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Everything posted by Neossokrass

  1. Chitraches are yummy with some Franks hot sauce.
  2. I don't know about that. Any longer and Jeff is gonna start finding his stuff gone.
  3. The temptation of power versus control is the biggest "controversy" that the whole Geneforge series was based on, just above individual rights and scientific development.
  4. Great game. The saints comeback was purely spectacular.
  5. You can edit some of your preferencess in your options menu (shortkeys, mostly). But yeah, it does take some getting used too. Mosst new players to Geneforge also find stealth very hard in this game until they've gotten used to the game engine.
  6. They expanded and eventually came into full confrontation with the Shapers. So you would have been fighting much more in the G2 ending.
  7. No, you walk off into the wilderness and create you own mini-kingdom, far away from the Shapers reach.
  8. Well, you ended up a demigod by the end of G2 in the Barzhal ending. I always got the impression that you became mroe powerful in that ending.
  9. Quote: Is Under the Dome any good? When I saw it at the bookstore, I couldn't help but think: didn't the Simpsons do that already? I'm about halfway into it. So far, it's excellent. Barbie FTW.
  10. Has anyone elsse noticed that whenever someone hitss a barrier in this game, there's alwayss a person suggesting that they edit the scripts?
  11. War Blessing increases your attack strength by 4. Essence Blade increases attack strength by 30% in relative to your current skill level.
  12. I'm still clutching my stomach over how everything fell apart for the mets this year.
  13. Mostly Comedy Central and NBC/Fox news. A few minor blog sites as well.
  14. I apoligize for my previous post. I thought it'd be whitty. Oh yeah, that reminds me. I need to get Jewels to get me an element so you can kill me.
  15. Me and Acky have been working jointly together on a scenario project for the last 3 or so months (coincidental inspired by the events earlier this year over SV and CRF). Part of Pralgad had undergone a brief civil war during the events of A5. With Prazzac dead, a rebellious general named Kyma broke off contact with the rest of the Empire, and founded the unofficial nation of New Hawthorne, located at the northeastern corner of the continent (map taken from a graphics designer called Luz). Of course, the rest of the Empire didn't take kindly to this. They mounted a full scale assault on the rebellious. Due to the natural defenses of the area, and the brilliant tactics of General Kyma herself, the assault has seen little success. This is your chance! You chance to achieve greatness and virtue! Your chance to be hailed as heroes of the Empire, and to cast down this traitorous rebel. Unfortunately, you were captured within the first week. How tragic. You have spent the last 4 months in an interment camp known as Fort Loyalty with your fellow captured soldiers. Here you mindlessly break your backs to forge weapons for the rebels. Every day, you sit there, gazing into the sky. If only you could escape... And that's the basic premise of the scenario. You play as a group of rookie Empire soldiers who must find a way to escape the fortress island before its too late. Splitting the work between us, I'm reasonably sure that we can release this before the end of the year. Its only 5 towns and 1 outdoor section. Lots of dialog though. I don't have anything on my end that I'm comfortable with enough to post a screenshot of. I'm not that good at drawing.
  16. Why wasn't posting hype threads allowed in the first place? I guess I could post some info about the scenario me and Acky have been working on.
  17. Hello. Iss it possible to "turn" a piece of terrain? I'm trying to make a campsite but all of the beds facing south (terrain number 212) seems a bit unrealistic. Thankss.
  18. LOL@Ephesos I would go for the shotgun over the rifle anyday.
  19. *slaps Enraged Sliths back* Finally, I can finish this thing.
  20. Frozen Blade. Curse + Acidfy = Happy Drayk
  21. Quote: Yeah, Wingbolts are pretty clearly the best creation in G4, since they do incredible damage and there are very few enemies that they're actually at a disadvantage against. They have trouble with Unstable Firebolts and Eyebeasts, but each of those appear about twice in the whole game. A wingbolt is basically a cheap gazer with slightly lower HP and resistances, neither of which matters very much in the long run. Yeah, its taken me two playthroughs to pick up on that. I ran a Fire Shaping Lifecrafter the first time I played it, and always thought that Magic Creations kinda blew compared to them. Now that I actually got Wingbolts and use them utterly, I don't even need a Rotghroth or anything to cover them. Oh, those were the days; when I had to actually put in some effort to play the game. Salassars going to be too easy. Quote: Wingbolts are Gazers by Toyota. LOL
  22. When the shades come running in, close the door. That will delay them for a little while.
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