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Everything posted by Nioca

  1. Ding! Click to reveal.. (Johnathon Dark, Level III) JOHNATHON DARK Occupation: Pilot Temperament: Hotshot Rank: Ensign Attributes STR - 3 (9/9 Stamina) DEX - 4 (14% Dodge) CRD - 1 (3 Speed) INT - 4 END - 3 (19/19 HP) Skill Points: 0/40 Skills Pilot - 5 Turret (Atom Blaster) - 3 Melee Weapon (Nuclear Blade) - 3 Knowledge (Spacecraft) - 2 Perception - 2 (+1) Diplomacy - 1 Computers - 1 Bluff - 1 (+1) Handheld Weapon (Stun Pistol) - 2 (+2) Armor - 1 I figured I might as well put some points into using a Stun Pistol. Since, otherwise, with a whopping 1 CRD, I'd be lucky to hit the broadside of a barn.
  2. Anu. Crbcyr zvtug guvax vg'f tvoorevfu. Ubjrire, V qvq whfg svther bhg ubj gb ercerfrag sbervta be nyvra ynathntrf va NVZUnpx. Gunaxf sbe gung! Cebonoyl jbhyqa'g or EBG13, gubhtu. Bgurejvfr, lbh pbhyq whfg qrpbqr vg gb svther bhg jung bguref ner fnlvat. Ohg fgvyy, vg znxrf n cnffnoyl pbaivapvat yvar bs qvnybthr sbe n frffvba. Click to reveal.. Nah. People might think it's gibberish. However, I did just figure out how to represent foreign or alien languages in AIMHack. Thanks for that! Probably wouldn't be ROT13, though. Otherwise, you could just decode it to figure out what others are saying. But still, it makes a passably convincing line of dialogue for a session.
  3. -... . -.-. .- ..- ... . - .... .- - .-- --- ..- .-.. -.. -... . .- .-. --- -.-- .- .-.. -- . ... ... .-.-.- -. --- - . ...- . .-. -.-- --- -. . -.- -. --- .-- ... -- --- .-. ... . .-.-.-
  4. Skills was posted earlier in the thread. Background would go up on the Roster, which I haven't updated yet.
  5. .- ...- . .-. -.-- -... .- ... .. -.-. ..- -. -.. . .-. ... - .- -. -.. .. -. --. --..-- .. ..- ... . -.. .- -. --- -. .-.. .. -. . -.-. --- -. ...- . .-. - . .-. ..-. --- .-. .- -.-. -.-. ..- .-. .- -.-. -.-- .-.-.- .- -. -.. -.-- . ... --..-- - .... . .-. . .-- .. .-.. .-.. -... . -- --- .-. ... . -.-. --- -.. . .--. ..- --.. --.. .-.. . ... .-.-.- -.-- --- ..- -- ..- ... - - .- .--. --- ..- - -- --- .-. ... . -.-. --- -.. . - --- .- ... . -. - .. . -. - -.. --- --- .-. .-.-.- .-- .. - .... .- .... . .-. .-. .. -. --.
  6. ... .- -. -.-- .-- .- -.-- --..-- - .... . .-.. --- --. ..-. --- .-. ... . ... ... .. --- -. -. .. -. . .. ... -. --- .-- ..- .--. .-.-.- .. - .. ... - .... . ... .... --- .-. - . ... - --- -. . -.-- . - --- .-. -- .- -.-- -... . .. .... .- ...- . .--- ..- ... - --. --- - - . -. -- --- .-. . . ..-. ..-. .. -.-. .. . -. - .. -. .... .- -. -.. .-.. .. -. --. .-. - ..-. ... .-.-.- -- . .... --..-- . .. - .... . .-. .-- .- -.-- .-.-.- .- .-.. ... --- --..-- - .-. .. ..- -- .--. .... .. ... -. --- .-- .. -. ..-. --- .-. .... .- .-. --- ... .... .-.-.- -- .- -. -.-- - .... .- -. -.- ... - --- - .-. .. ..- -- .--. .... ..-. --- .-. ..-. .. .-.. .-.. .. -. --. .. -. ..-. --- .-. - .... .. ... --. .-. . .- - -.-. .... .- .-. .- -.-. - . .-. --..-- .- -. -.. .. .-- .. ... .... .... .. -- .-.. ..- -.-. -.- .-.-.- --- .... --..-- .- -. . -..- - .-. .- -... .. - --- ..-. --. --- --- -.. -. . .-- ... .-.-.- .. - .... .. -. -.- .. .... .- ...- . ..-. .. -. .- .-.. .-.. -.-- --. --- - .- .-.. .-.. - .... . -.. .- -- .- --. . ..-. .-. --- -- - .... . .-- --- .-. -.. .--. .- -.. .. -. -.-. .. -.. . -. - ... --- .-. - . -.. --- ..- - .-.-.- ... --- --..-- .- ..-. - . .-. - .... . -. . -..- - ... . ... ... .. --- -. --..-- .-.. --- --- -.- ..-. --- .-. .- ... .. - . ..- .--. -.. .- - . --..-- -.-. --- -- .--. .-.. . - . .-- .. - .... ..- .--. -.. .- - . -.. .. -. ...- . -. - --- .-. .. . ... .- -. -.. .-. . -- . -- -... . .-. --..-- - .... . -. . -..- - ... . ... ... .. --- -. .. ... - .... .. ... - ..- . ... -.. .- -.-- .-.-.- ... . . -.-- --- ..- - .... . .-. . .-- .... -.-- - .... . -- --- .-. ... . -.-. --- -.. . ..--.. -... . -.-. .- ..- ... . .. .... .- ...- . -. .----. - ... .-.. . .--. - ... .. -. -.-. . -.-- . ... - . .-. -.. .- -.-- .- -. -.. .- -- .-- .- -.-- - --- --- .... --- .--. .--. . -.. ..- .--. --- -. -.-. .- ..-. ..-. . .. -. . - --- .-. . .- .-.. .. --.. . .-- .... .- - .- .... --- .-. .-. .. -... .-.. . .. -.. . .- .. - .. ... .-.-.- Click to reveal.. Anyway, the log for session nine is now up. It is the shortest one yet! Or maybe I have just gotten more efficient in handling RTFs. Meh, either way. Also, Triumph is now in for Harosh. Many thanks to Triumph for filling in for this great character, and I wish him luck. Oh, an extra bit of good news. I think I have finally got all the damage from the Wordpad incident sorted out. So, after the next session, look for a site update, complete with updated inventories! And remember, the next session is THIS TUESDAY. See you there! Why the morse code? Because I haven't slept since yesterday and am way too hopped up on caffeine to realize what a horrible idea it is.
  7. I can no longer use this, but shall nevertheless continue posting it. (46 minutes out)
  8. No engineer? Oh, we're screwed.
  9. Lyna Graile. An expert assassin in her early 40s, she's the one people go to when a high-level target needs to be forced into permanent retirement. Just over 6 feet, well-built, and in excellent shape, she generally prefers to strike from the shadows with a poisoned obsidian knife. However, she's fast and skilled with twin kattaris or her own fists, making her a force to be reckoned with in melee. She lacks any ability to cast spells... but her unnaturally bright venom-green eyes suggest that she's not entirely mundane, either. No idea on a theme song, though.
  10. "Faster, faster!" Lyna urged her horse. She was galloping full-pelt toward Windmill Village. From the outskirts, the village seemed deserted. She could easily guess why. The horse slowed to a trot as she entered the village. Lyna gracefully dismounted and tied the horse up to a nearby hitching post... No point carting that exhausted beast around, not that its best miles had just been ground out of it. It neighed nervously as Lyna set off toward the center of the village, her dark leather armor and cloak rendering her a silent shadow against the street. Only her venom-green eyes were visible... they seemed to have a light all their own. "You fools! Time of running is over! You've tried before, and failed! We'll settle this here, once and for all!" A pair of obsidian knives slid silently out of their concealed sheathes as the voice crashed over her. A fleeting thought crossed Lyna's mind... Just how appropriate were the Rider's words? Her eyes easily discerned the crowd fleeing from the tavern; taking refuge behind a tinker's shop, she watched as the Rider pursued his quarry, a young woman, to a shrine at the edge of town. "Alright..." Lyna breathed to herself. "Now what?" She knew directly engaging the thing was hopeless; she was strong, but the Rider was stronger. She needed to even the playing field... Somehow. "Wait, why am I worrying? I've hit impossible targets before... Archmages, rulers, adventurers... by comparison, the devil himself should be easy." Carefully taking the obsidian knives by the tips, Lyna continued to spy on the Rider. "Come out," the Rider called at the door of the shrine. Once again, his words were as clear as day, and she could just make out a drawn bow. "I might not dare enter a holy place, but my arrows care not of such obstructions." One knife, coated in Yarthin Powder... in theory, it'd be all over. But she had experience with those of supernatural predispositions before. She needed to make sure she didn't blow her advantage of surprise, especially considering that the being might very well just shrug off a poison knife to the back. But there were others... and those others might just hold the key to beating the monstrosity. No, she would bide her time... She was in no hurry. One of them had to go. And either way, it was going to end tonight. --- Click to reveal.. (OoC) Primarily an introduction. Not really in a position to take any real action just yet.
  11. Eh, the party actually did pretty well in those regards too. There were a couple of failures, but all-in-all, we tended to roll well when it mattered. Naturally, this situation is intolerable and will be corrected by the RNG next session. Also, something else. I downloaded the log, but the whole thing is in Times New Roman (i.e. not fixed-width). It makes the battle grids illegible. Plus, some of the symbols on the grid seem to have been corrupted. This MAY be on my end, but you may want to check the log to make sure it's not screwed up.
  12. I rolled a critical calendar fill-out, and look forward to the next session!
  13. You know, spamming like that is a good way to get yourself banned. - Steering back to RP talk, what I think the crucial aspect, the ultimate key to a successful RP, is to make sure that everyone is on the same wavelength. Make sure everyone knows what the idea is, as concisely and clearly as possible. If it isn't clear, there's going to be problems. The ultimate goal is for everyone to have fun and to make up a good (or at least fun) story. And if there's conflicts due to misunderstandings, fun will not be had. Furthermore, while Celtic Minstrel is right that some of the rules are obvious, I firmly believe that in the case of RPs, you NEED to state the obvious. Odds are pretty good that an RP will have at least 1 newcomer who's never done this before, so if the rule isn't in place, it can again lead to misunderstandings. But that's my two paragraph-long cents.
  14. Yeah, I'm still trying to fix up all the damage wordpad did to the inventory along with trying to get the log done. Plus the weather's been rather inclimate. Not that I'm in a hurry. The next available session date is Tuesday June 29th. I will have a log up by then.
  15. Erm... I think I'll have to pass, for a few reasons. 1) AIMHack is keeping me busy. 2) Never really cared for Anime OR LotR (the latter of which is partially because...) 3) It looks way too complicated. Admittedly, RPs tend to get complicated fast, but (IMO) the basic plot and rules shouldn't measure more than 2 page lengths. Halfway through the plot base, I started skimming. From past experience, the more complicated the starting premise, the faster the RP flatlines. 4) WAY too many rules that consist of how to 'properly' format. Seriously, the second I read "Pick a speech color", I thought What the hell? Don't forget, people have access to different forum themes, which means something that's legible on one theme is completely unreadable in another. In short, this isn't GitP. It's a video game forum, which means that the number of dedicated RPers around here is drastically lower than one dedicated to a Tabletop Roleplaying Game. So... yeah, sorry, I'm out. And, no offense, I honestly would be surprised if this actually got off the ground. Still, good luck with your efforts.
  16. I know I've never posted in the picture thread, but there was someone at the door this morning, and I thought I'd share the encounter. Meet: Wall frog On a related note, does anyone know what kind of frog this is?
  17. Wha...? That makes no sense... ... *segfault*
  18. It's sort of like Schmuck Bait, except that you're baiting other people to call you a schmuck. No offense, but you really were asking for it by including the option. Also, A3. Just for its massive, open environment. I couldn't really get into A2, honestly.
  19. True. I meant more that, if the past was any indication, he wasn't going to be using someone else's engine. That said, there's also indications that he's pretty deadset on the Geneforge engine. To wit: Exile 1-3 and BoE used the Exile Engine, for a total of 4 games. Nethergate and N:R, Avernums 1-3 and BoA used the Avernum Engine, for a total of 5 games. Geneforge 1-5, Avernums 4-6, and Avadon use some variation of the Geneforge engine. That's 9 games thusfar, the same as both previous engines combined. So... yeah. It seems he's sticking with the Geneforge engine for the time being.
  20. I guess he just... *sunglasses* couldn't face it. Anyway, steering back toward the original topic, I sincerely doubt Jeff will use any engine save his own. After all, he's been building his own engines since Exile I (which is 1990, sometime?), and if his article on his blog regarding this was any indication, he isn't too keen on changing it up.
  21. Okay, so the session has come to a close. There were no levels this time, but lots of plot. Logs and quotes to come within the next 3 days. But, onto more sobering news. Sadly, Ephesos has to leave, which leaves Harosh without a player. Now, he's kindly offered Harosh up to a willing player (though he warns that someone who accepts will likely get a moderate infodump landed on them). So if you're interested in player a pre-made character (sort of), give a shout! I'd rather not have to delegate him to the realm of a DMPC.
  22. 1 hour and 40 minutes to Brigandage!
  23. As do I, honestly. Not because I didn't have an NES, but because most of my NES-playing happened before the age of 7. Now, hit me with quotes from the SNES or N64, on the other hand, and I'd probably nail two or three of them.
  24. Calendared. Wait, calendared is a word? Huh. I guess AIMHack is fun AND educational!
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