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release date for the windows-version of avernum 6 ???


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No, there is no confirmation that the game will be out by the end of the week! Randomizer, who would know best, guessed before the end of the month. That's a guess. Educated, yes, but still guessing. Then someone could wait another week, someone else suggested the world wouldn't end, and nobody said that the game would be out before the week is.


—Alorael, who believes this is exactly how nasty rumors get started. Also how politicians find that they have made impossible promises that they don't remember.

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Originally Posted By: Aphasia for the !
No, there is no confirmation that the game will be out by the end of the week! Randomizer, who would know best, guessed before the end of the month. That's a guess.

The end of the month is the same as the end of the week. Next Monday is March 1st, so the guess does imply this week.
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Originally Posted By: AaronC
I suppose to summarize the thread, people with Macs say you are horribly impatient, and people with Windows can't wait.
Correction: There is at least one Windows user (namely myself) who can wait. Quite patiently, too.

To those who can't wait: Try doing what I'm doing, and replay the entire series. That way, the plotline will be fresh in your mind when A6 for Windows comes out.
Originally Posted By: Koranzite
The end of the month is the same as the end of the week. Next Monday is March 1st, so the guess does imply this week.
Depends on what day you use as the end of the week.
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Well, I'm not a patient person. Sure, I could try and live a better life, but I like instant gratification.


My question was based on this comment:

I Emailed Jeff and asked him the other day. He said it should be ready by at least by the end of the month.


Now, I'm not a regular to the forum. I don't know if the guy posting this last week was pulling mine and your legs. There hasn't been someone looking more or less official rebuking him though, so I figured it was gold enough.


I also don't know how Spiderweb works, obviously. smile In my line of industry, we're looking forward to maximize monetization and impact of a new game on the first week - to do that, we build up hype, and to do that, waving around a release date works best. smile Haven't been able to purchase a single Spiderweb game in the month it came out before due to lack of information mostly, but I'd love to be a day one buyer of AV6.


Money is good. Windows users have money (judging by how expensive the OS is).

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Jeff has a period where the beta tested version could be released as is, but he waits a few days to see if there are any last minute major bugs. During this time he tries to find out where the beta testers are in his game to see how many have completed it.


Right now it's at that stage. Jeff releases the game when he feels it's good enough so sometimes it's released early.

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Now, I'm not a regular to the forum. I don't know if the guy posting this last week was pulling mine and your legs. There hasn't been someone looking more or less official rebuking him though, so I figured it was gold enough.

Well, keep in things two mind.

1) Jeffs answer was literally a single sentence, so he may have just said that because he was busy.

2) Jeff has put off releases before and has never been absolutely accurate with when predicts when the game will be ready, at least not in my 2 years here. "End of the month" might very well mean "Whenever these damn Emails stop asking me and I can get back to work."

I have the emailed saved and can send it to you if you like.
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Originally Posted By: Dantius
Originally Posted By: Karacan
In my line of industry, we're looking forward to maximize monetization and impact of a new game on the first week - to do that, we build up hype, and to do that, waving around a release date works best. smile

Oh, so you work on the Starcraft II development team, then?

I wish. It works for Blizzard though, doesn't it.

And no, a mail won't be necessary - just keeping up my hopes to do load Avernum to the laptop I'll be taking to next week's convention. smile

They say Hope dies last, but bleeds the most.
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Apple appears to prefer to refuse giving any information it can plausibly withhold. Doesn't seem to hurt Apple much.


—Alorael, who suspects Jeff can't give an accurate date because he releases as soon as the thing is ready and has no development schedule to accommodate besides his budget. And he doesn't have to get people lining up at stores. The web is wonderful like that: unlimited supplies available instantly from anywhere!

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Originally Posted By: Master Ackrovan
"End of the month" might very well mean "Whenever these damn Emails stop asking me and I can get back to work."

The less people pester Jeff about a new game, the more he'll be able to work on said game, the sooner it may be released, and (potentially) the more bug-free the game will be.

Considering the amount of drivel in this thread about being impatient waiting for the next game to come out, frankly I'm surprised it hasn't been locked yet.
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So I noticed.


I'm considering myself sort of lucky that I could get it this quickly. My backup hard drive decided to die earlier today, and I've been spending the past few hours making a new backup drive by redownloading everything that was on the old one. My current stop is the Spiderweb main page, so I figured that while I was here downloading a bunch of patches for the games (I had originally bought a bunch on CD, only to find a patch released shortly afterward), and figured I might as well download A6, since I was in the neighborhood anyway.

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