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Everything posted by Nioca

  1. And now, for something completely different. With only three people showing up and questions regarding whether they'd actually be able to stay, we wound up doing an improv session. Rolled up new characters, and set loose into the dangerous world of my imagination. Everyone involved had fun, and I hope to do another one-shot some day. But the session was important for another reason. Ladies and gentlemen: That session had the FIRST PC FATALITY. Admittedly, it was a bit of a foregone conclusion... but you're still going to have to wait for the log to find out what happened. As for Brigandage, I really should have trusted my gut and just faced that fact I needed to wait. Not making the same mistake twice, the session will (hopefully) actually happen on July 31st, which is the only clear day on the calendar. The good news is that Eph ought to be back by then. Heck, in a way, he never missed a session! See you then. I'll hopefully have stuff moved to my freewebs account soon, since CalRef is STILL down.
  2. Speaking of which, the next Brigandage is in 2 hours 30 minutes. Be there as the party arrives at Ssareko Point! Unfortunately, CalRef's still down, so just copy-paste this into your address bar: Code: aim:GoChat?RoomName=spidwebRP
  3. It'll depend on how many people are present. Fact is, it may just be Iliau, Xuan, and Erika for this session.
  4. Remember, the session is TODAY! We're closing in on the finale!
  5. Well it's sorta hard to get an attack in when you've been viciously mauled by birds and dropped in a river. (And I think you landed a hit during the snake battle as well) Oh, I promised a fumble count, and here it is: 7 fumbles/83 rolls (8.4% fumble rate). So it was definitely elevated, but not as bad as it seemed in-session. Then again, this doesn't account for all the rolls under 5, either. Anyway, good session, and it felt nice to finally put all three magic schools to equal (and effective) use. The snake encounter rattled me a bit, but the others showed that having a 1-STR character was actually paying off.
  6. CalRef has been experiencing bandwidth issues, so the redirect is down. Instead, you can simply copy-paste this into your address bar: Code: aim:GoChat?RoomName=spidwebRP2 Or alternatively just sign on and Tullegolar will invite you in.
  7. CalRef has been experiencing bandwidth issues, so the redirect is down. Instead, you can simply copy-paste this into your address bar: Code: aim:GoChat?RoomName=spidwebRP Or alternatively just sign on and I'll invite you in. See you there!
  8. Gah. I'm sorry everyone, but between AIMHack, Trying to get a BoA scenario done for the contest, the local weather, and generic real life, I think I'll have to bow out and relegate Lyna to NPC-dom.
  9. Lucky bastard... *grumbles about only 3 of a 6 person party being able to show up for Brigandage is the best available* Cherish this, though. When ToI really gets awesome and hits its stride, you're going to have scheduling problems. Mark my words. It happened to Labyrinth, Blood Marsh, and now apparently Brigandage. So it's only a matter of time...
  10. Nioca

    Could be Worse

    Originally Posted By: The Ratt I like the idea behind it, people making themselves more exposed so they are more considerate, but many people like the internet just for the opposite reason. They like being able to satisfy their vices and torment others while feeling hidden and secure. The internet truly does expose some of the worst aspects of society. Arguably true, but that's not the real problem. The real problem, as outlined here, is that using real names would potentially be enough to cause the person real-life problems. And frankly, I don't see how that would work to curb the troll problem. Fake names, anyone? I know I've recently started giving out false information on sites that demand it, and I seriously doubt I'm alone. Not that many people know my real name, and the majority of them are here. What's to stop a troll from simply registering under a fake name?
  11. Remember, the next session of Dust Bowl is tomorrow!
  12. Originally Posted By: Tullegolar Going over my notes in preperation for our session this Friday the 9th (that was a reminder) I noticed I never asked what new skills the two players that were at the last session wanted for their levels! We got some good ones, too! Nalyd and Dantius, please choose. Also note your new titles! Outer Order Apprentice, Initiate of the Casting Circle, Darklord Overlord Spaki Njordvald of Ingenius Mastery of the Nega (Level 6): Raise Skeleton (summon an undead minion from the ground, no corpse necessary), Maggots (infest your foes with maggots), Slime Beast (summon a terrible creature that will bring slime upon your enemies) Outer Hidden Mage Circle, Junior Grand Undermaster, Darklord Overlord Antonius the Bland Bland of the Nega (Level 5): Familiar (a pet cat that is adept at scouting), Sulfur Golem (a more powerful and more potent smelling golem servant), Hex of Shielding (weave a long lasting protective spell around a single party member) You haven't heard from the Guild in a while now, you hope everything is going alright back on Earth. For now, you must press onward. Mount Forms and its Realmlords await you! I'll update character sheets on the site when the new abilities are all chosen. -Emperor Tullegolar
  13. Thanks Duck, we've got our date! July 11th is the date, 7:00 PM EDT is the time, spidwebRP is the place!
  14. ...Okay, Duck, need a vote from you on the calendar. Normally, I'd just work out the best date from the four votes I have... but thusfar, the best date is July 31st. And the rest of the calendar is... yeah, need that one last vote to help make the decision. Unless you guys all want a month-long hiatus.
  15. ...I'm really regretting keeping "Delicious Cake" and dropping "Assassination". *is straining brain, trying to figure out how to hell to fit a delicious cake into the plot without making it contrived* Seriously, I've got everything else figured out, save the Delicious Cake.
  16. Originally Posted By: Tullegolar It's about time for another session. Please mark your calendars for Friday, July 9th. I know there is another game happening that day, but I don't think there are any players that are playing both of them, let me know if there are. I'll post reminders leading up to that date. Hope to see you guys there! -Emperor Tullegolar
  17. ...Sorry, but there's been a change in plan. I just received an e-mail from my internet provider. They're going down for maintenance at 8:00 PM, meaning that a session is effectively out of the picture. I (and by extension, you) would have had greater advance notice if I checked my e-mail more often, but unfortunately, I just found out about this 10 minutes ago. So... Yeah. Unfortunately, instead of a session, it looks like you're just getting a calendar. I apologize for the inconvenience... hopefully, we can schedule the next session for a relatively recent date. The bright side is, the site (and by extension, the roster) will get updated before the next session, rather than after.
  18. Remember, the next session of Brigandage is TODAY, at 7:00 PM EDT (6:00 CDT). Be there for a great time!
  19. Not a problem. Welcome to the Spiderweb Software forums. Stick around... There's an up-and-coming scenario contest, which means there might be an influx of new scenarios.
  20. Ah. In that case, go to "Character Editor", select "Load Saved Game", select your party, and then select "Take Out of Scenario". Then hit "Save Changes", save the party, and then repeat the instructions in my previous post.
  21. Make sure you can see the party in that blank white space on the right hand side that says "Your Party". If you can't, it means the party isn't loaded, and you need to load it. Select "Load Saved Party", select the party you created, and then try to enter a scenario.
  22. Lyna watched the foolish woman follow the Rider. Apparently, the simpletons of this village were unaware of the proper protocol when it came to supernatural beings in demon masks; that is, to stay the hell away unless you know exactly what you're doing. However, she also saw a shimmer about her... a faintest trace of magic. Fool she might be, but she could prove useful. Drawing a kattari and carefully slipping across the distance between them, Lyna grabbed the unaware woman by the shoulder and yanked her into a nearby ally. "Are you insane?" She hissed, pushing the point of the kattari into the mage's stomach. "Or are you just that stupid?" ---------- Click to reveal.. (OoC) I (like to think I) am nice and do not intend to offend. Lyna... not nearly so much. Anyway, getting the ball rolling on contact between Susan and Lyna.
  23. It may or may not be a puzzle, but since we're entering the home stretch, difficulty is assured. Hang on, because it's going to be one hell of a ride.
  24. Make a scenario where the party has to rescue someone. The scenario will take place in caves. The party will spend most of the time fighting ogre mages. Three things will be important to the plot: profitable headbanging, a family secret, and a delicious cake. Man, this stuff practically writes itself.
  25. Originally Posted By: Sarachim, Almost a full month prior to last session Originally Posted By: Wall of Bounties, Aimus Post Office Wanted: Sirvi-Da. This elf is a dangerous illusionist and may not resemble the attached picture. Approach with extreme caution. Wanted dead only. Please be sure the body is really his. I just spotted this. Wow do I feel like an idiot now. I mean, I know I couldn't have acted on it IC, but still... He gave us a warning a month ahead of time this was coming. Devious, Sarachim. Devious.
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