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Everything posted by Dahak

  1. Fix your setttings in 'Town Details' There is a part for the town's exits. I believe it overrides everything else.
  2. Oh, I figured out a another method using 1 space. Use a custom floor with the bottom third + floor type. Then use a 2 part terrain with any needed offsets to line it up. The gripe would be making a unique floor. But there is plenty of free space in the floor lists so I have no worries.
  3. I thought you couldn't control lighting because it was loaded when the town was entered.
  4. Quote: Originally written by Kelandon: I love icon adjustment. Any scenario I ever make will feature it to no small degree You can substitute one floor for another using set_floor, with one floor set to being icon adjusted and one not. Does this mean you need 2 pre-defined floors? Both use the same icon, but has a adjust? Or can you use the same floor (swap A with A), but apply a adjust after the swap? My main reason is I'm creating a set of desert terrains. However I'm also trying to create a shady section. I don't want to use twice as many icons, so I hoping that a script could handle shading.
  5. According to the editor manual the fl_icon_adjust can be used to adjust the look of a floor icon whenever a floor icon is selected. What does it mean by selected, and can the icon look be adjusted in special encounter?
  6. Is it possible to create graphics larger than 2 icons? I've tired mixing 2 icon high graphics with a custom floor (bottom 1/3). I know previous games have taller graphics, but was the capability not included in BoA?
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