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Everything posted by Randomizer

  1. The book is one of three in Bandit Lair. Somehow Bandit Lair got left off the main list. It's in the Abyss to the southwest of Fort Spire once you go north of it. Welcome to Spiderweb Software. Please leave your sanity at the door. Jeff needs it to survive king another game.
  2. The Kickstarter promo video showed the return of the cockatrice and ornk on the creation page. I'm curious about the new combat enhancements like Chain Lightning. It seems like fighters might get a multiple target attack for once.
  3. Windowed Mode which is the other choice from full Screen. Some monitors cause different problems with this mode.
  4. The Prova Krug banner was the one recently stolen from Fort Meadow 4. The quest. Lost Banner is from the older war and is found in a different location. Even without talking to people you get clues about it when you reach the right place and can revere it.
  5. Similar problems were seen for some games: Display cut off It shouldn't be an operating system problem since I have the same one. on my Mac mini M1. Sometimes it works in Windows Mode. Good luck.
  6. The gem puzzles allow you to enter extra areas that aren't needed for the main quests, but can sometimes block you from side quests or getting loot. Except for two gem puzzles that rely on following instructions. The others are the same type. You start by clicking on a gem and then clicking on empty tiles to form a path to the same color gem. You can only move horizontally and vertically for the path. Paths can only cross at diamonds (free space) that lets you continue on another side. Clicking another gem color to do the next path. The simplest puzzle is in the Tower of Erudico where it is a straight line between two identical gems. The first Erudico ruin has a cross where the two paths crossover at the diamond. The others get more complicated and some use every tile. The hardest is in the Dream Refuge. Good luck.
  7. Kickstarter is now open and taking pledges. Your chance to add something you want.
  8. You need to reach the third dream room to get a key into the private area. Entering there will start a fight. It wasn't obvious if you played the first game.
  9. The Ream Refuge is in the Rokaj Underworld in the northeast corner of the northern part.
  10. Did you go downstairs in the southeast corner? You can't fight your way through the main gates which stay locked so that might be the cause of the statement you got.
  11. You can download the Demo directly from this site and test whether the keyboard command work in the starting zone. That would test if the problem is with Steam.
  12. Mouse and keyboard are coded separately so that doesn't help find the problem.
  13. Training requires talking to a person who can give you more levels in a skill for money. Trainers are found in many locations and some are cheaper than others.
  14. To read a book, there is usually a chair next to it that you move your character into. There is always a specific place that you need to be at to trigger Avernum books. Most books have an Arcane Lore requirement to understand them. Fatigue drops every round until you can act again. Some items will give you a chance to have fatigue go away faster. Good luck. Welcome to Spiderweb Software. Please leave your sanity at the door. We are using it to take up a collection for Jeff.
  15. It hasn't been discussed, but I'm leaning to a single remake forum.
  16. You find the Vahnatai have their own path near Ghikra that they used. You don't get enough of a view to know whether it was a tunnel or leads to their own portal.
  17. It's in the northern most part of Low Dhaga in the east end of the north mountain range.
  18. Wyrn's Teeth is ib the northern most part of Low Dhaga so you have a long way to go.
  19. Jeff on Twitter on January 1, 2023: One of these years, I might do a interface refresh of Nethergate: Resurrection so it runs on new machines and iPad. Maybe in 2023, if I get a spare 3 weeks or so I can use doing really annoying work. Back while he was beta testing Nehtergate: Resurrection, I asked about another game using the same game engine and suggested a location that would be able to use the same graphics. He said no.
  20. He got exiled to Isskale. Look inside the Haven building. Welcome to Spiderweb Software. Please leave your sanity at the door. Just ask anyone here. We're all crazy, now.
  21. I don't remember if you have to do in Exile 3, but the Avernum 3 remake has Move Mountains to break a cracked wall to get inside. Good luck. Welcome to Spiderweb Software. Please leave any remaining sanity at the door. You won't need what little you have left.
  22. With the number of factions in gf2, it would be harder to balance the game so there aren't better factions. The next two games only have two sides, so you can do it easier.
  23. In the original games there was an exploit where you sent out pytotoamers and then absorbed the creation so it would intentionally explode. You could do it to a friendly creation and not have it count as an attack that would turn the area hostile. Also if you were far enough away from combat you could quickly exit combat and replace them to send the new ones into a fight.
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