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Rebirth of an Episode


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Two new things today!


First, a Characters page, to help you keep the most important made-up characters straight.


Second, Chapter 5: Ascension. I really hope it works.




Originally Posted By: Randomizer
Don't make Dikiyoba mad, look what happened to me. I lost my magic powers and now generate an anti-magic field. Then I got knocked out, tied up, and dumped in a deserted forum.


All this because I passed her in the total post count numbers.

I do not let these so-called horrible things happen to your characters because I'm mad or annoyed at you. Writing a story like that wouldn't be very good, plus it would require far more anger than I can be bothered to muster up.


That said, Dikiyoba may change Dikiyoba's mind if you continue to use the wrong pronouns. Just imagine the suffering your poor avatars will undergo then! tongue (There is technically not a correct pronoun for Dikiyoba's gender, but hey, at least you have your pick of neutral ones. Or just use Dikiyoba's name. Whatever works best for you.)

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Are you kidding? After five episodes, I've finally got you and your blasted crickets in a situation where you can't muck up my plans beyond all reason. I'm not bringing you back until I absolutely have to.


So what if Dikiyoba had to write Dikiyoba's self out of the story in the process? It was a worthwhile sacrifice. tongue

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Okay, I know I've asked this question before. Unfortunately, I don't remember where. I suspect it was somewhere in the missing section of the Episode 5 thread. What order were the forums in right before the release of Avernum 5? (Sheesh, I'm that far behind.) I think the order was:



Tech Support


Mod Board


Geneforge 4

Avernum 4


Geneforge Series


BoA Editor

Avernum Trilogy


Exile Trilogy


However, Dikiyoba is not sure Dikiyoba has the Nethergate or BoE forums in the right spot. Does anyone remember?

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Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba


You know, using female-specific pronouns doesn't really work on someone who is not female and it's pretty rude to keep using them on someone who has requested that you do otherwise.

Dikiyoba is just saying.

It's the "cute" issue all over again, except that was actually funny, and we eventually got Nicothodes to admit to it. tongue
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