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Everything posted by Sarachim

  1. I'm sorry too, Excalibur. My goal was to help as many people win as possible, and if I hadn't double-crossed you nobody would have won but you and me. If there had been a way to get you into the winning alliance, I'd have done it.
  2. Nalyd: Yes There's one way Gladwell's role has gotten easier, not harder: he now needs three out of fifteen other players to join him, not three out of eleven.
  3. Oliver "Can organize trades between yourself and other player. The exchange always an item(s) for another item(s)." Can't everyone do this?
  4. "Anama Hunter attacks Anama Priest, but is killed because he was cursed." How did this happen?
  5. There's an item, Gloves of the Rock or something like that, that gives +4 endurance and comes somewhere in the Storm Plains. It sounds like it would help, but I can't remember where to get it. Does anyone else?
  6. There's a shop in the Zephyr Oasis that sells one. I don't know if there are any others.
  7. My memory is that Al originally planned there to be one more scenario after Tomorrow, but real life and loss of interest derailed it. I asked him once how the Arc was going to end, and he said "everyone dies."
  8. Did anyone else have a pet theory about what happened to Pearlblossom's earrings? Mine was that Manius Volta took them.
  9. Even 10 dexterity is too much. I never go above 5, and leave it at 1 for my casters. If you keep your fighters blessed, they will rarely miss after the first few levels. The same goes for weapon skill- it only affects to-hit, not damage, so anything above 5-ish is a waste. Unless the scenario you're in contains awesome custom ranged weapons, archery is worthless. Put the points you save on dex and weapon skills into Luck. If you have some luck, then any time you would die you have a chance of "lucking out" and surviving. With 20 luck, this chance is something like 75%. (Very rough estimate. I've never tested it carefully.) I usually start caster strength at 4 and raise it to 8 or so gradually. This may not be ideal, but it does usually mean that my casters have enough HP to survive whatever stay blows they wind up taking. As for advantages/disadvantages, it depends what sort of player you are. If you're a powergamer who doesn't mind levelgrinding to make up for exp pentalties, then you should definitely play all Sliths with lots of advantages. If you're more casual, or prefer to go fast, then your original approach is a good one too. The difference in your party's power at level 50 is not dramatic. EDIT: Whoops, Lazarus beat me to most of this. GMTA
  10. It's been a long time since I played this, but I'm pretty sure I remember there being a special spell that dealt with bugs. Move Mountains may also help.
  11. You could do like Thuryl said, but it's not worth it just for the ending. The Dorikas ending is nearly identical to the Redmark one.
  12. Personally, I liked the way light was handled in Exile/Avernum, especially when it gave you a choice between sneaking around blindly and making yourself visible a mile away. But maybe that's just nostalgia. Also, I think a real fight in the dark, where you literally cannot see anything except the active PC, could make a cool optional fight.
  13. The Vengeful Whatevers only reappear a limited number of times. I think it's two or three each. Focus on one, and keep knocking it down 'till it stays down.
  14. Quote: Originally written by Thuryl: Note that how easy it is to get the servants on your side depends on your party's Nature Lore skill. If nobody has any Nature Lore, well, you're hosed. Really? That seems a bit random. What's so natural about magically animated statues? Also, more to the point, summoned creatures will also damage the Prime Sentinel. You may have to use some if you don't have any Nature Lore.
  15. You're not supposed to kill the unstable servants. If you damage them enough (about halfway) they'll change sides and fight for you for a while. The key is to use them to kill the Prime Sentinel.
  16. This bug worked differently for me. I did the quest by using three of my PCs as decoys while the fourth ran into Solberg's tower. When the quest ended, I got a bit of conversation with Solberg instead of the "quest ended" message.
  17. There are two places where you have to find a lift part. If you're referring to the first one, it's in a room adjacent to the Pain Pillar or whatever it's called.
  18. There's a square block of cave wall with six stone pillars around it in the northwest corner of the Vahnatai lands. You have to be told about it by the Crystal Soul in Thalants before you can get inside.
  19. Only the sarcophagus with the light around it can remove the curse. The light starts in the southwest and moves counterclockwise every few turns. You have to run from altar to altar as you fight.
  20. Minor correction to Randomizer: one of the golem's phases is vulnerable to acid, and none and vulnerable to magic. As for the original poster's question, I'm pretty sure the second stage is fire or acid. Maybe try those again? Also, be sure to haste your spellcasters, because the fight has a time limit.
  21. You seem to have some disease-causing item in your inventory. IIRC, this could be a uranium bar or some kind of gloves. Identify everything you're carrying. The culprit should have ??? for an ability.
  22. Sorry for resurrecting this, but I feel compelled to point out that there is a bad ending if you fail to destroy the crystal wands as Romans.
  23. Thuryl is right. I had this same problem once, and after repairing the scripts my creations still moved fast. Absorbing and remaking them fixed it.
  24. Actually, if I remember E1 correctly, attacking friendly NPCs is not a problem at all. The only ones who stay dead permanently are the dragons, and they can be restored by the editor. The rest will either grow back or trigger an insta-kill when they die.
  25. Quote: Originally written by Fruity Ball of Yogurty: I like Pol. Seconded. It broke my heart to kill him when I did the Shaper ending.
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