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Everything posted by Aran

  1. He means Pacific time, UTC -0800. Note that "server time" is no longer any meaningful term, since UBB now localizes timezones. For me, the board time is Central European.
  2. I get World News and Digital Planet from BBC, Counterspin, and Chaosradio from the German Chaos Computer Club. Or I used to get them till I set up my new computer, and haven't resubscribed yet. I don't listen to them regularly either, particularly the long and fast-updating ones like BBC.
  3. Aran

    New main menu tabs

    SW's homepage has looked many different ways. Personally, I still like the light wood-grain pattern from 2006 best. But all of them are nice.
  4. Aran

    DRM Question

    Originally Posted By: The Mystic But there's no denying the sweet revenge when your hard drive crashes with no data recovery possible, and you toss your computer from the roof of a ten-story building. The computer doesn't care, though. You, on the other hand, are now short a computer. It's debatable who won that round.
  5. Aran

    Avernum 0

    Originally Posted By: Master1 I'll be in college, so I can play games for hours on end! Heh... hehe... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Oh. Sorry. Being awake 40 hours studying tends to make me weird.
  6. An IRC client. I had a channel on SorceryNet a few years back, but it never got off the ground.
  7. Aran

    DRM Question

    I don't believe so. The registration process for the games I've bought (which don't include Geneforge 5 as yet) is straightforward and non-evil. You can also email Jeff and request a new code if you have to reinstall later. Just for that reason, I recommend buying from SW directly since they're likely to be more supportive and friendly than a large distributor.
  8. Quote: Dilbert: I didn't have any accurate numbers so I just made up this one. Studies have shown that accurate numbers aren't any more useful than the ones you make up. Pointy-Haired-Boss: How many studies showed that? Dilbert: Eighty-seven.
  9. Originally Posted By: Toby-Linn Awww, I'm not on any of the three lists. Just for you: Who is LTnyi-obn?
  10. Okay. It's odd, but some of the comments here are kind of worrying. What harm has this man's attraction to a video game character inflicted on anyone? Does he not deserve a right to his own lifestyle in the same way homo- and heterosexual people do?
  11. Originally Posted By: Little Daedalite Twist IMATMHO Gesundheit!
  12. Code: def scramble(text): text = list(text) random.shuffle(text) return "".join(text) Never ever spend more than a minute on something a computer can do in half a second.
  13. Mh... I think I liked not having too many numbers to distract us in combat, particularly when we were seven players and had enough trouble handling our own rolls. (However, it would have been neat to see an HP total whenever someone took damage.) Hey, maybe spells could be free for so many castings, and after that cost stamina points. (Or... Mana Points?)
  14. Quote: Lindy could indiscriminately fire off free healing spells for 4 HP or less. But in combat, actions were precious and Lindy would have had no time to heal by inches.
  15. First Aid? Actually, I didn't see Healing as overpowered that much - except maybe in the early sessions. However, during the end battle, maintaining the party at their current HP was taking a group heal every single turn. Even with Lindy at full stamina, she could have kept that balance for nine rounds at most; as it was, she got knocked out before then. We were inches away from several character deaths (John, then Kaval, maybe even Lindy). (Come to think of it, I think Temmyn never got to 0 HP. I probably wasn't reckless enough.) Originally Posted By: Nioca drawbacks Sure, drawbacks.
  16. Ooh! I think I still have that name generator buried somewhere on my computer from many years ago. Must have been on a different site, though, this one doesn't have a downloadable program.
  17. Huh, read magic sounds like it could be divination. "X spells at a time" would essentially mean spell slots that are prepared every morning?
  18. I don't know; Tyran might take cheesecake still.
  19. I think a set spell list would be nice, with the option to be creative with effects (particularly in non-combat situations). Even just a few standard bolt attacks in evocation might save a lot of time, and ensure people actually know what they're capable of. I suspect that with 3 in evocation, I could have deserved a second ray type (maybe cold) but just didn't think beyond the "I zap it with lightning". Also, will multiple circles be completely out of the question? I understand you don't want someone to be good at everything, but the evocation-divination combo was fun to play without feeling overpowered. Quote: Healing in necromancy That sounds counter-intuitive. Were healing spells still reversed for the undead? (I'm going with the DnD knowledge I get from Order of the Stick, where Xykon gets Tsukiko to heal him with "Inflict Wounds" or something.)
  20. Aran

    Alorael question

    Also, if a few years are enough to build an immunity to iocane powder, then Alorael must by now be completely impervious to skribbane. He probably has to quaff a few bottles just to feel normal.
  21. Dud. Ball may be picked up, used later for another effect. Produces the illusion of another effect (reroll). We could have rolled a ball that showed us an illusion of an illusion, or an illusion of being a dud!
  22. Originally Posted By: Dicshiyoba Well, mods and people who are good at bribery. But if you didn't know that fact, Dikiyoba is pretty sure you shouldn't even bother trying. I take Paypal, by the way, but you didn't hear that from me.
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