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Everything posted by Kelandon

  1. That's always the safest answer.
  2. I think his use of clear/import is adequate, here.
  3. Nope. There is no way to use this call other than with such a rectangle.
  4. As far as I can tell, terrains 172 and 173 (in addition to being mis-named) default to not showing up on the automap. I tried to add the line te_draw_on_automap = 1; but this did not seem to help. Their graphics are properly set. Can anyone figure out what the problem with these terrains is?
  5. Something to add here , I suppose.
  6. Adding the what_day_of_scenario starting at day 0 thing under documentation issues. Quote: Originally written by Nicholas Bellerophon: I have just found a way around the problem cited in the example. To delete a terrain script from a terrain space which has one by default, just use the "Delete Object" tool. However, the issue remains. It may no longer be relevent, though. Does anyone know to what problem he is referring? The "example"? I'm going to look closer at a couple of other problems before adding them.
  7. That was our point: the "standard English haiku" is not necessarily 5-7-5. That's a silly oversimplification that elementary school English teachers proliferate.
  8. Quote: Originally written by Thuryl: And many translators don't follow the 5-7-5 pattern when translating haiku into English. Especially since the natural sound of seventeen Japanese morae is much, much shorter than the natural sound of seventeen English syllables. Japanese syllables are open syllables ("bo," for instance), whereas English syllables can have absurd consonant clusters ("strength," for instance).
  9. I found A4 more difficult than the previous Avernum games, I think. I guess there were parts of A2 that I did in completely bizarre orders with unwise party alignments that made those parts harder, but I don't think I did anything monumentally stupid in A4 and I still struggled. It was hard by comparison. As for BoA, I rather liked VoDT until the ending revealed that there really wasn't anything to the mystery. I liked ASR, but I felt that it didn't do enough in its BoA version, as I indicated on my CSR post. I got bored in the middle of the BoA version of ZKR and never bothered to finish it. I still haven't played DWtD.
  10. No, he said that his Classic games won't work on Intel Macs. If you use the OS X-native versions of the Avernums, they ought to work.
  11. Quote: Originally written by Micawber: Quote: Originally written by Kelandon: ??? I take I'm going to have to hold off on having signs in Linear B in my BoA scenario set on ancient Crete? Couldn't these be implemented as graphics? Wow. I like this idea. I like it enough that I might actually do it. I was just kidding before, but now I'm intrigued. Look at what you've done. EDIT: Thuryl, that was so punny that it hurt.
  12. ??? I take I'm going to have to hold off on having signs in Linear B in my BoA scenario set on ancient Crete?
  13. Quote: Originally written by Khoth: I'm persistent, and crazy Both. In spades. Seriously, though, cool. I know I could just look up the answer to this, but I'm lazy: that's all free, right?
  14. I think he's just using whatever is default in his coding program, which is probably the QWERTY setting. It would take adding some extra code (although not a lot) to use the OS's keyboard. And hey, he could support Unicode, so we could make BoA scenarios in Arabic or Chinese or Mycenaean Greek or something.
  15. The call run_dialog needs arguments (probably the number "1"). You don't need the "end" calls. As Niemand indicated, you'll need a real variable, not ME. I'd go with something like this at the top (much like what Niemand described): Code: message_dialog("Something about needing to select a person.","");if (run_select_a_pc(0) == 0) message_dialog("You fail. At life.","");else { } Within the "else" part, you can put the rest of your code, and instead of ME, use get_selected_pc().
  16. Kelandon


    That's odd. A4 ought to work. I have no idea about any sort of technical reason why it's doing what it's doing, but I do know that that's weird.
  17. No, you don't have to do the things in the lower level in any particular order. You do have to press the buttons on the control panel in the upper level in a particular order, though.
  18. Yeah, do the stuff around Mertis and the Honeycomb, the Eastern Province, and the far northwest (the Formello region). You should also be able to do a little more in vahnatai lands.
  19. Here's a map . It's for Avernum, but I believe the mold locations are the same in Exile.
  20. Zang is in Moon, in a building in the southeast. Zik is in Dorngas, at the inn. I got this information from the GameFAQs walkthrough.
  21. This all sounds interesting, but... why would anyone care? I mean, weapons in Avernum at this point are just damage rolls — the kind of weapon only matters for skill purposes. Introducing many more kinds of weapons seems sort of silly unless they introduce new tactical complexity to the game, and I'm not sure how these weapons would do that. Welcome to Spiderweb, by the way!
  22. You also have to run the effect. Stick a run_animation or run_animation_sound at the end, perhaps after you've placed the monster. By the way, if you place the monster first and use a hidden group (which I always prefer over place_monster whenever possible, for a variety of reasons), you can use put_effect_on_char instead of specifying the space.
  23. Quote: Originally written by *i: I'd suggest assigning first and not putting run_dialog() in a logical test as it may or may not get evaluated depending on the order of operations and the coding Jeff used on how the boolean statements are evaluated. I think, in this case, he's okay. I usually put run_dialog in an "if" phrase unless I have three options to choose among, and it's safe as long as the run_dialog is in the first condition, I believe. The reason, apparently, is that BoA reads right-to-left inside expressions but left-to-right outside them. Or something.
  24. Geneforge 1: So, What Do You Think About the Serviles and the Shapers? GF2: No, Really, How About the Serviles vs. the Shapers? GF3: Serviles vs. Shapers: The Grudge Match
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