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Everything posted by Sarachim

  1. Timothy Leary escaped from prison through the garden.
  2. Originally Posted By: The Mystic Michael Moore is to filmmaking what whiskey is to ice cream. Either is good alone, but when you pour one on the other it's excellent?
  3. Click to reveal.. Name: Kaval Occupation: Laborer Race: Human Strength: 3 Dexterity: 7 (+1) Intelligence: 1 HP: 10/16 (+3) Stamina: 8/10 Skills: Martial (improvised weapons): 4 Stealth: 3 Artifice: 2 Nature: 1 Defense/Parry: 1 Inventory: Bone spear Stone statue pieces (throwing) Old taco Torch
  4. Originally Posted By: Arancaytrus - Slight social ineptitude You'll fit right in.
  5. You all have it wrong. What you need is a sailboat. They're mobile, they're designed to be lived in, and zombies can't swim.
  6. Even with two people absent, we can probably still put together a group of five. We'd just be short on subs. Speaking of subs, I could do either Thursday if someone would sub for me until 7:00PM Central or so. Alternatively, I could sit the session out entirely and give someone a chance to introduce a new character, if anyone's interested.
  7. Originally Posted By: Ephesos Originally Posted By: Sarachim I like how the perk is based on the character's experiences. Did you plan it that way, or is it just a happy coincidence? I planned it that way. Perks are awarded when characters do ridiculous things (sometimes foolhardy, sometimes brave). Of course, if it's something ridiculously foolhardy, you also have to not die first. I approve of this, but can't help but wonder why we don't have an octopus-fighting perk.
  8. I like how the perk is based on the character's experiences. Did you plan it that way, or is it just a happy coincidence?
  9. Click to reveal.. Name: Kaval Occupation: Laborer Race: Human Strength: 3 Dexterity: 6 Intelligence: 1 HP: 13/13 (+3) Stamina: 9/10 Skills: Martial (improvised weapons): 4 Stealth: 3 Artifice: 2 Nature: 1 Defense/Parry: 1 (+1) Inventory: Bone spear Torch
  10. I vote Monday, but I'm not married to it.
  11. For me, weekdays after 5:00 PM Eastern work best, except for Thursday, when it would have to be more like 8:00 PM.
  12. Thanks, Ephesos! I had fun with this, and I'm looking forward to next time. EDIT: Regarding the next session, if we do another Thursday or Friday my ideal start time would be about 7:00 PM CDT, though I can probably get in a little earlier if that helps. Weekends, almost anything works.
  13. Man, I thought I was so clever and original with my whole "unusual weapons" thing. Mine character is Kaval, by the way. I'm guessing Cumulo is Duck's, Lindy is Jewels', John is Nikki's, and Conall is Slarty's. Am I right?
  14. Originally Posted By: Marlenny Also, is it possible to discuss how everyone feels about the box of traps protecting someone from the Wand of Death? I particularly don't like it, especially given how rare the Wand is. Perhaps we should consider making the box just as rare. I'd like to know how everyone feels about this. I don't think having the traps beat the wand is unreasonable. If either of those two items is overpowered, it's the wand. What got me into trouble this game was not a problem with the items themselves, but that the rules regarding them were ambiguous and I didn't think to ask *i if his interpretation of them was the same as mine.
  15. Isn't that exactly what Vahkos would say???
  16. I like it, too, for basically the same reasons. Plus, this way it takes longer for Fae to win, which I like- when a player wins two hours into day 2, it's boring for the player and makes things a little less interesting for everybody else.
  17. Antimagic is a status effect. It is not the same as Magic immunity, which will still stop Vahkos. With that in mind, you can see he's much more balanced. The way I see it, there are two ways to beat Vahkos: catch and kill him early, which requires good luck, or widespread cooperation from a lot of players to fight through his spirit buffer, including some who would normally be enemies. With pooled resources, abilities, and knowledge, it would not be very difficult to work out a strategy that would take down Vahkos with few or no losses. The two big problems are, first, coordinating the movements of this large temporary alliance, and second, striking a balance between contributing so little that it fails and contributing so much that everyone learns your role. Stopping the new Vahkos is pretty much the only plausible scenario in which it makes sense for roles who need each other dead to knowingly cooperate with each other, which is why I like him.
  18. "Always" gets first strike takes precendence over "normally" gets first strike, which in turn takes precedence over "never." If two characters with the same first-strike status fight, the two cancel each other out. In your example, the fact that the Addict is being compelled to attack by Gladwell and thus normally gets first strike trumps the fact that the Addict normally can't have first strike. However, when Gladwell is attacked by a servant, he "always" gets first strike, which trumps "normally." Thus, Gladwell wins.
  19. Originally Posted By: Omlette Avenger: I agree with Alorael that being given a new goal on day 4 is quite harsh, especially considering that by that stage everyone knows who everyone is: any faction which has killing left to do will take you out too just to avoid trouble. The only way the Avenger can get backed into a corner like you describe is if everybody planning to kill anybody else is in the same alliance (unlikely), that alliance knows about the Avenger (pretty likely), and nobody outside their alliance has killed in the past 24 hours (moderately likely). Even then, there are other way to work around the Avenger problem without killing him- for instance, they could postpone that last kill until day 5. Originally Posted By: Omlette Trickster sounds more and more interesting the more I think about him. However from your description it's not entirely clear how he's supposed to work: does he have to make his redirect request before the action is submitted, or just before it's processed? Or can he redirect an action which has already been processed, within a specific time limit? As I understand it, the Trickster redirects the next action of the target, i.e. it has to be validated after the Trickster's redirection. To play the role effectively, he has to predict what people will do.
  20. Yeah, if he wants someone dead, his best bet is to redirect an attack at them.
  21. *i didn't betray Xelgion. He tried his best to save him, but couldn't, and made the best of things afterward. At least, that's what I think happened. *i can correct me if I'm trusting him too much.
  22. DAY 1 Jul 26, 2009 8:19 PM: W-Dueck/CMS crafts a Wand of Death. Jul 26, 2009 8:21 PM: Sarachim/Fae assumes identity of Sacred Item Cultist Jul 26, 2009 8:26 PM: Rowen/Adv. buys Mystic Symbol from Mod shop and steals the Tinker’s Gloves. Jul 26, 2009 8:47 PM: CMS crafts Ironskin Balm Jul 26, 2009 9:25 PM: Sarachim/Fae kills Servant/Nioca (will die at 8:00PM: Monday) and gains 10 coins July 26, 2009 10:10 PM: Sarachim/Fae kills Micklebur/Stareye(will die at 8:00PM: Monday) and gains 15 coins Jul 26, 2009 10:58 PM: Wz As/Gladwell Switches immunity to physical. July 27, 2009 12:01 AM: Sleeping Dragon/SIC targets the Ring of Magery and finds out that it’s in the hands of the Necromancer. July 27, 2009 12:26 AM: SIC joins Gladwell. July 27, 2009 12:29AM: Sporefrog/Mage gives Excalibur/Domont 20 coins July 27, 2009 12:57AM: Domont hires assassin for 30 coins to attack CMS July 27, 2009 12:57 AM: CMS uses an Ironskin Balm from his shop in self defense. Assassin’s attack fails, and CMS gains physical immunity until July 28 12:57 AM. July 27, 2009 1: 44AM: Bound Servant does odds jobs for 10 coins. July 27, 2009 1:51 AM: Bound Servant buys clover boots from Mod shop July 27, 2009 2:18 AM: Machrone/RCCCL answers a question and gains 5 coins July 27, 2009 2:33AM: Moderator answers yes to Machrone’s question: Is Machrone a random target of the DLs? July 27, 2009 8:26AM: Stareye/Micklebur investigates Bound Servant and finds out that he is a servant of Gladwell. July 27, 2009 11:50AM: CMS gives the Holy Symbol to the SIC. Jul 27, 2009 7:12 PM: *i gives Xelgion/Priest the Fury Crossbow July 27, 2009 7:55 PM: Shanker/Andraste gives herself Protected status DAY 2 July 27, 2009 8:00PM: Blademaster/Omlette attacks Dionicio/Thuryl, Dionicio dies July 27, 2009 8:00PM: Micklebur and Bound Servant die to the Fae July 27, 2009 8:50PM: Adventurer places Box of Traps around Fae’s house. July 27, 2009 9:24 PM: Fae kills Nikki/Necromancer and obtains his inventory (Ring of Magery, Disruption Crystal) July 27, 2009 9:41PM: Anama Priest resurrects Micklebur. July 27, 2009 10:25PM: SIC gives Shanker 10 coins July 27, 2009 10:30PM: Machrone sells Razordisk to the Mod shop for 10 coins July 27, 2009 10:44PM: Anama Priest gives Fury Crossbow to Micklebur July 27, 2009 10:51PM: Fae gives 25 coins to Micklebur July 27, 2009 11:36PM: Skribanne Addict/Duck joins Gladwell July 28, 2009 12:02AM: Gladwell compels Addict to attack SIC, SIC dies and Addict obtains Holy Symbol and Flaming Sword July 28, 2009 12:03 AM: Wdueck trades wand of death to *i for 25 coins and the Fury Crossbow July 28, 2009 12:10AM: Skribbane addict gives Gladwell Holy Symbol + Flaming sword July 28, 2009 12: 16AM: Gladwell gives 20 coins to Shanker July 28, 2009 12: 39AM: Fae Joins the Anama. July 28, 2009 12: 39AM: Fae uses Disruption Crystal on Gladwell July 28, 2009 12:40AM: Shanker trades skribbane to Addict for 15 coins.. Jul 28, 2009 1:1 5 AM: Domont kills Machrone Jul 28, 2009 1:16 AM: Shanker uses Crystal Spire on the Ring of Magery. July 28th 1:55AM: Gladwell uses Holy Symbol. July 28th 8:26AM: Micklebur uses Wand of Death, kills Gladwell. July 28, 2009 2:50AM: Fae purchases skribbane from Anama shop July 28, 2009 4:47AM: Omlette gives Shanker 10 coins. Jul 28, 2009 11:11 AM: CMS crafts a Vulnerability Scroll DAY 3 July 28th 8:00PM: Blademaster atacks Anama Priest, Priest dies July 28th 8:00PM: Addict dies from lack of skribbane July 28th 8:26PM: Rowen kills Craftmaster Strine and gets Fury Crossbow and Vulnerability Scroll
  23. The best way to watch what happens in a game is to play it.
  24. Apologies to all of my victims, and especially Nioca. One of these days, I'll stop stabbing you in the back.
  25. Anybody who is interested in pooling our money to buy the Crystal Spire, PM me. Please state in your PM how much money/what items you can contribute and how soon you want/need the Spire.
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