I was fully expecting to get a bad ending too. Jeeves told me that the Rokaj hated and distrusted Haven more than before, I only replaced Yvette as governor, dreamt with the Nisse, went full Girl Power in the Low Dhaga and everyone chose to fight me at Prova Krug. Despite all that, I managed to retain the favour of the Queen, the rebellion wasn't as large as expected and things in the palace weren't a total disaster (aside from everyone being constantly exhausted and the Queen having a couple of senior citizen moments).
Only thing I found surprising was that the Kranas Woods sided against me, despite the fact that I replaced Yvette, let the human sacrifices continue, didn't burn the groves and replanted the Tehrorman Tree without killing it. I guess they just didn't like the cut of my jib.
Bittersweet endings are usually more satisfying anyway. Something usually doesn't feel right when everything goes according to plan.
I took the Nisse's poison gifts and expected that to come back and bite me in the poop chute at the end, but I guess the Rokaj branch are a little less spiteful than the Sacramentum branch. Either that or I'm going to get my soul stolen in QW3, but that's future me's problem.