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Everything posted by Aran

  1. My college schedule is still not set in stone. I'm waiting for my study group allotments, which will determine how early my day starts on Thursday and Friday, and how late I can stay up on Wednesday and Thursday. What I know for sure: - Monday and Tuesday nights are right out. My Tuesday starts at 0800, Wednesday at 0900. - Friday and Saturday nights are definitely the best. - Sunday works okay, but not too well. Yet to determine: - Wednesday and Thursday may be either impossible (next day at 0800), okay (1000) or perfect (afternoon, or no classes at all). 2010-04-19 0220 +0200, new info: 1. Wednesday and Thursday both will not be impossible (0800 is out), but may not be perfect. 2. One of Wednesday or Thursday is going to be perfect, the other is not (one class will be on 1000 either Thursday or Friday, leaving the other day to start at noon). 2010-04-20 1153 +0200, more info: My schedule is now finalized. The good day turned out to be Wednesday; Thursday is less good. So in summary: Monday -> Hell no. Tuesday -> Hell no. Wednesday -> Great. Thursday -> If I must. Friday -> Awesome. Saturday -> Awesome. Sunday -> If I must.
  2. An anonymous note was received by the English and Dutch embassies: "Stop suing our banks and we will shut off our volcano. Otherwise, eat ash."
  3. Aran

    Thank You Diki!

    Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba The origin of "Dikiyoba" is an acronym. Dinosaurs kill you, but artistically. Also, Dikiyoba has been a great moderator and I hope Dikiyoba will still find the time to stay on the forum instead of going into hibernation like I do on occasion.
  4. Originally Posted By: Enraged Slith Oh no, I'm now a Wereschnauzer. Or is this a good thing? Don't you have to get bitten by a radioactive dog rather than just touch an electrocuted one? (Also, could someone please work on disinterring and irradiating Carl Sagan so we can get this?)
  5. Now in his second campaign, perhaps it's a good time to evaluate Temmyn's actions and outlook on life and update his alignment. (I hope I don't presume too much by doing that myself, but then the alignment is essentially flavour text.) Quote: Temmyn: "Does it strike anyone that we've spent the whole night running away from some ominous bad weather into a forest we have no idea how to get out of?" Temmyn: "Okay, another catastrophe narrowly averted. Business as usual..." Temmyn: "Shall we head back? I'm itching to see if we can fix the machine and find amazing new ways to almost die." Temmyn is dubbed Sarcastic-Helpful. Also, Detrimentum makes lockpicking much less useful, which means Temmyn will probably evolve more into the Healer/Caster type - with a focus on Divination though. INT++. Quote: Name: Temmyn C. Backus - Level 6 Occupation: Tinker Alignment: Sarcastic-Helpful Strength: 2 Dexterity: 3 Intelligence: 7 (L5 +1, L6 +1) Speed: 5 Health: */20 (L2 +2, L3 +2, L4 +2, L5 +2, L6 +2) Stamina: */10 Perception: 2 Artifice: 4 Martial (Wrench): 3 (L2 +1) Magic (Evocation): 3 (L3 +1) Magic (Divination): 3 (L2 +1, L3 +1) Magic (Conjuration): 1 (L4 +1) Items: - A magic replica of a hammer. Spells: - Lightning Bolt: A bolt of electricity. - Heat ray: Project warmth in a general direction - not scorching, but ranging from warm to unpleasantly scalding. - Identify: Divines the nature or purpose of an item (magical or not). - Analyze Artifice: Examine mechanisms that are not in plain view by detecting their metal components. - Detect Magic: Finds and sometimes recognizes nearby magical effects. - Heal: Heals a moderate amount of damage. Perks: -Calm Under Pressure - +3 to all skill checks in combat -Know Thine Enemy (Constructs) - +1 to attacks vs constructs Cool Things: - Artifice: Open most non-magical locks, and traps whose guts are in reach. - Evocation: Evoke a small electric discharge - Divination: Divine the presence of metal nearby Fear: Insects.
  6. That's it, yeah. It seemed longer on paper, for some reason.
  7. Originally Posted By: Lord Safey almost sounds like what happens when you get too close to a tesla coil Indeed, induction may be an explanation. What you experienced seems obviously not a direct electrocution from the powerline, since you are still alive. High voltage alternating current tends to induce electrical currents in nearby pieces of metal. I touched the aluminum mast of a dinghy once while towing it underneath a power line, and got an unpleasant tingling sensation. A different question is what your dog touched that might be inductive - he's not made of metal himself, after all.
  8. Session's over. And I must say that everyone took the twist with remarkably little surprise. (Maybe I should have lurked with a different name first. ) And yay, Level 6.
  9. err, what was I saying? Oh, yes, not the master of brevity or sensible continuity. (I was also going to describe a tree for 16 pages but I thought this should be sufficient.) wat More extreme example: The part where Bilbo goes
  10. Register Arancaytar Proxy: Yes
  11. Originally Posted By: 12899 My school had it blocked, but I demanded to have it whitelisted. And they did? What were they thinking? Ironycentral was (and probably still is) blocked by Websense; the filter used at my last place of employment. I had to read the forum via PPP, and post the same way.
  12. Aran


    Quote: Edit: Or rather, he pretends to forget, so we won't suspect him. I am not a werewolf, I'm the doctor! Honest! Don't lynch me!
  13. Aran


    This leaves the question: Who the hell is Aaron? The bot was pretty thorough, too. From the recipient list on the message I got, it sent the message in batches to the maximum number of people each, going down the contact list by alphabet.
  14. Aran

    What child is this

    Originally Posted By: Thuryl Originally Posted By: Student of Trinity The original lyrics are a lament over the infidelity of a courtesan. 'What child is this?' came a lot later. About nine months later, in fact. +1 Internets for you.
  15. Aran

    Just realized.

    This board has had worse thrown at it.
  16. Aran

    Just realized.

    Originally Posted By: Mentlegen? That's the Soviet Union national anthem, and your translator is batcrap. Better than this translation: Quote: säg åt swerki skelögd, det är så det ska vara säg till han att heidi är lik parabol ...
  17. Aran

    What child is this

    If you want the instrumentals, then in effect you are looking are Greensleeves. That is likely far easier to find.
  18. Cryptonomicon, I would say.
  19. Here's another shoutout I just found while browsing through the archives. (It's not for Spiderweb though.)
  20. Originally Posted By: Student of Trinity 1 Planck degree is about 1.4 x 10^32 Celsius. We really know nothing about what might happen at 1 degree Planck, but it might be that spacetime itself breaks up into loose ... events? Zowie. Integer overflow? "This universe has encountered an unexpected error. Please restart."
  21. Also, Alcritas just came back. Though if I remember rightly, Thuryl has been around longer than both of them (Stareye and Alcritas) if not by much.
  22. Originally Posted By: Dintiradan This solves one of the problems; I don't know if Aran's RSS feeds still work. They draw on the PPP, so no. However, UBB.Threads has its own RSS feeds, though I remember they aren't always reliable.
  23. Aran

    New main menu tabs

    Originally Posted By: llloyd flavorless nihilist mints. You should try ennui-flavored potato chips.
  24. Originally Posted By: Artie Luv~ Will, love, you don't have a baby. Yes. He is subtly asking to bear one by Alcritas. Edit: Oh right! Welcome back!
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