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Everything posted by Aran

  1. I was just reminded that the Blades Forge has locked out new registrations for ages now, since spammers were registering about ten accounts per day. Account creation is now enabled again, and will stay up for at least a week, or however long until it takes for the spammers to come back. If necessary, I'll muck around with captcha's again.
  2. Originally Posted By: like the aphex twins in here I hoped and prayed that I would have chance to do this again. Spoiled so as not to inflict this upon people too young to have watched Labyrinth. Click to reveal.. On an utterly unrelated note, I just remembered I wanted to get back into an Aimhack session one of these days.
  3. While my media collection is only present in two copies (desktop+notebook, with a backup on the desktop's secondary drive), my important documents are synchronized to several cloud services, and in a distributed versioning system (bzr) that is stored in four places (desktop, notebook, university account and web host). Edit: And posting this reminded me that the repository is overdue for a commit and push.
  4. Left small finger goes on the left shift key, which allows me to touch-type with ten fingers according to my own gradually evolved system which is way more comfortable than the more common one. Even when I'm typing a key combination that requires four fingers in ergonomically unsafe positions (I'm an emacs user), I've rarely needed the right one. Though sometimes I'm using the mouse at the same time and have to type Shift+${Far-right-key} left-handed, which is easier with the right shift key.
  5. Originally Posted By: S&M Adventurer Originally Posted By: Excalibur So the Westboro Baptist Church announced that it's going to protest Jobs' funeral--an announcement they made on Twitter via iPhone. Epic hypocrisy. Wait, so was Jobs a homosexual/Jewish/Catholic/soldier/Chinese/tornado victim/9-11 victim/Democrat? Not only that, he was also God. (The WBC spokesloony said the iPhone thing wasn't hypocrisy, since it was a creation of God, not man.)
  6. Originally Posted By: Goldenqueen Originally Posted By: Tyranicus Originally Posted By: The Turtle Stays The crap dish has fried five routers and two LAN cards...and it's limited to 256kbps down...AND behind a NAT. You can fix the NAT problem by bridging your modem, if that is possible. If not, you can bridge your router. It's...he ends up putting a whole bunch of clients behind one IP. According to my router, my external IP is, while from the internet's side I am Meanwhile, I'd really like to have my server box at contactable from outside my LAN. I figure the only way to do that is to have a middleman proxy that my machine gets stuff from...but then i'm paying for a server which rather defeats the purpose. It might be easier than you think. I have been logging onto my home computer (and hosting a small webserver, with more flexibility than Dreamhost) for a long time now by forwarding ports from the router to the computer. While the external IP is dynamically assigned, I use a dynamic DNS service to make sure it always resolves correctly. @Celtic Minstrel: Where is the IRC channel? I've trawled through the boards but not found earlier mentions.
  7. Originally Posted By: In memory of the forgetful Microfilm and microfiche are still preferred archival media. They have their benefits and their downsides, but they're among the most stable and easily stored media. Haven't seen them in libraries in a long while though. At least I'm old enough to have actually used them for research once (for a middle-school project, mind). Quote: —Alorael, who backs up all his data on microfilm. It ends up looking somewhat like tiny pictures of punchcards. Then he backs up the microfilm digitally. ... wait
  8. Originally Posted By: In memory of the forgetful —Alorael, who imagines Apple's stock will take a plunge I think the brunt of the shock will have been headed off by his earlier resignation. That was probably the intention, at least.
  9. Originally Posted By: The Turtle Stays There needs to be a SW group video chat at some point. Just because y'all arguing in real time would be remarkable. It'd probably suck, mostly. Real-time debate would offer far less time to coherently organize ones points, and would demand a far different sort of conversational aptitude than we're using here.
  10. Originally Posted By: Randomizer Thus ending speculation on when he will return to Apple. In other news, Apple just started scouting for a professional medium. It's sad he died at 56. I'm not much for Apple, but he really revolutionized the personal computer. At least Woz is still around.
  11. It is technically possible to bridge an AIM room and an IRC channel. The effort involved is a multiple of that required to install a client, though, so it's not really worth it. For what it's worth, if we decided to switch I wouldn't miss AIM one bit.
  12. Maybe the Monastery of Madness opened a chapter in the Honeycomb. Feisty Slap of Pain!
  13. Beg to differ. Wolves? Cutest apex predator* there is. It takes something to see the beauty in some of these pictures, but just look at this one: Edit: *Aside from, you know, humans. But I'm affected by species bias.
  14. I meant self-portraits in the photography sense. But if you insist... (be warned). Click to reveal.. Notebook touchpad and no drawing skill whatsoever, but I cheated by drawing over the photo I posted earlier.
  15. For a topic supposedly about self-portraits, the last few pages contained an astounding amount of animal pictures. (I guess it's true that on the internet nobody knows you're a dog.)
  16. Originally Posted By: Nicothodes In the spirit of tradition: Click to reveal.. Nice eyebrow!
  17. In both our cases, it's less the face itself and more the expression and pose. We're each facing the same direction as our avatar, too.
  18. Yes, though honestly, at this point I've been present so sporadically that I feel better about parting with a few bucks than getting a freebie for it. (This is also helped along by the exchange rate. It's a great time to order stuff from the US overseas - another 25% or so off compared to a 1:1 conversion.)
  19. Originally Posted By: Flame Blade Originally Posted By: Dantius So Internet Explorer 1.0 might have been a terrible program, but Internet Explorer TREE[3] is clearly the greatest computer program ever written. But it'll be nothing when Mozilla Firefox n(4)^GRAHAMS NUMBER comes out. Google Chrome A(GRAHAMS NUMBER, GRAHAMS NUMBER)beta
  20. Cat5 works well too, but sometimes you just need to coax it a bit. (Sorry about that one.)
  21. Originally Posted By: Earth Empires how Avadon is then spelled? You're doing it right. As for the pronunciation, to go by Jeff's interview (huh, he sounds a lot less gruff and bearded than I imagined ), it's stressed on the first syllable, and all vowels are short. This is how I was mentally pronouncing it already. I just tried a few alternatives, but none of them sound natural.
  22. Quote: Double entendres tend to really do it for me This sort of sounded like one.
  23. Originally Posted By: Dintiradan That's nothing: I'm writing this with Telnet right now. I normally have my pet butterfly analyze the bitstream and signal it to me by flapping his wings in Morse code. Today's his day off, so I'm using Firefox (Nightly, though). Back on topic, most pictures need to be cropped and/or scaled before being used as avatars. There are lots of programs for simple image manipulation, but on Windows, the only one you don't need to install is probably Paint. Who knows, maybe it's finally stopped being so awful.
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