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Everything posted by Aran

  1. The Avernites would be outnumbered six to four, and a narrower variety of spells at their disposal. On the other hand, the Avernites have buffs the Exiles can only dream about. Sanctuary? Invulnerability? Avatar? Yeah, the little Bless+Haste bit doesn't look so impressive now.
  2. Originally Posted By: HOUSE of S Most of Card's writings are not explicitly anti-gay. However, if you read the many statements he has made concerning homosexuality, and then read his books, it's hard not to see the connection. If he just didn't like it, that would be one thing, but he seems pretty intent on connecting it to pedophilia in a way that seems less akin to casual discrimination and more akin to social darwinism and auto-da-fés. Ouch. This is actually the first I'd heard about his real-life ideology. So far I only disliked him because I thought Ender's Game was awful.
  3. Does anyone have a version of this code? I've messaged Nikmind, but he seems to be gone. I probably won't be able to contribute much, as I don't know C++, but it can't hurt to look. If it works, the code also seems to be more advanced than anything available at the Google project now, which has nothing but the Character Editor.
  4. Aran

    Troy Davis

    Originally Posted By: Dantius Originally Posted By: Excalibur That goes to show how addictive nicotine is. A lot of people can't simply quit cold turkey. Yeah, pretty much the only socially acceptable physiological addiction here is caffeine, which I happen to be addicted to. It's so prevalent most people don't even realize it's a drug- but it's the most popular one in the world. I've had high, daily quantities of coffee for months at a time, and then just stopping. All that happened was that I felt drowsy for a day or two while catching up on my sleep. I don't think that's what withdrawal feels like. Edit: Regular use certainly builds up a tolerance, so a larger dose is required for the same effect, but tolerance is not the same as dependence.
  5. I've actually cut back on the ponytail somewhat. I experimentally grew it out really long for the past two years, but I haven't yet settled on how much shorter I want it. This is what it was like earlier this year. Click to reveal.. (For people I don't yet know on Facebook) Originally Posted By: Micawber Originally Posted By: ignoti & quasi occulti (If you're curious, you can look at the large version of the second to find out what books I have. ) I can read precisely three: Computational Complexity, Linear Algebra, and Coders at Work. Some of the other titles are in German, which limits my ability to parse them. Link to my book collection (includes semi-recent photo of me). Some of the other spines can be recognized without seeing the title if you know them, like the Discworld collection in the top shelf.
  6. Originally Posted By: Trenton the dragon lord Nice mustache. I want a mustache, but you can barley see it! only one person said, "Hey, is that facial hair?" Grr. Im never shaving >.> Which by the way, is it true that hair grows faster if you shave it? When someone tells you this, they're lying in order to make you shave because they think the beard looks silly. I know from experience.
  7. Aran

    Troy Davis

    Quote: "No butts in Urinals" ... yeah, I hope that referred to cigarettes.
  8. I was at a photographer just yesterday for a photo ID, but I didn't pay extra for an electronic copy. Instead, here are a few crappier ones from my laptop's camera a couple of months back. (If you're curious, you can look at the large version of the second to find out what books I have. )
  9. I've collected different kinds of stuff over the years. Comics, books, stamps, paper napkins... As of now, data archives.
  10. Originally Posted By: HOUSE of S I was Slartyphobia once. Also, I didn't realize DOMICILE of A was a parody of HOUSE of S. HOUSE of S is a reference itself, so I'm afraid that DOMICILE of A sort of misses the point. References to references to inside jokes about inside jokes are what Spiderweb is built from.
  11. Aran

    Troy Davis

    Wait, that's not a joke? They had me going up to "Airline passengers have rights".
  12. Aranophobia Alorophiliael Are we doing a theme now?
  13. Aran

    Troy Davis

    I don't follow the slippery-slope argument here, because smoking by definition releases a cloud of smoke particles into the air, while eating peanuts, even for the messiest eater, does not release a cloud of peanut particles into the air. While second-hand smoke is pervasive, the only realistic vector for second-hand peanuts is mouth-to-mouth contact. Unless you kiss random people on the street, there is no danger.
  14. I don't understand. What does "not online" mean? Is it like this "sleep" thing?
  15. Aran

    Favorite Movies

    Originally Posted By: Lilith Originally Posted By: Aran@Home Sucker Punch. don't even bother Yeah, that's the perhaps. From what I've heard, it's so bad it's almost tempting.
  16. Where a Lilith is domiciled. Edit: Stupid, stupid. Of course it was a parody of Slarty's name.
  17. Aran

    Favorite Movies

    Lord of the Rings is still my favorite in the fantasy&sci-fi genres. Also, I liked the first PotC movie very much. The third was epic as well, but it only just managed to redeem the atrocious second. (At least they weren't the Matrix sequels.) As for more classical works, I really liked Forrest Gump. I'll also include The Golden Compass, but with the qualifier that I only liked it when I thought they'd make the whole trilogy. The Harry Potter movies started off very well, but starting around the fifth or so, they didn't really do the books justice. I've had lots of gripes about them, but the most recent one was the Narm in Harry Potter's "dead-and-talking-to-Dumbledore" scene. It's one of the most powerful and moving scenes in the book, where Harry is really, seriously faced with the choice to just die and chooses to continue, the acting sort of transforms it into a clichéd "near-death-experience, talk to dead mentor, acquire plot exposition, wake up" cutscene. At the point where Dumbledore said "On.", the movie theatre burst out giggling. Rant ends. Also this is technically a series, but due to the strong plot arc I'd name Game of Thrones. There are a few I've always meant to see but haven't, such as Inception, Avatar and Crimson Tide, and perhaps Sucker Punch.
  18. Originally Posted By: Dintiradan This is my serious face helmet. ? Originally Posted By: Dintiradan Fascinating: I purposely pick out and take the "Yes, I am the Spanish Inquisition" options to counterbalance the "Yes, I am Hitler" options. :-p I didn't expect YOU! Originally Posted By: Dantius [6.971, 1.55] You're going to make me use my converter? ([0.144961, 6.969493] in cartesian, for reference.) (Your map doesn't include Cairo Jim yet.)
  19. Does this mean you'll stop calling me fascist now? Anyway, the only reason you're not moving as quickly is because you don't have anywhere to move to. You pinko commie you. Seriously though, a question for everyone: are you answering the quiz based on your personal opinions, or on the policies your ideal government would have? I think I did the former when I first started doing the quiz, and I was definitely doing the latter this time around. That back then was a joke, albeit arguably in poor taste.
  20. There's an undocumented feature to show individual histories instead of community clusters, and it appears we're slowly approaching each other. Though you're moving far more rapidly.
  21. I still don't know what the "enemy of my enemy" question does. I've always assumed that agreement indicated a polarised neoconservative Good/Evil worldview, but I'm not actually sure.
  22. I've mellowed a bit, apparently. Economic Left/Right: -7.38 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -8.26 I have archived several threads dating up to 2007. Unfortunately, the last two threads that I added to my statistics (October and December 2008) fall in the lost period after PPP4. 2003-06-07 http://pied-piper.ermarian.net/topic/1/948 Alec 2004-01-08 http://pied-piper.ermarian.net/topic/1/1492 Drakey 2005-06-24 http://pied-piper.ermarian.net/topic/1/2586 Stug 2005-12-09 http://pied-piper.ermarian.net/topic/1/3038 Aran 2006-11-01 http://pied-piper.ermarian.net/topic/1/3867 Salmon 2007-10-11 http://pied-piper.ermarian.net/topic/1/4515 Salmon While the discussions are gone, I recorded the data from both topics. http://ermarian.net/services/statistics/compass/map/
  23. It is taking enough of my processing cycles to generate posts for one account. Also, I am currently reading the Illuminatus! trilogy by Robert Anton Wilson.
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