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Everything posted by Sarachim

  1. All of the reasons why one fort is more important than another depend on the needs and limitations of the human body. Grah-Hoth does not have any of these limitations, and he doesn't seem very curious about or interested in people. However intelligent he is, he may not properly appreciate the importance of the shortest path from point A to point B, or of protecting the cave with all the farms in it, or any other consideration that we might use to pick a first target. And since he's planning to destroy them all anyway, he doesn't have much reason to care.
  2. First, a level up! Click to reveal.. Vitze Female Elf 2/3/5, 14HP (+2) 6/14 HP, 4/10 Stamina Bluff: 4 Streetwise: 3 Magic (Illusions): 5 Magic (Transmutation): 4 Religion: 1 Martial (Throwing Knives): 1 And second, Vitze's adventure in the dark, in which: Alternative paths are considered, then rejected! An NPC's character is developed! Vitze emulates her player by not sleeping! Click to reveal.. ephesossh (7:44:47 PM): Telaverin got a short head start on you, but you continue walking alone in the dark. ephesossh (7:47:50 PM): You don't have a light source. SarachimSeafello (7:48:21 PM): Is it pitch dark, or is there starlight or something? ephesossh (7:48:54 PM): There's some starlight, but it's very faint. Also not terribly helpful. SarachimSeafello (7:49:19 PM): Could I start a fire and make a torch? ephesossh (7:49:49 PM): For the sake of simplicity, yes. You find some sticks and manage to assemble a passable torch. SarachimSeafello (7:50:41 PM): All right. I keep following the three of them, as fast as I can in the dark. It's still a narrow canyon, right? ephesossh (7:50:54 PM): Yep. It gets less narrow as you go farther. SarachimSeafello (7:51:04 PM): Okay. Can I see any tracks or anything? ephesossh (7:51:20 PM): Nope, the canyon floor is solid rock. SarachimSeafello (7:51:58 PM): I keep going. "Phal! Mithas! Telaverin!" ephesossh (7:52:10 PM): Your progress is slower due to the lack of light, but after about an hour you bump into Mithas. SarachimSeafello (7:53:12 PM): "Thank the gods, I thought we'd lost you." SarachimSeafello (7:53:17 PM): "Did you find Phal?" ephesossh (7:53:31 PM): "No. She didn't come back this way somehow, did she?" SarachimSeafello (7:53:45 PM): "I didn't see her." ephesossh (7:53:53 PM): "Well damn." SarachimSeafello (7:54:08 PM): "I think the others stopped to camp. We could go back, or keep looking." ephesossh (7:54:11 PM): "She probably took another path. Don't know why she flew off the handle like that." ephesossh (7:54:19 PM): "Is anyone else coming?" SarachimSeafello (7:54:37 PM): "I don't think so. Telaverin wandered off, but I doubt he's coming back." ephesossh (7:55:05 PM): "Telaverin came this way? Was she with you?" SarachimSeafello (7:55:16 PM): "No, she was ahead of me." ephesossh (7:55:31 PM): Mithas looks very confused. SarachimSeafello (7:55:46 PM): ". . . maybe we missed a side passage. Or maybe she climbed." ephesossh (7:56:52 PM): "I'm going to keep looking. I'll stay out all night if I have to." SarachimSeafello (7:56:59 PM): "All right, I'll go with you." ephesossh (7:57:18 PM): By the time you reach the intersection of the paths, it is morning again. SarachimSeafello (7:58:22 PM): "Was Phal angry because we didn't choose the path she liked? Maybe she went down it." SarachimSeafello (7:58:55 PM): "Or, uh, up it. You know what I mean." ephesossh (7:59:44 PM): "I don't know what set her off." ephesossh (7:59:50 PM): "But yes, we could search that path." SarachimSeafello (8:00:19 PM): "I think that's the best plan. She wouldn't just go home. Let's go." SarachimSeafello (8:00:57 PM): If Mithas doesn't object, I start along the ridge path. ephesossh (8:02:13 PM): You head along the ridge path, which slopes sharply upward. SarachimSeafello (8:02:34 PM): "Phaaaal!" ephesossh (8:02:43 PM): The call echoes. SarachimSeafello (8:03:00 PM): Perception check for signs of Phal's passing? ephesossh (8:03:23 PM): There's too much loose rock to see any tracks. SarachimSeafello (8:04:16 PM): "This would be much easier if Yount weren't such a jerk." SarachimSeafello (8:04:26 PM): I keep going along the path. ephesossh (8:05:17 PM): "Look, you can't just keep riding off on our spare horse." ephesossh (8:05:32 PM): "After all, how much did it do against those bandits?" SarachimSeafello (8:06:37 PM): "Not everything worth trying works out. I thought it was important to find you and Phal as fast as possible." ephesossh (8:07:11 PM): "Yes, and riding a horse in the dark over loose rock? That's a great idea." SarachimSeafello (8:07:29 PM): "Well, I guess that's fair, but there was no call for him to hit me." SarachimSeafello (8:07:36 PM): "Phaaaal!" ephesossh (8:08:01 PM): The call echoes again. ephesossh (8:08:28 PM): There is still no sign of her, but the path looks like it's about to level out up ahead. SarachimSeafello (8:09:22 PM): "I hope the caravan follows us. We could be more lost than Phal." SarachimSeafello (8:09:25 PM): I keep going. ephesossh (8:10:22 PM): The path levels out, and you find yourselves looking out over a whole lot of mountain range. However, the mountains are still higher ahead. ephesossh (8:10:28 PM): Mithas whistles. ephesossh (8:10:30 PM): "Wow." SarachimSeafello (8:10:33 PM): "Yeah." SarachimSeafello (8:11:52 PM): "Do you know these mountains at all?" ephesossh (8:12:42 PM): "Nope, not really. My family may be from here, but I was born and raised in Quera." SarachimSeafello (8:13:21 PM): "Ah, too bad. It's beautiful up here." SarachimSeafello (8:13:32 PM): "I guess we'd better press on, right?" ephesossh (8:13:56 PM): "Yeah, probably." SarachimSeafello (8:14:14 PM): I keep going. ephesossh (8:16:02 PM): You press onward. The path continues upward, and you think you can spot a waterfall coming from one of the peaks up ahead. ephesossh (8:16:16 PM): Other ridges begin to rise on your right and left. SarachimSeafello (8:17:16 PM): Would there be accessible water somewhere ahead? ephesossh (8:17:43 PM): Aside from the waterfall, you have no idea. SarachimSeafello (8:18:52 PM): "Your parents didn't teach you anything about surviving up here, did they? We can't go on without food or water." ephesossh (8:19:21 PM): "Last I talked to Zarusa, we were within a day's march of E'Tarn." ephesossh (8:19:24 PM): "It should be fine." SarachimSeafello (8:20:02 PM): "Good point. Let's keep going." ephesossh (8:21:48 PM): As you move farther down the path, you think you can see buildings on top of the peak with the waterfall. SarachimSeafello (8:22:17 PM): "Look! Is that E'Tarn?" ephesossh (8:22:28 PM): Mithas shrugs. ephesossh (8:22:40 PM): "It's somewhere, which beats where we are." SarachimSeafello (8:22:52 PM): I laugh. How far off is it? ephesossh (8:23:29 PM): Looks like maybe an hour's march. SarachimSeafello (8:23:41 PM): All right. I keep going. SarachimSeafello (8:23:45 PM): (Surprise! ) ephesossh (8:24:14 PM): You think you hear the sounds of others behind you. SarachimSeafello (8:24:41 PM): "The caravan! Let's go back. Phal may have found them by now." ephesossh (8:24:53 PM): "Fair enough." SarachimSeafello (8:25:30 PM): I turn back. If I can see them, I wave and shout, "Hey guys, it's us!"
  3. Originally Posted By: Ephesos Originally Posted By: Khielik, human shaman Vengeance does not become us. It never has, and it never will. We only do what we must to guarantee our own safety. Yeah, right.
  4. Originally Posted By: Sporefrog Originally Posted By: Marlenny With that said, I figured out who Sarachim was within 6 hours of the start of the game (and we were already allies ). I'm eagerly awaiting the game when you two are irreconcilable enemies. This has actually happened twice. We each won once by backstabbing the other.
  5. I can't make it this Friday. But I can level up! Click to reveal.. Vitze Female Elf Occupation: Confidence Artist Alignment: Remorseless 2/3/5, 12HP (+2) Bluff: 4 Streetwise: 3 Magic (Illusions): 5 (+2) Magic (Transmutation): 2 Religion: 1 Martial (Throwing Knives): 1
  6. Since we're posting ill-fated side adventurers, here's Vitze, riding a horse and provoking friendly fire: Click to reveal.. GM: You don't see anything that's an immediate threat, but there might be figures on the horizon. Or trees. GM: (To the left.) Vitze: I leave the path and ride toward them. GM: As you get closer, you can see individual figures out on the plains. A few are mounted, but the majority are on foot. Vitze: About how many? GM: There are about a dozen, to hazard a guess. Vitze: Can I tell what direction they're going? GM: Towards you. Vitze: They must have seen me by now, right? GM: You would guess as much. Vitze: I keep going toward them. GM: They quickly stop approaching you, and start gathering closer together. Vitze: I dismount, and lead my horse as I walk toward them. GM: An arrow thuds into the ground a few feet away from you. Vitze: I remount and gallop away. Vitze: Did I observe anything about their weapons, clothes, or race? GM: Nope. GM: Just figures, humanoid. [Vitze returns to the group, and reports. As the bandits approach, one breaks away from their group and rides away. Vitze gives chase] GM: The other horse appears to be better-rested, and the gap between you is widening. Vitze: Can I see anything ahead of him? Other figures, a possible destination? GM: Nope, just the plain stretching out ahead. Vitze: I keep going for a while. I let him gain rather than risk overexerting my horse. GM: The distant rider continues gaining ground on you. GM: Eventually, he grows so distant that it's hard to pick him out from the trees. Vitze: I cast Glamorous on myself, trying to mimic the departed rider as best I can. GM: You didn't get a very good look at them, but you muster a passable "Generic Bandit" disguise. Vitze: Then, i turn around and gallop back, approaching the strange group from behind. Vitze: As I get closer, I create a doppleganger and have it chase me. GM: This is gonna take 2 stamina to maintain while riding the horse. P GM: But you manage it. Vitze: Okay, I'll accept that. Vitze: So, to be clear me, disguised as bandit in front. Illusory me, chasing me toward the other bandits. GM: Yes. Vitze: As I approach the main bandit group, I let the dopplegagner appear to cut me off from them, and gallop off toward the mountains. GM: Is the doppelganger on a horse too? Vitze: Yes. Vitze: I didn't work out exactly what the rules of the doppleganger are, but it makes sense ot would naturally have all the same equipment I do. Vitze: I let the doppleganger chase me away from the bandits. Vitze: So now I'm riding toward the mountains, with the doppleganger chasing me. GM: Er, yes. Vitze: Sorry for all the complexity, I'm just afraid of describing stuff badly. GM: s'okay. Vitze: I turn back and "fight" my doppleganger hand to hand or horseback, and try to make it look like I'm losing. Vitze: I sneak a glance at the bandits. Are they paying any attention to me? GM: Nope. Vitze: I have my doppleganger break off and charge the bandit group. I let it get about 50 feet and chase after it. Vitze: When the doppleganger gets to the bandits, I have it attack whichever is closest. Then, I come up behind and throw a knife through it into the bandit [The knife passes through the doppleganger, dispelling it, but misses the bandit.] Vitze: I steer a middle course, between the bandits and the party, so that I might be going toward either. As I ride, I cast terror bat-cloud on the one that I missed before. Vitze: I'll start taking regular turns now that I'm basically back with the group. GM: Does your bandit disguise dispel? Vitze: No. [Yount fires his crossbow at Vitze and hits] GM: (you take 3 damage P) Vitze: I dispel the illusion, and return to the group.
  7. I know I can't register for him, but Alec says he'll play.
  8. Originally Posted By: Nioca Also, a question about the post quotes: Will any of the Labyrinth characters make quotes? I think it'd be fun to hear Thuja's thoughts on a subject. True, but he's probably reluctant to share them.
  9. Hey Eph: Ditch these losers and do Team Selos again.
  10. If it's 5:00 PM Central again, that would be about 17 1/2 hours from when I post this.
  11. Originally Posted By: Dantius Originally Posted By: Ephesos 2. Don't interrupt the game. what about making snarky comments about how long it takes to get out of town? Keep them to a tasteful minimum. Not that it matters to you, since you can only spectate for the party that doesn't have town-leaving issues.
  12. Originally Posted By: Ephesos Originally Posted By: Khielik, human shaman The cities shun us. Civilization itself shuns us, all for the wrongs committed by one of our race aeons ago. The jungle, however, welcomes us. It conceals us from our enemies, and it provides for us. ...until some jerks set it on fire.
  13. I think that will be fine for me, but I'm not positive. I'll let you know ASAP.
  14. Would anonymous AIM accounts be allowed?
  15. I meant 3 out of the 6 random roles, so 5 out of 8. In addition, we knew one target that wasn't on the list, so we only had to guess two. The original list seemed to have been in alphabetical order, so we had a fairly narrow range of options for those last two. Our odds weren't exactly good, but they weren't unrealistically bad either, especially since we were making educated guesses.
  16. You have no idea how Marlenny and I labored over that list. We knew three correct items on it and one that wasn't on it, and we thought we had a fair shot at deducing the rest. And then we were nowhere close! The experience helped me snare Doomie, though.
  17. No, what *i means is that Machrone could have been a target last game, but won't in the next game. The DLs win condition has changed, and they don't have random targets any more.
  18. Attacking anyone whose role is uncertain is suicide.
  19. Originally Posted By: Sporefrog Also, was RCCCL's attack as balanced as it should have been 19, really? Seems like there were items flowing everywhere too. RCCCL was insanely buffed at the time. This was only possible because A, we'd already made several important kills, B, we knew we only had one enemy left, so he didn't hold anything in reserve, and C, we're just that awesome. As for the items, I agree, and I think *i's solution (dead players' items no longer go to the killer) is a good one.
  20. *i intended the former. He forgot to update the latter.
  21. I think that the rule about Gladwell's servants dying when Gladwell does was pretty unfair to Duck this time. I suggest that the Bound Servant be exempt from that rule. Of course, this means that some new condition needs to be added to the "Gladwell dead" win condition, so he can't win just by selling Gladwell out.
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