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Everything posted by Randomizer

  1. Visit camp sites for Jaxon campsite - look for bandits after 3rd one (371,331), (340,329), and (343,300) Two are south and the other is north of the road east from Fort.
  2. Mac computers depend upon the operating system more recent ones have it it the User/Library/AplicationSupport/SpiderwebSoftware. The Spiderweb Software game pages in Support give more information.
  3. You get changes in the theft reports every 2 days and ned to think about what you did since the last one.
  4. Lawita might mention that it is old history. Try asking someone farther north a and older bout it. I think the dialogue is slightly messed up for information. Even if you don't find anyone, you can eventually locate the banner in the north.
  5. Sometimes if your cursor is a little off, the gem won't appear on the tile. Worse case is to reset the puzzle and enter the gems all over and see if it works the second time.
  6. I remember it was on one of the pedestals and then rolls off so you have to chase it down during combat. Sylak is one of those foes you can't defeat in combat.
  7. It needs to be the north wall of a shop or stall. Click on the floor tile next to a north walll space.
  8. I spent a week trying to figure out the QW2 endgame code with over a dozen game endings without getting a single letter. All I got was qw2 means Queen's Wish 2.
  9. There are two entrances to the Costal Erudico Ruins. The first part of the quest is the Gentle Coast entrance. The second part is the Low Dhaga entrance from the other side of the mountains.
  10. Cestus will tae the banner and give you the reward.
  11. Go back upstairs and look in the clay pots that have the names of filled candidates. A way will open when you get the second click.
  12. Have you checked your special items list to make sure you haven't gotten it?
  13. I think I was going back to test it for the other choice with Bryan only to find it was the same and never got around to updating that information.
  14. Raasa Suharum decides on whether you go to Prova Krug and fights. I don't know of reputation ,makes as much a difference.
  15. Updated to show Yvette choice since I didn't know about this.
  16. I warned Jeff about that exploit. I used it a few laces. Really great against eye beasts and Nisse. The cold sphere is an enemy only. Your second level version only is stronger.
  17. Money got tight if I kept too many named items instead of selling the ones I would no longer use. It also depends on whether you take bribes and demand money from the Litha governor.
  18. You can do it, but usually not on your first try. It takes some thought on where to go so you don't waste time moving around between areas. most of the time gets used up going between the north and Fort Meadows.
  19. You need to make all governor decisions before getting to Litha petition.
  20. You place the shops by moving to the area that you built the stalls/buildings. Then click on the icon to the right of the buy shops one. Moving the cursor over the floor will give a red box until it is in an acceptable place where it goes green.
  21. You need to go to the bone pile on the other side of the river to the west. The path is now open.
  22. 1. Spectral Armor gives a buffer equal to its duration, but it is usually one after one hit.
  23. You aren't suppose to click all the squares mentioned in the clue. It took me a while to figure out which ones to click at which are instructions on how to get to the next correct square. When your next click gets a gem you know you are on the right path. Good luck figuring this out.
  24. The problem would be in your preference file , so if you reinstall, you would need to make sure that file is deleted from the save game folder. Copy the entire save game folder to a different name and after reinstalling, you can just copy back the individual save gm folders: save0, sve1, ... that you used. You will need to adjust your other game preferences.
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