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Everything posted by Kelandon

  1. How many PC's do you play with? Usually all six. How many scenarios have you played? Something like 20. Absolute favorite BoE scenario? The Election. When did you get the registered version of BoE for the first time? Er, 2000-ish. What is the first third-party scenario you played? Played and finished? Probably the Election. Played, but didn't finish? Probably Tatterdemalion. Favorite all-around scenario designer? Er, it's possible that I haven't played more than one BoE scenario by the same designer. Out of your own scenarios, which do you feel is your best? Heh. In BoE alone, my only scen, NK0P. I do have to make another BoE scenario at some point, if only so that's not true anymore. What is your favorite scenario icon? Couldn't say offhand. If you could make one BoE scenario into a movie, which scenario would it be? Emulations, maybe. What is your favorite spell? AM-field, maybe. What is your favorite item of all time? (It doesn't matter how many scenarios have the item in it. Can be one, can be all.) No idea. Have you ever named a place or character in a scenario after someone you know in real life? Yeah. What do you think is the absolute most overrated BoE scenario of all time? Gah. Areni, maybe, although that's just out of personal preference and not that I think that it lacks merit. What do you think is the absolute most underrated BoE scenario of all time? Hunted! Or maybe ZKR, which was not great, but certainly not the 4.8 that it has earned on CSR. If you could fix one bug in BoE or the scenario editor, what would it be? Windows and Mac dialogue not matching. If you could add one new feature to BoE or the scenario editor, what would it be? Er, other than BoA scripts? Hard to say. What is your least favorite scenario out of those rated 7.0 or higher on CSR? It'd probably be Corporeus if I ever got around to playing it, but as it is, Areni. Which scenario do you think is the worst ever? There's lots of horribles, but only one can be the absolute worst. AAAAAHHHH RAVAGED LAND MY EYES MY EYES Write down the release dates of all of your scenarios. If you can't remember all of them, do the ones that you can. At some point, I figured that NK0P was probably released around late 2000. What is your favorite TM scenario? NTH. What is your favorite Creator scenario? I've only played Areni. What is your favorite scenario in the Spheres trilogy? Haven't finished any. What is your favorite scenario in the Adventurer's Club trilogy? Haven't played any. What do you think is the absolute coolest innovation in a BoE scenario yet? Special spells, in each of their wacky variations. What is your favorite BoE fansite? The Lyceum, if only for the DF. What do you think would happen if Alcritas returned to the Lyceum as an active member once more? BoE would experience a minor resurgence. What scenario do you think should have won the first design contest? No idea. Name one random scenario that has not been mentioned by anyone in this thread (first that comes in your head.) Kill Ogre, Win Prize. If TM returned, and he and Kel continued to argue, do you think that should continue, or do you think they just have to duke it out? The common idea of TM and me arguing is entirely overblown. At most, I post two replies in disagreement. Alcritas had much longer and much more passionate arguments with just about any longtime member of the community than I have with TM. That said, I am entirely in favor of Ephesos's idea some while back for a themed contest, and if it goes through, I will design the next Echoes scenario.
  2. Quote: Originally written by Nioca: Favorite all-around scenario designer? Kelandon And here you're referring to NK0P? If so, that would be a first.
  3. Uh, given that this is an issue that affects us all, it'd be interesting to know what Salmon suggested.
  4. This is, what, only my second double-post ever? Not too shabby, I suppose.
  5. Quote: Originally written by Justication: Quote: Originally written by Kelandon: Well, except for that business with SMoE, maybe. What business is that, sir? You know what I'm talking about. Even if I don't, except via hearsay. Unless I'm remember things incorrectly, and it wasn't SMoE but someone else.
  6. If you're referring to member 3513, that is someone else. The "Alorael" thing in the signature is a quote, not an impersonation. Alo uses only one account. Well, except for that business with SMoE, maybe.
  7. As has been mentioned earlier in this thread, it's worth reading the Cookbook and my articles , as well as BoA's docs, in order to get a handle on how basic tasks are done. The Cookbook in particular describes how to do simple things.
  8. I tend to hoard magic items (from potions to magic weapons), but this ended up not being very much in A4. In A3, my Hawke's Manse was insanely cluttered with dozens upon dozens of items. In A4, I had perhaps ten or fifteen items that I was keeping around.
  9. Profanity is actually okay. It's just dodging the auto-censor that is a problem. If you can post it without trickery (or trickeration!), you're in the clear.
  10. Anyone wanting to script in A4/GF should probably get a reasonable feel for BoA scripting first, which is very similar and actually has documentation.
  11. Note that trainers already allow this. Check the forum header for that. Note also that discussion of hex-editing is prohibited here. Read the CoC for details. If you have questions, PM me.
  12. Check the URL. It is definitely something that he had on hand.
  13. Reading those old posts about Tom Lehrer songs made me think of National Brotherhood Week, which is one of his songs that is not dated at all, and probably never will be. I let iTunes do its thing as I play Avernum. My most vivid musical connection is listening to "Achilles' Last Stand" and "In My Time of Dying" over and over again while going through the land of the dead in Nethergate. That was freaking amazing.
  14. Quote: Originally written by Kitana: Edit: I just noticed the post above, and to clarify I meant GF4. GF4 looks awesome, not the weird turtle thing. The turtle is not amused.
  15. I'm guessing that by "owt" he meant "aught," which is of course the opposite of "naught."
  16. Hmm. Well, if the error still persists tomorrow, I'll try it on a PC at a friend's house. I can't even replicate the error right now. I am, by the way, placing the starting location for the scenario right next to the character who has this dialogue pic. There's a remote possibility that it has something to do with something that you do earlier in the scenario, but I don't know how.
  17. Nothing obvious comes to me as I look at it, and when I convert the graphics and try it on my Mac, it works just fine. Try starting the scenario over with a new party, maybe.
  18. If you want to e-mail me the scenario folder, I can look at it for you. Zip the folder and send it to tomwatts (at) berkeley (dot) edu .
  19. You use the editor itself. Edit a monster in the editor, and use "Hidden Class" to make something invisible.
  20. The stuff it gives away only involves the beginning, though.
  21. I know that you sent me a PM. I like to respond to comments in bundles, and no one else has sent any sort of notes at all since the most recent version went up. Meh, I'll reply to it now.
  22. Quote: Originally written by Spookee Salmon: What interests me is that everyone is so careful to only release good scenarios. BoE has quite a few pieces of crap, and the author not only learned from the mechanical aspect of the process, but by the critical reviews of the the work. So, by all means work on those scenarios, and finish them. Once released, they can only make you a better designer. Or kill you. Either's possible. Moreover, even if your scenario is really good, most people are going to call it a piece of crap anyway. By all means, make bad scenarios: most of the philistines here won't be able to tell the difference anyway.
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