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Everything posted by Randomizer

  1. Pds only give 20 in essence shield which isn't much compared to the spell.
  2. While blessing magic is expensive for a guardian, being able to go into fights fully buffed beforehand makes a huge difference. Also this buffs lat longer than ones from weapon shaping. There are few boss fights that will outlast those buffs. Mental magic beyond the one level so you can use daze isn't worth it for a guardian. I know dominate (charm) is great, but you don't need it.
  3. That its really pumping up one stat to attack.
  4. Crystal; Chitin in the Infiltrator's Fort gives +2 Blessing Magic and some stun resistance. Until you can get Crysttal Breastplate in Complex Core, this is the most useful guardian armor.
  5. On my 7th guardian and it's mostly a balance of melee and missile weapons so you can do either damage to best fit the fight. High armor although I've played solo agents with the same armor pieces. Evasion helps, but there are too many creations that use area effect attacks that it doesn't work against. Enough blessing magic to get essence shield and healing craft to get heal. Endurance is needed, but wait until over level 10 since it doesn't start adding much. I've gotten health up to 500 so I won't die in two rounds if slowed or stunned. I have tried having evasion and agility to give me over 50% chance to evade. It doesn't help as much as I hoped. You do want heavy armor and other items to push stun resistance over 70%. This is the biggest problem as a lower armor agent. You can't deal out heavy damage if you can't act the round and when yo acts ll you do is heal.
  6. The game is specifically balanced for normal difficulty and harder difficulties are tested more to see if they are still possible. Almost all beta testers play through on normal difficulty and it sees the widest range of character builds. There are some fights that are considered optional and some players won't be able to do them without having better party builds. This is the expert area, Gaza-Uss. Required boss fights for quests sometimes have more than one way to win the fight. There are pacifist methods to kill Zakary, Barzhal, and the 3 Taker drays/drakins although they may require some planning to do them. If you think some fights have too much health, you should have seen Jeff's mistake where a creation had 4000+ health due to a typo. It wasn't fixed for about 3 months because testers found it was doable. Rhakkus fled to Shaping zone and was scripted to be hard to kill in the Entry zone.
  7. Essence shield is good for all classes and getting up to that levels is worth it. While you will never get as much a shield as an agent, it helps and can still shrug off a few hits.The main difference is you will probably not get spellcraft as high as an agent.
  8. Something you can't hear about until GF3.
  9. You need high leadership to get the servant mind to unlock the door from Bnerii-Uss Power. There is a key in the Infested Pass to unlock the door to Benerii-Uss Entry. Search all the containers.
  10. Create Fyora: Start 1 trained level Can buy 1 trained level Book in Drypeak Warrens Canister in Infiltrator's Fort
  11. There are two control panels south of the main hall that can be sabotaged with enough mechanics. The Hint Book then said to go see Barzhal and challenge him. I guess you don't need to be in the room for his drays to get upset.
  12. From the Hint Book, that is mentioned a a pacifist way to do it. The text was just in error, because Jeff probably didn't write an alternate text for the creations doing him in.
  13. I ddi once go after them once, but it was after finishing the Emissary quest. I saw a few have decent experience, but the loot sucked.
  14. Autocorrect strikes again! (Read On the Fasttrack)
  15. All characters start with a level in fyora. It's the same with fireboat and minor heal.
  16. You may notice that you will start missing to hit chance on boss monsters in the Taker Lands. Also experience for things done or killed drops so you only have a few more levels before finishing the game. Unless you save up iron bars to turn in, you won't make it much past level 22.
  17. You need one purestel bar for Phariton's quest to get training. Otherwise as you point out the only other place is Rising for the 4 canisters. Sell the rest.
  18. " Hannah’s coin is now upgraded correctly. Hannah of the eggs? What coin? I have brought her an egg and got no coin. Well, I got a ton of money, but not a magic coin. " Turning in the second egg gets access to a chest with the Trader's Coin. Coin can be upgraded twice for each extra egg and provides a small discount from items purchased from merchants. Turning in all 4 eggs is only really good for th experience and loot from the first egg.
  19. from Jeff's Bottom Feder blog ---- some numbers on how his games have sold on Steam: "In the first 2 weeks, we sold about 3000 copies (and sent a lot to Kickstarter backers). This is about 2.5 times what Queen's Wish 2 did, but about 40% of what Geneforge 1 - Mutagen did. These multipliers held when the game was out a month." Now we get the comparison of Queen's Wish 2 to the Geneforge remakes.
  20. Jeff mentioned years ago that he could make his games more efficient in targeting the players, but it would increase player frustration facing a smarter game. Basically using player tactics in fights against players.
  21. Until you do the first Taker quest after joining you can't enter. However as long as you don't get seen by Rhakkus, Akkat, or Easss, you can wander through killing them and not make the Takers hostile. The trick is to go through the Power zone and use leadership to get the servant mind open the door to Holdings. Then clear the northern rooms and go into Shaping and kill everything there except the south corner with Rhakkus. This pins him in Shaping so you can now safely clear Entry zone.
  22. The tool tip in the item description is that Gloves are only based on strength. I can't confirm if it is true. I really need to try a game where the FSG is my melee weapon for a guardian play through. The purifying blade is so good that I jump to that early in the game. Getting the ingredients for 4 levels is hard until you start killing infernal.
  23. v1.0.2 will fix: * Weapon Shaping now works with the Feisty Slap Glove. TheFSG dies more damage than in the first game and has more effects. I used the level 3 version to slap Stanis around for what he did to Shanti.
  24. Some worthless items may be needed for a collect items quest, but you can always find them without too much trouble. Use potions and items to keep healed if you are having trouble. Also look through your special abilities to find ones that can increase your damage and give negative effects to your foe. This area is to learn your abilities. It's been too long since I played this game so I don't remember what to do.
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