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Use of canisters...will the Shapers care?[G5]

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In previous games, heavy canister use while completing the game as a Shaper led to BAD things. I've been avoiding using them thus far, as I'm pro-Shaper, but it just occured to me...since the main character has already been Shaped, are the Shapers going to mind if I use canisters? I'd hate to get all the way through the game and find out that I could've been using them all along. Would somebody care to enlighten me? Thanks!

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Using canisters seemed to only affect me at only a few points in the game, and none of them seemed major. There defintaly was that shaper in charge at that one pass that lead to the golem workshop, and I think, but I'am not sure, there was a point before the bridge you got on to go to Zepher oasis. I'm not sure if there are more.

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There is some different text at the end for heavy canister use and a few places with different dialog. Dera Bridge has an extra option for high canister use, but in general Jeff got rid of those forced fights for using canisters.


I miss those days when I got angry at those weaklings that didn't want to be their own nightlights.

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I'll probably end up a canister junky yet again, but I'm not taking any chances; I'm currently looking through the script for the canister SDF, and expect to find it shortly.

Originally Posted By: Randomizer
I miss those days when I got angry at those weaklings that didn't want to be their own nightlights.
On the bright side (pun intended), you could always see to read when you're trapped someplace dark.
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Some dialogs showed the symptoms of canister usage before I even used any, even before the reveal.


It occurred to me how confusing this might be to someone new to the series at this point. But then again, the original Geneforge was supposed to be disorienting and mysterious, but I wonder how much a newbie would be able to figure out in the course of this chapter.

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No, those dialogs show the symptoms of being modified. Using canisters is one way to be modified, but you can be modified in other ways -- for example, by using a Geneforge. Something you are more or less told you have done at least once in the past.

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In GF4 'Iffy' made an SDF code that zeroed the canister count so you didn't get any bad effects but kept the benefits. (Thanks again Iffy!)


The idea works for GF5 as well though the SDF is different. I hadn't used enough canisters to have bad effects, but use does change some dialogs and choices. (You can test this by using SDF's 35 6 0 and 35 6 12 to see the contrast between dialogs and choices.) Sadly the 'forced fights' won't happen in GF5 as in GF4 so negative effects are now milder.


SDF 35 6 0


Will definately zero out the counter. The fact that you've used the Geneforge, (and canisters), in a pre-amnesia event or in this game will allow anyone with enough 'essence' to recognize you've been shaped. Any use of 1 or more canisters can be recognized as well and effect your choices. So, it at least prevents that. Even if you never use a canister some of the dialogs still sound like you have but that's because you've been shaped from before the beginning of the game.


The best way to having the best results of canister use is to use SDF 35 6 0 after each canister.



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Originally Posted By: Randomizer
There is some different text at the end for heavy canister use and a few places with different dialog. Dera Bridge has an extra option for high canister use, but in general Jeff got rid of those forced fights for using canisters.

I miss those days when I got angry at those weaklings that didn't want to be their own nightlights.

Originally Posted By: DokEnkephalin
Some dialogs showed the symptoms of canister usage before I even used any, even before the reveal.

Originally Posted By: Slartinator Slarterator
No, those dialogs show the symptoms of being modified. Using canisters is one way to be modified, but you can be modified in other ways -- for example, by using a Geneforge. Something you are more or less told you have done at least once in the past.

The GF4 reaction to excessive canister use has worse side effects than GF5. You could lose control and get in a fight when you didn't need or want to. I think this is one of the reasons the text says it was 'surprisingly easy' to control your anger and not attack an offensive NPC.

You can up your canister use count by using SDF 35 6 12 and see the differences it makes in dialog and choices. Not to mention 'end game' outcome. (Somewhere I saw the scale of canister use side effects. >0, <5, <12.)

Choices that the 'cheat code' (SDF 35 6 0) makes possible no matter how many canisters used. (That's why it's a cheat.) GF5 won't let you lose control like GF4 did. (Have you played GF4?)

The above 'cheat' is for those wanting to remove canister use side effects immediately. Not using canisters at all will still result in you being recognized as an outsider with essense (shaping ability).
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Thuryl is right. I played one game completely canister crazy and there was only one instance (Dera Bridge in the Dera Reaches) where it appeared a fight was imminent because of it. My PC felt uncontrollable "rage" or something, but leadership was high and the Unbound came and the soldiers helped fight it. No rage fight. A very few bits of dialogue about it. I would say it isn't worth worrying about in G5.

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