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Everything posted by Aran

  1. Quote: does this only count for mods? Naturally.
  2. Originally Posted By: Memory and Debts Unlike, say, editing everyone else's posts so that they contain his avatar. That is not acceptable. You know you want to.
  3. Originally Posted By: Cosmia You have done me before, yes. Hey, I need a double-entendre. Give me a good one. And in this case, I used smileys to indicate palindromiciousness.
  4. Well, unless you can deal with only half the players being present at each session. I guess you could split us up into separate parties. Originally Posted By: Dantius I vote IRC, too, if possible. Thirded.
  5. I should probably change my name back; the new generation is already starting to call my Arancaytrus. My most epic PDN-fail was probably when I changed it to Aranfoolcaytar and JV mentioned me on the SW homepage news using that name.
  6. (-: Dikiyoba's a boy. (I kid.) :-)
  7. Ten players? ET will go insane. (That's assuming we find a date before 2011 when all of them have time...)
  8. Originally Posted By: Skomer For some administrative purposes in Britain, at least, English, Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish are all nationalities. Quite how a person defines their nationality seems to be entirely subjective: my passport says that my nationality is British Citizen, however when asked my nationality at a government office, I was told that "British" was not valid (nor was "British Citizen"), and I had to choose one of the above. One way to find this out is to ask a British person if he's English. If he gets angry, he's a Scot.
  9. Awesome. I'm not sure I can find the time, seeing I was barely able to survive the Labyrinth sessions... but we'll see. Edit: My character choice would be Creation/Severe/Intellect.
  10. Quote: First off, I had fun. Also, I can't believe that I kept getting +17es when crushing orbs. Balls. You kept crushing Jareth's glass balls. Regarding sea travel, it seems no big deal to make it plot-driven - if it's not important, we could end the session when the ship departs. Or we could have an entire adventure that played out on a ship. Also, this was great, great fun! Thank you Ephesos!
  11. Originally Posted By: I need no introduction or smiley faces would be a nice way to speak.
  12. The dice were only situationally bad. "I'd like to know what kind of dust this is." -> 20. "I attempt to close the portal to the Cthulhu dimension to stave off our horrible deaths and the apocalypse." -> 1. (Though to be fair to the dice, I rolled a 20 on one of those checks too, which was pretty awesome.)
  13. Quote: Samus Arancaytrus Mh... now I'm wondering if I can squeeze a third name allusion into that.
  14. Aran

    The Labyrinth RP

    Wow, seven short; only Thuja and John are wounded as badly. I'm going to drain my healing potion at the start of next session.
  15. Michael, Raphael, Azrael and possibly a few other archangels would disagree. (As would most fantasy authors.)
  16. Originally Posted By: Excalibur Originally Posted By: Dantius Have you read Atlas Shrugged? I use it as a doorstop. It sat reverently on my dresser with my other favorite books until I had to return it to the library. Say, libraries are kind of communist, aren't they? Not sure Ayn Rand would approve of that.
  17. Aran

    The Labyrinth RP

    Same here. It'll be good to catch up on sleep again. (Though the last few sessions have been easy to follow.)
  18. Alorael has been here for many more years. Both have done so very soon or immediately on their joining. (Though I couldn't say how soon for Alorael, just that there is no public record of him not using that signature.) Edit: Argh, I cannot leave archival questions alone. I checked and confirmed that Dikiyoba has been signing posts with Dikiyoba's name from day 1, though the first third-person sentence appears in Dikiyoba's fifth post.
  19. Aran

    The Labyrinth RP

    Originally Posted By: Ephesos *prods topic* Remember, Sunday! Also, to those interested in the next campaign, here's the rough map of the setting. It's an old map. Ooh, I love maps! I'm not yet sure about my character's fate, but I'll know soon. Also, do you already have a glimpse into the new universe's classes, races, etc.?
  20. We had a freeze mob at our central station a few months ago. Everyone just stopped moving for five minutes at the sound of a bell. It was pretty fun.
  21. Aran

    The Labyrinth RP

    In context: Quote: (2009-11-16 03:48:21) Rowen: How does Thuja smell? (2009-11-16 03:48:36) Ephesos: Thuja smells like the finest soaps available. (2009-11-16 03:48:44) Arancaytar: (Dream.) (2009-11-16 03:48:51) Rowen: "Now this is a great place." (2009-11-16 03:48:54) Dikiyoba: (Nightmare!) Also, this was pretty funny: Quote: Temmyn print "I AM TEMMYN THE TINKER!"; Temmyn (Err, sorry. I'm wrapped in Python code right now.) Programming and RPing at the same time does weird stuff to your head.
  22. Aran

    The Labyrinth RP

    In this session, I not only rolled just short of half of all criticals; I also doubled my crit record so far. And all but one of them failed laughably. Quote: (2009-11-16 02:13:32) Arancaytar: I attempt to scry the water. (2009-11-16 02:13:33) Arancaytar: RealArancaytar rolled 1 20-sided die: 20 (2009-11-16 02:14:57) Arancaytar: Because I scried it, and I'm Temmyn, the master scrier. Result: I saw through the illusion so well that I failed to actually see it. And then the illusion proceeded to do damage to people. Quote: (2009-11-16 02:23:04) Ephesos: It's not long before you come to another dead end. The junk here looks particularly dangerous, coming in shades of broken, rusty, and pointy. (2009-11-16 02:23:39) Arancaytar: Artifice (2009-11-16 02:23:45) Arancaytar: RealArancaytar rolled 1 20-sided die: 20 This one actually rocked. Quote: (2009-11-16 02:43:43) Arancaytar: "Beware, for I wield mighty magic! Flee or be destroyed!" (2009-11-16 02:43:53) Arancaytar: (intimidate) (2009-11-16 02:43:56) Arancaytar: RealArancaytar rolled 1 20-sided die: 16 (2009-11-16 02:44:12) Arancaytar: (I'll fire lightning into the air if that helps) (2009-11-16 02:44:13) Arancaytar: RealArancaytar rolled 1 20-sided die: 20 Result: I wasted my best attack spell ever on killing the air. The intimidation failed, and I spent several rounds unconscious. Quote: (2009-11-16 04:27:46) Arancaytar: I join Nioca in examining the wall. (2009-11-16 04:27:48) Arancaytar: RealArancaytar rolled 1 20-sided die: 20 (2009-11-16 04:27:57) Ephesos: The wall has no discernible weak points. (2009-11-16 04:28:17) Arancaytar: okay, but at least now we're really, really sure it doesn't. ... ;_;
  23. Aran

    The Labyrinth RP

    Session is now starting.
  24. Aran

    The Labyrinth RP

    Quote: Calm Under Pressure - You gain a +3 to all skill checks during combat. WOAH. That is pretty much awesome sauce in a bottle. Also, it's good that I peeked in here again, because I totally overlooked the fact that you actually stuck with the Sunday schedule. I'll be there.
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