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Everything posted by Nenayar

  1. Standart Windows XP setting uses 800x600 Than you can change resolution as you would like. And also widescreen monitors allow you to change aspect from 16x10 to 4x3 without problems. So you can play 1024x768 without stretching image proportions
  2. Litalia said that in time distabilising effects of canisters fade if you do not use them. So maybe PC had enough time to "restore mind" consildering 3 years of dazed servitude with serviles in Rawal castle.
  3. So you think, that when Shaper shapes some creation, some other creatures somewhere disappears He he ^)
  4. As Sholai ambassador said "We will wait for the end of war, and then make treaties with the winner". In everything is destroyed, they will be able just come and get the land for themselves without difficulties.
  5. Um... there is another tpic for this discussion... So any other thoughts about PC identity?
  6. If Shapers and drakons destroy each other... I'd say there are few people who would prefer to live in that world after the end of destruction. Back to stone age and savagery with sone enclaves of semi-normal life. And the Sholai will come and enslave everybody. Easily.
  7. So it will be. Are you going to help them correct this mistake? Or are you going to help creations destroy humanity?
  8. One thing - Shapers are not going yo destroy all humans. They are destroying terrorists. It is their duty. I will never side with terrorists.
  9. Well, after destroying rebellion, Shapers surely will learn a lesson from their mistakes
  10. "Yes they are treat outsider same as creation just because they can shape." They treat outsiders as their inferiors, like every ruler would treat his citizens. Like boss treats his workers. They do not hurt them, they do not kill them. They are GOVERNMENT, don't you understand?? Do they have to worship you??
  11. Quote: It was the Shapers who created the arts that made the Geneforge and the Drakons possible. Drakons are a product of shaping, and therefore a product of the Shapers. Even if the Shapers contain the Drakons' threat, what about the Shapers' next mistake, or the one after that? It'like nuclear energy or other inventions. Do you want to return to stone age because can cut your fincer wit iron khife accidentally? Nonsense. I'm living not far from Chornobyl but I do not think that we have to turn off all nuclear power stations because some idiots made some mistakes in the past. Quote: The Shapers prospered, you mean. There's not much evidence that anyone else did. All loyal citizens of Shaper Empire. Until the rebellion began.
  12. "The Shapers don't seem to treat outsiders that much better than they treat creations." - WOW! Why do you thing so? Have you played some special Shper-evilevilevil edition of Geneforge?
  13. "Humanity can't afford to allow the Shapers to continue to exist" - What?? Why?? Shaping is the greatest human invention, it has its drawbacks, as every power, but with proper control it can do good. Do you rebember tha Shaper Empire lasted and prospered for THOUSANDS of years???
  14. Yes, but Shapers are humans, and drakons are not You are at lest partly human, and cosildered human in the game. Why bring death to your own race, you, homicidal maniacs?
  15. So you do not think, that after destroying Shapers drakons will exterminate all humans? ... or enslave them as serviles.
  16. As of X-Men - they were next step in human evolution and of course should fight. Dr. Xavier was either bribed by humans or was very clever and tried to gather a large army before striking.
  17. Well.... many posts here I just wanted to to say in one sentence that destruction of all rebels and rogues is horrible act, but it is needed to ensure safety of human race. That's why T asked everyone here: are you on human side or on side of rogue creations? Ethics and morale have nothing to do with such decisions.
  18. "Millions of Ukrainians died of starvation as Stalin took their agricultural output to feed his own people. Anyone who resisted was deported to Siberia, but who cares about malfunctioning organic machines who rejected the supremacy of Stalin's superior, moral (in his eyes) regime?" Mainly destruction of Ukrainians was not because of need of food for other republics of USSR. Main reason was to suppress nationalists fractions - in our country rebels are quite active (and that do not do us, people with brains, any good ).
  19. One crack in your opinion: humans are not created with a force of willpower and some organics. Every HUMAN being, not depending on race and nationality, belongs to a HUMAN race. And creations are artificial lifes. As I've told earlier: main reason for debates is a view of ALL creations (including serviles, drayks. drakons an other intelligent beings) as independend life OR organic tools with malfuctioning program. All this reminds me of a christian legend about Eden. While Adam and Eva were mindless decorative creatures, everything was good. Then they got intelligence and free will and were banished from Eden. Why? Because they became dangerous for current government, they got the potential to start rebellion in future and of course were punished to ensure the safety of god. From god's point of view they became dangerously malfuctioning toys. Such is a rebel creations: if they are left to exist, sometimes they will destroy human race, not only Shapers, so they simply cannot be allowed to live and enjoy freedom (it is not a GOOD solution, but a rational one, and rational desicions are often horrible, such as that).
  20. 240 EXP?? Your level maybe is very low, otherwise exp would be much less.
  21. Well... we are speaking not about rights, but about Shaper Empire. Awakened and Takers at Sucia Island are lawbreakers. Awakened can be converted back and Takers are to be eliminated at any cost. They are CREATIONS, tools with a measure of intelligence like complex automatons. Guys, are you fighting for humans, of for some malfunctioning organic machines, infected with corrupt program code???
  22. What do you mean "extreme shaper"? You mean that all shapers want to destroy creations??? They want to stop rebellion because it is their duty after all. They are paid taxes for that, you know? They are government and rebels are terrorists. End.
  23. Well.... so G5 assumes that in G4 PC released the Unbound, being on the rebels side. Maybe he was so terrified of what he had done (like pilots of Hiroshima bombers) and his mind, already shuttered by high quantity of canisters, just blocked this memories (it is called Rimsky-Korsakov syndrome). So in G5 you have a chance to redeem yourself like Nameless One in Planscape: Toment... ... or to set the world on fire spreading the heresy of rebellion all over the world, burning cities, releasing viruses and finally getting your soul into Hell
  24. The main reason for such debates, I think, is a thought thar creations are something like children of Shapers. But technicaly they are equivalent of robots, cyborgs created as a tools. To choose rebellion side is almost like choosing machines side in "Terminator" setting. Yes, some of them want freedom (they were told to want freedom), but mainly it is a result of unaccurate work, failed sequrity, and it has to be destroed like any mistake. If your computer would suddenly tell you, that he will not work for you anymore, what will you do? Make treaties with IT just because some random defect spawned some kind of self-awareness?
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