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Well, I assume you mean that you are waiting for the Windows version. It has only been a few weeks, so be patient. It usually takes Jeff a little while to port the game because it apparently is not as easy as running it through a single automated program. :rolleyes:


If you do read Gone with the Wind, tell me how it goes.

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just calm down now, as much as we would love to have jeff as a slaved geek working in our basement chained to his PC - or mac if you swing that way - we must remember that he got him self a wife - or did she get him?- and they reproduced...so either have more Patience or build a time machine stop his courting and enslave him.... that or buy a mac...but the time machine would be cooler!

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Originally written by cubgrace:
Thanks Guys, This is the nicest group of posters I have ever seen. A support group if you will.
Some of us are nice, but overall we are just considerate. Just wait until you get on the bad side of a couple of staple posters. But in the meantime, welcome! I'm sure someone has already told you about the brain eating fluffy turtles, so carry on.
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I am aware that 10.5 isn't out yet. I simply seem to recollect that, in the keynote presentation about Leopard, a program called Time Machine was introuduced. Having located it on Apple.com as well, I can only assume that you were merely mocking my choice to use present tense for its existance. Technically, a time machine would exist at all times...

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Originally written by Cirion Actaeon:
Technically, a time machine would exist at all times...
Actually, all time machine designs that are even remotely feasible under the known laws of physics can't take you back any further than the time when the time machine was originally constructed.

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Given sufficient time, a time machine will end up in every time. In fact, given infinite time a time machine has a reasonable probability of occupying all space and time in the universe.


—Alorael, who has of course approximated the time machine as spherical, uniform in composition, uncharged, massless, and indestructible.

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Alorael, that still does not explain why it must be in every time at once. I am sure that the DeLorean from Back to the Future only went to specific times and places. At best it would only occupy all the time between dates, which is really no better than any other normal object.


Randomizer, that is a pretty big "theoretically". I theorize that through black holes lie the sanity that we have all left at the door.

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Yes, that was definately bad phrasing. The great majority of theories in this regard disagree with that. I meant, simply, that even if "Time Machine" hasn't been released yet, it has been developed, and thus, if it worked as an actual Space/Time transport, rather than simply a system to back up your files, it would be possible to deliver a copy to the past. I am sure some sort of restrictions would be put in place, though. Apple police roaming time...

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The critical part is the time machine being indestructible. If it survives catastrophic locations and events, it will end up going through everyone's hands, and someone among everyone will eventually want to go everywhere and everywhen. That's a grotesque approximation, of course, which is why I added the standard excessive physics disclaimer.


—Alorael, who wonders if Zxquez is, in fact, a time machine. Or perhaps Imban. That would explain why they're everyone.

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Arghhh! The time machine paradigm you present is incoherent to me. If the time machine traveled through time by itself at random intervals, then it would make sense. However, if it must require an operator, then an absence of which would confound your prediction. Of course there are many ways to make it true, but nothing will necessarily happen.

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No, I can see that happening even with an operated time machine, assuming it is completely indestructible and easy to use. Even if a person were to be caught in a catastrophe (because people with time machines often do crazy things like seeing the dinosaurs or Mt. St. Helens erupt) and killed, the time machine would survive until another person found it and used it (probably by accident). And so on and so forth.



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Originally written by Dikiyoba:
(because people with time machines often do crazy things like seeing the dinosaurs or Mt. St. Helens erupt)
If you read that quickly, the Mt. St. Helens part of the sentence seems to fade away, so it reads like:
(because people with time machines often do crazy things like seeing the dinosaurs erupt)
It would explain why the dinosaurs went extinct, though. :p
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A time machine yeah well i tell you time is not a thing to mess with, because...Wait i have a book somewhere..Ah found it !!(

It's not an actual book but a story that my father told me this one)

All right supposing you have a crew of time travelers and you can travel in time the future hasn't been made yet so you will see

a part of the reality as it is going Ok, so you travel in your blue box to the Cretaceous period some 65 million years before christ.

You get out of your ship then at that point you interact with the past when you landed when you breathe the air when the dead skin of your body is blown by the wind altering the past but that won't do all lot of damage and alter the future since you are on a floating platform you won't damage the ferns and the flowering plants (grass didn't exists until the Moiocene period) .

Suddenly out of the pin trees a Daspletosaurus ( a tyrannosaurus cousin ) looks at you with curiosity, then it thinks that you are food or invading it's territory , it attacks the platform: your crew take their light sabers and kill the dinosaur you wonder if you altered the future you worry a lot you ordain your men to go inside the ship to see on your screen if the future is unaltered it isn't . You turn of the moving panels open a bottle of champagne and celebrate but as you speak one of your men accidently drooped is light saber on the ground causing him to jump off the platform thus steeping on to a butterfly he takes his weapon and gets up on the platform putting her light saber in her pocket

sure to not having disturbed the time line. You go back home.

And as you opened the door you see that people don't speak english .... they speak in a germanic origin tongue, THEY SPEAK


As you see you soon find out that it was the butterfly that altered the future not as you thought earlier one the beheading of the dinosaur.

Even the smallest of changes can trouble the time line so,

take care of it and try to not mess around with it so it is imperative that time travel is forbidden to mankind it's to dangerous to let a bunch of crazy apes to be able to control the very fabric of reality cause you won't be careful.

Don't worry about that i think that the human race would be extinct before using time travel, we would either die of climate change or we would have evolved into an other form .

I think it would be possible to see the fabric of reality when man would evolve to a higher stage in evolution of mankind.

Since we are in the present we are not mean to live in the future or in the past because we simply cannot risk that.


(I know, it is bad to have killed the dinosaurs with my vulgarity.

But i can't help it if i boarded them to death !! right?)

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Why yes, time travel is dangerous. That's ssuming that any changes you made would cause you to end up in a slightly different future, rather than the old one you came from. In addition to the Butterfly Effect, there are a variety of famous paradoxes associated with time travel. Luckily, we currently have no way of successfully doing so.

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Originally written by Upon Mars:
one of your MEN accidently drooped HIS light saber on the ground causing HIM to jump off the platform thus steeping on to a butterfly HE takes HIS weapon and gets up on the platform putting HER light saber in HER pocket
sure to not having disturbed the time line.
I'm more concerned with how the crew in your story can spontaneously and inexplicably change genders. Sounds like something was wrong before (or is it after? :p ) they came here via time machine.

This post is sponsored by Al's Non-Drooping Lightsabers.
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Originally by Upon Mars:


A time machine yeah well i tell you time is not a thing to mess with, because...Wait i have a book somewhere..Ah found it !!(

It's not an actual book but a story that my father told me this one)

As long as you realize that it's not an original story. I forget the title and the author, but I've read it before.


(grass didn't exists until the Moliocene period) .
Dikiyoba isn't sure whether you mean the Miocene epoch or the Oligocene epoch, but either way grasses had evolved by the Eocene epoch or possibly before (though they weren't common). [/nitpicking]
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Originally written by Nioca:
Originally written by Upon Mars:
one of your MEN accidently drooped HIS light saber on the ground causing HIM to jump off the platform thus steeping on to a butterfly HE takes HIS weapon and gets up on the platform putting HER light saber in HER pocket
sure to not having disturbed the time line.
I'm more concerned with how the crew in your story can spontaneously and inexplicably change genders.
I think that may have been an intentional part of the joke.
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Originally written by Cirion Actaeon:
Why yes, time travel is dangerous. That's ssuming that any changes you made would cause you to end up in a slightly different future, rather than the old one you came from. In addition to the Butterfly Effect, there are a variety of famous paradoxes associated with time travel. Luckily, we currently have no way of successfully doing so.
And you believe that we don't have time machines? I guess you have been told the truth. We alter time all the time, it's just that reality alters so only those that alter it know what changed.
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Originally written by Randomizer:
Originally written by Cirion Actaeon:
Why yes, time travel is dangerous. That's ssuming that any changes you made would cause you to end up in a slightly different future, rather than the old one you came from. In addition to the Butterfly Effect, there are a variety of famous paradoxes associated with time travel. Luckily, we currently have no way of successfully doing so.
And you believe that we don't have time machines? I guess you have been told the truth. We alter time all the time, it's just that reality alters so only those that alter it know what changed.
So that, for the vast majority of people, time hasn't been altered at all.
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Originally written by Kuber:
Originally written by Randomizer:
Originally written by Cirion Actaeon:
Why yes, time travel is dangerous. That's ssuming that any changes you made would cause you to end up in a slightly different future, rather than the old one you came from. In addition to the Butterfly Effect, there are a variety of famous paradoxes associated with time travel. Luckily, we currently have no way of successfully doing so.
And you believe that we don't have time machines? I guess you have been told the truth. We alter time all the time, it's just that reality alters so only those that alter it know what changed.
So that, for the vast majority of people, time hasn't been altered at all.
Thus, in effect, WE will never posses time machines, unless we invent them. We must simply resign ourselves to a linear way of seeing things, even if the actual path is erratic.
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Time gets altered, but for most people their perception is altered so they don't notice the alteration. Only those with access to the time machine would know the change has occurred.


The rest blunder along in linear fashioned until they go down the wormhole and come out on the other side in another time or parallel dimension where things went a little differently.

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Yes, when you alter time you go to a different dimension altering your mind and body. But the fact is you will never go home you/we will slip to an other dimension the closest to ours but still different.

we will have change your world and as you see we can change the threads of our lives in the present.

I think that the conditionment of the mind could create dimensions like in silent hill because people come up with different realities of one event. Example i have a rubber in my hand and to look how my arm moves when i am in a position to through something to better draw a man throwing a stone or an object meanwhile some sees the occasion to sort out some one hitting him by launching a stone.

Even if it wasn't, i get the blame but it doesn't matter how it is cause the stone would be launched into other space.

(And about the crew member i accidently put his so

she might be a she or well you now....)


Diki i have hunderds of books about flora and fauna in prehistoric times and i have never seen some one that told me wrong: you are right about that. Actually i am talking abut the grass that is green in grasslands thoses weeds that grow on main land the sort that produce grain.

Most grasses were in water ways intressting thanks to get me out of that one Dikilophosaurus.

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Even if humans had a time machine how would they travel to the future?

There are always thousands of different futures and different dimensions.

The choices in the present affect the future, so if you went to the future via time machine it would not be the actual future, just a prediction.

It is also likely that in seeing the future you would change your actions in the present altering it again.

There is no exact future. wink

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Yes i see you mean time travel is impossible forwards but most scientists says it's impossible going back in time so thinking that the time machine was actually a dimension traveller making worm holes without sucking the planet where you are living. Good idea, then time travel would be impossible you would only see the past but not interact with it or supposing that the time is a line that moves and goes in all directions we could move the particles around you back words then moving into the past but it seems improbable. But if people could change the very fabric of reality and time more than we do, that would be the greatest achievement

of the human race .

Any way read this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_travel

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It doesn't even really rank that high on the list of odd Spiderweb topics.


There are no Probentai.


There is no melonsex.


No eggs are laid.


No post-natal abortion is embraced.


—Alorael, who really has to say that it's quite tame. You could share this thread with your puppy, really.

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