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Mick of Time

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Everything posted by Mick of Time

  1. Huh. Never mind. Leaving and coming back made them appear. Weird.
  2. Okay, clearly I'm missing something obvious. I simply cannot find these guys. The questgiver, whose name escapes me at the moment, indicated that I'd find them in the Beast's Woods...but nada, as far as I can tell. Anybody care to educate me on what I'm overlooking?
  3. Yeah, that's the one I found. I hope there are more...all this cash is burning a hole in my pocket (though I'm sure it won't turn out to be all that much, once some options open up).
  4. Actually, I logged in with essentially this question, so I'll put it here instead of starting a new topic. I've been saving my money, expecting some training options to open up, and so far have found only one trainer, who I cleaned out right away (second main quest, in the interest of not spoiling). I wouldn't mind some spoilers, myself...am I wasting my time waiting for trainers, stat boosts, etc, or can I invest in some better arms/armor without fear of running out of money at a critical time? Thanks, and I hope the OP doesn't mind me adding on to his question.
  5. Got it. This game certainly requires lots more backtracking, from what I've seen so far (which isn't much). I kinda enjoy it, actually, particularly the quest-givers sizing you up and saying, "Ummmm...maybe not YET." Thanks for the help.
  6. Hi all! So...the southwestern corner of the Kva Lands area appears to be inaccessible, at least at the moment. As this is the first one of those I've seen thus far, this begs a couple of questions. 1: Will there, in fact, be areas which I will not be able to access at all throughout the course of the game, this being one of them? 2: There's a river...are there boats in this game? Were this the old engine, I'd simply assume that an underground tunnel would connect up with the area at some point, but things have obviously changed. Alternatively, of course, it's possible that I missed a switch (they're REALLY well-hidden in this game), but I think I looked pretty thoroughly. Thanks in advance.
  7. Having gone most of the way through the game pushing strength and stun-resisting items, I now find myself with a stun resistance of 90%. My question is this: what does that mean? I still seem to get stunned every time when fighting monsters with this capability. Does anyone know what, exactly, this number represents? Since I'm getting stunned anyway, would those skill points have been better invested somewhere else? Just curious. What's been your experience?
  8. Hasn't worked yet... I keep getting nailed by their stun attacks. I've got another idea, though, based on the line-of-sight thing; I'll let you know how it works out.
  9. I'll give it a try. Do you know how close they have to be to heal each other?
  10. ... Disposal Vault. Has anyone beaten the Pairbound Constructs solo? I was feeling pretty good about myself until I ran up against these guys. Clearly they have to be separated, and I think some combination of Strong Daze or Charm is going to be the best way to do that. No doors around, so I can't daze one and lure and lock the other one away. I haven't yet worked out a viable strategy, and I was starting to get frustrated, so I took a break. Anyone done this successfully?
  11. Wait a minute... I can leave at any time? I just assumed from the text that this would not be an option. Frankly, I was considering not doing the area at all, since I foresee the need for essence pod conservation, as you say. That changes everything. I suppose I should go check things out. Thanks.
  12. Just got into this area for the first time. I've died quite a bit. I'm considering strategies, and I would like to find out when I'll be able to actually exit the area to recharge. If it's going to be a while, I'll need to husband my resources accordingly. Thanks!
  13. Yep, did the same thing. Unfortunately, I'd already progressed far enough since first entering the area that it's not worth it to do it all over. I'll pick it up in the Keep. Thanks.
  14. Nope, just checked the inventory. If this is a bug...it's REALLY going to irk me, as I've been gunning for the puresteel blade since the beginning of the game. Has this happened to anyone else?
  15. ... the Purity Workshop? I've checked all around, but nada. There are some sealed doors to the NW and SE which I haven't been able to open, and a strange chest in the small room off of the N building which tells me something to the effect of "it's still empty" when I open it. I'm so close to that fantastic sword...what am I doing wrong?
  16. Thanks for the heads up on the SW corner. I doubt I would have figured that out on my own. I may have to wait for the Acid Rain(?) spell to effectively combat turrets and those stunning spinecores. That stun loop stuff is new to me, and I've not got the tactics down yet. Thanks, everyone.
  17. That's a good strategy...and one that I tried. I've got stun resistance of 73%, but that didn't seem to help. Once I got hit one time (which was EVERY time), it was over, even when only being attacked by one turret. The only thing I can think of to do is to create a sacrificial tank-like creation with max endurance and send them in first to absorb the initial attacks. I could then nail the turret with an acid attack and retreat, letting the acid do its work. Only problem is that, having gone solo, I've essentially ignored my Shaping abilities, so I'm uncertain of my ability to create a strong enough creation. Does Essence Infusion work on creations? We'll see. Thanks.
  18. First. can I access the SW corner of the East Shadow Road? I've cleared everything else here except for that nasty rot in the center), but I never found a switch for the pylons blocking the way here. Are there any, or is this a red herring? And...I'm trying to go solo, Normal difficulty the first time through. No creations, just me. For those that have done the solo route: my God, what did you do about being stunned??? I found what I assume will be a back path into Gorash-Kel in the Infested Crossroads, guarded by two submission turrets. Essentially, once they hit and stunned me, they were able to keep doing so unto my death, with no chance for me to rectify the situation or retreat. What gives? I'm stumped and a little frustrated, so I'd appreciate some advice. Thanks!
  19. How about the endings? Does your own personal world come crashing down if you've used every canister around? I can remember a few pro-Shaper games in the past ending badly for the main character because of canister use. I'd like to avoid that this time.
  20. In previous games, heavy canister use while completing the game as a Shaper led to BAD things. I've been avoiding using them thus far, as I'm pro-Shaper, but it just occured to me...since the main character has already been Shaped, are the Shapers going to mind if I use canisters? I'd hate to get all the way through the game and find out that I could've been using them all along. Would somebody care to enlighten me? Thanks!
  21. Ah, excellent. Good to know there's a way out without having to butcher a largely innocent town. Now, a question for future replays: is the magic item that I've denied myself access to better than the Spear of the Fen and the AWESOME gazerskin sandals that I received for defeating the monstrous threats to Muck?
  22. Am I really going to have to massacre these guys? Including my only source for knowledge potions? I've been playing on their side for the entire Azure Gallery, giving them the cache, killing the giant queen, and killing Mordo the eyebeast. Now, it seems that in order to pass the vahnatai lands, I'll have to "expel" them. Apparently, the only possible way to do so now is to kill them all. I thought I could work around this by telling Landsman that the pylon was active and that the giant queen was dead...but the mayor adamantly refuses to leave, even with him gone. I guess I'll kill them all, if necessary, but it feels like I shouldn't have to. What's the scoop?
  23. I'm glad this came up, then. I'd have looked forever before moving on to the vahnatai lands. Thanks.
  24. Just to clarify, since I'm a little unclear on the original question as well...this quest cannot be completed until after the Azure Gallery?
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