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Avernum Vs. Avadon-Dont Mess with My Power!

Death Knight

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My Avadon party Vs. My Avernum Party....


So first things first, this is what we've got-We have Jenell with all the offensive spells with a high dexterity and decent intelligence, Shima with offensive AOE attacks and my shadowwalker who is same as Shima but with shadowstep and shadow walker mastery.


As for Avernum, we have My 2 dualwielding fighters both with hardiness, parry, the works with almost 80% resistance to elements and 85% armor for both of them. Along with them, we have my priest and mage who have already cast a ward of elements and cloak of blades.


Turn 1#-So here we go, Avadon goes first as their dexterity is through the roof. Lathan, my shadow walker will start out with launching a AOE razor spray at the whole group of Avernites, lowering the mages and priests in that group health to half and barely grazing and or complete parry of attacks of the 2 avernite fighters. Then comes the other shadowwalker Shima, with his AOE launched, it kills both priest and mage on avernums side. Finally, Jenelll casts Spirit charge which takes the 2 fighters down to 65% health and gives them both a vulnerability curse.


Turn 2#-So 2 characters out, now its avernums turn with 2 dualwield fighters. Dawson Riggs (main offensive fighter and leader of group) runs over and launches a well aimed blow with his flame sword and seeking sword, dealing a total of 480 damage to Shima, killing him outright.


Next, Larek Sindian (2nd fighter of group and with higher parry and defensive skill), runs over to Lathan and delivers a wellaimed blow with oozing sword and nephil warblade, dealing 412 total damage to Lathan, killing him as well.


Turn 3#


With both her warriors fallen, Jenell lashes out what she has left and launches an acid storm on the 2 stalwart warriors which has very little effect as both warriors have almost maxed acid/poison res.


Turn 4#


Dawson Riggs smiles at jenell weeping and him and Larek finish her off with 2 regular sword strikes from their dual weapons.


The lesson-no matter how evasive and fast you are and no matter how good with missile weapons, 2 homicidal Avernum fighters with the works will make short work of a party regardless. I only did this because I was thinking about how powerful Avernum characters are in late game, and comparing to Avadon, its almost no comparison.


I would like to think that a shaman, a sorceress, and a blademaster might be able to take down that party that i used, only if Shaman goes first and uses vulnerability curse with her spirit charge, then sorceress casts her spell which, coupled with the blademasters arrow AOE, might be able to take the party down. Still who knows. I hope this isnt annoying to anyone. I always love comparing my favorite parties from different game series with my friends as everyone has different opinions.


Dont mess with my Avernum!

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this has been debated before and Avernum has won always but we will never know actually whichone is better since Avernum won't ever meet Avadon.


Well it does depend on many things even if it won't happen. I used to think that Geneforge 4-5 would win against all of the sides but thats subjective. Sure, shapers are powerful, but if Avadon or Avernum wipes out the shaper in round 1, won't the creations die automatically?

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Nope. The shaper command will last for like, 10 rounds or so, carrying out their current orders of killing, and then the creations will go rogue, slaughtering EVERYTHING in sight, either instructed to or not.


Or more. Really, it depends on the kind of creations and the character. I mean, the character hasn't developed what is needed to keep creations under control for long periods of time. Which is why you can only shape seven, and you can't leave them behind in zones.

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This comparison would be a bit better if it were between Avadon 2 and Avernum, since Avadon was short in relative comparison and thus levels weren't as high as they might have been otherwise.


I think the true test is this: Who can beat Redbeard on torment the most readily? I'm tempted towards Geneforge, since a Shaper with all creations could handle the Soul Jars and still have plenty of firepower to throw at Redbeard himself. Exile would similarly fare well. Avadon and Avernum, though, I don't know; the Soul Jars and high mana costs might drown out an initial better showing for Avernum.

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How do you even manage that? Do you deliberately avoid sidequests?


I usually stop leveling my characters at that lvl because a point or 2 of dexterity makes little difference compared to critical hit chance. I do only the side quests that give really useful items. Especially the critical hit bonus items which I collect for my main character. When my character has a high critical hit chance from items and stats, then I go about finishing the game.

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I vaguely remember that in Exile 2 you could capture soul on Ur-Basilisks, and since Exile 2 monsters didn't have stoning resistance one could spam Ur-Basilisks to defeat any opponent.


Oh yes, I completely forgot about Capture Soul and Simulacrum. Yet another reason why Exile and Avernum has stronger parties; Jennell just can't compare.

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