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Hyena of Ice

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Everything posted by Hyena of Ice

  1. Personally I really hate the no-closing doors thing. There should at least be a skill for it. I mean I don't see how an enemy 14 spaces away could prevent someone from slamming the door shut. Just make it so that you either need a skill for it (each rank of skill = able to close the door with the enemy 1 space closer) or make it take an entire round to close it. I rarely ever explioted doors to open, shoot the enemy, then close again before its turn came up. By rarely I mean I have only done that in a scant few battles-- enough to count on your fingers-- between all games. I predominantly use doors to regroup, recuperate, and rebuff for 2 or more rounds. Even doing this by running isn't an option with the enemy slowing you down when it's right next to you.
  2. while there aren't such useful features for people to find specific posts within a thread. Yeah there is-- doesn't the thread load the appropriate page? (can't remember) and Ctrl + F. That's what I use, and I rarely have any difficulty finding what I'm looking for. there's already a recently active thread that relates directly to what they're posting about There is? For G3 specifically? Because I've found that questions about earlier, less popular games like G3 tend not to get answered in a G1/2/4/5 or Geneforge general thread. Anyhow, I confirmed what Startibus said-- have to start a new game. Same with making items stackable. I also got the answer to my first question on making only one item in a category stackable (put an *entry* "= 0" on the next item) It's worth mentioning that you don't need to start a new game to affect the coloradj. Also, that generic monsters re-load every time you re-enter the area, so item drop % works without starting a new game.
  3. Also, let's face it, there are some games that objectively are so horrendously bad that most of us just can't help but bashing and scathing sarcasm. I'm talking about "broken game" level bad (Big Rigs, Superman64, ET the Extraterrestrial, Pacman for Atari, and Ultima Ascension. Oh, and Action 52 or whatever it was called. Big Rigs and Ultima Ascension were in those "Goat Simulator" category of broken games.)
  4. I can see your point Startibus, but I don't really get Triumph's
  5. I don't like to start new topics as it clutters up a board with yet another thread, rather than keeping them neat and organized. That sucks because I wanted to change his stats as the game progressed. Also, I should note that my first post was made before I even tried to tweak the file.
  6. No, Cave cotton makes little sense. Cavewood was difficult enough to breed, and I don't know what species it was modified from (members of Rosaceae seem most likely-- Rosaceae includes stonefruits *plums, peaches, cherries, almonds, apricots* pomes *apples, pears, quinces, medlars, loquats, rowan, serviceberry, hawthorn*, rowan, hawthorn, serviceberry, cotoneaster, firethorn, toyon, photinia, uʻulei) It may also be something in Moraceae-- some genuses have twisted, gnarled growth habits like the Cavewood (namely fig and Osage Orange) Cotton, however, is a finicky plant.
  7. Entirely the opposite. I said I wouldn't take the precautions Sarkeesian has. Which is entirely meaningless, I'm hardly in a comparable position, but also what I said. Seriously? This isn't about HER safety so much as it's about the safety of the people attending her speeches. It would be incredibly irresponsible of her to risk their lives like that. It hasn't been that many years since anti-abortion web sites used to post the names and home addresses of abortion service doctors. The sites never explicitly mentioned killing the doctors, but people that viewed those sites still went out and killed some of those doctors using that information. Actually, Army of God did, and weren't they responsible for the Nuremburg site? Not on the page, but they have apologetics throughout their site which condone abortion clinic bombings and killing abortion doctors. I've waded through some of the filth as a guilty passion, and their view LITERALLY is that any evil is justifiable if it prevents even a single abortion. oh, rest assured, those things all still happen too. if anything it's easier than ever to harass someone with unwanted deliveries of pizza or other items now that there are so many ways to order stuff online Actually, Sprint Relay Online, and not a literal phone, is what was used to prank order all the pizzas. Then there are games from White Supremest and Jihadist groups that are used to recruit new members. They desensitize the player to the types of criminal behavior that almost everyone considers offensive. Do they really? There is such a massive difference between 3D immersive videogames and real life. There is no risk involved in videogames. Committing a crime in an MMO will not get you arrested in IRL. The only would-be-criminals who would think that they are trained for "real crimes" because of the videogames they've played are so stupid that they need a keeper, anyway. Also, it seems like an awdul lot of the white supremacists who do commit these crimes were violent to begin with. An awful lot of the ones who have been charged with murder or attempted murder have a rapsheet that includes rape and physical assault on women. I'm not even talking about the members of the Aryan Nations prison gang (a long rap sheet is a given, there) There are also a disproportionate number of white supremacist leaders get caught with kiddie porn on their computers, but this seems far too convenient-- I have long suspected that many of these cases involved planted evidence-- and the fact that nearly all of these individuals were guilty of tax evasion and hunted by the IRS makes this seem even more likely (no, the tax evasion I am certain is real) Note that the CP thing only seems to apply to the leaders of the movement, and not the violent followers.
  8. These are the names that I'm most curious about, all from G3: ACADEMY (what is the pattern?) Hanna Senea Stover Therese SAN RU (Remaining chars) Diwaniya Lizette Micheline Tik Vandrin FORT WILTON (remaining chars not named after Galileo family) Caplan Heather Lynn Mooney Philip BULWARK INN Jaym Komoa Sobel Any ideas?
  9. That section of the interview was referring to social media harassment, not game content. On a similar subject, the former admin of Gamefaqs made the mistake of giving out his name + city. So he got stalkers. He had to change his phone # and change it to unlisted, he also had to move and have his new address de-listed. You know you've hit rock bottom when you're stalking the administrator of a videogame message board. This all happened about 15 years ago, BTW. Nowadays you probably wouldn't see stalking, prank pizza orders, and phone harassment-- you'd just see E-stalking, creepy Twitter feeds, creepy fan responses in the Gamefaqs admin's blog, and the doxxing of his wife.
  10. Oh, wait, I forgot that "reed" is a synonym for cattail...
  11. This is how it looks, BTW. (I also gave him a couple raised resistances-- stun and mental, also, 2 points of QA, just like the PC guardian's beginning stats) cr_name = "Alwan"; cr_base_level = 4; cr_graphic_coloradj = 1024; cr_regen_rate = 0; cr_statistic 6 = 2; cr_statistic 7 = 4; cr_resistances 0 = 20; cr_resistances 7 = 30; cr_abil_num 1 = -1; cr_abil_level 0 = 5; What did I do wrong?
  12. Spidersilk is much, MUCH too expensive for pillow stuffing, though there is an Aranea Silk Tunic in A4. The only game I know of where the GIFTS deal peacefully with the Tower of Magi is A3 (though I haven't played A5 yet) Again, the reed thing is in the canon-- the tunics in A1 state that clothing in Avernum is made painstakingly from a magically augmented reed-- though it's possible he meant "cattail", or both. Oh, on a related note, if Jeff is reading this, please, please, PLEASE bring back the item descriptions for mundane items! It adds such wonderful flavor to the games! It's so incredibly annoying that bolts of cloth, blankets, books, etc. lack any descriptions like they did in the first trilogy and to a much lesser extent the Geneforge games. BTW, for context, common reeds, though not land-use efficient (don't get much bang for your buck as far as sq. feet of land use), do produce feathery inflorescences. Reeds (and cattails, if Jeff either made a mistake and meant cattail instead of reed, or meant BOTH cattail and reed) make the most sense for a magically augmented textile plant. Aside from requiring wetland conditions (cattails being a tad pickier than reeds as far as water levels and brackishness), neither are picky about conditions beyond that-- they are quick-growing and weedy, they're not spiked like thistles, and they don't require years of growth like cottonwood and willow. (note I didn't include the less weedy trees on the list, such as kapok) Bonus: reeds make good and plentiful sources for burlap, rope, thatching, and weaving material. As for other textiles (but not pillow and quilt stuffing), wolf fur makes a good wool substitute, and they are widely domesticated-- at least in A6, anyway.
  13. Is this G1 only? Because I was going to mention that G3 Greta should have a ponytail and reddish hair like in the scene art of G4, along with a green tunic (though I would make her ponytail spikier and shorter *like-- chin length* and placed higher on her head to make her look younger. (And Alwan's chainmail should be bluish) Question: How did you make the portrait/status art? Was it all made entirely in 2D paint programs, or did you make 3D renders with heaping helpings of postwork? Oh, and the only things I don't like about that screenshot is that Esther doesn't have her green skin. Also, Dakro's skin is supposed to be rather pale (Alwan's should be a bit darker) Everything else looks truly awesome. (though another critique, Esther's neck is supposed to be a bit longer, and she has plumper/thicker lips. Greta's are a bit thicker as well, though not as thick as Esther's.) Also, Dakro is supposed to be in his early 20's (you can tell by his status portrait) except in G5 where he has a slight mustache. Wait, also, what is that pale green cluster thingy in the third screenshot? I hope you don't take my constructive criticism the wrong way-- I know some are really sensitive about it, and I confess it's not something I can empathize with as I always want constructive criticism for my art (and it only bothers me when it's not criticism, but rather insults) Also, uh... just so you know, I'm a lot pickier/whinier about my own art than that of other peoples' (I'm a perfectionist when it comes to my own stuff) Also, I agree with the others, this has to be a nightmare as far as programming. Bravo.
  14. Forgot to mention something important about the tactics-- Greta is the fast one and the baton user (also has good battlemagic), Esther is also fast, and is the caster, while Alwan is the melee specialist, protector, and tank. Despite being a Guardian, Alwan only has 4 points of Missle Weapons (and uses javelins more often than thorns as he can put his strength into the throws) Can anyone help me come up with tactics for fighting 5 or more humans at once? (their common Delta Formation doesn't work against 5 or more intelligent, non-stationary combatants, as one or two melee fighters will keep Alwan occupied while the remainder overwhelm the girls, who cannot cast spells or use missile weapons in melee combat, and their daggers with a paltry 4 points in melee weapons don't fare well against head-on combat *as opposed to ambush attacks* with stronger, sword-wielding opponents.) I've had four or five Geneforge or Geneforge-related dreams. Though only two were memorable enough for me to remember them. The second memorable one (can't recall if I mentioned it in an earlier post) involved the trio battling Drayks, with the rules being the same as in my fic (Agents wear only cloth, leather, or augmented chain-type armors and no shields). The drayk they were fighting breathed jets of flame (not fireballs). To protect himself from said flames, Alwan knelt down behind his shield. Having no shields, the girls crouched immediately behind him. Unfortunately Alwan was not strong enough to avoid being pushed backwards by the long jets of flame-- and about 15 feet behind them was a cliff ledge-- the girls wrapped their arms around him (more like hugged him really tightly from behind while ducking their heads down) both to avoid being left behind as Alwan got pushed back and to prevent him from being pushed back (this reduced the amount of push-back significantly but still didn't stop it) During the 5th or 6th time that the drayk took a DEEP breath (to breathe another long jet of flame), Esther rose above Alwan's shield and shot a Searer straight into the drayk's mouth-- AS IT WAS INHALING. I'm sure there were parts of the dream that were nonsensical which I no longer remember. Oh, forgot to mention that they were in a natural cave.
  15. Another thing-- I tried to give Alwan some levels of QA and Parry, but nothing has changed. Is it necessary to start the game from the beginning for this to take effect, or is it impossible to do by simply editing the text? I know I writ everything out just right/perfectly, so what am I doing wrong? When I load up a save file and enter combat, nothing has changed.
  16. Eh, still need to get off my ass and make/morph the characters I need for concept art in my fic (namely Greta and Alwan) Anyhow, I need your guys' help with something now. One of the sub-plot points that come up is that the three apprentices have to brainstorm combat tactics/formations for battle with humans and ambulatory opponents with human intelligence. (Remember, this fic takes place right before the Purification Plant, Acidic Valley, and Mountain Pass, and begins right after the clearing of the Ambush Bridge-- so they haven't even fought their first rogue Servile, yet) In particular, they have to come up with formations/tactics/strategies where they are outnumbered by at minimum, 4 to 3. Again, bear in mind that in my fic, there are few shields that Agents can use without losing the ability to cast battle magic spells (the Essence Aegis, Quicksilver Bulwark, and Agent's Shelter are among the exceptions), nor do they equip most forms of metal or carapace armor, battle magic cannot be cast at point blank range, and melee combat interferes with spellcasting. So far the only one I can come up with involves Greta sneaking away, preferably to higher ground, and sniping opponents while Alwan and Esther use one of their standard tactics. Up to the first encounter with the AIS (where they were outnumbered 5 to 3 and outsmarted), they generally spam the "Delta Formation", where they form a triangle with Alwan in the front, the girls cast War Blessing/Protection on him (and Haste if there is enough time), before he charges the enemies. The goal is for Alwan to keep the opponents occupied on him in melee combat while the Agents pummel them with spells or thorns. Other tactics they have come up with up to the point of the beginning of the fic are, of course, a distance tactic (moving back while attacking opponents from a distance-- e.g. unstable roamers) and several variants of formations that involve tackling enemy parties that attack from two or three directions. Any ideas on additional tactics/formations/strategies for dealing with 4 or more intelligent opponents?
  17. There are plenty of possibilities. I have the book by Lone Pine "Native Plants of the Pacific Northwest Coast"-- an all-time favorite since the 80's or 90's when it was released. In addition to native plant information, it includes info on what the First Nations of SW BC, Vancouver Island, and northernmost Washington State used them for. The book is likely to be available in book stores from Alaska down to California, including British Columbia (barring that, probably available at Amazon) It's a good reference for inspiration on what characters in a tribal fantasy setting would use plants for. Common pillow stuffings in the Pacific states include cottonwood seed fluffs (duh-- I have a ziplock freezerbag full of it for bird nesting-- at the right time of year it's so prevalent near the rivers that you can just scoop it up by the handfull) Animal fur was used further inland, I believe-- mountain goats being the primary source, though I would imagine that coyotes shed fur by the clump-full as well. I think probably that a lot of cloth was sent down by the Empire. The item description in the original first trilogy might specify where the cloth comes from. *Loads up A1* The description for tunics state that cloth is laboriously made from the fluffs of a reed magically augmented to survive in the subterranean darkness. The 40 gp cloth is probably supposed to be silk or brocade, so that may well be from the surface unless there is a processing method or special strain of reed that can render a silk-like textile-- or perhaps the steep price is solely due to the dyes used.
  18. Oh, yeah. I hadn't played it in a long time, so I forgot about that. Oh my gosh I'm so embarrassed!
  19. I loaded it up and noticed that picking up or dropping items does not increase or decrease the weight my character is carrying. I have no idea why-- looking at the "last modified" dates on all of my A6 files, nothing has been altered. How do I fix this? Windows 7 Desktop
  20. Matt P's walkthrough says 6 or less, IIRC. Also be warned that using more than 6 also affects certain conversations, and you'll have to ignore the drakon in the Spire Forest if you don't want to piss off the Icy End (click okay/checkmark instead of responding to him. This trick can also be used to avoid rises or dips in your alignment in some cases-- i.e. just end the conversation instead of answering their question)
  21. I prefer the G3+ Guardian, personally. You can see his face, and he doesn't have the same "stiff" appearance that the G1/2 Guardian does. Also, he looks beefier. Yes, it WILL change the look of all Guardians in the game, but not the coloradjust.
  22. I've been playing this for the past week, and my experience with Krizsan has been that the dates are not absolute-- it seemed like there was a random factor involved, but that the further the date progressed, the more likely the town was to suffer damage. (I kept a backup save in case the town got wrecked, and another backup that I occasionally saved over.) It sucks that the timeline affects things in this way-- makes the game a lot less fun. How are you supposed to clear every possible dungeon and complete every possible non-courier quest if this happens? Edit: The random element may only apply to the second and later ruin stages-- the first stage of ruin, for all I know, could be fixed.
  23. You get LOTS of experience for convincing the Betas to let you by, but you need a total leadership score of 13 or 14 IIRC
  24. I actually have a theory (granted I haven't played G4 or 5 still as I'm still diddling around in 3) that the Geneforge/canisters can, and often do exacerbate certain inborn personality traits. The risk isn't 100% however.
  25. Yes, but a major problem with the iOS for mobile devices, as one of the comments in my post says, is that every version update (case in point: the 8.3 update from 8.2) is a software breaker. This is acceptable (though annoying) for free, copyleft software like Blender (which still has a better track record than Apple with backwards-compatibility), or even GIMP (which does not suffer from this problem) but for one of the world's biggest software companies, it's just plain bad. Unfortunately, I don't see this continued practice by Apple as being detrimental to their sales at all-- simply because there are no comparable alternatives these days to Apple mobile software-- Apple's competition is comparable to those old Tyger handhelds vs a Gameboy. Add to that all the friggin' hipsters that will compulsively buy Apple's newest software no matter how insignificant the hardware or software differences, or how crappy the product. Also, apparently premium games are slowly going extinct in favor of free-to-play crap. AKA the ONLINE games with microtransactions and/or in-game advertising. Nothing like seeing an ad for low-cost Caribbean cruises while you're trying to survive in the wastelands of a post-nuclear Earth... These are what now make up most of the revenue not only for mobile games, but for desktop games as well!
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