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Favorite Optical Illusion?


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I like lots of illusions, but my latest favorite is not exactly an illusion. You just look at yourself in a mirror, and in particular watch your eyes. Look yourself in the left eye, then the right eye, and keep switching back and forth.


Then have someone else do the same thing, and watch their real eyes as they look back and forth at their reflection.


You'll see the other person's eyeballs steadily swinging back and forth, of course. To change their concentration of view, they have to physically move your eyes.


So do you. But when you're looking at your own eyes in the mirror, you will never see them move. Your reflection will simply snap abruptly from still eyes staring one way, to still eyes staring the other.

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I'm not sure if you tried to list it on your poll but I've always enjoyed the Hidden Pictures optical illusions.


For u Diki. wink


Edit: Cairo, if this is what u were talking about, I find it helps to have the picture up close the the face and then bring it back slowly. Keeps the eyes in the right focus.

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Sometimes you can skew people's perception in non-sensory ways. For instance, there's that well-known illusion whose effectiveness depends strongly on IQ. It's one of those ambiguous images, where in one way of seeing it, there's this naked guy, but in another, he's wearing a bunch of fancy robes and stuff. Really smart people can see the second view easily, but have a lot more trouble seeing the first version. With dumber people, it's the other way round.


I'd link to a picture of it, but well, I wouldn't want to cause trouble. Maybe it would be better to just read about it. I think if you google you might track down the original paper by Grimm et al.

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