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Everything posted by Aran

  1. Originally Posted By: Stugri-La Totally! Even I, a self-proclaimed weasel expert, was blown away by the athleticism on display. Weasel flexibility and hops are off the charts. I find the music to be a fine fit as well, and you certainly can't go wrong with David Attenborough's narration. I thought your specialty was needle/ferrets. And yeah, <3 Attenborough.
  2. It's the forum's unofficial motto, but we don't publicize it much. Better to lure the newbies in until it's too late.
  3. Originally Posted By: Arancaytrus Heh. I suppose if it came to it, we could rename it to the Encyclopedia [...]a, do s/Ermarian/[...]/g on all articles and just keep it where it is. It wouldn't completely invalidate everything, but it'd still mean rewriting a lot of stuff. (Hilariously, the French Wikipedia actually refers to Ermarian and Alxus - and the history thereof - as though it were canon.) And yeah, item descriptions were very nice. I particularly liked the ones for sticks and stones. And the books in E3! Oh dear, those were awesome. "Everyone has thought, at some time in their lives, 'That person over there needs killing!' Well, don't just back away! This book can show you how to make those dreams come horribly true." and "The bizarre, tentacled squirreloid creature pursued close behind, panting and tingling. 'Soon, wild maiden!' he cried. 'Soon, you will be MINE!' |(It continues in this vein for a long, long time.)"
  4. Originally Posted By: Stugri-La I recently finished Maia, a fantasy epic by Richard Adams, author of the famous Watership Down (his debut novel). Maia takes place in the same world as does Adams' second novel, Shardik. I have now read them both. Next up, once I get around to it, will be the Sherlock Holmes novel, The Valley of Fear (by Arthur Conan Doyle, of course). Oh, and howdy, for those few that will remember me. I was consumed with nostalgia today and burned through acres of threads over at Aran's priceless Pied Piper archive. Reliving those heady days of the General Moderator elections of 2005 was a true thrill. And, as such, I show my scruffy face here for the first time in at least two or three years. How fare the boards, without the needle/ferrets on hand to preserve order? Hey Stughalf! You've been away so long that when I recently saw you on Facebook I realized I'd forgotten what your name was on Spiderweb!
  5. Heh. I suppose if it came to it, we could rename it to the Encyclopedia [...]a, do s/Ermarian/[...]/g on all articles and just keep it where it is. It wouldn't completely invalidate everything, but it'd still mean rewriting a lot of stuff.
  6. Aran

    Troy Davis

    Originally Posted By: Darth Ernie to tell you the truth, I have always felt that life in prison without parole is more immoral than the death penalty. speaking for myself i would much rather a quick end than being in prison for all of eternity I'd be all for people being allowed to opt out of life with dignity, whether or not they are sentenced to life in prison. However, when you speak of your own personal preference, you implicitly assert the right to choose.
  7. Note that one thing I'm apprehensive about is the ever-present possibility that in the process of building canon, Jeff will one day put a name to the world, and the name won't be Ermarian. Would invalidate over a decade of fanon in one swoop.
  8. Aran

    Thanks, Lion.

    (Note that Homeland was actually made by Steven Morris, not Richard White, though some have hypothesized that they are two incarnations of the same Time Lord/Great Old One.) Also, I was only trying to make a humorous throwaway remark, not derail the topic into inside jokes and SW memes. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry.
  9. Aran

    Thanks, Lion.

    Originally Posted By: Annhog Originally Posted By: Arancaytrus (Being that this is posted on Spiderweb, for a moment I supposed the topic was referring to the game Homeland 2.) Ditto. My next thought was "is there such a thing?" My final thought was "why is there such a thing?" There is. It's been under development for nearly ten years, but that says nothing - consider Duke Nukem Forever. Also, once it is finished, it will have been retroactively released in 2002.
  10. Aran

    Thanks, Lion.

    (Being that this is posted on Spiderweb, for a moment I supposed the topic was referring to the game Homeland 2.)
  11. As a worldbuilding fetishist, pretty much everything, really. Though as a player I admit that bestiaries are more relevant than extensive treatises on Imperial and Avernite history. Yet that information does not need to be organized in a codex. Part of the fun in all the games, for me, were the small tidbits of lore that could be found in dialogue or inscriptions. The more of it, the better. (I'm acutely aware that whenever Jeff releases a new Avernum game, a ton of fan-built stuff gets Jossed. The Encyclopedia Ermariana was once a mix of Exile, Avernum, Desp Arena and Wild Mass Guessing. Slartucker made an admirable and epic effort to categorize all of this and clean the various canons - but the Encyclopedia is still stuck somewhere at Avernum 4, in part because the Literary Agent Hypothesis makes it an in-universe compendium written soon after the events of Avernum 3. However, I'm okay with fan theories being scrapped if it means shedding new light on some stuff.) [On re-reading the above, I realize I have been spending far too much time at the site that shall not be named.]
  12. Originally Posted By: Sylae I actually generated new passwords for all my important stuff when I first saw that comic...sadly I never implemented any of them until now. It reminds me of my insistence on pgp-signing all my messages...it's all there ready to go, but people I email ∩ people who know/care about message security is nonexistent I've been signing all emails for years, but have only met about three people who cared enough to exchange key signatures with me.
  13. Hm, it could be the proprietary ATI graphics driver. Apparently it doesn't support 16 bit color... Edit: Disabling the driver and setting 16bit color depth allows the game to run, but it lags badly and randomly limits the cursor's movement to small areas on the screen, so much so that it is essentially unplayable. Too bad. I'll have to see if A5 and A6 fare better...
  14. Has anyone else managed to run the Avernum trilogy on a Linux system using Wine? It sort of works, but only when reconfiguring X to use 16bit colors (disabling desktop effects and stuff in the process). I was hoping there'd be an easier method. I'm a bit tired of digging out my ancient Windows XP laptop whenever I want to play.
  15. Keep in mind that the "Guests" statistic includes everyone who got to one of the topics here via a Google search for a Spiderweb game recently. ("Recently" may be the last hour or more.) We probably don't have a fraction of that number as permanent lurkers.
  16. Originally Posted By: Khoth Originally Posted By: Triumph Hmm...new historical theory: there are no more than six degrees of separation between Karl Marx and anything that's happened since his lifetime? No Marx -> no Internet -> no time-travel -> Marx's parents never met -> no Marx. I like how you think. Do you have a newsletter?
  17. Originally Posted By: Cairo Jim I'll probably have to go through several "stress tests" if my boss acutally gets his hands on a fairly big contract. As long as you remember to run when they start talking about thetans.
  18. Aran

    New Post Layout

    I knew it in theory, but forgot it. Just switched off avatars and sidebar, and it's awesome how clean everything looks.
  19. Originally Posted By: Dantius The MoE, or elastic modulus, [...] Savvy? Woah, leave my beautiful conspiracy theory alone with your "physics" and "facts"!
  20. Aran

    New Post Layout

    I sort of like seeing some of this information, but in another way I also long for the simple and uncluttered layout we had before the upgrade. No avatars, no sidebar links, and all the interesting information (location, posts, join date) was in a single line below the post. Basically like this.
  21. There is no we; there is only Imban. Edit: Dammit, we're entering a recursive cycle of in-jokes again. *whacks implant*
  22. The government did Katrina! (I wish I'd finally found a conspiracy theory too bizarre for people to believe in, but a little googling disillusioned me.)
  23. It's possible; everyone knows the pharaohs were actually Goa'uld. Also, Flame Fiend is half right.
  24. You mean he no longer does that? Maybe he's mellowed with age. (Okay, now I'm done for. )
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