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Everything posted by Nioca

  1. I sent my list in. Plus some shopping to attend to, should the opportunity present itself. That said: Kurex, unless there's something behind the scenes going on that I'm unaware of, there is no way you are currently at full HP/STM. I've got Kurex at 10HP/1STM. And Ephesos outright said that we weren't gaining any HP back from leveling (as in current HP. Max HP is obviously going up, we just aren't getting any healing for it this time around). (Also, Josun, I've got you at 0HP/1STM, but that may not be entirely accurate. The ending got a bit hectic.)
  2. LEVELS! Okay, just the one. Click to reveal.. (Mal Travers, the L6 Lacewing Wannabe Hero) Mal Travers Race: Lacewing Occupation: Aspiring Hero Alignment: Optimistic Naive Deity: Phol-Phoram ATTRIBUTES Level - 6 Skill Points - 01/72 Strength - 6 Dexterity - 6 (+1) Intelligence - 3 Health -17/45 (+6) Stamina - 05/10 Speed - 5/5 SKILLS Martial (Swords) - 8 (+1) (36 XP) History - 4 (6 XP + RB) Thievery - 4 (+1) (6 XP + RB) First Aid - 4 (10 XP) Perception - 4 (10 XP) Nature - 2 (3 XP) TRAITS Heroic Valor (Perk) - Mal's drive to do good has resulted in him developing an iron will in the face of danger. Whenever he's reduced to 0 HP, instead of going unconscious immediately, he gets a 1 round grace period, capable of performing any action he could while healthy. Mal can choose to extend this grace period additional rounds, but this results in his stamina bleeding out twice as fast as it normally would, and any additional damage he takes will wind up damaging his stamina instead. This only works once-per-encounter. Misty Escape (Perk | 0/3) - As an immediate action, turn into an insubstantial mist for one round and take 5 damage. This mitigates damage you've just taken. Usable up to X times, where X is half your level. BATTLE TECHNIQUES Click to reveal.. Wings of Fury (1 STM) - Mal leaps and takes wing, either flinging himself upward and attacking a low-altitude foe or hurtling over obstacles (or creatures) and slashing at a chosen enemy. After the maneuver, Mal's defense is reduced for one round while he recovers his footing. Depending on the distance involved, the technique may require more than 1 stamina to perform. Blitz Barrage (1 STM) - Unleashes a devastating and lightning-quick barrage of blows onto a target, doing elevated damage and either penalizing or outright stunning the victim for 1 round. Impregnable Barrier (1 STM) - Once per encounter, can designate a foe as blocked. For the rest of that encounter, Mal will keep his shield positioned between himself and the designated foe, providing defensive bonuses and minor damage reduction against that particular enemy, at the cost of a minor defensive penalty and inability to use the shield against other enemies. This technique is nullified if Mal engages the designated enemy, and requires a shield to perform. That said, I really do hope we get an opportunity to identify stuff, resupply, and generally get a good night's rest. Because I seriously doubt this party has good odds of survival if we hit anything more than a minor encounter. And at any rate, we can't just haul around bulging packs of unidentified stuff. And if we do get that opportunity, I recommend it's done between sessions, rather than taking up most of session 5. But that's just my two cents.
  3. This Saturday... it's a bit sudden, but doable. Next Saturday's out of the picture; I've got plans that day. I'll get my level-up in... later.
  4. Any word on Mistb0rn's new character yet? Also, that games sounds great.
  5. Eh. Tried it once. Spent about two hours fine-tuning the initial team (got bored halfway through that), loaded it up, found out that all of the skills I chose were wrong, couldn't seem to do much of... anything, really, couldn't figure out the controls... etc. Not to mention the fact it took half-an-hour just to generate a map. And I have loads of free time. So, if you've got limited time and even more limited patience, Dwarf Fortress is not the way to go.
  6. Ah, I hit this once. In the main game preferences, make sure animations are on (bit of a no-brainer) and the game speed is not set to fast (having it set to fast will automatically turn off terrain animations to boost performance).
  7. I think there will be some discussion on it when Ephesos either releases the log or reveals the new characters, but for now, we're keeping it secret to build suspense.
  8. Because it is. And because it helps keep the page length down and make the tables on the bottom fit properly.
  9. Right here. You also might want to spectate some of the on-going campaigns to see the system in action. Anyway, I'm very interested in how this turns out. But I'm curious; is the skill system going to change at all to reflect the change in setting? That said, I may not be playing, simply because I've been in over half of the campaigns thusfar. Let someone else have that sixth slot.
  10. Click to reveal.. (Extra spoilery spoilers) Party member(s) died. It was Kurex's fault. Also, the explosion did 60 damage all total.
  11. 30 minutes. Here's a redirect: Code: aim:GoChat?RoomName=spidwebRP
  12. Okay, so I've got some bad news. Michigan's currently under siege by some rather nasty windstorms, intense enough to cause power outages. I've already lost power once, and have had the occasional surge. Now, the storms should fully debate abate by tomorrow afternoon, but I figured I should... *watches lights flicker and monitor dim* ...should give you a heads-up.
  13. That was close. Really, really close. I wasn't expecting to have to fall back on my perk this early in the campaign. But then again, it's a good thing I had it. It was kind of exciting, really. Never had a fight go that close to the wire before.
  14. Nioca


    If I recall right, they only cancel out if they're the same kind of atom/particle. So antihydrogen and helium wouldn't react, but antihydrogen and hydrogen would.
  15. 1. None. 2. A petition to make BoA open-source, followed by reprogramming the BoA Game itself to include such functionality. First off, an item can only have four abilities; from my observations, just creating an item in the ballpark of what you want would require at least 7 different abilities working in tandem. Second off, there's nothing that allows #2 to work at all. The closest is an ability that causes melee attacks to rebound on the attackers, but it only does partial damage and only reflects melee attacks. Third, there's no way to put a script ability on an item that would activate on a hit; the only way for a script to activate on an item is as a usable ability. Furthermore, you wouldn't be able to take the item out of the scenario you got it in, since items with scripts attached are automatically deleted when the scenario is exited. Fourth, even if all of the above were non-issues, several creatures (such as bosses) in various scenarios have special scripts and attacks that'd likely bypass the robe's scripted abilities. So you'd effectively wind up with a robe that did next-to-nothing against the monster mercilessly eviscerating the poor possessor of the robe. Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but that's how it is. The best you can do is have a character with high ranks in riposte and a robe that has a very strong Melee Deflect ability. Sorry.
  16. Simple. First, you have to demonstrate an interest and drive to study fish. Then... Oh, wait. Basically, Jeff sends out a public tester's request sometime when the game is close to completion. You just sign up then, and if you're lucky, you're chosen to be a beta tester. EDIT: Sniped, and by someone more informative, too.
  17. Erm... I already did fill it out. Also, why are you filling out your own calendar?
  18. Huh. Transportation trouble seems to be a common theme. I may be a half-hour to an hour late. False alarm, I'll be on time. All thanks to a car security system that's so effective, it ensures that no one can drive off with it. Including the owner. *headdesk*
  19. Looks good. I'm wondering though; can everyone who's viewing the spreadsheet edit it, or is it just the "collaborators"? However, I'm still wondering where those letters from Gotay are. [/nag]
  20. Okay, just a heads up, but I might have trouble making it this Saturday. Something's come up, so I may wind up running late.
  21. Indeed. It's crazy; one session falling through, that's one thing, but two in a row? Wow.
  22. Heh. Also, ow. I just calculated Mal's dice. He was rolling an average of 8.2 that session with 57% of his rolls being a 6 or less. 3 fumbles mean he was fumbling 14% of the time, and he only got 1 crit (which actually is normal). Next time, I'm playing with my normal account. I think the catoberto account is jinxed.
  23. We've actually got everyone, but if there's any other spectators out there, use this url to get to the room: Code: aim:GoChat?RoomName=spidwebRP 17 minutes to go!
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