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Everything posted by Kelandon

  1. BBEdit Lite is available in an OS9 version.
  2. By the way, Alint is one helpful addition to your debugging arsenal. I'm hosting it for Khoth.
  3. For the first, see Spiderweb's bugs page , particularly under "Some Words About Error Line Numbers," which is itself slightly misleading. BoA counts line numbers the way that BBEdit (for Mac) and Crimson Editor (for Windows) do, although the actual count can be buggy. For the second, post a script and we can tell you what's wrong with it.
  4. According to the most recent bugs thread , that call always returns 0.
  5. "Supposed to be" because I'd heard that somewhere from someone, and that was the only thing that I'd heard. I have no actual basis for that or any memory of where it came from. I've never even looked at the scenario, so for all I know, it could be fabulous.
  6. Quote: Originally written by Nemesis: So basically it's a wall that looks like a door, and if you have the key, it changes to an open door. By what mechanism? A blue special rectangle? If so, post the code for that, also.
  7. I suppose I might host all of Erik Westra's stuff, if it comes to that. E-mail me whatever you've got of the Cookbook.
  8. How have you set the memory cells in the door? List the numbers. In other news, is Erik Westra's site down? I can't access it.
  9. I'm there, and I'll idle there the whole day, but I won't be back in time to chat unless the chat goes until about 6 pm my time, which is something like 3 am GMT.
  10. So when you try to unlock the door that this key opens, it actually unlocks, even though the item doesn't show up on the special items screen?
  11. It is notable that Jeff actually changed the set of alternatives as GF went on. The rebels in GF3 are considerably less palatable (more bloodthirsty) than the Awakened of GF1. I suspect the reason for this change is that Jeff himself found the choice too easy in GF1 and wanted to complicate it.
  12. Quote: Originally written by Emperor Tullegolar: Serviles may be able to grasp certain ideas, but surely you can recognize the inferiority. They are weak, small brained, greedy, and more often hostile than not. They can’t even learn magic without either help from a superior human, or by going completely crazy. How can these things be treated as equals? Quote: [Negros] may be able to grasp certain ideas, but surely you can recognize the inferiority. They are weak, small brained, greedy, and more often hostile than not. They can’t even learn [math] without either help from a superior human, or by going completely crazy. How can these things be treated as equals? I see someone has been reading his Gobineau.
  13. Quote: Originally written by Ephesos: You've also got a block_entry(1) call in there. In my experience, those make cutscenes behave strangely, particularly when you're marching the party around. These are pretty crucial if you don't want the party to take an extra step after the cutscene is over. How have they made the scenes behave strangely? (I've never had problems with them.)
  14. Quote: Originally written by Tyranicus.: You see I've been through Avernum with a mage with no name It felt good to be out of the rain.... WORST LYRICS EVER. "There were plants and bird and rocks and things."
  15. If you mean a walkthrough on GameFAQs, you'll probably have to wait until the game is released for that.
  16. Quote: Originally written by Nioca: By the way, Kel, those were truncated message_dialog calls. That's not how they actually appear in the script. You mean you inserted three errors into the script and then asked us to find errors?
  17. Code: beginstate 53; if ((get_flag(4,9) == 250) && (is_combat() == 0)) { reset_dialog(); add_dialog_str(0,"Yet again, you attempt to approach this lever. It appears that...",0); add_dialog_str(1,"What do you want to do?",0); add_dialog_choice(0,"Pull the lever."); add_dialog_choice(1,"Back away slowly."); choice = run_dialog(0); if (choice == 1) { if (get_flag(4,5) < 5) { set_terrain(37,46,392); set_terrain(41,46,392); set_terrain(37,42,392); set_terrain(41,42,392); set_flag(4,5,1); flip_terrain(29,42); play_sound(94); pause(2); flip_terrain(29,42); play_sound(94); ********************message_dialog("When you pull this lever, you hear..."); } if (get_flag(4,5) == 125) { set_flag(4,5,250); flip_terrain(29,42); play_sound(94); pause(2); flip_terrain(29,42); play_sound(94); pause(3); play_sound(162); ************************message_dialog("When you pull this lever, you hear..."); } if (get_flag(4,5) == 250) { flip_terrain(29,42); play_sound(94); pause(2); flip_terrain(29,42); play_sound(94); print_str_color("Nothing seems to happen.",3); } } } if (get_flag(4,9) == 0) { ************************message_dialog("As you approach the lever, you hear a rustling noise from...");[/b] set_terrain(26,42,0); set_terrain(27,43,0); set_terrain(26,44,0); set_terrain(26,45,0); set_terrain(28,46,0); set_terrain(30,46,0); set_terrain(29,45,0); set_terrain(29,44,0); set_terrain(30,44,0); set_terrain(31,43,0); set_terrain(32,45,0); activate_hidden_group(3); set_flag(4,9,250); }
  18. I could probably make it on a weekday evening. I could also make it were it to start a little later on Saturday.
  19. I'll be working 9-5 that day, so I won't be able to get there until it's well over, probably.
  20. "Industry was also the largest source of R&D funding, paying for 63 percent of all R&D." Need I remind you that there is a difference between "R&D" and "basic research"? Of course industry does most of the R&D. I said that already. That's not what one would call normal science, though. Look, I do some R&D work myself. I work for a test-prep company, and I take the SAT every time it's offered. Then I send in a report about how well the techniques that we teach worked on the test. In response to my reports, the people who write our materials make slight adjustments in order to match the test better. That's R&D, but it'd be hard to call that "science." EDIT: I guess this discussion is over. I win in the end.
  21. Quote: Originally written by Emperor Tullegolar: Yes, it is from the same site. I didn't see that statistic. Could you provide a link to the page on which it appears and a description of where on the page to find it? Quote: Originally written by Emperor Tullegolar: By the way, I follow your rules. If I want to be arrogant, that is my business. Quote: Originally written in the CoC: + Any communication that is intended to harass, belittle, humiliate, threaten or cause embarrassment to a fellow member. The traditional interpretation of this rule is that being nasty and unpleasant constitutes an infraction.
  22. Quote: Originally written by Emperor Tullegolar: While on one hand, I think that the fact that 63% of all research being paid for by industry is good enough to conclude that industry pays for most research. This is not a statistic that I quoted, and you have not mentioned it before. Where does it come from? The same site? Quote: *i: Your whining really annoys me. Cut it out please. He's an admin. You would do well to treat him with some respect.
  23. Quote: Originally written by Emperor Tullegolar: The matter at hand is funding for research, remember? And government funds the institutions that do most of the research. I'm not sure how I can be more clear than this. Who does the research? Colleges and universities. Where do they get their money? The government. Thus, the government funds the research.
  24. Quote: Originally written by Emperor Tullegolar: Uh, so which is it? Since you seem to be fine with saying both do the majority, it seems I'm going to have to draw my own conclusion. You statistics clearly state that industry does the most R&D and it also puts the most money towards it. Industry wins, I told you. It would help if you finished reading the sentence, you doofus. Quote: Originally written by Kelandon: industry does the majority (68%) of R&D in the U.S., but universities and colleges did 55% of all basic research in the U.S. (which is probably what we're talking about when we talk about "science"). There is a difference between "R&D" as defined by the NSF and "basic research" as defined by the NSF. Basic research more resembles what one would think of as traditional scientific inquiry.
  25. Quote: Originally written by Student of Trinity: I'm funded from taxes levied by a liberal democracy, mostly on its broad middle class. So is most science, except for pharmaceuticals; and so it has been for a couple of centuries or so. This statement interested me, because I've heard people say this, and I've heard people say the opposite, neither ever providing statistics. This essentially is two statistical statements: first, tax comes mostly from the middle class, and second, most science is funded by the government. Here's the statistics behind the first one. There's a page on irs.gov that has a whole bunch of tax statistics from as recently as 2003. (Click on the first "All Returns" category to get the file I'm talking about. In the left-most column of the spreadsheet, it gives income ranges, and in the right-most column, it gives total taxation from that range.) Apparently, more than half of all tax in the U.S. (a whopping 62%) comes from people between the income levels of $50,000 and $500,000. Indeed, 46% comes from people between the income levels of $50,000 and $200,000, which is pretty much still in the middle class range. The very rich ($1,000,000 or higher) pay a total of around 18% of all tax. Thus, it's pretty fair to say that most tax income comes from the middle class (and another good chunk from the lower end of the upper class). Note here that we're talking about personal income tax alone, not sales tax, business taxes, or anything like that. However, according to this page , the overwhelming share of the tax revenue that the federal government gets comes from individual income tax and only a small chunk from businesses and other things. Next issue: is science largely funded by the government? According to nsf.gov's page on the subject , industry does the majority (68%) of R&D in the U.S., but universities and colleges did 55% of all basic research in the U.S. (which is probably what we're talking about when we talk about "science"). According to this page , 64% of all university and college funding for R&D comes from the federal government, and presumably that applies as much or more to basic research, too. In other words, it is also pretty fair to say that most science in the present-day U.S. is funded by the government, which gets most of its taxes from the middle class and the moderately (not extremely) wealthy.
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