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Everything posted by Nioca

  1. It's sort of amazing how close Amadan came to not leveling up again, ever. And that's why I'm boosting Strength. Click to reveal.. (Amadan Rayton) AMADAN RAYTON Click to reveal.. (Bio) Occupation: Alchemical Hunter Alignment: Kind Pragmatic Race: Human Homeland: Ona Deity: Liea, Goddess of Fire and Stone Age: 22 Attributes Strength - 3 Dexterity - 6 Intelligence - 4 HP - 14/15 (+3) Speed - 5 Stamina - 7/10 Skills Martial (Bows): 5 Magic (Transmutation): 2 Crafting (Alchemy): 2 Stealth: 2 Nature: 2 Perception: 2 Artifice: 1 Click to reveal.. (Inventory) Items Ricochet Bow (arrows ricochet back toward target on miss) Quiver Arrows (x9) Satchel Empty Vials (x2) Small Knife Mortar and Pestle Healing Potion Tattered Tent Small Shield Shortsword Unmarked Packet of Unidentified Herbs Ritual Candles Spellbook Fire Arrow (1S) - Wreathes an arrow in flame. 1 free cast/day. Spinneret Arrow - Transforms an arrow into a mass of sticky webbing on impact, entangling and bogging down the target. Loft - Makes an object lighter, like a poor-man's featherfall. Detrimentum - Disrupts the molecular structure of a target, damaging it.
  2. Additionally, Sss-Tkss and Alexander still have not leveled up yet. It might be a good idea to do that before the session begins.
  3. Meh, I prefer the character splitting in half and doing both.
  4. That could lead to some rather hilarious results with Gladwell or Nociduas. "Hey! What jerk just compelled my adventurer?!?" Actually, that brings up an interesting question. If a servant of Gladwell died, but was resurrected by Nociduas, and both compelled them to do something, what would happen? Would each half of the character meander off to complete each task?
  5. ... Oh crap, I'm screwed. (Then again, I almost won as Dionicio once. Heck, bringing Vahkohs to a stalemate after he killed off the rest of the playerbase, and also taking all three Darksiders down by your own hand has to count for something, right?)
  6. Originally Posted By: Sarachim Originally Posted By: Nioca Two points, here: 1) I did not start the Nociduas rumor, though I did help spread it around. Ooh, interesting. Who did? Excalibur, the Darkside Mage. Quote: Originally Posted By: Nioca Yeah, I did think you were the rogue mage. And no, I did not see that alliance coming. I'm starting to wonder if I just suck at this game. Nah, you just got a role that didn't match up well with your style. When that happens to me I lose pretty hard, like that time I was Vahkos. My style's starting to look a lot like "Play Machrone to Win".
  7. Originally Posted By: Sarachim Originally Posted By: Nioca In theory, the Brigand being enemies with everyone is sound. In practice, however, it means that the brigand is freakishly easy to kill, should someone take a swing on a mistaken impression. The only thing that kept me from getting killed on Day 2 was that w-dueck actually tried an ID. IMO, if the brigand is enemies with everyone, he should at least have a slightly better defense. This is fair, but not the whole story. You played in your usual high-visibility, high-risk style, even though it didn't suit your role well. You told several different stories to different people and just generally made it clear that you were making stuff up (like when you started the rumor that I was Nociduas). Sooner or later, somebody was bound to come after you. This style of play isn't wrong, but it's much better suited to roles that are strong on defense. The Pure Spirit and Anama Priest would both have been great here. In our faction, I played this role, because I could always flee as long as nobody ID'd me. Two points, here: 1) I did not start the Nociduas rumor, though I did help spread it around. 2) It was either me or the Anama Priest, and I doubt that it'd be wise to have the Priest going around doing that. But at any rate, I had to get information somehow. Without role IDs, I couldn't rob. Quote: Lastly, I was intensely amused to see that you were the Brigand. What did you think was going on? Did you know Sporefrog, RCCCL, and I were all working together? Did you think I was the Rogue Mage? Yeah, I did think you were the rogue mage. And no, I did not see that alliance coming. I'm starting to wonder if I just suck at this game.
  8. Oh, that reminds me: If I hadn't died, did I have enough in loot to win?
  9. To be fair, I didn't help in taking it upon myself to try and get recruits. Or by trying to recruit the Darkside Commander.
  10. In theory, the Brigand being enemies with everyone is sound. In practice, however, it means that the brigand is freakishly easy to kill, should someone take a swing on a mistaken impression. The only thing that kept me from getting killed on Day 2 was that w-dueck actually tried an ID. IMO, if the brigand is enemies with everyone, he should at least have a slightly better defense. Rogue Mage also needs to be toned down. While she wasn't in the game, she's an easy join for Gladwell, and it provides her with 8 skill. At that point, with the addition of nullifying defensive statuses, she could pretty much bulldoze anyone that got in her way. And of course, there's the robbery, which makes the brigand role redundant. Also, Gladwell learning the identity of those exploring his tower. While it makes sense, it also makes it so that he gets an edge on other factions, effectively starting with 2 servants. Alright, now thoughts on the game. Well, the Anama were pretty much screwed from the beginning, it seems. I was right about someone controlling the field from the sidelines, it seems I was just wrong about who. Also, nice to see I was right about Oliver. I think, most importantly, that people need to be active in this. Maybe it was just me, but it seemed like Jade was moving really slow in that first day (Sorry, Diki). Every time I tried to communicate with Surefire, it seemed he was offline. And it seemed Jasmine Rune and the rest of the Anama were on different schedules. I think it also would have turned out differently if Oliver had been active. Another thing is that jumping the gun and attacking people without confirming information is a strong recipe for failure (*cough*Xelgion*cough*). Good game, guys.
  11. Originally Posted By: Tullegolar If you want, Safey, I could write up a dramatic final battle between the Overlord and Learned Vess where they kill each other and level cities in the process. This would leave the peaceful President Fand to rule Terrestia, a happy ending, if you're into that sort of thing. Or I could PM you with other ideas, if you're interested. On the Avernum RP: I could have written up a stellar conclusion for that thing. First off, the Rakshashi were gone already, so they were no longer an issue. It would have ended with my Lady Calpurnia taking her rightful place as Empress of the Empire. Calpurnia the Exile, the only Imperial ruler ever to have been an Avernum resident herself at one point. She would have made Nioca's character as the High Priest of the new state religion, Dintiradan's character the new Arch-Mage of a more magic friendly Empire, and Nikki's character would have become her Prince-Consort and father to the new line of rulers. In Avernum, her son Edward would have become King Edward the Cruel of Avernum, and the old king would end up in Alec's Abyss, probably. Angelo would have been killed trying to negotiate with the Hunters, which would have sparked a massive war between them and the new Empire that would have eliminated them eventually. Damn, wish that thread wasn't gone. I would have loved to go into detail and make cool pictures to go along with some of those events. Alas. -Emperor Tullegolar
  12. Originally Posted By: Tullegolar I'm always disappointed to see an RP die, especially since it seems most people who are participating are still here. Spddn seems absent, so I don't see why the Doctors should be destroyed by him so easily. Especially since I was just about to reinforce them with some ur-serviles. Whatever other people's endings are, I will hold my territory. Once people have tasted representation, they rarely regress. The overlord does not have the people on his side, so he would fail eventually. I'd be up for continuing, but if people want to end it, my lands are off-limits, I'll have something ready soon enough as well. Hmm, this makes me want to bring back the old Avernum RP so I could write a conclusion to that. Did that get lost in a purging at some point? -Emperor Tullegolar
  13. Slight note here: There's currently nothing in the rules that prevents a mage from joining the anama.
  14. Question about Nocidaus: Let's say he revives the Darkside Commander or Mage. The DL would now have conflicting goals: All avernites must lose, BUT Nocidaus (an Avernite) must win. Which takes precedence? Or is the DL just screwed unless he can score a resurrection?
  15. (Gah) As for password, w-dueck trusted it. But it's really up to you. Personally, I preferred a downloaded client.
  16. You could always try KoolIM. It worked for w-dueck. Just make sure to log out of AIM Express first.
  17. Remember how I told you AIM Express sucks? It doesn't support chat.
  18. Well, first off, AIM Express sucks. And second off, AIM Express sucks. What's your username?
  19. Redirect, Redirect, Redirect to Mote.
  20. Nioca


    Wait, THAT'S what bumps you about PETA? Not the hypocritical treatment of animals and terrorist connections? Anyway, animal rescue groups, as you might expect, would be focused on animals. And frankly, there's probably a lot of animals in Haiti that need help right now, so there's nothing wrong with that. After all, humans aren't the only victims there.
  21. Originally Posted By: Captain Ackrodude It was a pretty good speech. I'm afraid I don't really have a good enough political opinion to feel comfortable sharing it though. Since when has that stopped anybody? Honestly, I didn't watch it. It seems like all Obama's doing is making speeches that, while pretty, really don't accomplish anything. Synergy: That's all well and good, but in order to rally like that, the American people will need proof that Obama isn't just another politician trying to exploit them. And frankly, some of his decisions *cough*healthcarereform*cough* have been pretty unpopular already. And even if they weren't, it still can be considered something of a vicious cycle: Americans won't back the president until he actually does something, which he can't do without Americans backing him up.
  22. Originally Posted By: Phanes Also, as far as fleeing Earth goes, I think trouble will arise should I try to bring the pawhoof anywhere FYT. Now, maybe next time we can make some real- aw, who am I kidding? You know we're just going to wander around Earth until it's a smoking crater in the ground.
  23. Originally Posted By: Tullegolar Session 3 was probably the most successful session yet as far as getting things done. Interestingly enough, though given numerous chances to work for the Government and the Church, the party seems to have fallen in with organized crime. This truly has become the GTA of RPGs. Some levels were gained, so new abilities. Svvtck did indeed gain a free ability during the last session in addition to his new ability for his level. Yes, there are opportunities out there for other people to do the same, just keep exploring and I'm sure you'll stumble upon them eventually. Also, some people have reached level 4. What happens at level 4 is your starting ability is upgraded, so sorry but you don't get to choose a new one yourself. The next tier of abilities will be available at level 5. Svvtck the Samurai (Level 4): Spirit Sword (your katana has been infused with your warrior spirit, now magically enchanted with its own glowy power, it will always be the most efficient and deadly weapon for you to use in almost any situation) Spaki the Necromancer (Level 4): Greater Resurrection (your ability to raise the dead has improved and your undead are now more resilient and longer lasting, you also have a higher chance of success when using this ability than before) The following people get to choose a new ability: Sharrath the Sorcerer (Level 3): Dust Elemental (summon a destructive elemental), Elemancy (control nearby simple elements) Laban the Strategist (Level 3): Faint (look weak so the enemy doesn't attack you), Discourage (a debuff that weakens enemies) Pen the Artist (Level 2): Sculpt Rapier (use your abilities to sculpt common dirt into a fine weapon to use against your foes), Sonnet (heal yourself or a party member by immortalizing them in verse), Rain Dance (weaken your foes with a fearsome bird jig) Finally, a note arrives at your current location (the Bada Bug) from the Guildmaster. He is disturbed to discover that you have defiled a relic of Inanna the Antqueen-General. This could have dire ramifications should she decides to take action against the Guild. The General of Earth is not someone you want to be enemies with. He recommends that you look into leaving Earth for a time until the heat dies down a bit. Either way, new titles: Outer Order Apprentice, Darklord Spaki Njordvald of the Nega Initiate of the Casting Circle, Darklord Antonius the Bland Bland of the Nega Initiate of the Casting Circle, Lord Sharrath Naalaar the Ingenius of the Nega Pen Artifex of the Nega Way to stack those titles. Anyway, since it’s been a while since I linked it, here is the World's Website (Warning: inappropriate content) so everyone can see the logs, as well as (currently not up to date) character sheets complete with pictures. I'll update those and put up a schedule for Session 4 later this week, probably. Mass Effect 2 just came out, so no promises. -Emperor Tullegolar
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