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I would imagine that this community is about as likely as any to contain a few graphic design nerds. This poll is intended to troll both the dedicated typographer (because it's incomplete) and the layman (because it exists at all), as well as take advantage of this community's relatively high tolerance level for inane polls.

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Your... palette?... of fonts should contain at least one serif, one sans serif, and one monospaced, because they all exist for different reasons (serifs for small text and large bodies of text, sans serif for large text and headlines, monospaced for when alignment is important). But I tend to just take the default option that OpenOffice/LaTeX/baposter/beamer/etc. gives me. They know more about design than I do.

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You're right, of course, Dinti. I favor Baskerville, Garamond, Helvetica (by default/process of elimination), and Courier, myself. Overall, though, I think serif fonts just LOOK better.

Originally Posted By: Lilith
papyrus is font of the year every year

Papyrus is an amazing font. The fact that it's overused doesn't reflect on its quality, just on the self control of the populous.

Originally Posted By: Tyranicus
I have a browser extension that converts Comic Sans to Helvetica. It makes the internet much more bearable.

Do they have it for Chrome*? If so, kindly direct me to it.


* Perhaps a browser poll is an order one of these days.

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Originally Posted By: Lilith
also papyrus is font of the year every year

For that reason, I no longer use papyrus. It was great 5 years ago, but then it became so overused that it is almost taboo now.

I generally stick with Times (New Roman) for any sort of paper writing, but I'll switch it up to whatever looks good in the context of something more artistic.
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Originally Posted By: Homage
I was a hipster back when not being cool wasn't cool.

I was cool before being cool was cool.

I'd be sitting there, sipping my martini, and George Washington would be all like, "Pray, sir, why do you so constantly wear those darkened spectacles?" And I'd be like, "Hey, I don't ask you about your wooden teeth, George." He'd calm down and buy me another drink, but he didn't really get it. Nobody did.
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hey while we are having fontchat maybe people can help me with a font conundrum


i'm looking for a font for a project i'm working on, and i want it to be something that looks ancient but with a futuristic edge. like, the kind of font that the aliens who sank atlantis and helped the ancient egyptians build the pyramids would have used in their spaceship instruction manuals, if that makes sense


i kind of want something with a feel halfway between this and this


any suggestions?

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Originally Posted By: Actaeon
Originally Posted By: Tyranicus
I have a browser extension that converts Comic Sans to Helvetica. It makes the internet much more bearable.

Do they have it for Chrome*? If so, kindly direct me to it.

* Perhaps a browser poll is an order one of these days.
I have no idea if there is a similar Chrome extension. I use Safari.
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Originally Posted By: Lilith
i'm looking for a font for a project i'm working on, and i want it to be something that looks ancient but with a futuristic edge. like, the kind of font that the aliens who sank atlantis and helped the ancient egyptians build the pyramids would have used in their spaceship instruction manuals, if that makes sense.

I don't know the name, but there's the one they used for Star Trek movies.
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Originally Posted By: Randomizer
I don't know the name, but there's the one they used for Star Trek movies.

the Galaxy/Star Cine font? yeah i looked at that one too and it was pretty good but a little too far on the futuristic side (also a little too recognisably Star Trek). ideally i want something that will look equally at home carved on a stone tablet or displayed on a holographic viewscreen
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I'm a bit confused, because the aliens that built the pyramids wouldn't have used the Roman alphabet. I presume you want legible texts, though. Or could you go with nonsense glyphs and subtitles?


Those little circles in every Orbital Sling glyph look silly. Futuristic ought to be more functional than that. Krasni Fellows might do in a pinch. Add a little drop shadow to make the characters look metallic and raised, and that might be enough.


I'd be inclined to try something like a very plain and simple font, but then decorate the characters randomly with something totally incomprehensible, like a little array of multicolored dots stuck beside or above every character. Supposed to indicate that these alien texts contain a whole lot more information than you can read.

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ok gonna put my capital-letters hat on to answer this post bevcause it brings up some good points


Originally Posted By: Student of Trinity
I'm a bit confused, because the aliens that built the pyramids wouldn't have used the Roman alphabet. I presume you want legible texts, though. Or could you go with nonsense glyphs and subtitles?


Yeah, no, it has to be actual readable text; I'll be using it for things like chapter headings and possibly book covers, so I want a fairly distinctive and stylish display font but one that's still easily readable. As for aliens not using the Roman alphabet, Chinese restaurant menus can still use fonts inspired by Chinese calligraphy even when they're printed in English, you know? The point is not to be in any sense realistic but to communicate the right "feel" to the audience.


Those little circles in every Orbital Sling glyph look silly. Futuristic ought to be more functional than that. Krasni Fellows might do in a pinch. Add a little drop shadow to make the characters look metallic and raised, and that might be enough.


Yeah, Orbital Sling is kind of the upper limit of how much stylistic weirdness I can tolerate, especially since it's taken to the point of making the text slightly hard to read. I considered Inside and discarded it because while I liked some aspects of the design, it was practically unreadable. Krasni Fellows is much better on that count, but it looks just a little too scripty for me; ideally I think I'd want something slightly more angular. Still, if I don't find anything better, I'd say it's the frontrunner so far.


I'd be inclined to try something like a very plain and simple font, but then decorate the characters randomly with something totally incomprehensible, like a little array of multicolored dots stuck beside or above every character. Supposed to indicate that these alien texts contain a whole lot more information than you can read.


I can see what you're driving at here. The Stargate font would actually be a decent option, if it weren't (a) a little too simple and pedestrian and (B) obviously borrowed from Stargate.

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Gamma Sentry looks like Inside if you consider it more readable. and Generation Nth has the dots without being overly sci-fi.

Jump Troops?

Planet X and Planet Z have the dots.

Psuedo Saudi has that hieroglyphic look.

Yggdrasil? I like the O on this one.


Guess you can browse the others if you haven't looked there yet.

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Originally Posted By: Jewels in Black
Gamma Sentry looks like Inside if you consider it more readable. and Generation Nth has the dots without being overly sci-fi.
Jump Troops?
Planet X and Planet Z have the dots.
Psuedo Saudi has that hieroglyphic look.
Yggdrasil? I like the O on this one.

Guess you can browse the others if you haven't looked there yet.

Thanks for the tip! Of those I think I like Fantazian best, although the way the letters have disconnected parts make it look a bit too stencilled.
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I almost exclusively use Times New Roman, unless I'm writing something for me, in which case I'll stick with the default font in whatever program I'm using. In fairness I should probably just make TNR the default, but I'm fairly lazy and it isn't a whole heap of bother to change it once per document.

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