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Everything posted by Dahak

  1. There is that hill, but in different colors. See #744.
  2. Due to various factors the deadline is extended to Jan 31.
  3. Delete the Geneforge 5 folder and reinstall. The saves are in your documents folder so you shouldn't lose those. The modified scripts will be replaced with the defaults when the install completes. Then tell your brother to not mess with the scripts or to make a backup first. Edit: A curious thing. How was the script edited such that the mouse did not show? I could understand if the image was deleted, but the scripts themselves? Mouse functionality should be in the executable.
  4. Kill them one at a time. Place your shaper next to the exit point and range your creations in front. Generally all your creations will go first. Buff and kill 1 servile. Your shaper will be badly damaged but alive when your turn comes. Step back and exit the area to a safe place. Rinse, lather repeat. And yes, I did this. It took forever...
  5. What is interesting is the ending if you break with the factions once too often. Hunted down by Shapers and Rebels... Ouch.
  6. Any OCD here you want to help sort the ending text can go here and read it all (unsorted). http://geneforge5.webs.com/ending.htm
  7. Curses. I am indeed on an Intel mac.
  8. The load begins for a GF5 save file and then it stops at "Load Blockage Array".
  9. What? The Tomb of Dahris-Bok wasn't that hard. Of course I over-leveled before going down...
  10. Just try and see what happens. If things go wrong such as "I'm getting whooped by Rawal's charged ornk. Halp!" then post. Otherwise, play the game.
  11. It has been a while and I've leveled up, but I think I had all Infiltrator and Tinker gear equipped and around 21 mechanics (after equipped). Edit: I had 20 mechanics. The is from the infiltrator charm. Stayeye, your AP is 8 when you enter the door? The detectors will NOT go off if the door is closed. Thus you can position yourself right in front of the door. Open the door and hit f to enter combat mode. The mines are only 3-4 AP away. The detectors shouldn't go off until after your turn ends (assuming they don't hiss before hand, thus hit f right away)
  12. You need to move such that you are placed at the door with 8 AP. Then move between the two mines. Then spend 1 AP each to disable the two mines.
  13. Easy. Go into combat mode and disable the 2 mines. You can disable 1+ in 1 turn that way.
  14. You can sneak through. You have to place spotters just at the edge of their detection range and move your units, 1 at a time, w/o going into combat mode. You can make it if you time it with a second to spare. It took me a half hour to move my spotters, sneak my troops through, and grab the loot. Of course I could have moved just my shaper as there is no combat at the end if you are smart...
  15. This is just the coordinate in a 30x300 short int array. 100,0 is not the name of a variable. It is a space within the variable.
  16. Well, you save a bit by removing the intelligence. A plated clawbug with maxed STR and END costs only 110 essence without any INT.
  17. Nah. Everyone knows that our amnesiac self is none other than ... (Scroll Down) Bob the Fish Crafting Servile! Once a proud shaper he was tried for illegal crafting of singing fish. However he faked his death and joined the rebellion under an assumed name. Eventually he was swayed over to the dark, seductive power of the Geneforge. Once transformed he set out to realize his true ambition by making his fame in the Terrestia entertainment business by making tap dancing Betas and Singing War Thralls (good baritone, not so good soprano). Unfortunately it didn't pan out and being booed off several stages caused him great distress. Suppressing his heartache he buried his shame and wandered the land a penniless vagrant. Ashamed at how he had fallen he buried his memories deep inside his mind and became a regular refugee pretending amnesia. In time the acting became the reality and that is how he remained until forced once more to shape. When the council's power is broken, Bob the Shaper will once more reign and all the world will know the glory of Dolly the Beta and her (yes her) chorus of War Thralls!!! (Of course the madness of the Geneforge's has nothing to do with this. )
  18. However, I think 100,0 might be the wrong flag. I got back 84 coins. Edit: 100,22 is the flag to use according to canisters.txt
  19. One could however insert code to edit the canister numbers and to which faction the player swore. Then simply reload and watch each ending.
  20. Cryoa and Cryodrayk do not use 0 energy. I've seen the energy drop only to be nearly recharged the next round. Prolonged combat however will show a small drop in energy for a cryodrayk.
  21. When you say AI off, do you mean 0 invested in the creations' intelligence?
  22. Also, Does anyone know the location of the essence charm? I've all other INT stat boosters that I can equip.
  23. Well for Acid, Poison, and Venom I figure it might also be the status effect strength. Doesn't make sense for thorns and reapers though.
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