to hole up, but now he is running short on food and must find something to eat. And finally Larry, the Doctor: Click to reveal.. (A.K.A. The only person who thought First Aid was a useful skill.) Dr. Larry Hendrickson, L1 Male Doctor (Sylae) STATUS: Healthy LOCATION: Present ATTRIBUTES: 1STR/3DEX/2PER/3INT HP [10+2S]: 12/12/12 AC [10+D]: 13 SPD [3+½D]: 4 Steady Hands – Botched First Aid does no damage. SKILLS Athletics: 1 Driving: 1 First Aid: 5 (1 over Cap) Observation: 1 Search: 3 Click to reveal.. (INVENTORY) INVENTORY Shirt, Pants, Lab Coat Keys to Cadillac [Car Stolen] Wallet w/ ID & $600 Box of Granola Bars [16] Canteen [Water: 2 Days] First Aid Kit FIRST AID KIT 8 Bandages 4 Sutures Bottle of Rubbing Alcohol [50%] Click to reveal.. (BACKSTORY) Up until the outbreak, Larry Hendrickson was your average everyday doctor. 50-something, big Cadillac, in fairly good health. Kids were in college, his clinic was doing great. Life was good. At least, until the world was turned upside-down. Suddenly his office was overrun with clamoring, frantic, dying masses. All he could do was give them painkillers to ease their way into the next life...but then they started coming back. Eventually he'd had no choice but to grab what supplies he could and leave behind everything he had called home. His family was most likely dead, he'd barely escaped with his life when highwaymen attacked, and his car had been stolen with everything but the clothes on his back. Well, at least it couldn't get worse, could it? ------------------ We also have a date for Session 1! We're kicking off on Saturday, October 8th at 7:00 PM Eastern (6:00 Central, 5:00 Mountain, 4:00 Pacific) in SWZombies. It also looks like Saturdays and Sundays from here on out work wonderfully (There's also Tuesdays, but EoD usually takes place then). Spectators are welcome! Now, back to planning session 1.
  5. Wow, that was fast. Okay, since we've currently got 6 (and I like the current spread of characters), I'm closing submissions. Mainly because the characters thusfar have all been pretty good, and I'd have a tough time turning them down, and before you know it I'm trying to schedule 14 different players. I'll reveal the characters and the date of the first session once a few last things have been ironed out.
  6. Originally Posted By: Excalibur I've been to Lund. There's little there besides an extremely nice K-12 school (all carpet, which I slept on). Interesting destination in a zombie apocalypse. Heh. That makes one of us. I'll probably wind up taking a bit of license with what's in the town, but if there's any useful tidbits you might have about Lund, feel free to PM me about it. On another note, I have two characters submitted thusfar. Just three more till we have enough to form a party!
  7. (Disclaimer: It's not actually personal. I just couldn't think of a good title) Well, I think there's enough interest to run this, and Lazarus still hasn't said anything about his campaign, so... Originally Posted By: THE INTRO It hit without warning. One day, everything was normal; the next, everything fell apart. The dead spontaneously started to rise, hungering after the flesh of the living, and did so in numbers that were overwhelming. Major cities were overrun within a week; by the end of the month, civilization had all but collapsed. Cities became abandoned deathtraps, filled with roaming zombies. Small towns that had fared better against the undead threat were plundered by bands of roaming thugs, committing atrocities in the name of staying alive. Large groups of evacuees were soon worn down into small bands of survivors, scavenging what was left in order to survive. And those who had gone underground were being forced to emerge as supplies ran dry. You were one of the less fortunate, counted amongst the rare lone travelers who were forced out of hiding. Driven by hunger and a lack of supplies, you traveled on a lonely Nevada highway towards the town of Lund. You hoped to find food and a safe place to stay for a while before moving on. Unfortunately, fate had something different in mind... If it sounds kinda familiar, it is: It's the same basic premise and rules as Zombies!. Your characters have been holed up somewhere safe for the past few weeks, riding out the worst part of the zombie plague, and haven't acquired a lot of skills for surviving yet. Character background is up to you, as it was in Zombies!, and you have the same long-term goal of survival. However, I also want to run it so it's a bit more open-ended as to what the party's other goals are; do you want to just find a safe place to settle down and ride out the plague, search for a cure or reason behind the plague, or do you have your sights on a loftier objective? Characters start at L1 with limited supplies and inventory. And a word of warning; I fully intend this campaign to be difficult. Food and supplies will be hard to come by, zombies will be plentiful, and player character death WILL be a real possibility. Additionally, this is effectively happening in an alternate continuity to Lazarus's campaign, so things that exist or have happened in his campaign do not necessarily apply here (and vice versa). The core rules can be found here. There are a few new rule changes (mostly rule additions), which are listed below; while not a necessary read, it might be a good idea to at least skim them to get an idea of what's changed. Be on your guard, though; while most of the information in the core rules about zombies is accurate, you may be in for a few nasty surprises down the road. There's also a few new feats (listed below in spoiler). Click to reveal.. (Rule Changes and Additions) Shotgun Damage Shotguns are mostly the same. The only change is that a blast from a shotgun is now counted as a Burst, which doubles Piercing DR against it and also allows its damage to transfer (more on that below). Vehicle Rules Vehicles each have two health values. Chassis HP determines overall structural integrity; if it hits 0, the vehicle becomes totaled. Unless you come across a working auto-mechanics shop and have high engineering, the chassis cannot be repaired. However, the chassis is only damaged via collisions, crashes, explosions, or heavy weapons fire. Engine HP determines the health of the vehicle's working components; if it drops below 25%, the car becomes prone to stalling, may have leaks or other issues, and may need repair. At 0, an important part gives out, and will likely need replacing to drive again. For example, your average sedan has a Chassis and Engine HP of 15. Vehicles only take partial damage from most attacks; this is evaluated as their armor score, and mostly acts as a percentile DR. Most vehicles have an armor rating of 50%/Blast, meaning that they take half damage from all attacks not explosive. Smaller or more frail vehicles (such as motorcycles) may have a weaker armor rating, while heavily armored vehicles (such as tanks or armored cars) will have a stronger rating. Burst Fire Transference Burst-fire weapons can, if they do more damage than the target has HP, potentially hit others in the line of fire. Everyone in the line-of-fire rolls a save versus the attack roll; the lowest failing save is hit for half damage (full damage on fumble). If all pass, no additional damage is done. This can hit allies as well as enemies, so use caution when using an automatic weapon or shotgun when an ally is downrange. Attribute Bonus Cap Most skills get a bonus from their appropriate statistic. However, this bonus is now capped and can no longer exceed the level of the skill itself (so if you have 3 points in Observation, you can only get up to a +3 bonus from your perception). This is mostly to prevent someone with extremely high intelligence from outclassing someone who heavily invested in an INT skill. Spray and Pray Alteration Spray and Pray no longer does a flat 2DMG per bullet; it instead varies depending on the type of ammunition being used. Click to reveal.. (Feats (New ones in blue)) Authoritarian Prereq: Character creation only +4 to all conversation rolls when dealing with lawful characters -4 to all conversation rolls when dealing with unlawful characters Scoundrel Prereq: Character creation only +4 to all conversation rolls when dealing with unlawful characters -4 to all conversation rolls when dealing with lawful characters Compulsive Liar Prereq: Character creation only You lie ALL THE TIME. You'll lie about anything, for any reason, even if there doesn't seem to be any gain in it. These lies can have a tendency to pile up, growing more and more preposterous, yet you can say the most ridiculous thing with such a straight face that people still believe you. +5 Deception Can not use negotiation or intimidation. Also when you fail a deception check you tend to receive more serious negative consequences. Coward Prereq: Character creation only When in battle, half your attention is always on searching for threats and looking for the quickest way out of danger. You gain a +4 to reflex saves. However you're also more likely to turn and run, leading to a -2 to Will saves Bloodthirsty Prereq: Character creation only The violent urges that were once pent up inside you are beginning to come to the surface now that society has crumbled. Grants 1/day ability "Bloodlust" which grants +6 temporary hitpoints, +2 HIT. Lasts 2 + Lvl/2 turns Well Read Prereq: Character creation only You have read so many books throughout your life that you've become a veritable walking encyclopedia. Sometimes you surprise even yourself by recalling an obscure fact that you have no business knowing. Grants 1/day ability "Random factoid" which boosts your next INT skill check by +4. Gadgeteer Genius Prereq: Character creation only You've got an inherent talent when it comes to creating and modifying various devices. You gain a +4 bonus to engineering or gun knowledge checks when creating or modifying gadgets and weaponry, and the consequences of failure are reduced. Advanced Cover Prereq: Firearm Weapon Proficiency +2 AC from cover, even when firing a weapon. Ambidexterity Negates the usual -2 HIT penalty with your offhand Armed Academic Prereq: Int 6+, Gun Knowledge 6+ Despite lacking field experience, you've spent so much time reading about your weapon of choice that you feel you've been using it all your life. Grants proficiency with one weapon, as well as +2 HIT with that weapon. Does not stack with Weapon Specialization feat. Bull Rush Allows you to make a charging melee attack followed by a knockdown attempt. The distance you charged is added as a strength bonus to your knockdown roll. Dead Eye +2 HIT on called shots Fighter +2 to grapple checks +2 HIT in unarmed combat Foolhardy +2 to will saves +4 Intimidation when you are at an obvious disadvantage Leadership Prereq: Speechcraft 8+ Your skill with words has a direct impact on the morale of those around you. You gain the 'Inspiring Speech' ability: Once per day, can make a short speech to bolster the morale of allies; this provides a +2 bonus to actions and defenses for 1 hour. No-scope -2 HIT with scoped weapons in close range (Instead of usual -4) Parry When in defensive stance, allows you to counter attack after making a successful block. Can only counter once per round, and only with melee weapons Power Attack Grants ability "Power Attack," allowing you to sacrifice up to -5 HIT for up to +5 CRIT on your next melee attack Counts as a full round action Pro Throwing +2 HIT with thrown weapons. +1 Thrown weapon damage. Quick Draw Switching weapons in combat is now a move action rather than a combat action. Also, whenever a standoff turns to violence you receive a preemptive strike before normal combat begins Scavenger Can choose to re-roll any search check made when searching for loot Sleight of Hand Reloading is now a non combat action. You do not need to pass a dexterity check to reload on the run. Reloads that were full round actions are now move actions. Spray and Pray Grants 1/day ability "Rapid Fire" which fires off an entire clip of ammunition in a cone shaped pattern in a direction chosen by the character. Attack roll determines how many bullets find their mark. Each bullet deals 2-5 DMG, depending on the ammunition being used. Damage is shared amongst all characters caught in the line of fire. Reflex save for half Requires: Automatic Weapon. Counts as a full round action Steady Hands Prereq: First Aid 5+ You've become more comfortable performing surgery. Although you can't always help your patient, at the very least you no longer can slip up and cause harm Failed first aid rolls do not deal damage. Weapon Proficiency (Melee) No -4 HIT penalty when using melee weapons Weapon Proficiency (Small arms) No -4 HIT penalty when using pistols and submachine guns Weapon Proficiency (Rifles) No -4 HIT penalty when using rifles and sniper rifles Weapon Proficiency (Automatics) No -4 HIT penalty when using assault rifles and machine guns Weapon Proficiency (Shotguns) No -4 HIT penalty when using shotguns Weapon Proficiency (Launchers) No -4 HIT penalty when using grenade and missile launchers Weapon Proficiency (Bows) No -4 HIT penalty when using bows or crossbows Weapon Specialization +2 HIT with weapon of choice (such as baseball bat, revolver, etc.) Must already by proficient with that weapon Feat can be taken multiple times with different weapons. Does not stack. I'm also open to any ideas you guys have about new feats, weapons, zombies, so forth, so if you've got a good idea, PM it to me. You just might see it used! (Sidenote: I will have to make sure it doesn't disrupt game balance too badly, and may have to adjust an idea so it balances with the game. But the worst I can do is say no, so don't let that discourage you.) So, if you're interested, submit a character (with backstory) via PM (again, Core Rules are found here), along with what days and times are good for you. Characters from Laz's zombie campaign are welcome, as are new characters.
  8. Torment all the way. Actually, I'll usually start with an initial play of normal, but that usually doesn't go farther than the demo section before I start over with a torment party. Save for Avernum 3, which was my first SW game, all of my completed SW games have been beaten on Torment.
  9. Yeah, same base rules. I may add a few new feats to select from, but other than that, I'm leaving the main rules alone.
  10. It looks like he can. Normally, I wouldn't suggest this, since I don't like stepping on someone's toes, but seeing as we've gotten absolutely no response from Lazarus of any kind in nearly the last four weeks, I have a proposal. If people are still interested in Zombies!, I could very well run my own campaign. I've been thinking about running a campaign of something for a while now. Players in this campaign would be eligible, as would new players. Odds are, I'd put it in a separate continuity from Lazarus's campaign (so I could add my own twists onto it), and it'd also be more difficult as well (I've been wanting to run something with greater difficulty, and a Zombie Apocalypse seems the perfect setting to do it in). Thoughts?
  11. Tomorrow (Tuesday, timezone troubles tolerating), temeritous 'Tira tries to take the troublesome timesword. Be there!
  12. Originally Posted By: Randomizer Originally Posted By: Flame Blade Originally Posted By: Harehunter What a re-bolting development that was! Oh god, not again... You could just bolt from this topic. I can't imagine why he'd have a quarrel with puns, though.
  13. Originally Posted By: Flame Fiend No, I'm saying that a bow and a tower would lose against a sword and armor because the guy in the tower only has a bow. A bow. As in no arrows. Did you really think I meant stabbing the guy with and arrow? I don't blame you. Oh bravo. You have successfully mastered the technicality. You must be so proud of yourself. After all, it's not like an archer would think to bring arrows with him to use with his bow.
  14. Economic Left/Right: -6.38 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.10 So I'm like Gandhi. Huh.
  15. Originally Posted By: Flame Fiend It makes sense to me that the bow&arrow is much weaker than a melee weapon. Mostly because slashing someone's head off is much more effective than shooting them with an arrow from a distance. ...What. While what you're saying is technically true, your comparison is horribly flawed. It's like saying missile weapons should be far more powerful than a melee weapon because shooting someone in the head is much more effective than stabbing them in the foot. It's technically correct, but the comparison itself is wrong (or, at least, non-informative and irrelevant). Personally, I always found bows to be rather powerful, both in the original trilogy and in the second trilogy. Physical damage at range hurts. But that's just my play style, and others may find melee weapons more effective with their play style.
  16. In addition to his experience, I'm also posting inventory (which had changes) and his recipe book (which has new additions thanks to those 8 shiny new skill points). The potions in red have not been approved (which is most of them). Click to reveal.. (AMADAN RAYTON, XP-106) AMADAN RAYTON Pragmatic Male Human Alchemical Hunter of Liea HEALTH: 21/21 STAMINA: 10/10 SKILL POINTS: 01/106 Missile (Archery): 7 (28) Magic (Transmutation): 6 (21) Alchemy: 5 (15) Perception: 4+1 (10) Stealth: 3+1 (6) Acrobatics: 3 (6) Arcana: 3 (6) Nature: 3 (6) Melee (Knives): 2 (3) Artifice: 2 (3) Athletics: 1 (1) Click to reveal.. (INVENTORY) WEALTH - 6 Gold, 11 Silvers, 17 Coppers (TOTAL – 7.27) EQUIPPED/WORN Ricochet Bow – A magical bow etched with transmutational runes. Provides a flat +1 accuracy bonus. Upon missing, a second d20 is rolled; a roll above a 15 ricochets towards the nearest logical foe with the amount above 15 added to-hit. A roll below 6 ricochets towards the nearest logical ally with the amount below 6 added to-hit. Anything between misses as normal. Quiver – A standard quiver for holding arrows. ____10x Wood Arrows – Standard, cheap arrows that can be whittled from long sticks. ____0x Iron Arrows – Well-crafted iron-tipped arrows. +1 Bonus when firing, less likely to break. ____10x Steel Arrows – High-quality steel-tipped arrows. +2 Bonus when firing, less likely to break. Athame – A small athame, typically used for utility or alchemical purposes. In a pinch, it can also be used to poke holes in an enemy. Fancy Clothing – Respectable dark green clothing, fitted so it goes over Amadan's body armor. Leather Armor (+1ARM)– Bog-standard leather armor. Relatively light-weight, quiet, and good for protecting those squishy vital organs. Buckler (+1DEF) – Your typical buckler with a wrist strap. Used to help deflect attacks without weighing the wielder down. Prosthetic Gauntlet – A gauntlet that replaces Amadan's missing right middle finger, enabling him to fire a bow right-handed; a series of wires connected to the right ring finger enable him to bend the artificial middle finger to a limited extent via bending his ring finger. Leather Boots – An important feature of any rugged ensemble. Pendent of Liea – A holy symbol of Liea. Has no powers, but identifies the person as a follower of Liea. Pack – An adventurer would be nothing without his or her trusty pack. PACK Alchemy Kit – A small kit with all the essentials to perform alchemy. It also has a small pouch for reagents. ____1x Empty Vials – Necessary for holding potions or more dangerous (or messy) reagents ____1x Air Reagents - Alchemical reagents, embodying motion and creativity. Usually consists of an animal's sensory organs or meteorites. ____1x Earth Reagents - Alchemical reagents, embodying stability and protection. Usually consists of animal bones and crystalline materials. ____1x Fire Reagents - Alchemical reagents, embodying destruction and change. Usually consists of caustic substances and animals' natural defenses (claws, teeth, venom). ____1x Water Reagents - Alchemical reagents, embodying persistence and restoration. Usually consists of fossils and animals' vital organs. ____Amadan's Recipe Book – A book of alchemical recipes. Has blank pages for storing new recipes learned in his travels. Hawkeye Brew – Improves eyesight for 30 minutes, providing +3 perception and +1 Missile Weapons. Kath Inhibitor – A smoky-clear inhibitor that boosts the imbiber's resistance to poisons and toxins, and reduces their effects for 2 hours. Healing Tonic – Restores 6 HP. Paralytic – A slimy violet poison that causes the muscles of the victim to freeze up, causing either penalties to-act or outright paralysis for a short time. Primal Philter – Shuts down higher thought processes and taps into primal instincts. Heavily boosts unarmed combat and provides small bonuses to other mundane combat. Heavily penalizes anything requiring considerable thought or focus (such as magic, composure, etc). 4x Jerky – Portions of dried meat. The tastier alternative to hardtack. 2x Waterskins – Bags capable of holding two days of (preferably potable) water each. 25ft. Rope – A rope of 25 feet. Useful for chasm crossing, cliff climbing, or cattle catching. Dragonfly Signet – It's a signet of a dragonfly! Used to identify oneself as a servant of Lady Arielle, but keep out of sight at all other times. Dark Cotton Pants and Undershirt - Motians generally frown upon undressed people in public, especially if they're mammals. Click to reveal.. (ALCHEMICAL RECIPES) PRIMARY RECIPES (1 REAGENT) Healing Tonic (Water) – Heals 6 HP when drunk. Hawkeye Brew (Air) – A lightweight and simple brew that temporarily improves one's eyesight, providing a +3 Perception and an ancillary +1 Missile Weapons for 30 minutes. Alchemical Fire (Fire) – Catches fire when exposed to air. Stamina Potion (Earth) – Recovers 3 STM. Aerolyzer (Air) – A clear liquid that, when mixed with a potion, poison, or other liquid, renders it aerosol. This reduces its potency, but enables the effect to be spread across a moderate area-of-effect. Note that this does not work on all potions (and is just a generally bad idea with others). SECONDARY RECIPES (2 REAGENTS) Kath Inhibitor (Earth + Fire) – The smoky-clear Kath Inhibitor is a simple and effective counter to poisons; it provides a moderate boost to saves versus most poisons and toxins, and reduces the effects of any poisons that get through in its duration. Note that exotic or extremely potent poisons or toxins may be unaffected. The inhibitor lasts roughly 2 hours, but receiving heavy doses of poisons may reduce its duration. Potion of Defensive Insight (Air + Earth) - This thin grey brew enhances the imbiber's self-preservation instincts and reflexes, providing a +2 bonus to physical/magical defenses and saves. While active, if the imbiber takes a hit that would knock him to-or-below 0 HP, this potion enables the character to partially avoid the hit, stabilizing at 1 HP. This also terminates the potion's effects. Side-effects include mild paranoia and a sense of impending doom. Paralytic (Air + Fire) - This slimy violet poison causes the victim's muscles to freeze up, forcing a save. If the victim passes, it takes a penalty to-act for a short time. If the victim fails, they're paralyzed for a few rounds. Can be imbibed or absorbed through an open wound. Bloodlet Toxin (Fire + Water) - This poison acts as an anticoagulant, causing even minor wounds to bleed profusely. Those affected by this poison take more damage from any attack or harm that draws blood until the toxin is purged. Primal Philter (Earth + Fire) – This red translucent potion shuts down the higher functions of the mind and taps into the imbiber's primal instincts; the drinker gains large bonuses to fighting unarmed or with natural weapons (teeth, claws, breath) and small bonuses to all other forms of mundane combat. However, until the potion wears off, spellcasting, complex combat techniques, composure, and anything beyond basic knowledge all take heavy penalties. The effects last 30 minutes. TERTIARY POTIONS (3 REAGENTS) Sunder Mist (Air + Fire + Water) – This potent brown potion turns into mist on contact with air, eroding and sundering most woods and metals within a 6-space radius of where the potion was opened (or thrown). Magical items and objects are immune to the mist's effects. Explosive (Air + Earth + Fire) - A thick greasy paste that explodes when struck violently, producing little heat but immense concussive force. Aural Ether (Air + Earth + Water) – This potion brings the drinker in tune with the magical world. They can more easily spot the presence of magic, and can detect and identify the magical auras of items, enchanted areas, and creatures for the time the potion is in effect. Lasts roughly 30 minutes. Syrup of Stickiness (Earth + Fire + Water) – This sticky syrup can either be ingested or applied to objects. When ingested, it causes the imbiber to become incredibly sticky, enabling them to keep a far stronger hold on objects and creatures, and improve their ability at climbing, keeping one's balance, or any feat in which stickiness might be helpful for roughly 1 hour. When applied to an object, it causes that object to stick with incredible force to the next person who touches it. The drawbacks should be obvious, and may the gods have mercy if this is combined with an Aerolyzer. Wardwater (Earth + Fire + Water) – When drunk, protects the imbiber from magic. It provides defensive and save bonuses versus magical attacks, spells, and auras. It also provides damage and effect resistance versus instant-hit spells (such as curses, scrying, and some attack spells). Can last up to 1 hour, but the more magic it deflects, the shorter its duration becomes.
  17. Thursday works. As does every other day this week other than Tuesday.
  18. Just as a friendly reminder, We're one week out from AtCT Session 2.
  19. I haven't been very active in the Blades community as of late, but I'm available for tonight or tomorrow. I'm also available pretty much any time in the evening on any day of the week.
  20. Out of curiosity, are we still AIMing for Thursday (pun intended)? If so, as a heads-up, I may need a sub for the first half of the session, due to a complete and utter scheduling failure on my part.
  21. Nioca

    Island in Chaos

    Heh. That session had what I personally thought was one of my better lines. Originally Posted By: Ak-Deevt "Okay, I'm sorry, but not as sorry as I thought I'd be. But still rather sorry, none the same."
  22. I'll be ready like a napping guy who set his alarm clock for 4PM but woke up early through sheer force of hating/fearing that alarm.
  23. Just a reminder, the session might be happening tomorrow. I say "might be" because Sylae and Dantius still haven't posted regarding their availability, and Lazarus still hasn't said for certain that it's actually happening, so... anyone's guess, really.
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