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Everything posted by Sarachim

  1. After some well-intentioned but thoroughly misguided encouragement, I've decided to run an AIMHack campaign. Like Eph's and Nioca's, it'll be set in Mote. It begins in the city of Riole, on the island of Koros. Quote: Riole is one of the few truly prosperous cities on Mote. On the plains to its south, neat rows of farms stretch from the seacoast to the mountains. The city's quiet streets and lack of walls belie its large size. It's an unlikely place for adventurers to find work, but on the bright side, it's also an unlikely place to die violently. At least, it was until two weeks ago. Out of nowhere, giant dust storms began rolling down out of the hills, ruining farms, forcing hundreds to flee into the city, and worst of all, stranding you in a city that's somehow just as boring as ever. Without an enemy to fight, you've spent the days literally gathering dust. Just as you were about to despair, Mayor Krila sent word that she'd like to see you the next morning. You're the only adventurers in town, so it's no wonder she chose you. The only mystery is what she expects you to do about the weather. If you want to play, send me a character. I'd like to begin in the week of May 17th, so please tell me what days and times you'll be available at that time and on into the summer(if you know already). Lastly, the character with the best backstory/description gets a free perk at level one, so make it good! Think of it as a benefit of living a rich, full life.
  2. I can do Thursdays, if that helps, but I'd be late. I think that means I'm available every day.
  3. Calendar filled out! Wooo! Originally Posted By: Triumph I wonder if Lanrezac will be able to get a perk or an epic level spell before the end? I'm not sure about this. How would a Zarusa-trusting perk work?
  4. Originally Posted By: Ephesos Nah, Orbital Power Transmitters are really all you need. I'll live without these if we can also not have mind worms.
  5. Originally Posted By: Triumph Dude, that's a powerful perk - that's worth two levels of skill points! I confess it's rather scary, though. I mean, do you really want to make it that much easier for Vitze to convince everyone we meet that Zarusa is out to get them? * shudders * See, it's your head in the sand attitude that makes this perk necessary. Zarusa is out to get you.
  6. Woo, a perk! And a further incentive to be dishonest!
  7. Sarachim

    Happy Easter

    Originally Posted By: Wikipedia Easter is a moveable feast, meaning it is not fixed in relation to the civil calendar. The First Council of Nicaea (325) established the date of Easter as the first Sunday after the full moon (the Paschal Full Moon) following the vernal equinox.[3] Ecclesiastically, the equinox is reckoned to be on March 21 (regardless of the astronomically correct date), and the "Full Moon" is not necessarily the astronomically correct date. The date of Easter therefore varies between March 22 and April 25. Eastern Christianity bases its calculations on the Julian Calendar whose March 21 corresponds, during the twenty-first century, to April 3 in the Gregorian Calendar, in which calendar their celebration of Easter therefore varies between April 4 and May 8. So, if there were no full moon between March 22 and April 4, then the two Easters would fall on the same day, right? I'm surprised it doesn't happen more often.
  8. Woohoo, level! Click to reveal.. Vitze Elf 2/3/5, 20HP (+2) 20/20 HP, 8/10 Stamina Bluff: 4 Streetwise: 3 Magic (Illusions): 5 Magic (Transmutation): 10 (+2) Religion: 1 Martial (Throwing Knives): 1 Looking back, I realized that I missed a lot of details while I was playing. From now on, I'll be sure to be well-rested when sessions start.
  9. West or northwest, actually. If you enter the zone NW of Formello coming along the road from Fort Draco, go south hugging the west wall, and you'll see the shaman and some friends on top of a hill.
  10. Originally Posted By: Ephesos I find it hard to imagine an army built out of food. This is fortunate, or else the Labyrinth party would have had to fight one.
  11. Originally Posted By: Ephesos ...it's not April 1st. In fairness, that made me much easier to fool.
  12. Originally Posted By: Student of Trinity The 120-hour full-steam week isn't what anyone could sustain for very many weeks, or what many people are ever motivated to do. But it's possible. And it's what people would do, if they knew that if they could keep it up for a few weeks they would cure cancer, or save a loved one's life, or become very rich, or end a war, or otherwise shatter time and bring back the dead. Well, sure, but most of us don't get to do those things. The researcher can only focus his time so narrowly because there are hundreds of people doing the menial jobs that satisfy his more immediate needs. "Rich" is, by definition, exceptional. Saving a loved one's life isn't generally a matter of working longer hours, unless he has been kidnapped by drug traffickers and you are devoting that time to a vigilante rampage. The things you listed are the accomplishments of years, not weeks. Even then, working as hard as you can without killing yourself does not give very good odds of success, nor does success guarantee that the sacrifice will be worth it. I would say that the reason so few people act this way is not that they are ignorant, lazy, or lack self-confidence, but that they have rationally examined their prospects and decided that a lower-risk, lower-reward life strategy is a better one for them. Most of those people are probably right. Of course, most people could probably devote a few hours a week to some selfless cause, and that's laudable. Anyone who is destroying their body in an effort to cure cancer is a hero. It's still unrealistic to argue that lack of will is the only thing stopping most people from being supermen.
  13. Originally Posted By: Student of Trinity In fact, I have an idea that all of modern economics is really about the fact that the potential productivity of any average human is really enormously higher than what they will normally do. The person who normally actually works 30 hours a week, and doesn't put more than 50% of their mental energy into their job even when they're doing it, could potentially work 120 hours per week at full engagement — if they were saving the world or getting rich or whatever it was would motivate them to give it their all. That's a factor of eight up for grabs, and even a small fraction of this untapped productivity is in principle a much bigger deal than all the objectively physical economic factors one can identify. This idea might not be wrong in principle, but your numbers are absurd. 120 hours a week is a 17-hour day, 7 days a week. There has never been a point in human history when ordinary people worked this much. Even slaves didn't come anywhere close to this, despite having no control over how much time they spent working. Neither do even the most passionate of my world-saving activist friends. If you decided to try something like this, well, most people would probably find that the productivity benefits of "full engagement" would quickly get canceled out by having no leisure time, no social life, and too little sleep. As JV said, "you need sleep to live." Even if you were a physical and psychological prodigy, and managed to live this way a long time without your work suffering for it, you're still going to turn 40 eventually. At the other, more serious end of the spectrum, 30 hours of half-speed work seems equally unrealistic. My experience with real jobs isn't very extensive, and it's mostly limited to warehouses and the like where slacking opportunities are limited, but even so this is nowhere close to what I've observed personally. Everybody slacks off a little, but you're suggesting that most people spend nearly half their work hours doing no work at all, and never spend a minute working full speed to catch up. Okay, so you could make your numbers more conservative and your basic point would still stand. I think the more interesting question isn't "how much more could people work?" but "why should they?" Unless your job is a saving-the-world type of deal, shouldn't your goal be to spend as little time on it as possible? Quote: I think that's the ultimate reason why such nebulous psychological issues as fear and confidence are actually so important in modern economies. And I think the explanation (as far as it goes) of a lot of major historical developments has really been, "At this point a lot of people started working harder for a while." As far as I know, the hardest working people in human history were the slaves on Carribbean sugar plantations. They typically worked six days a week on sugar, the seventh on growing their own food, and burned about five thousand calories a day. Now, its true that this was a "major historical development," but that's not the same as saying it was a good one.
  14. I encountered this bug yesterday during the game's final fight. 2 +battle speed items, frenzy, and skribbane gave my character 20 AP to start the round. I used Adrenaline Rush, which should have taken me up to 32, but instead that PC's turn ended immediately. I'm playing on Windows. Has this happened to anyone else? EDIT: Forgot to mention, this is in A6.
  15. I'm not a fan of Rush, but I have to admit it's appropriate for a band of itinerant sociopaths.
  16. Originally Posted By: Dantius Originally Posted By: Student of Trinity Your alma mater is not actually your mom. In theory, it actually is. In the US, there are laws that educational institutions must act in loco parentis for minors,at least. Yes, but very few college students are minors, and generally for no more than the first four months or so of their first year.
  17. Originally Posted By: Ephesos Original poll questions: Does your school/employer/gov't use Internet content filtering? Is internet filtering appropriate? If you said yes above, what level of filtering is appropriate? Not so far as I know, yes, illegal stuff only. Regarding employers: people who have a computer at work might say that they are entitled to use it occasionally for personal stuff, not as a Constitutional right, but as a condition of their employment. There used to be a consensus that this was a reasonable expectation. Longer ago, the same consensus existed for health insurance, a forty hour week, a pension, job security, collective bargaining, and a wage that kept pace with inflation. Facebook is an odd place to draw a line in the sand, but it's better than nothing. EDIT: In case it wasn't clear, the comments above were referring to the United States, and may not apply to your country. If this is the case, will you marry me?
  18. Don't blame me, I didn't vote for her.
  19. What if an NPC was responsible for his failure to blame an NPC?
  20. Originally Posted By: Dantius It'll suck, but at least it will keep us on level footing with Selos, which IIRC is already a level ahead of us. We're also smarter and more attractive. P Condensing the sessions seems like the opposite of what you want to do. The stuff between fights and plot is just as fun as the fights and plot itself, and is necessary to make the fights and plot meaningful. Spoiling the experience just to keep even with another party you're not even interacting with seems pointless. EDIT: Sniped by Eph! Anyway, I could be a Blood Marsh sub if the dates are right.
  21. Originally Posted By: The Mystic @Angry Ogre: Among others, I highly recommend Brett Bixler's "Spheres" trilogy. If I had to vote on the best scenario designer, I would vote for Alcritas.
  22. Woo, level 5! Click to reveal.. Vitze Female Elf 2/3/5, 16HP (+2) 18 HP Bluff: 4 Streetwise: 3 Magic (Illusions): 5 Magic (Transmutation): 8 Religion: 1 Martial (Throwing Knives): 1
  23. I have cured lightning in combat with a potion. As for pathfinding, I haven't had nearly as many issues as cfgauss. Could this be something that differs between versions? Could our different tactics be producing different results? Or am I just less observant?
  24. I didn't see any what advantage they had over Curing Potions, so I sold mine.
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