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Everything posted by Sarachim

  1. Triumph, may I draw your attention to exhibit A, the log? Originally Posted By: The Log Vitze "Zarusa is a tyrant! She tricked us into helping her!" DICE Vitze rolled 1 20-sided die: 20 (Bluff) Kundak (yay!) Lanrezac (Dude. Nice work, Vitze.) My sister is coming home on Friday. I'm not sure what time. If she arrives during the session, I'll probably miss an hour or two.
  2. Originally Posted By: Triumph Yay! Whatever painful punishment Zarusa metes out , I, at least, have learned my lesson. Next time Vitze does something crazy and self-destructive, I should promptly whack her until she stops. And next time we meet an angry mob, Lanrezac can talk to them.
  3. Sarachim

    Hot Dogs

    Originally Posted By: Ephesos But any hot dog purchased at a baseball stadium is unfailingly delicious, compared to the boring things you get in supermarkets. I do not know why, it is just what I know. Everything is more delicious if you eat it while you watch a baseball game.
  4. Originally Posted By: Triumph . . . I think I remember that the Selos party blew up a forest and made people mad, and more recently Vitze tried to lead a mob to kill Zarusa. . . These are both inaccurate representations of events.
  5. As promised, Vitze's new spells: Pando's bygone alteration: Transmutes the target metal object into another metal of the caster's choice. Wears off after about 15 minutes. Sudden Corrosion: A single target begins to decay rapidly. Metal rusts, flesh rots, etc. Can be used in or out of combat. Not only did Vitze not need a trainer to learn these, she didn't even need to be conscious.
  6. Originally Posted By: Nioca Blood Marsh party: Good at rekilling things. Bad at social interaction. In fairness, this was pretty much what the campaign asked for. You're lucky that the circus was perfectly harmless.
  7. Originally Posted By: Ephesos Originally Posted By: Sarachim Read things before you quote them, Dantius. If you don't, you won't be prepared for flying invisible death from above. FYT. What, you think Vitze is going to dispense flying death from above? Vitze can barely wield a knife with both hands. Striking like a falcon seems like something Boregloaf ought to do.
  8. Originally Posted By: Dantius I'm sorry, what's that you were saying? Too far away from the requisite skill level to cast Eph's uber-spells of doom? Originally Posted By: Kurex Magic (Evocation): 8 I hope you're prepared for fiery lines of doom within three sessions. A-hem. Originally Posted By: Sarachim Well, Vitze's only two levels away from Flight, if she boosts Transmutation both times. Read things before you quote them, Dantius. If you don't, you won't be prepared for flying death from above.
  9. Well, Vitze's only two levels away from Flight, if she boosts Transmutation both times. EDIT: Of course, she'd also have to find Iliandib, or someone else who knows the spell.
  10. Click to reveal.. Vitze Female Elf 2/3/5, 16HP (+2) 2/16 HP, 6/10 Stamina Bluff: 4 Streetwise: 3 Magic (Illusions): 5 Magic (Transmutation): 6 Religion: 1 Martial (Throwing Knives): 1 Also, I'm going to be changing up Vitze's spell selection a lot before the next session. Once I've finished and Eph approves them, I'll post them here for everyone's edification and amusement.
  11. I might be a little late, an hour at the absolute most, depending how soon I get done with work.
  12. Sunday's okay. I may be a few minutes late.
  13. I can do Saturday, but I would prefer starting at the usual time if possible.
  14. Originally Posted By: Dintiradan I also don't appreciate professional athletes like Nash and Gretzky carrying the torch, though the line between Olympic athletes and professionals is getting more and more blurred. I've never understood why everyone involved in the Olympics should be allowed to make money off of them except the athletes. Ditto for college sports. Quote: What's ITA? I totally agree.
  15. ITA. Khoth should be willing to make more sacrifices for the good of curling.
  16. Friday is normal, but Dikiyoba and I both can't make it, so we're talking about finding a better day just for this week. Sunday and Monday are both okay for me. I might be a little late on Sunday, but only a little.
  17. Originally Posted By: Cairo Jim I got to see some of the game, and I swear that was the most boring game of footy ever. It was slow as, and are the helmets and shoulder pads necessary? Even with the helmets on, concussions are common enough to be a serious issue. If you took them away, you'd literally have people dying on the field. Originally Posted By: Ephesos It is one of the few sports where you can be genuinely unhealthy and be a pro at it. If you're over 300 lbs, you can just be the guy who sits on blockers. (To be fair, other examples are curling, relief pitching in baseball, and pretty much all of golf.) Starting pitching, too. David Wells and C.C. Sabathia come to mind.
  18. Ack. I'm afraid I can't make it this Friday, either.
  19. Originally Posted By: Ephesos (And I don't know much at all about football, but it was downright impressive watching the Saints thunder back into the game in the second half.) QFT. The onside kick was one of the most awesome things I've ever seen happen in any sport.
  20. Presumably, either the first command would take precedence, or zombification would remove the Bound attribute.
  21. Originally Posted By: RCCCL BTW, Sarachim, your way of listing known roles is a give away to you as a player. I know. I figured it would be advantageous for you to all know it was me, but it's unsportsmanlike to just come out and say it.
  22. Originally Posted By: Nioca Two points, here: 1) I did not start the Nociduas rumor, though I did help spread it around. Ooh, interesting. Who did? Originally Posted By: Nioca Yeah, I did think you were the rogue mage. And no, I did not see that alliance coming. I'm starting to wonder if I just suck at this game. Nah, you just got a role that didn't match up well with your style. When that happens to me I lose pretty hard, like that time I was Vahkos.
  23. Originally Posted By: Nioca In theory, the Brigand being enemies with everyone is sound. In practice, however, it means that the brigand is freakishly easy to kill, should someone take a swing on a mistaken impression. The only thing that kept me from getting killed on Day 2 was that w-dueck actually tried an ID. IMO, if the brigand is enemies with everyone, he should at least have a slightly better defense. This is fair, but not the whole story. You played in your usual high-visibility, high-risk style, even though it didn't suit your role well. You told several different stories to different people and just generally made it clear that you were making stuff up (like when you started the rumor that I was Nociduas). Sooner or later, somebody was bound to come after you. This style of play isn't wrong, but it's much better suited to roles that are strong on defense. The Pure Spirit and Anama Priest would both have been great here. In our faction, I played this role, because I could always flee as long as nobody ID'd me. Originally Posted By: Nioca Also, Gladwell learning the identity of those exploring his tower. While it makes sense, it also makes it so that he gets an edge on other factions, effectively starting with 2 servants. Assuming someone is prepared to take the risk of joining Gladwell blindly, yeah. Whatever the mechanical situation, this can be a big mistake if Gladwell isn't a good player. I think toning down the advantage of Gladwell will help here. If the skill bonus for joining had only been +1, I wouldn't have been so quick to seek him out. Lastly, I was intensely amused to see that you were the Brigand. What did you think was going on? Did you know Sporefrog, RCCCL, and I were all working together? Did you think I was the Rogue Mage?
  24. A mini-session sounds like the most fun, but it would be unfair to make anyone miss out on it. Hopefully, a short one will be much easier to schedule.
  25. If the Battle Mage names Dionicio's killer correctly, it satisfies part of his win condition.
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