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Is anyone even following up on new years resolutions?


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At the end of the year, I resolved, in order, to exercise more, to find a job, an apartment of my own, and some poor sucker to share rent of said apartment. These resolutions, however, had nothing to do with new year, and everything to do with my conscription ending. So far, I've only progressed with the first of these - karate is fun.

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I made a lot of resolutions this year hoping that I could stick to a couple of them. So far I've accomplished one, working on my broken finger enough to be able to play viola again with it. I suppose I can extend that resolution now to finding somewhere to play it. We have a Chamber Orchestra I could try out for.


Then I'm on schedule for getting my degree. I think I've settled on a BS in IT/Software Engineering with an additional concentration in Website Development. Apparently with the 37 credits I turned out 12 years ago, I can finish it all in 2.5 years.


I'm also keeping up with reading through my One Year Bible. Tougher than it sounds some nights...


Ones I have failed at include: getting up before the kids, start answering the phone before the machine gets it, and being intentional is on the fence. I'd say I'm more intentional but only barely. I wrote down some more somewhere but I can't remember them which probably means I haven't been keeping up with them.

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Eh? I never disparaged anyone else for needing extra motivation - as generally-speaking, a great deal of people do - nor claimed it to be a universal truth that an NYR is made on a false pretense. I was merely saying that personally, if I've decided to do something, I'll just do it for the sake of doing it.

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Originally Posted By: Ephesos
I don't tend to make resolutions that can be accomplished in a month. Or even really evaluated after a month. This year was no exception.

How about resolutions that are ongoing? They can't be accomplished in a month, but they can be failed.

—Alorael, who tends to call anything he decides to do between November and January a New Year's resolution.
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Originally Posted By: Delicious Salmon
Can't imagine why you would want to go anywhere. Canada's pretty perfect, especially Ontario. Driving license I understand, it will let you head up to Deep River, and then further to the Algoma area. My <3 belongs to Algoma.

Yes, Canada is perfect, but I would like to be able to visit the States and other countries on occasion. tongue

My boyfriend is Polish, so we would like to go there and visit his family at some point as well.

I actually have family in Chalk River, which is right beside Deep River, and yes it would be good to have a driver's license to go and visit them.
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