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Everybody Welcome and Needed! It's 2012!

Mea Tulpa

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It would be a lot of extra coding for peanuts worth of topics, compared to what you already have.

"Oh, yeah, it's probably not worth it. Still, a nicely preserved legacy tha--aaaaarghh!" a mild tremor shakes the tenuously connected structure of the Wayback snapshot, and Aran is suddenly scrambling for a foothold. But he is swaying on the very edge of Miscellaneous, and the structure offers nothing to hold onto, so he falls.

And falls.

He's falling for quite some time, really. He notices the Internet Archive rushing past all around, but it is soon past. For a moment there is just emptiness, and then...

*CRACK* "Ouch."

Groaning, Aran slowly gathers himself off the ground and tries to find out where he landed. It still looks like Spiderweb, but different. He's also not in the Internet Archive anymore. "Huh. This looks like... hey! This is my place. Piperbot must've finally finished renovating." The topic appears to be by Scorpius, about fluffy kittens. Aran notices that his landing has badly cracked the topic. "Oh bloody hell. Piperbot'll give me an earful when he sees this. I'd better leave." He prepares for an arduous climb back up to Miscellaneous and the bus, leaving behind an ominous-looking crack for Piperbot to deal with.
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I think an alternate explanation of RiB has every place here, as does your intrigue with Drakey. Let's just use a different explanation than "suddenly everything we do actually IS altering history"... that one has a lot, lot, lot of implications, and is contrary to how things have gone in the RP so far. (Even you missing the bus fits in the picture so far, since Rosycat specified that we personally are not bound by the timeline.)

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Originally Posted By: Harehunter
Originally Posted By: Triumph
Triumph grumbles about how no one ever explains anything, then aids Diki in pushing young James out of the bus.


Triumph: Does this mean we're putting out a Fyre?

Good thing I didn't say this.

Harehunter, it's bad enough that you spam up threads with tone-deaf puns. It's worse when you spam up threads just to point out that you spam up threads with tone-deaf puns. Seriously, don't do this. It's obnoxious. And spammy.


(Sorry for continuing the derailing of the thread, everyone.)



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"Oh, but it's not a real Spiderweb RP without a little derailing," Aran interjects. "In fact, this feels uncharacteristically... nice. Roleplays from this time period usually derailed into pointless god-modding and plot-hogging and flames very quickly. I have one word for you: Jayari."


"I like the new style, sure. But somehow it feels less... I don't know." Aran sighs melodramatically. "I guess our community has matured now." He opens his pack and looks for his nostalgia pills.

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Harehunter, if you're not going to participate in the RP, then please do not post in the thread! This is simple courtesy and I'm not sure what the problem is understanding this.


(The intense irritation I feel while writing this post may help explain my last quilt square to Dikiyoba et al.)

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Originally Posted By: Aʀᴀɴ
"Oh, but it's not a real Spiderweb RP without a little derailing," Aran interjects. "In fact, this feels uncharacteristically... nice. Roleplays from this time period usually derailed into pointless god-modding and plot-hogging and flames very quickly. I have one word for you: Jayari."

"I like the new style, sure. But somehow it feels less... I don't know." Aran sighs melodramatically. "I guess our community has matured now." He opens his pack and looks for his nostalgia pills.

Triumph turns to Arancaytar.

Triumph: Jayari? Ooh. It sounds like there's a story behind that name. Do tell! Indulge the nostalgia!!!

Triumph also looks over toward Slarty.

Triumph: Slarty, was there special significance to the three threads to which you linked? Were they exceptionally memorable moments in the forum's past? Or are they meant simply to be representative of an era?
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Jewels: Aahhhh! My eyes... it BURNS!!! *deep breath*


Also... It's the crack in Amy's wall, run for your lives before you become retroactively non-birthed! *deep breath*


Also... I hope you're happy with yourself Slarty. On this trip down memory lane I found myself feeling nostalgia for the original Exiles which don't work on this computer, boo. So instead I started playing another game out of my past. Can't... Stop... Fighting... Cows!!


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BJ finishes washing up in the bathroom and happily steps out of the bus. Having not been around Spiderweb very long, he doesn't recognize many of the posters, and some he only knows through reputation. As he browses through the threads, he spots something that catches his eye: a topic titled "Leylines alpha-testing". BJ rushed to the topic just in time to see someone coming out of it.


BJ: "Radiant! Hey, man. How's it going?"


Radiant: "Oh, hello. I haven't seen you around here before, so you must be new."


BJ: "Yeah! Well, sort of. I will be new, but after you're gone, and only after meeting you on another board, but that's a few years from now so don't worry about it. Anyway, I just wanted to see you now, which is before I will meet you later. I'll have some great Subterra levels for you then, so keep an eye out."


With that, BJ walks away from a very confused looking Radiant.

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OOC: Just a note, Slarty, the grey links on bright yellow are very hard to read.


IC: Mistb0rn steps out of the bus into the Spiderweb Forums of the past. Looking around at everyone she'd never get the chance to meet momentarily makes her wish she'd been around for those days.


After pausing briefly to mourn, she perks up and sets off to explore. She methodically checks through each link, wishing there weren't so many blank spots and that she could find more of Alec's other cartoons.


Once she's read as much as she can find, she heads back to the bus to get some rest before the next stage of the journey.

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OOC: The links aren't grey for me. Does UBB actually default to grey links, and my browser knows better, or does your browser for some reason default to grey links?


Slarty wakes up with a start, sees that the numbers displayed on the Spiderbus's marquee are incorrect, and pushes a button to reset them. More disruption in the wake of the Ooc Rabbit.

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Jewels finally pulls herself away from her own nostalgic thoughts to get off the bus. Misc... She had never seen it before. A bittersweet smile crosses her face at the ambiance. The tapestry that hangs is a ghostly image. Like a hologram with the light set a bit too bright; the imprint of the image is there but little of substance remains. Only a few threads still shine and even those are often cut short. But what does remain paints an homage to a vibrant, chaotic weaving of colorful thoughts and ideas.


Jewels takes care to pick up and follow each thread that still lingers. She lets them gently run through her fingers one by one, commenting to no one in particular.


Jewels: One of Al's scarce posts? Wow... Alec, Drakey, TM... all before I knew them. ...So glad I missed the Shotts stuff... Did people really think Pokey was funny?


Shouting from an argument startles her and she looks up. Jewels freezes in place. A group of early SW members stand around in a rough circle discussing something they obviously strongly disagree on.


Jewels: *thinking to self* They're here... they're really here... Of course they're here, YOU came back in time, half-wit. ... I know, I know... I just didn't expect to see them. I didn't expect to see... him... Oh, cut that out. Keep it together. Don't need you blubbering. Don't you dare. I.. I just miss... I miss...


Despite herself, Jewels manages to hold back any emotional showing. She backs away from the group of early SWers. For some reason the thought of talking to them feels like it would be taboo. As she turns around to head back towards the bus the conversation becomes loud enough to over hear.


Djur: There's NO possible way the Nephs could win! They just don't have the stamina!


Alec: You're counting them out just because they remind you of household cats. But they're NOTHING like regular cats! NEPHILIM DON'T TAKE CATNAPS!!


BSR: And just because Sliths are inherently stronger, it doesn't mean that they will last longer. Nephs are faster and can get in more hits to bring them down quicker!


TM: Doesn't matter since their hits are so WEAK!


BSR: We need a tie breaker... Hey, Saunders... Saunders!


A hand grabs Jewels on the shoulder and she turns around with a deer-in-the-headlights look. She's face-to-face with an equally wide-eyed Brave Sir Robin. The rest of the group is walking slowly towards them.


BSR: Oh.. Sorry. I thought you were someone else. Haven't seen you around here before, you must be a Newbie.


Alec: Doesn't have to be Saunders to be a tie breaker.


TM: So Noob... What do you think? Who would win in a fight? The Nephilim or Slithzerikai?


Jewels stammers a bit before finding her voice.


Jewels: You... you want MY opinion? *The group nods at her.* Well... honestly... it depends on what kind of fight it is. *The group groans but she presses on.* If it's a short battle with equal numbers, chances are the stronger and more hardy Sliths will win out. Not only will they start out with more life points, but they will be harder to do damage to.


Djur: HA! See? Even your Noob thinks its the Sliths!


Jewels: But... if it's a drawn out war lasting generation after generation over all the land... There are other things that need to be taken into account. Nephils are better suited for the cold climate of the caves because they have their natural fur coat. During colder seasons they are going to be able to move even faster in comparison. Then there's the question of agility. Nephs can move fast and climb better and get themselves into smaller spaces. In a long war they would be better suited to engage in Guerrilla warfare and just pick off the Sliths. And finally if you take a look at our own history... the dinosaurs died out to give way to an ever increasing mammal population. I just don't think the Sliths have it in them to last long term.


TM: ... I'm astounded... That's the STUPIDEST thing I've ever heard!


Jewels smiles warmly.


Jewels: Why, thank you. Much more where that came from, I'm sure. Hope to be astounding you for years to come. wink


Djur and BSR burst out laughing while TM just frowns. Jewels turns and walks back towards the bus with a sigh of contentment.


Jewels: I miss that.

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Rosycat pulls out a megaphone.




Over the next few hours, the Spidwebbers slowly trickle back onto the bus. There are more of them again, as a few came back through the Beacon for the jump to Misc. Their numbers fluctuate just like the numbers of active posters on the forums themselves have. Arancaytar is keeping tabs on who's accounted for.


Arancaytar: Well, that's almost everyone. Where's Trenton?


Rosycat: He went through the Beacon. I think he had some homework to sink his fangs into.


Arancaytar: That just leaves Lt. Sullust. Did he use the Beacon too?


Rosycat: No, he went out the door. Are you sure he's not back yet?


Tyranicus knocks on the bathroom door, then peeks in.


Tyranicus: He's not in here.


Dikiyoba: Dikiyoba didn't see Lt. Sullust come back.


The Ratt: Hey, there's a note stuck to the side of the bus!


Nikki goes outside and pulls the note off the bus.


Nikki: Eww, gross. I think it was sticking to the bus with some kind of chitrach spittle.


Slarty: Probably. We picked up some webbing and other clutter when we crashed through the old forum headers. What's the note say?


Nikki hesitates, then reads the note aloud:


If YoU wAnT tO sEe YoUr FrIeNd AgaIN, bRiNg 20 XaGoTs to DeSpErAnCe.

SiNcEreLy, tHe GrEaT PoTatO.

Jewels: That's not good, is it? What's a xagot?


Slarty: No, this is not good.


Tyranicus: I don't understand. Why don't we just leave him here, and go pick him back up in our own time? You said we can't change the time stream, so we're not even really here, are we?


Slarty: It's more complicated than that. We are really here: at a branching point in time. We can interact with people and have effects on things, but we aren't going to follow those branches. We can't follow them, actually; that isn't how the bus's implants work. This isn't one of those time travel stories where there are multiple copies of people. When the bus left modern times, so did we. We won't be there unless we return on the bus. (Or through the Beacon. Sylak's a wonderful wizard, you see.) So we can't leave Lt. Sullust. If we leave him here, it will be goodbye forever.


Jewels: I could have sworn you already left him behind at a previous stop, and picked him up several years later.


Slarty: Nonsense. That could never have happened. Your implants will have been adjusted to clear up your confusion.


Jewels: Oh... you're crazy, you know that, right Slarty?


Slarty: Crazy or not... we have to find Lt. Sullust. We can't leave without him. It sounds like we need to put together a rescue party.


Rosycat: His Slartliness and I will stay here with the bus, and most of you should as well. A big group won't get in to Desperance. We need just a few people to run through the shadows and free Lt. Sullust. However, I just made arrangements for you to have some ammo.


Dintiradan's Clone: I just modified these three weapons — (he points to an Uzi III SMG, an HK227 Assault Rifle, and an AS7 Assault Cannon) — to emit pulse bursts that will disrupt Desperance's security systems. You can even use them to blast through posts and even entire web pages to aid in your escape.


Slarty: It's an easy mission, really, as long as you can avoid being distracted by all of the... um... content they have there.


Rosycat: Time is running to an end... WHO WILL RESCUE LT. SULLUST?

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Nikki: It's too simple, it'll never work. We need something so convuluted, so downright crazy that the fluffy turtles will be offering us sanity instead of taking it as is their due.


Hmm. "The Great Potato". I think this might be a job for my box of many masks. Well, Dintiradan's box of my many masks. That's how that was working, right?

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Excalibur places himself in front of the bus. He draws his sword from its scabbard and grins as it lets out a blinding flash of light.


Excalibur: I think I'm a bit too obvious so I'll stay here and stand guard. You never know what might come trailing back form Desp.


He slashes at an imaginary variation of Point B.

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Dintiradan's clone hands the three weapons to Nikki, Actaeon and Dikiyoba. Dintiradan distributes the masks from the box into their various packs. Rosycat quickly ushers them out through the doors with words of wisdom. Arancaytar passes them a network map through the window, along with some memory chips from The Ratt.
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Actaeon: Okay. Remember what Sylae taught you. Alorael uses an emdash. Remember the third person, but don't overdo it. This really should be Dikiyoba's role...


He examines the assault rifle.


Actaeon: Not quite the bow I'm used to... Probably not quite right for the role, either, but good enough for a quick bluff. Is there a safety on this thing?


He realizes that he's fallen behind.


Actaeon: Plan? Isn't that the mod's job?

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Nikki: Great, how did I get stuck with the one I know the least amount about. Did Logalot enjoy flirting, by any chance?


As far as the plan goes, it is, need I remind you, to rescue Lt. Sullust. Honestly.


Using the map Arancaytar gave us, I direct the others to our destination.

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As the three conspirators wait in the shadows, they see a humanoid dragonesque figure, not unlike Dikiyoba, go lurching past on its way towards Desp. It doesn't notice them.


Actaeon: Not the real Sir Motrax, is it?


Dikiyoba: No, that's not him. This must be, uh...

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"...uh... I have no idea. Wow, this is weird." I sniff at one of the supposed landmines carefully and wrinkle my nose in disgust. "Well, the good news is they won't explode. The bad news is... well, just don't step on them, okay? I'll sneak around back and create a distraction while you guys slip inside from the front. Deal?"


Without waiting for an answer, I move off, being as sneaky as a lumbering dragon can be. When I come to the back entrance, I set a CD player on the ground, put a CD labeled "Joseph Haydn" into it, make sure it's paused, and turn the volume all the way up.


I open the door and look around. Several Despers look at me suspiciously. I take a deep breath. "Hey everyone, nice place you've got here. But it appears that you're missing some great music. Here, i-I...Sir Motrax, will help with that." I hit play, and classical music begins blaring.


Dikiyoba closes Dikiyoba's eyes so Dikiyoba can't see the hand gestures and begins conducting along with the music.

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Meanwhile, back on the bus, the passengers are becoming restless.


Slarty: This is taking too long. Can't we check up on them somehow?


Dintiradan's Clone: Just a minute.


He walks outside, connects himself to the ground, and makes a few odd grimaces. A minute later, he returns.


Dintiradan's Clone: Sir Dikiyoba of Exile is dodging rotten mangots while Haydn plays very loudly. Meanwhile, Aloraeon and Loganik appear to be trailing Dragyn Bob. They aren't far from Lt. Sullust, who seems to have been thrown in the goatse pen.


Jewels stifles a giggle at the mention of goatse.


MMXPERT (still dancing to his music): How do you know that?


Dintiradan's Clone: I jacked in. There are conduits to the Desperance data network in practically every other signature. I've never seen a network that was easier to jack into than Desperance.


Jewels can't take it any more and bursts out in spasms of laughter.


Tyranicus: I hope they finish soon. I think the atmosphere of Misc. is getting to us.

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As soon as he hears the music start, Nikki charges forward, into the front entrance, Actaeon trailing behind him.


Nikki: Okay, now what?


Glancing around the board, the pair try to figure out where Sullust will be being kept. Suddenly, they spot a signpost pointing the way to a 'goatse pen.


Nikki: It's gotta be there. Just, just don't do that thing with keep doing with your eyes whilst we're in there.


Actaeon: You mean looking? Got it.


The two head on down into the depths of Desp.

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Actaeon and Nikki arrive outside the goatse pen. Actaeon peers his head over, then quickly snaps his head back.


Actaeon: I didn't see him. He's may be in there I just... didn't look very closely. Really, Nikki, there's no way this isn't a trap.


He turns back to the fence and whispers, without looking:


Actaeon: Sullust? Are you there?

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Nikki:Wait! I remember seeing something a while ago...er, I remember that I'm going to see something in a long time. It was something like "Goatse.cx Mail is coming". Keep your eyes peeled for postmen bending over.


Nikki walks over to the goatse pen's gate, and bashes off the lock with his weapon, assuming he got one. If not, he does it with a nearby rock. The sound, however, carries along the narrow hallways of Desp., and several members come closer to investigate.


Nikki:Sullust, if you're in there, we're going to be running towards the bus incredibly quickly. Feel free to follow us! And thank you, nice sculpture!

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Somebody curses after the shots fly out. Then a deep voice booms down the corridor.


"Erect the prone field!"


Suddenly, hideous and vulgar posts spring up all around Aloraeon and Loganik, trapping them in the pen area. On the bright side, as they jump back to dodge the posts, they trip over Lt. Sullust.


Lt. Sullust: Why'd you wake me up?


Voices carry from beyond the posts.


Voice #1: The Empire has captured some prisoners, sir. Conspirators.


Voice #2: Should we save them for Him?


Voice #3: We should bring them directly to Djur.


Voice #4: Patience, young ones. There is no hurry. Let them squirm. Why? Because (a) It's amusing, (B) It probably causes them pain. And, © No one can escape from these hideous post-walls. It's not like they can emit an electric pulse that will disrupt our security and breach the post-walls.


Laughter echoes from the corridor.

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OOC: Is Sullust actually in on this, Slarty?


IC: Actaeon: We're here to rescue you. You could be properly grateful. This place isn't exactly the Stone of Tear, but we did put our necks on the line for you.


... Speaking of which, how long do you think we should wait before making our get away? And where's Dikiyoba gotten to?

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I stop conducting when I see several armed Despers coming for me. I take a deep breath and blow flame at them. The Despers are used to flames, though, and dodge it easily. I try breathing fire again, this time at the walls of the building.


"Of course it's fireproof. Dikiyoba wishes Dikiyoba hadn't given Dikiyoba's weapon to Nikki. Oh well. If Nikki and Actaeon don't get out of there with Lt. Sullust in the next five minutes, Dikiyoba will have to attempt plan C." Dikiyoba jumps into the air and flies up awkwardly. Dikiyoba hovers out of missile range and watch the exits for any sign of Actaeon or Nikki.

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Much time has elapsed. MMXPERT is still dancing, but the rest of the bus is getting restless -- and worried -- when four figures appear on the horizon. Then they get larger, quickly. It is Aloraeon, Loganik, SDoE, and Lt. Sullust -- all sprinting towards the Spiderbus. The Big Man sights them first.


Big Man: They're back! But, um, why are they running?


Jewels: I can't decide whether I'm worried, or full of anticipation for what is about to happen. Look! They're being followed!


Indeed, over the horizon have come a tangled mob of figures, kicking up clouds of dust as they swarm across Misc. Desperance has turned out in full force. Alec and Djur are in the middle of the mob, mounted on horses.


The Ratt: And look! In the sky!


Coming just behind the mob, and hovering in the air, is a large, regal-looking drake.


Mistb0rn: Look -- they don't have their guns any more! Uh, this isn't good, is it?


A beat. The passengers are silent. MMXPERT's music plays on. The figures on the horizon grow larger.


Slarty: Hey, D. Did you make the modifications I requested to the deth ray?


Dintiradan's Clone: All set.


Dintiradan: HEY! Stop... stop doing that! That's not okay!


Slarty: It's a pity. I had wanted to save the charge. Hold steady, folks!


The four runners reach the bus first and scramble on. Rosycat closes the doors. Slarty then pushes a button. At first, nothing seems to happen. After a few seconds, however, a blinding flash and a wave of gentle force fly out from the bus's exterior. The mob is caught in the wave. They pause when the wave hits them, many of them in mid-stride. Some fall down. Alec and Djur are unhorsed. The drake simply falls out of the sky and lands on the ground with a gentle thud.


The passengers watch as the Desperance members dust themselves off, get up, and look all around with clueless expressions on their faces. They talk to each other, and after a minute they begin to walk back towards Desperance.


Nikki (taking off his mask): What did you do to them?


Dintiradan's Clone: Slarty had me modify the deth ray into a leth ray. We just made them forget why they were here.


Actaeon: Whew. That was a close one. You'll never believe what happened.


Dikiyoba: It was unpleasant. Dikiyoba doesn't want to talk about it. Let's just leave.


Tyranicus: Yes, we've been here long enough.


Slarty: I have the next coordinates ready. There was plenty of time to find them, while we were waiting for your return. I just need to plug them in and we'll be off in no time.


Rosycat: But for now, welcome back to our beloved friends!


Rosycat blows a party noise-maker and begins to prance up and down the aisle, tossing out confetti. She pulls a platter of cake out from nowhere and presents it to The Ratt, who takes the cake and begins passing it around the bus.

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The big man, who has peacefully slept his way through most of the action outside wakes up with a start. Just in time, for the spiderwebbers are returning from their mission. He helps them in, and cheers and whoopees with everyone else when the oncoming mob is defeated with the leth ray.


He considers meeting with the retreating Desperance army, but doesn't when BJ Earles advises against it. Memory when magically tampered with, says BJ, is highly unstable and can easily revert to its original state.


He settles down cross-legged on the floor, takes a slice of cake from The Ratt and gets Dikiyoba, Actaeon and Nikki to recount their Desp adventure.

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Mistb0rn: "I'm glad you all made it back safely. Ooh, look - cake!"


She takes a large piece and sets about consuming it. She briefly considers returning to the ceiling, but looks around at the others and decides she likes it down here. Besides, it doesn't feel as crowded any more.


She prints off a few of her more brightly-colored pictures and hangs them on the walls, then opens her laptop to pass the time until the next interesting thing happens.

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A sudden stink fills the bus... everyone looks around, casting accusing glances every which way... All the meanwhile, Mysterious Man has remained in his seat the entire trip, not saying a word for a very long time. He figures it helps maintain his mysteriousness. A slight grin spreads on his face as the Spidwebber's try to figure out who passed gas.
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Nikki reaches into a bag he'd hang slung inconspicuously over his shoulder the whole time. Dragging out a bottle that shimmers, changing shape constantly, he addresses the rest of the bus.


Nikki: Considering the absolute lack of community spirit we've had lately, and you know, that whole life thing, I think a drink is in order. Who wants what?

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