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Things that would be nice in future games

Sylak the mad

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I read on jeff's blog that he will be making future games.


So I made a list of stuff that would be nice to see in them that I think have been lacking in the previous games that I have played.


1) Outdoors! I loved outdoors. They made the world feel bigger and more epic. I would like to see it make a return.


2) The ability to poison weapons with poisons made from alchemy in the older games was cool. I'd like to see that again. Maybe different types of poisons that do different things could be interesting too.


3) Difficulty. I've noticed that certain skills become useless on harder difficulties - like defence. Ok, in recent games since defence unlocks parry you could argue it's not completely useless.


4) Not having to learn things in a certain order


This is a geneforge example:

Having to first train a skill before finding a canister otherwise the npc won't train you because you already have a point in it, is just annoying, whereas if you had foreknowledge of the situation you could have had 2 levels of a spell/creation instead of 1.

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Originally Posted By: Sylak the mad
4) Not having to learn things in a certain order

This is a geneforge example:
Having to first train a skill before finding a canister otherwise the npc won't train you because you already have a point in it, is just annoying, whereas if you had foreknowledge of the situation you could have had 2 levels of a spell/creation instead of 1.

This has already been changed in the most recent games. You can use canisters whenever you want now.

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Yeah, I'm with Diki. If you played anything past geneforge 2, then you would know that this has been corrected, and quite honestly, forgotten about.


The point of high difficulty is to make it harder, therefore, certain skills are made to be less effective...


Again, outdoors, fairly common.


Yeah, you can poison weapons with crystals and such in Geneforge...


All in all, this has already been done...

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I'd like to see outdoors return, but it seems to be a thing of the past for Jeff. Maybe they'll make a return so that the new world can feel sufficiently large. Alternately, though, Jeff could make a game in which outdoors really have no place, or even stick with the Geneforge model. Only Avernum feels small without the outdoors, and only A4 feels really small.


Poison hasn't worked like it does in Exile since Exile. Sure, it might be nice, but given how little we know of the game it's a rather niche request. And, in all honesty, it's rather hard to poison your weapons in the middle of a battle as you can in Exile.


—Alorael, who of course has ignored the spells that do it for you. He's in favor of bringing back Major Blessing. Or even Beast Ceremony.

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Originally Posted By: Spddin Ignis

The point of high difficulty is to make it harder, therefore, certain skills are made to be less effective...

Less effective yes. Completely useless. No. Defence becomes useless on high difficulty levels for example because no matter what - everything has the maximum chance to hit.

Again, outdoors, fairly common.

What? There has been no outdoors since avernum 3

Yeah, you can poison weapons with crystals and such in Geneforge...

I don't view crystals as bringing alchemy poison back.
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These problems come up if you havn't played all the games.


The Geneforge series has plenty of outdoors. I'm pretty sure some of that series was made after Avernum 3. That puts it in "Future Game" catagory in comparison so that argument is satisfied.


Diffrent Posions is a nice idea. Not sure what effects they would have though.

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Originally Posted By: Hypnotic
The Geneforge series has plenty of outdoors. I'm pretty sure some of that series was made after Avernum 3. That puts it in "Future Game" catagory in comparison so that argument is satisfied.

Look. These are screenshots from Avernum 3. This is in a town. This is outdoors. Note how different they are? Do you see that Geneforge and the second Avernum trilogy doesn't have this separation? That's what people are talking about when they say they want outdoors to make a comeback.

Dikiyoba also wants to see outdoors return.
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Originally Posted By: Hypnotic
These problems come up if you havn't played all the games.


Different poisons as a way for fighters to do more than just hit things would be an interesting alternative to the Battle Disciplines model. Exile just had poisons that did damage over time (like all poison in all Spiderweb games), but more creative ones could be interesting.

—Alorael, who actually thinks the only obvious difference between the screenshots is the party going from a line to a set of tiny people. If you don't know what you're looking for it's not obvious. Those tiny people make a big difference nevertheless.
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Originally Posted By: You would, wouldn't you?

Different poisons as a way for fighters to do more than just hit things would be an interesting alternative to the Battle Disciplines model. Exile just had poisons that did damage over time (like all poison in all Spiderweb games), but more creative ones could be interesting.

i could imagine magic poisons that enchant a weapon or bit of ammo for one shot
eg. fire burst poison that burns ontop of the physical damage
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Originally Posted By: Jucobi
One thing I feel lacking is that the games should give more xp for playing in harder levels as an incentive for non crazies

Then harder would in fact not be harder.


—Alorael, who would turn the difficulty all the way up for minor fights to grab easy experience, and he'd then turn it back down for tough battles. He's done it before in Realmz. It does not make for functional difficulty.

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Actually, that sort of thing can be done right, but only if the difficulty system is specifically designed around it. I'm aware of one action-RPG where turning up the difficulty reduces your maximum health and increases item drop rates: if you turn it all the way up, enemies are guaranteed to drop items, but everything can pretty much kill you in one hit. The idea is that you turn it up for regular enemies once you know how to fight them without getting hurt, and then turn it down for bosses (who are guaranteed to drop items anyway). You can fight bosses with the difficulty turned up, but it's purely for bragging rights.

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Originally Posted By: Dantius
Torment is only there for crazy people. No normal people play it.
We're all crazy, because we all have to hand over our sanity to the fluffy turtles. Also, "normal people" is an oxymoron, so we all must be crazy, since there's no such thing as "normal." Only crazy people play on Torment, meaning everyone else plays at all other difficulties. Therefore, since we're all crazy, we all play on Torment. tongue

(I knew that Intro to Logic class I took in college would come in handy someday! wink )
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Originally Posted By: Zuljin
If someone starts with the shaman pre-made class they should be able to use aspect of the beast just like enemy shamans

Giving Spiderweb games meaningful classes would be a step in the wrong direction.

—Alorael, who doesn't want to have to choose between nifty abilities and min-maxing with customization.
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Originally Posted By: The Mystic
Originally Posted By: Dantius
Torment is only there for crazy people. No normal people play it.
We're all crazy, because we all have to hand over our sanity to the fluffy turtles. Also, "normal people" is an oxymoron, so we all must be crazy, since there's no such thing as "normal." Only crazy people play on Torment, meaning everyone else plays at all other difficulties. Therefore, since we're all crazy, we all play on Torment. tongue

(I knew that Intro to Logic class I took in college would come in handy someday! wink )

I find your lack of logic disturbing. If we work backwards, beginning with the assumption that all Jeff's customers are crazy, we can see that that is clearly false, as we would all play on Torment, which we don't. Therefore, we must alter it to "all forum members", which is also false. The narrowest range that we can come up with, then, is "all established and respected forum members" are crazy, and thus play on torment. However, even Alorael, the poster septuagenarian for crazed psychopaths established and respected members, does not play on Torment. Therefore, he is either not crazy, or your argument is false. Since he is, I win, as this would be consistent with my postulate, which, being posted by me, is, by definition, inerrant.
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Originally Posted By: Dantius
Originally Posted By: The Mystic
Originally Posted By: Dantius
Torment is only there for crazy people. No normal people play it.
We're all crazy, because we all have to hand over our sanity to the fluffy turtles. Also, "normal people" is an oxymoron, so we all must be crazy, since there's no such thing as "normal." Only crazy people play on Torment, meaning everyone else plays at all other difficulties. Therefore, since we're all crazy, we all play on Torment. tongue

(I knew that Intro to Logic class I took in college would come in handy someday! wink )

I find your lack of logic disturbing. If we work backwards, beginning with the assumption that all Jeff's customers are crazy, we can see that that is clearly false, as we would all play on Torment, which we don't. Therefore, we must alter it to "all forum members", which is also false. The narrowest range that we can come up with, then, is "all established and respected forum members" are crazy, and thus play on torment. However, even Alorael, the poster septuagenarian for crazed psychopaths established and respected members, does not play on Torment. Therefore, he is either not crazy, or your argument is false. Since he is, I win, as this would be consistent with my postulate, which, being posted by me, is, by definition, inerrant.

but he did not say that all crazy people play torment, only all people that play torment are crazy, and to play in a world were rats can kill you with one hit you must be crazy.
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Originally Posted By: VCH
Torment isn't harder than Normal, the fights just take longer. Honestly that's the only difference I've noticed in switching from Normal to Torment. It doesn't take any special tactics or thought just more time.

Torment is harder than normal. It's not really complex in its difficulty, but having everything hit harder and absorb more hits means that fights take longer and you are more fragile over that longer period of time. Thus, the standard advice: tactics that work on Torment will work faster and more easily on lower difficulties. Some "sloppy" tactics that work on easier settings start failing on Torment.

—Alorael, who suspects that you're relying on the former. And that you may have a ways to go in the game before the wall of torment falls upon you.
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Originally Posted By: VCH
Torment isn't harder than Normal, the fights just take longer. Honestly that's the only difference I've noticed in switching from Normal to Torment.

I've noticed things seem to hit harder on torment. On normal it's pretty hard to die. But i've been killed by rats on torment early on.

I then have to reload and make a plan to slay the foul creature, and sometimes even use my potions. On normal I end up with 20 potions I saved up for a hard encounter that never came.
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Originally Posted By: To have; please hold
Originally Posted By: VCH
Torment isn't harder than Normal, the fights just take longer. Honestly that's the only difference I've noticed in switching from Normal to Torment. It doesn't take any special tactics or thought just more time.

Torment is harder than normal. It's not really complex in its difficulty, but having everything hit harder and absorb more hits means that fights take longer and you are more fragile over that longer period of time. Thus, the standard advice: tactics that work on Torment will work faster and more easily on lower difficulties. Some "sloppy" tactics that work on easier settings start failing on Torment.

—Alorael, who suspects that you're relying on the former. And that you may have a ways to go in the game before the wall of torment falls upon you.

I probably am relying on some sloppy tactics. And like I said they don't seem to make life difficult on torment. The standard walk up and hack with some spells works just fine. Torment for me has been all about clicking the mouse button more often to kill a monster. I was quite disappointed by it actually. However, I am using a 4 person party, so obviously it's a lot harder to go with a one or two person party. I do like how torment slows the game down though. Quests take a bit longer to complete when everyone has a bit more life to hack away.
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