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Everything posted by Dahak

  1. Because tool use often leads to better treasures. If it was distributive Jeff would ramp the difficulty of the lock to match. However this impairs a singleton. Use nimble fingers if you must for it does add to Tool Use.
  2. The west back room of the building contains another undead (green tint that is keeping the others alive. Kill it and then the dancing bones.
  3. Originally Posted By: Dantius I know that Dahak has compiled the ending text for G and A 5 manually before. I was just wondering if he did it for A6, too. I've not finished the game yet.
  4. Ending Text? Yes, I have it. Send me a PM. It is long, and don't want to post the whole thing for those who may be spoiled.
  5. As soon as you have a firm date I'll put on my calendar "Buy A6". Unfortunately I was just informed that I have to work over the holidays (ugh), so I'll be just a wee bit delayed in enjoying it. I'm sure this has been discussed elsewhere, but what is the next RPG series now that Avernum is complete?
  6. And there is no is_sound_playing or current_sound calls... Bleh.
  7. Is there a way to change the ambient sound from within the game?
  8. Re-re-re-re-rereading Cordelia's Honor. The scene with the shrink will always be one of my favorites.
  9. If the value of y has not been determined then how do you know that y == -1 means the user canceled the action?
  10. It was done by Daniel Ray.
  11. How about: Town Scripts Dialogue Scripts Outdoor Scripts Creature Scripts Terrain Scripts Outdoors Custom Creatures Custom Terrain Custom Items
  12. Reinstall to correct the file and use the Graphic Adjuster as suggested. A resource editor that I use on 10.5.x is Rezilla. It has a few issues, but it seems to be one of the best of the free editors.
  13. As soon as you click done BoA pops up an error message and you return to the main menu ready to save your new party or jump straight into a scenario. I removed the tutorial scenario myself. The loading of the error message and hitting OK only takes a few seconds.
  14. Experimentation has yielded some interesting behavior. If someone has a windows machine can confirm...? First, the set_name and set_char_dialogue_pic calls only work when in the code block of the first node, but they also only work the dialogue is initiated. After that, even if you loop back to the first node, you cannot change the name or pic until you initiate the dialogue again. Second, the call message_dialog will overwrite text strings 1-8 with with 2x 256 string pieces of text when called from the code block of a dialogue node. Third, you can run begin_talk_mode from within a dialogue. However this kills the current dialog and treats it as if it had been called from a town script. No name or dialog pic will be displayed. So, as far as I can find, I can't force this to work. The only thing left is to try messaging and see if receiving a message triggers a creature's script. Edit: Messaging won't work. The following two scripts which talk to each other behave oddly. The terrain script calls node 2, which message the terrain script to begin node 3. So, the player only sees node 3. Don't know how many times it ran that branch, but obviously the last node on the branch is what the player first sees. Code: beginterrainscript; variables;body;beginstate INIT_STATE; set_script_mode(3);break;beginstate START_STATE; if (get_flag (0,0) == 3) message_dialog("Jill active.",""); if (get_flag(0,0) == 3) { begin_talk_mode(3); } else begin_talk_mode(2);break; Code: begintalkscript;variables;begintalknode 2; state = -1; nextstate = -1; question = "Jack, where is Jill?"; text1 = "Done talking to Jack."; code = set_name(6, "Jack"); set_char_dialogue_pic(6, 1945,0); set_flag(0,0,3); give_ter_script_message(0,2); // Go to Jill break;begintalknode 3; state = -1; nextstate = -1; question = "Jill, where is Jack?"; text1 = "Done talking to Jill"; code = set_name(6, "Jill"); set_char_dialogue_pic(6, 1947,0); set_flag(0,0,2); give_ter_script_message(0,3); // Go to Jack break;
  15. Well, I can manage the next bit of dialogue to pop up from the creature scripts, but as implied the party has to execute a turn in order to kick off the next chunk. If only there was a way to force a turn to end. Edit: Or, the other way would be to somehow force a state in the creature script to execute. Once the dialogue begins the current creature script terminates.
  16. However, if you call a dialogue from a town script you do not get a picture or name. In addition, once dialogue begins the current town script's state stops without completing.
  17. How we you thinking of starting the next chuck? Did you mean to do this by calling each chuck from a creature script?
  18. Originally Posted By: Ephesos Okay, I just checked. If you put the set_char_dialogue_pic() call in the first dialogue node, it will trigger and the picture will appear. Anywhere else and it won't update properly. Was this from initiating dialogue with a character or calling it from a town script? Originally Posted By: Niemand Sure you can. However, I would recommend ignoring the 'messaging' system, not only do I think that they wouldn't work for this, but that it's generally rather useless. You should be able to store the needed information using SDF's, from the code section of the dialogue nodes. The only tricky bit I can see would be avoiding a gap between sections of dialog, but that shouldn't be too bad. Yeah, but the whole point is control the name and picture displayed while in dialogue mode. BoA seems structured for 1 on 1 dialogue only.
  19. Only the first node, eh? Bummer. Hm.... Can you confirm something for me? Can I pass a message while in dialogue mode so that the second person speaks after receiving the message? As follows: Town Script -Pass Message 1 (To X) X Script -Auto-Dialogue Begins (X) -PC answers, Pass Message 2 (To Y) -End Dialogue Y Script -Auto-Dialogue Begins (Y) -PC answers, Pass Message 3 (To X) -End Dialogue X Script -Auto-Dialogue Begins (X) -PC answers, Pass Message 4 (To Y) -End Dialogue
  20. I'm trying to setup a quick animation where people X & Y walk up to you, kick off a conversation, and seek your opinion. However, to complicate matters I need to distinguish between X & Y when ever the speaker changes. To do this I was hoping to control the name and picture. So the flow is as follows: Cutscene Begin Dialogue X speaks. (State 1) Y speaks. (State 2) PC answers. (State 3) If PC answer = A, Then show X responds, str 1-4, Else show Y response, str 5-8 (State 4) If X responds (from state 4), nextstate = 5 If Y responds (from state 4), nextstate = 6 However, I cannot find calls to do this and I could swear it was possible. How can I achieve this switching while assuring the player is aware if X or Y speaking to them (dialogue pic and name)?
  21. Actually, the only engine addition I would like is support for alpha channels. Right now Jeff simply uses #FFFFFF to create a mask for the graphics.
  22. *Ahem* No one has submitted a scenario yet. Sorry the delayed posting, but I've been a bit busy. Because of the fact that no scenario have been submitted I'm going to say fie! Fie, I say. Fie! Deadline going out till June 1. If someone can't get a scenario done by that point...
  23. Actually I just want the current engine fixed. What value would a new engine provide? We would have learn a whole new system & redesign all scenarios to compatible. bleh.
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