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Everything posted by Kelandon

  1. Which GF are you talking about? And what is the actual name of the character that you're calling "Santa"?
  2. Oh, is that what the problem is. I'd experienced it myself, and I just assumed that it was a Classic-to-OSX conversion issue that would go away if I just started a new game. I'd just never bothered to start a new game.
  3. Quote: Originally written by Savage Ed Walcott: If you can make it, you can break it. That's the idea in a nutshell. I am intrigued by your support for, among other things, infanticide. Thuryl: Yes. Yes, I did.
  4. I would think that the onus is on you to explain why a thinking, feeling being should be completely at someone else's disposal, creation or no. This is, by the way, analogous to another question: if there is a god like the Christian God, and if He did create us, are we by the very act of creation therefore obligated to serve Him, or must there be some other justification in addition? Ultimately, the answer to that question, I feel, is that there would have to be an additional reason, namely that God's commands are inherently good, since gratitude for creation (or whatever) is not by itself sufficient to make us slaves.
  5. Drakons do pose a different — and interesting — dilemma: what do you do with a group of sentient beings of whom a sizable number (the majority? a large majority, even?) are powerful, dangerous, and violent to the point that they represent a threat to society? Killing all of them seems too extreme, because some of them may not be a threat individually. Leaving them alone isn't an option, because they'll go on rampages and kill people. Targeting individuals is hard, because so many of them are problems.
  6. The 3D Editor is available in Mac and Windows flavors, so it's useful either way. Check it out here . EDIT: Which reminds me that it's about time to prod KernelKnowledge again.
  7. That would be a great answer if all of the digable area is supposed to look exactly the same. If so, I highly recommend that. If not, then you're stuck checking locations.
  8. You know, it's not a pure dichotomy between "serviles as slaves doing work for the shapers" and "serviles doing nothing for the shapers." People do work because they get paid (or, more generally, get some reward). Also, I was under the impression that employing the death penalty on the mentally retarded is even more controversial than the death penalty itself is. Human beings with the intelligence of a battle alpha "go rogue" sometimes, and we have serious moral qualms about just killing them.
  9. I will fully admit that I haven't read this whole argument, but if one side is arguing that creations are essentially non-individual and replaceable, like ants or bees or something, then that argument seems plainly false. Serviles (and drakons and others) are clearly individual in ways that are not easy to replicate — how would you propose making a copy of Learned Darian? Shaping something with similar traits is not replacing the actual servile; to say so is like asserting that identical twins are, in fact, two of the same person. And if you're claiming that thinking, individualized beings are easy to replicate and therefore have no personal value as living things, then in what way does that not apply to humans? My understanding was that the essence of the GF dilemma is that serviles and people are exactly the same, save that serviles were deliberately created at one point and people just evolved or something. Serviles (and drakons) are no more machines than humans or shapers are.
  10. 1) Ignore TM. 2) As was said, start very small. Start with, like, the smallest part of the story that you can and make that first. It will suck, but that's okay, because it's your first scenario.
  11. Yeah, I can look at it. I'll need to be doing a little with graphics anyway soon.
  12. Quote: Originally written by m hussain: what about instead of 4 characters why not more Why? I have often found myself wanting fewer characters than 4, and never more.
  13. Quote: Originally written by Savage Ed Walcott: As for the story itself, a repeat of the plagues makes sense since Rentar is the returning villain, so she'd have a similar M.O. in how she enacted her revenge. Other than war with the Empire or the various humanoids in Avernum's world, there isn't much that can really be done storywise. That is, without trying something new. A4's plot makes sense. In fact, it makes too much sense. From about the first five minutes of A4, I knew what the rest of the game would look like. But, as I've said all along, this was a game for good hacking. I'm hoping that the next one is more than that.
  14. My two cents. If this were a rectangle, it could be shortened even further, but it appears that it's not. Code: beginstate 11; j = 0; i = 16; while (i >= 12) { if ((char_on_loc(7,i) >= 0) && (char_on_loc(7,i) < 4)) j = 1; i = i - 1; } i = 17; while (i >= 11) { if ((char_on_loc(6,i) >= 0) && (char_on_loc(6,i) < 4)) j = 1; i = i - 1; } i = 15; while (i >= 12) { if ((char_on_loc(5,i) >= 0) && (char_on_loc(5,i) < 4)) j = 1; i = i - 1; } if (j) message_dialog("You can dig here!",""); else message_dialog("You can't dig here!","");break; EDIT: Because the poster immediately after me is right, even if the one after him is not.
  15. Quote: Originally written by Imban: Anyone else think it's odd that Pythras has a combat script when you're supposed to fail the scenario if you kill her? Yes, I think that's very odd. I never noticed that.
  16. Cloud of Blades does exist in BoA.
  17. Well, astring already does this. I can't find a download location anymore, possibly because Khoth's site went down.
  18. As a next resort, try the designer\'s page , which could have been found in my links list. Apparently Comcast deleted two of the three e-mail addresses under which I was storing stuff at the archive. That means that two-thirds of the archive is no longer up. I have no idea why they did this, but I'll fix it as soon as I can.
  19. It wasn't a clearing problem. I was adding the name of character 4 (which is a joined NPC), rather than the name of anyone alive in the party. Somehow it managed to get the name of the last joined NPC in the party, even though the NPC wasn't even from the same scenario.
  20. Quote: Originally written by Imban: I did notice an odd error, though - the message from the gods at the end of the scenario telling me that I gained neither honor nor shame referred to me as Valzier. Referring to Pariah as a dead NPC from the last scenario he had completed is rather odd. Oh, darn. I know why this happened. I'm surprised that no one reported this earlier. Patch uploaded that should fix it.
  21. Or maybe even BoA. LP would probably be wildly easy with these characters, but, as you say, it would probably do you no good.
  22. Personally, I was far more engaged by the plots of A1-3 than those of GF1-3. My feelings about A4 are entirely because I'm comparing it with A1-3, not with GF1-3.
  23. Quote: Originally written by Of Course I Still Love You: I'd say going from writing nothing to writing something that's just ok instead of amazing is at least a step up. Well, yeah. I just expected more. But I think you're right about A5: I'm looking forward to what Jeff makes and hoping that he'll do a little more with the finer points (plot, characters, etc.) this time.
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