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Everything posted by Sarachim

  1. It's much easier to get in as a regular at the beginning of a campaign than in the middle. My campaign (Dust Bowl) doesn't have any vacancies right now, and I don't think the others do either. However, people often miss a session or part of a session, and when that happens we like to have substitutes take over their character until they come back. This can be a good way to try out RPing and see if you like it without committing to playing a whole campaign. If you're interested, I suggest you read at least one log of a previous session to get an idea of what it's like, then show up to the game and wait until someone needs a sub. We are always grateful for good subs, and heap thanks and praise on them.
  2. What Lilith said. Friday the 15th is looking good right now, but I still need to hear from Dintiradan. Everybody else, assume it's Friday until I say otherwise, because that's the last good day for a while. Originally Posted By: Zotlqec, Royal Historian at Eolith It surprises me that their have been no large kingdoms on Mote for several centuries now. The benefits of cooperation are so great, and the true obstacles so few, that it seems like an obvious counter to the growing darkness of our time. Unfortunately, the few who attempt to put this idea into practice invariably resort to conquest, and only make the darkness deepen.
  3. Lilith's summary of my baby is a little depressing, but not wrong.
  4. Originally Posted By: Triumph Another outstanding session, Sarachim! I want to be in your next game! Feel free to fill out the calendar as a sub. We could have used one or two this time, though I think things turned out pretty well anyway. Quote: Also, can we get an update on what spells all the magic users have? Wybren and Xiriatl haven't gained any new spells since the last time this came up, so they should all be in the thread. Wybren's prepared spell list hasn't ever changed, while Xiriatl's changes slowly enough that you can usually work out which six out of eight he has available by observation. Eva is an entirely different story: Click to reveal.. (Eva's spell list) Flameburst (EVC) - Creates a small blast of flame. Has a small AoE. Ball Lightning (EVC) - Basic attack spell. Fires ball lightning at a target. Flashbang (EVC) - Fires a small ball of energy that, on impact, lets loose with a blinding flash and a stunning crack, blinding and deafening anyone in the vicinity. Energize (EVC) - Energizes magical buffs, energy, or objects. Heal (CNJ 1STM) - Heals a target's wounds. Felis (CNJ) - Summons a cat to the caster's side. Currently ranges from a small domestic cat all the way up to an overlarge bobcat. Larger cats require stamina. Repulsive Aura (ABJ) - Creates an aura around the recipient that instinctively repulses anyone or anything nearby. Telekinesis (EVC) - Pushes and pulls an object with the caster's mind. Larger and/or more complex manipulations may require stamina. Prismatic Armor (ABJ) - Creates a magic-deflecting barrier around the recipient, increasing the recipient's resistance to hostile magic. Mental attacks and spells ignore this abjuration. Curing (CNJ) - Cures minor ills and poison. Stamina may be required for nastier ailments. Deflective Sheen (ABJ) - Creates a Deflective Sheen on the party. The sheen will completely deflect one attack before fading away. Only lasts the one turn. Resconjure Minor (CNJ) - Summons a small mundane object for roughly an hour. Objects can be permified for a stamina expenditure. Ruby Armor (ABJ) - Creates a red barrier over the recipient that helps deflect hostile physical attacks. Furthermore, melee attacks made against the armor could potentially create a small puff of flame that singes the attacker. Resiliency (ABJ) - Wards the recipient's life energy, causing them to take slightly less damage from attack and to reduce stamina damage from asphyxiation, drowning, and hostile spells. Stamina can be spent to increase the duration. This last session, she had Flameburst, Ball Lightning, Heal, Felis, Telekinesis, Resconjure Minor, Ruby Armor, and Resiliency. 8 INT just isn't enough for some people. Quote: Bloodmarsh, Brigandage, and now Dustbowl have all faced the fowl menace. Dude, there's no need to make this personal.
  5. After a little delay, the log is here! http://thuryl.desperance.net/dustbowl_log4.rtf Click to reveal.. ("As you wish. Don't quote anything dangerous.") Eric: "To be honest, I don't have high hopes, so it would take something pretty extreme to fail my hopes." Wybren: "Don't let it get away! That's tomorrow's lunch and a pair of boots!" Xiriatl: "Well, we are made of food." Leitha: "I never thought I'd be glad we're not running from a huge mud monster, but this thing is really asking for it." Eva Roe: "I..." *cough* "would every..." *gag* "stop asphyxiating me?" "Doran": "More people? Good gods, why can't you all just go away?"
  6. The log is coming later tonight. Since it looks like we're heading into some tricky scheduling, please fill out the calendar as soon as you can. http://whenisgood.net/rtymyq
  7. Originally Posted By: Nioca Oh, I promised a fumble count, and here it is: 7 fumbles/83 rolls (8.4% fumble rate). So it was definitely elevated, but not as bad as it seemed in-session. Then again, this doesn't account for all the rolls under 5, either. It probably seemed worse in-session because so many of the fumbles came during a single battle, and hardly any (maybe none) came in non-combat situations where they would have been harmless. I'm not going to go back and do the math, but I think the fumble rate in combat was much higher. Not that that's so strange, since smaller samples will produce more varying results, and also the dice are trying to kill you.
  8. Whew, session 4's over. Log and quotes coming tomorrow, and the website (finally) sometime this weekend. They haven't gained a level, but Leitha has earned a perk: Elusive Assassin Your Stealth skill gives a bonus to dodging. Thanks for playing, everyone who could make it!
  9. Unfortunately, Rowen will be unable to join us this evening. If anyone would like to sub for him this evening, please join the rest of the party tonight at 6:00 PM EDT. Otherwise, Rowen will have to be content with a solo adventure sometime next week. Originally Posted By: Old goblin joke When I was ten, my brother fell into a lake.
  10. I have no idea what you're talking about.
  11. The next session is Friday, July 9th. Be there! Originally Posted By: Mithas, world traveler The only thing I still fear are peaceful, orderly little cities that seem to defy the darkness around them. It's as if the darkness takes that personally.
  12. The log of session 3 is here! It will astound and amuse you! Click to reveal.. (You've got better manners than your shipmates. Care for some quotes?) Leitha:"How comfortable are you guys with grave robbing?" Xiriatl: "You don't want to go in there right now, though. Uncontrollable coughing, eye irritation, possible projectile vomiting, the usual." Gramzon: "Your lack of hospitality is quite disturbing." Eric: "I think you'd better remember this in case you ever need to inspire anyone in lockpicking again." Wybren: "You know, the whole 'Grah! I am a servant of Truth! Argh!' thing didn't work so good last time." Eva: "You mean... THE Ouracasos?" Dikiyoba, Nioca, I still need you to fill out the calendar for next time. Here it is again: http://whenisgood.net/a2bnby
  13. Originally Posted By: CRISIS on INFINITE SLARTIES Not to mention the Eddas... I mean sheesh And King Arthur. I think the secret of originality is ripping off enough different sources simultaneously.
  14. Devious? Or not creative enough to use an idea just once? Who can say?
  15. Session 3 is done, and I think it was our best yet! Thanks to all of the players (and one sub, Triumph) for being excellent. No levels tonight, but Xiriatl has become the second PC to earn a perk: Interrogation "I am an alchemist of the Cynosural Brotherhood, sworn to seek only the truth in all things. And I am not leaving until I have found the truth." Any character speaking to Xiriatl suffers a penalty to Composure. Also, fill out the calendar: http://whenisgood.net/a2bnby
  16. Originally Posted By: Student of Trinity I want people who can argue, but call a spade a spade. People who are even willing to accept their opponents' labels and language, and still argue their points. I don't want people who are all polish and no leather, but I want people who know that leather doesn't shine. In that case, why not have your applicants argue in syllogisms rather than standard English? You can't polish a syllogism.
  17. Originally Posted By: Dantius Originally Posted By: Triumph Dantius, are these exams intended to encourage EVERYONE become run-of-the-mill politicians? Do we really WANT that? They are to encourage you to have the mental flexibility to be able to argue against or for point and positions that you may or may not support using a wide range of techniques including, but not limited to: falsification of data, obfuscation, manipulation of statistics, logical fallacies including argumentum ad populum and ad hominem attacks, and my personal favorite, perjury. These skills will have a wide range of applications in careers and career alternative including law, medicine, science, politics, engineering, business, teaching, manual labor, journalism, incarceration, and welfare queen/king, serving you well regardless of your career career path. In a word, yes. Very much so. The purpose of this kind of institution is to encourage the development of skills that promote the common good, not identify people who already have skills that can only be used in self-interest. Having somebody do the latter may be useful in the context of preemptive self-defense, but that's outside the scope of most colleges.
  18. At last, the log is here. There were crabs, a captain, a snake, and goblin tracks but no goblins. Oh, and quotes! Click to reveal.. (You cast Locate. The quotes are here.) Xiriatl: I run toward the party at breakneck speed, waving my arms up in the air in imitation of an angry crab. Wybren: "Well, this is a teachable moment. What have we learnt about running off on our own?" Leitha: "As for you, bard, go write a song about it." Eva: ""Is it just me, or does it seem everything's trying to kill us?" Eric: "Don't fret, Gramzon. We won't use violence unless we absolutely have to. We're more likely to need to have to fend off, I dunno, giant swamp rats or something." Gramzon: "Hold on a second, going to try something rather stupid." http://thuryl.desperance.net/dustbowl_log2.rtf (Thanks to Lilith for hosting this, since I'm still website-lazy.) Don't forget, session 3 is on Friday, June 25, at 6:00PM EDT!
  19. I think Salmon was an incomplete Dirk Gently book, not an incomplete H2G2 book. It might have had other stuff included in it, though.
  20. Originally Posted By: Dantius Basically, I'm shocked that the party did this well. You averaged a point away from the mean, even after nearly 120 rolls, and what's more, you had 25% of all you rolls over 16! With only two critfails the entire session, it appears that the dice were greatly in your favor, despite claims to the otherwise. A high mean can disguise the fact that one is always rolling low at the worst possible moment. To properly assess luck, you'd have to assign each roll a leverage factor and weigh the result accordingly. If you did, I'm sure you find the party always averages about a 4.
  21. "We do what we must because we can" fits neatly into far too many of my conversations.
  22. Originally Posted By: Ahbleza The Spell, “Mindduel” is needed to defeat it. You should have a “Mystic Amulet” and/or Smoky Crystals acquired from a body in the Underground Lake and a Chest in Denmark’s Headquarters. You must wait until the Mystic Guardian uses up all, or most of its Spell Points, (81), or you won’t have enough Mindduel spells. You can also buy Smoky Crystals in Thebes, once it is complete or nearly complete (forget which).
  23. Time you enjoyed wasting wasn't wasted.
  24. The next session is Friday, June 25 at the usual time. Originally Posted By: Zotlqec, Royal Historian at Eolith The lost blade of Phol-Phoram? Well, leaving aside the question of just why a fire-breathing goddess would need a blade, as well as that of how you expect to wield one that is proportionate to her divine size, I still cannot help but wonder this: how do you expect me, however great a historian I may be, to keep track of that which the goddess herself seems to have lost?
  25. The log of session 2 is coming soon. For now, please fill out the calendar for session 3: http://whenisgood.net/hxiq39
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