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Questions for the History (Set #1)

Mea Tulpa

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Overwhelming, that's someone I haven't thought about in quite some time. I had forgotten about all that stuff. Rereading it, I now know why.


Anyway, all these trips to the PPP and Wayback are bringing up some dusty old memories. Hard to believe all this was that long ago now.

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Originally Posted By: Aʀᴀɴ
(I guess what you refer to is on page four there. Yeah, Overwhelming wasn't a nice person.)

I'd bet fifty bucks that an identical topic wouldn't make it three posts, tops before a lock today.

Pity. All the fun topics of discussion are also the ones people get "hurt feelings" over.
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Jeff has explicitly stated that this board is not the right place for emotionally charged discussions about highly polarized and politicized topics. The two main examples are debates about abortion and homosexuality. However, that doesn't mean they are on auto-lock status. It just means that people have to be on good behavior when discussing them. And again, the issue as stated is not hurt feelings, it's what sensitive parents who might buy a game for their kids see if they come here.


I challenge you to show me a single debate topic (one that was actually shaping up to be a debate - and "debates" about Blades of Geneforge don't count) that has been locked in three posts, or even ten or fifteen posts. We've had a few long-running debates recently about controversial topics like racism and bullying. They tend to attract warnings from mods to keep things civil, which I know ruffles some feathers, but I don't remember any of those actually being locked in a long time.

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That topic is far too emotionally charged to be approached. I have strong opinions there (some of which would probably surprise you), but this is definitely not the forum for that discussion. I can certainly understand now some of the strife that you've been talking about could result in permanent banishments. I vow to make a wider path to skirt such hazardous topics.

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Originally Posted By: HOUSE of S
I challenge you to show me a single debate topic (one that was actually shaping up to be a debate - and "debates" about Blades of Geneforge don't count) that has been locked in three posts, or even ten or fifteen posts. We've had a few long-running debates recently about controversial topics like racism and bullying. They tend to attract warnings from mods to keep things civil, which I know ruffles some feathers, but I don't remember any of those actually being locked in a long time.

I think I started one on Israel a year or so ago that was locked after four posts, but I don't really feel like trawling through General for other examples. I am fairly sure it's happened a couple of times since I've arrived, at least.
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I think this is the one to which Dantius is referring: http://www.spiderwebforums.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=206138


Topics like the one linked on PPP in my last post were common back in the day, but they tended not to lead anywhere. Still, they were interesting, at least as exercises in probing logic and fallacies, as well as some science from time to time.


Jeff himself locked Alec's "Are You A Gay" topic in late 2006. The Mister Fox banning was around the same time. Slarty notes that the mods became a little firmer throughout 2007 and on, and I think Jeff's own comments to us in late 2006 were part of the reason. And we have much calmer, more family-friendly boards as a result.

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Huh. That topic was two years ago, but still. Have we really had many of those, that get locked? I honestly didn't think there were any.


I know that we've had other debates that have gone on for a very long time, on controversial topics. I think we just haven't had as many debates, period.


I also imagine that most of us mods would be inclined to give more of a chance to those kinds of threads, without firebrands like Ghaldring and ET around (in their many incarnations). But I can only speak for myself on that one.

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I think you have been as tolerant as your office allows. You mentioned earlier that as long as we keep the topic at hand down to a calm, philosophical, and factual basis, taking care not to cause hurt, that discussions of controversial topics would be tolerated. I appreciate your mild proddings to keep that goal in mind.

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Originally Posted By: Slartucker
without firebrands like Ghaldring and ET around (in their many incarnations).

It wasn't really general troublemakers like ET and Ghaldring who made debates unpleasant, though, was it? They made things unpleasant in normal threads and in Geneforge faction debates (which don't count as controversial topics), but I don't really remember them in debate threads. I remember people like Stillness and Synergy (and Infernal on the topic of Israel) as the ones who made debates an issue.


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I resemble that remark. But I don't expect everyone to agree with me. The only thing that troubles me when such a discussion arises is that all too often people will blindly hold onto a belief without taking the time to think about Why they believe what they do. At the end of the day, it is more important to know what you believe and why, not just blindly follow whatever is being told you.


Again, I thank you Slarty for reminding me of that challenge, to think through my feelings and to honestly assess myself against the standard to which I thought I held myself.

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Originally Posted By: Sylae
Did he finally piss everyone off enough to get banned, or was he shunned away or something.

Short version: Ghaldring made personal attacks, got permabanned, came back under a series of puppet accounts, got the puppet accounts banned for ban evasion and/or continuing to attack people, and is probably a woman.

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Originally Posted By: Sylae
Whatever happened to Ghaldring anyway, I remember him (?) but i can't quite recall how he went away. Did he finally piss everyone off enough to get banned, or was he shunned away or something.

she got banned, made a new account, got found out and banned again, made a new account again, and so on
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Yeah, what a lot of people are saying about how aggressively we lock those things. During certain periods, the collection of people present at the time would all but guarantee controversy (early on TM being notable in this regard, also Alec to a lesser degree, and others too). Our current period has been relatively low key not needing too much moderation at all (knock on wood) and things usually don't get out of hand too much.

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Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba
Originally Posted By: Slartucker
without firebrands like Ghaldring and ET around (in their many incarnations).

It wasn't really general troublemakers like ET and Ghaldring who made debates unpleasant, though, was it? They made things unpleasant in normal threads and in Geneforge faction debates (which don't count as controversial topics), but I don't really remember them in debate threads. I remember people like Stillness and Synergy (and Infernal on the topic of Israel) as the ones who made debates an issue.


Ghaldring and ET were somewhat unpleasant in debates as well. However, it's possible that these posts fall into the void between the board upgrade and the 2009 purge. I haven't tried to find them yet.
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Stillness and Synergy made debates protracted and frustrating. They did not, however, escalate the rhetoric to disrespectful levels, which is really what pushes debates over the edge. Ghaldring was good at nonchalantly throwing ad hominem attacks and insults into debates. ET wrote passive-aggressive comments designed to get a reaction. There were also folks like Infernal and Ackrovan who were actually very pleasant and never wrote anything maliciously, but had highly charged reactions to posts by others that inadvertently raised the debate's language to a belligerant level.


Speaking of the current period being peaceful: I have a steady list of members for the "public spectacle" category up through the middle of 2010. And then it just stops. Completely. There haven't been ANY public meltdowns, venomous fights, hateful rants, or the like, in nearly two years. It's a little bizarre. I guess I shouldn't jinx it though!

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Ah some quotes from those distant days, at least on the Internet


Originally Posted By: Alorael
—Alorael, who needs to start worrying. Why, Randomizer and Thuryl will catch up to him in only a matter of years at this rate!

A prediction that is slowly happening as Thurylilith passed 16000 posts.


Originally Posted By: Kelandon
How am I still in the top ten?

Another imponderable of life.


Originally Posted By: Tyranicus
I blame my low postcount for this past month on lack of interesting topics. Anyway, new month, new account.


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  • 3 weeks later...
Originally Posted By: Aʀᴀɴ

This thread is informative. It mentions "CSM" by JadeWolf(?) as a currently active one, and also others that were already dead: Chance, TPwydS and something called "Dark Fire/The Abyss"; not sure who made that one.

I hope it's not too late to bring some new light on these tidbits from eons ago:

CSM was created by me, though I haven't a clue what it standed for. In fact, I think we had the acronym before we had a real name. The main community I think was me, The Stew Boy, Spring, Error (from Polaris, I believe), a couple wanderers, and if there was anyone else I forget.

The Abyss was by Sarasaphillia (later Drythentor), and was again me, him, some friends of his.

Nalyd and Iffy were active on one or both fo them, but again my senility has degraded any precise memories.

Still, they were fun while they lasted, and deserve at least one more mention x)
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Originally Posted By: Randomizer
Ah some quotes from those distant days, at least on the Internet

Originally Posted By: Alorael
—Alorael, who needs to start worrying. Why, Randomizer and Thuryl will catch up to him in only a matter of years at this rate!

A prediction that is slowly happening as Thurylilith passed 16000 posts.

Originally Posted By: Kelandon
How am I still in the top ten?

Another imponderable of life.

Originally Posted By: Tyranicus
I blame my low postcount for this past month on lack of interesting topics. Anyway, new month, new account.

My favorite quote is: "Your trying to make an orgy organized, shame on you".
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  • 5 months later...

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