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Everything posted by Sarachim

  1. Doom Warrior: I'd say this time was mostly not your fault. Nioca and Alorael gave away most of the DL's target list by asking about the roles on it. Nioca also gave his own role away by exploring Gladwell's tower. I used that information to trick you, and it wasn't unreasonable for you to believe me once I had it. Sporefrog, Rowen, Nioca, Alorael: Totally your own fault this time. Excalibur: There's one thing I still don't understand. Why did you attack Nioca? I'm also going to play anonymously next time, assuming enough other people do to make it worthwhile. I'd say we ought to have at least eight anonymous players. Apart from me, Marlenny, and Sporefrog, who's up for it?
  2. Actually, it's 9 dead out of 16, which is higher than usual but not insanely so.
  3. Eh, it's not that different. The relationships between roles are basically the same. Combat resolution is just more complicated.
  4. Originally Posted By: Dantius I prefer number 2, as it seems more interesting for my character, who Ephesos hasn't posted yet. Yes he has, actually. It's in an edit to a post on page 4.
  5. I prefer #1. You can't bluff a zombie!
  6. Rowen's character is missing its racial bonuses. EDIT: It's fixed now.
  7. Assuming we all end up in the same party, that is. I thought Eph was planning to run two.
  8. I'm in. I don't know what my schedule will be like in the future, but most late afternoons/evenings will probably be okay, as will weekends. Also, I have a character ready, complete with her own personal (possibly fake) goddess!
  9. Welcome back, Alcritas! Now you can finish the Arc! Originally Posted By: Excalibur Out of curiosity, around what time did Alcitras leave? About five years ago, I think. He pops back in occasionally, though.
  10. Is there anything you'd like the rest of us to help with at this stage?
  11. Originally Posted By: Monroe Originally Posted By: Poached Salmon University of Phoenix is a FOR-PROFIT corporation. Aren't most of the best institutions of higher learning in America for-profit? Yes, but most of them aren't named University of [Geographic Area].
  12. Having healing be part of Conjuration is ugly, but I think it would work pretty well. Since PCs get a limited number of spells, there'd still be a big difference between a character focused on healing and one focused on conjuring. The only downside is that a player could switch that focus back and forth between sessions, but the primary healer is unlikely to want to do that. Evocation seems like the main offensive spell school, so I don't think it needs healing added to it.
  13. Nikki raises a good point. Nobody pushed First Aid to anywhere near the level of Healing that Lindy had. The two may actually be equally effective. Of course, if that so, then the two are pretty redundant, and we ought to do something to distinguish them.
  14. I agree with Aran about not needing to see the damage we're doing. And speaking of spells, I invented some for the character I'm working on. Would you like to see them now, or are you not that far along yet?
  15. Originally Posted By: Ephesos By the way, who else is psyched to play in a setting where there is actual night and day? And people to bluff!
  16. Originally Posted By: Ephesos 89 - Time loop, repeat last 5 minutes. Aww, that would have been fun.
  17. I'm afraid I can't make this one, but I may spectate sometimes.
  18. Thanks again, Eph. I had a lot of fun, and am already looking forward to the next one. Regarding religion: I assume that there's a wide variety of religious practices in Yrisiana. If it's important to a character, can we just make up the pantheon they worship ourselves? (In moderate detail, of course. )
  19. Also, seeing through the illusion so well that you could no longer see it wasn't the product of a critical. That happened to Kaval, too. Plus, if we're whining about useless crits, I've got you beat.
  20. If it helps, I can do Sunday.
  21. Click to reveal.. Name: Kaval Occupation: Laborer Race: Human Strength: 3 Dexterity: 7 Intelligence: 1 HP: 20/22 (+3) Stamina: 6/10 Skills: Martial (improvised weapons): 6 Stealth: 3 Artifice: 2 Nature: 1 Defense/Parry: 3 (+2) Inventory: Gravity torch Dead shark Shark teeth Sharkskin cloak (being worn) Bone spear Stones (two sets) Old taco Mundane torch 1 limp dagger Saw and file 57 silver coins Perk: "Seize the Advantage." +4 to attack rolls when enemy is unaware.
  22. Originally Posted By: rashira also, i would like to know if there is a way to make characters join as you progress through the scenario? I am making a scenario based upon a story i wrote which was inspired by exile, and in the story's prequel (in which i will also be making a scenario for) it starts with one character, then he meets another and they travel together as they are going to the same place. can this be done? if so how? In theory, couldn't you move the party to town #1, instruct the player to create a new character, then modify its stats to whatever they're supposed to be? It'd be cumbersome, but I don't see why it couldn't work. (Disclaimer: I have never actually tried anything like this)
  23. Looking back, I guess either of the suggested meanings makes sense, but Thuryl's is the one I had in mind.
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